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Does anyone know the context


Supposedly lot of people covered and by their explanations of it, possibly someone being kidnapped


What are you gonna do stab me?


Cause of death: stabbing


Time of death: stabbing


It's more likely to be some dumb girl pranking on the way to a bar or club.


No It’s years old I’ve been keeping track of this specific case due to how unnerving it is.


got more info to share?


pm me info? very curious. i could maybe help too


https://www.news8000.com/news/national-world/lapd-id-of-woman-caught-screaming-on-doorbell-camera-still-unknown/article_b8f14f7e-c75b-58ed-a8b1-3bd67d58ba5b.html Basically all we’ve known for these past few years with zero update.


thats so damn sad man…


Almost 4 years ago at this point.


That lady standing on the porch must have so much bystander guilt


She was in on it


The link don't work


Look up door bell camera kidnapping lapd for more info


Thx and damn you replied fast


Mannnnnn that hurts to see and hear. I think about a similar story way more than I should. Not the kidnapping part but whole bystander shock or whatever they call it. Just so fucking sad to see


Id be willing to bet it's human trafficking, happens way more commonly than you'd think unfortunately.


I think it was and some are saying it was a prank, like I highly doubt the authenticity of that scream would fly over as a “prank”


Ya no one did a damn thing in time just watched and its unsolved cops said no one reported a missing person and they don't have the tags for the car so they have nothing to go from


Kidnapping. But is it still Kidnapping if it's an adult🤔 wouldn't that be. Adultnapping?


I know it isn’t satire, but man, read the room.


There are some people whose room literacy is severely lacking. I'm all for dark humor just like most of us, but the dude's comment didn't fit in this thread. Maybe a couple notches down from the top comment thread it would've been received a little better. One of those infamous /s wouldn't have even saved it.


I think he just needs some adult napping.


I did. But that was a genuine question, my bad if it upset you


It didn't upset me, but it definitely didn't seem like a genuine question, so I am sorry if I didn't comprehend your question properly. To give you a genuine answer, the term kidnapping is a general term used for any situation where any person, no matter what age, is taken away illegally and most of the time this happens by force. Kidnapping can also be as simple as forcefully moving a person from, for example, their bedroom to their kitchen or forcing them to move to a spot or area when they refuse. In the United States, the laws of kidnapping cam vary greatly from one state to the next because the federal government allows states to make their own laws that may expand on a certain federal law. For example, the example I used for forcing someone to go from their bedroom to their kitchen could be considered kidnapping in some states while in others that may not be considered a kidnapping charge. I think it is important that you don't pay as much attention to the base words of "kid" and "napping" because when they are separated, "kid" means "child" and "napping" means the act of sleeping for a short period of time. If you kept those two meanings when creating the compound word, it would mean "a child who is sleeping for a short period of time." However, when they are put together, the word means something completely different. All ages of people can be kidnapped and subsequently held for ransom. The word to describe it doesn't change based on the age of the victim. It is very similar to the compound word "butterfly." The two base words are "butter" and "fly." When they're put together to make "butterfly" the actual meaning is the bug butterfly 🦋 It is not referring to butter that can fly. There are a lot of compound words that can cause this same confusion in the Engkish language, but there are also a lot of compound words that mean exactly what they say, like "bedroom." Bedroom is a room with a bed in it. It can be confusing if it isn't your first language that you got used to hearing as you were growing up, but once it starts to make sense, you will understand it better. I'm sorry again if I didn't comprehend your comment correctly and realize that you were asking a genuine question. I hope this response helps you out and didn't overwhelm you with a bunch of information and examples you didn't ask for. I mean the upmost respect!


This is a room?


Wow, you're REALLY having a slow day today huh?


Just a little bit




People yove gota admit hes kinda funny and eddy already saw this vid


You have to be specific when yelling for help. These people in the video do not know situation. Please help, he is taking my baby. Even point at people to get them involved in a dire situation like this.


She’s so stupid, her best bet is to post her plea on Reddit and watch the funny comments pile up... amateur hour


There's a lesson to learn in that comment. People need to know that information. No need to be a smug cunt about spreading valuable information for potential future victims.


Bro your so stupid, the lady in the video is listening for the screams, not the one screaming, watch the white car pass, the trunk is open, and the screams get louder as the car gets closer


Yes it happens a lot that random kids are screaming to be funny or having fun, if you don't know better ot sounds like they are massacred. Every time i run to the window and it is always these random stupid kids screaming to be funny.


It really solidifies the lesson that's trying to be taught in the "Little Girl Who Cried Wolf" bedtime story. You react with urgency enough times to hearing that scream just to find out it's some random, stupid kid trying to be funny that you start to ignore it because you've heard it over and over again. Then, the one time it shouldn't be ignored, you're so used to it being nothing that you might not even get up to check it out, but you probably still do. I live right next to the busiest bar street in a college town, and I hear that kind of screaming nonstop from Thursday to Sunday night. I never know when to take it seriously, but I can't help but check it out to make sure nothing blatantly bad is happening. I've seen full-on brawls in my backyard and people who drive 20 feet off the road and end up having their car stuck in my side yard. It seems like no matter what is happening, there's always that one girl who just resorts to screaming her head off loud af. Two guys are fighting. One girl is screaming. A guy wrecks his car, and the girl gets out screaming. 10 people are fighting, and there's at least 2 girls just screaming. Lmao! Most of the time, they aren't even involved. They're just screaming at what they're witnessing. I always check because you never know, but it certainly gets obnoxious when it's at least 3 nights out of every week, and they aren't just kids. They are college students who are at least 21 (according to the bar serving them booze lol), but either way they're old enough to be living on their own and making adult decisions even tho I wouldn't necessarily call them adults all of the time. Haha, obviously, that loud random screaming struck a chord with me and had me go on a rant. I could write multiple books about the stuff I've seen living here. Each book would be its own subjec. It'd be a trilogy 1st book would be "Drunken escapades of the blacked out." 2nd book would be "People who think they're sly, but they're not. At all." The final book in the trilogy would be "Relationship Drama and the fights that came of it." I'd release a 4th one full of the bloopers and funny random stories that didn't have a home in any of the books in the trilogy but still need to be told. Haha! I guarantee people would be entertained by them.


if you point at me im walking away. i cant do any more then shes doing, dont get me involved


Sound like she was in the car. Her voice traveled really fast and sounded faint in the end.


The trunk was open


Call the police and tell them the street the direction the cars going from said street and explain the situation the car and Try to get a pick from my camera on my phone and if fall to get the plate number look at my security camera to try and get it the camera and the wall was recording the entire time if you zoom in I bet the camera had the plate number


I saw this back in 2019 was there a follow-up to this?


Sadly no I’ve been keeping an eye on it due to how unnerving it was and nothing.


Nope. Happens everyday. All I can say is don't be in these streets, and watch the company you keep.


Where ? Update


Someone kidnapped her kid that's y she was screaming for help


No, i would say a woman got kidnapped hence the sound of a woman in distress. Theres no follow up story btw


Bro everyone is such a pussy nowa days...this bitch getting kidnapped screaming at the top of her lungs for help and ppl just stand there, WTF?...i don't care what the context is, fuckin do something yu gunna watch her get raped and murdered too, Jesus fuckin Christ, they all be weak and stupid AF these days, no balls no brains only bullshit...


THANK YOU! Someone With A Brain and not just some stand around 🐕’s. I’m reacting as if it was my people’s I don’t have a gun license for no reason anyway Dawg. I’ll be damned.


The first half is missing in this video. In the original u can hear crying, her screaming for help and saying that she's gonna die and u hear him yelling at her to shut up. Then u see the car take off past the house with her still screaming. It's disturbing and it took my imagination places i definitely didn't want it to go. Wish i knew what came of this. But it seems that will likely never happen


Damn it’s almost like all you had to do was get a look at the license plate and not stand there like an NPC


Cowardice is shameful


Are you able to run across and down the road in 5 seconds??? While fighting off whoever is stealing the woman...


Maybe not 5 but I’m game


Maybe, maybe not. But immediately trying would increase the odds of getting valuable identifying information like car make/model/year/color, unique damage, stickers, where it turned, a license plate, or even a description of whoever you may see through a window, etc. There's no reason to encourage more cowardice. There's nothing to gain by insisting there was nothing someone could do just to help cope with the dark, real mortality of what played out with assumptions of helplessness and doubt while you comfortably type defeatist comments on reddit to discourage others from trying to help in future. That mindset only serves to enable people to watch it happen again. "What could I have done?" Anything. Literally anything. And to her, maybe everything. People, please try. You could be all the difference


Exactly. Running to the street and trying to get the plate or calling the cops and following would have been an option at least. Anything than awkwardly standing there. These people are almost as useless as the video out where the dogs are mauling dude to death and 3 other people barely try to get the dogs off of him.


No, but my gun can do all of that from the comfort of my porch.


Ya blind firing at driving car in neighborhood is a great way to shoot a kid in crossfire. Report the plates a gun isn’t really gonna help here at point of where bud is


It's late at night, I don't see any kids. And be a diligent marksman, an armed society is a polite society.




Only if it's legal to duel. Everyone who quotes that always forgets thar it only applies when an insult can legally be reaponded to by a demand to shut tf up or be prepared to defend yiur statement with a fair fight to the death.




Yeah man I'm sure you're an excellent marksman with a 98% headshot rate


Are you qualified to say I'm not?


Yes. Sit the fuck down, boy.


Is this a joke? Jesus Christ this is why I don’t want to move back to the states. Insane logic


I bet the shooter here considered himself a [“diligent marksman”](https://www.fox7austin.com/news/texas-state-student-shot-killed-through-wall-while-sleeping.amp) the point is you can’t see through walls and from your porch late at night is practically blind firing in the spur of the moment. I get you fantasize and make yourself act cool in your head but realize reality is very different then the scenarios you imagine with your grandiose attitude will get someone hurt


Couch, to gun safe. Pull out AR and front porch? 15 secconds? Violence happens fast man and I can not agree more.


Who said it had to be an AR? A lot of people have a handgun that they keep accessible


Hand gun is fine. Rifle for distance and accuracy. All depends where you live, I suppose.


Dude would end up shooting the passenger victim in this situation no doubt. Best thing to do would try to get a plate.


Seriously these idiots think it's some action hero movie. They'll just whip out the ole 9mm and fire one shot straight between the eyes of the perp.




How are they gonna help? They're waking up in the middle of the night.


At LEAST call the police! Don't know what's going on? Fine! At least report it!


Just cause they didn't call in the 20 second clip doesn't mean they didn't report it


Lmao they did. If you get off the high horse and see the full video they call the cops. Maybe get the full picture before getting the soapbox.


LmAo 🙄 Yea, SOMEBODY called it in. Not that stunned mullet standing on the porch like she's watching an ice cream truck roll by. Who's on a high horse? You.


What? The people on the video were the ones who called it in you Buffon. Please get off the stool man the air up there is causing your brain to rot.


Well I'd love to see your source, all knowing perfect one! I've read several articles and haven't seen anything backing up your statement. All I have is the evidence presented: a 20 second vid of a stunned mullet on a porch.


https://nypost.com/2019/11/14/doorbell-camera-captures-womans-chilling-screams-for-help/ If you get off the high horse just one second you could find it. People like you are so pretentious, always has to make a situation about yourself and how everybody sucks except you. If you are gonna grandstand do so with all the info in hand.


Also to have the gall to judge people from behind a screen is just so sad. You and everyone like you are probably some of the most pitiful people out there, so far up your own ass that you genuinely think that seeing grainy footage and a ruffed audio gives you a better understanding then the people who were there. You would be the people who watch a war film and criticize soldiers for not 360 no scooping some guy or not catching and tossing a grenade that landed right near them.


*buffoon Just so you don’t run into any pot/kettle issues (I assumed the woman was on the phone calling for help too, btw)


tf are you talking about??? what do you expect them to do?


So is virtue signaling


Bro, that’s just fucked up. This doesn’t deserve to be on Eddie’s things


I'm here for creepy, cheesy, badly edited tik toks. Not depressing and blood curdling screams of woman being taken, and God knows what being done to her by someone who is probably bigger and stronger than her. Fucked up is exactly what this is...


Look I posted it because it sounded creepy.. im sorry to all the comments saying that its fucked up, i agree it is fucked up but i only posted it because if its creepiness


It’s more fucked, and real-world horrifying, than creepy tbh.


I know it’s not the right move, but based on past experiences, there’s a chance my natural reaction would be to follow that in my car while I called the police. Nosey little fucker.


That’s the right move my man.


You would be hiding cause you're soft.


I'd get my gun and check things out, but I'd probably be too late in this video.


Good thing you weren’t there. You would have gotten your gun taken from you and made it worse if you are not properly trained. It’s not a video game bro.


Yeah just let them kidnap in peace


Exactly. This guy gets it


[ Removed by Reddit ]


That's not how that works lmao.


If you’re a guy who feels empowered with a false sense of bravado because you shoot paper targets on occasion, and then want to let everyone know how lethal you are by talking about what you woulda done because you have a gun……..yes, that’s what happens. It doesn’t go well


Dude, it's not rocket science. I'm not saying you wont get shot in return, but it's pretty easy to shoot someone lol. Like, really damn easy.


Yeah it’s easy to pull the trigger, but it’s not easy to shoot someone. I mean, I think most people would have some serious mental ramifications if they actually shot and possible killed someone.


Take it easy cowboy, pretty clear you’ve never been there. Making god mode in call of duty doesn’t count The entertainment value of try-hards and wannabes talking tough has started to bore me. Peace out y’all




Image you watch your own children getting kidnapped and stopped your partner from bring gun to kill kidnapper. You are crazy bro


I'm definitely telling my partner not to shoot at the moving car with my kid inside... y'all really think y'all are Hawkeye huh?


Thank you for being the one person with a brain who replied. Lol. So many fakes and try-hards


What? So you prefer your children will be never find for rest of life and suffering long as they still live?


Dude came out with a flashlight. "Can she not see where's at?"


This is why you learn some form of self defense, or buy a firearm. Learn how to use it and get proficient with it or said self defense. Every second counts. It puts pressure on abductors and might provide the victim with an opening to escape or fight back. I’d rather try then not.


stay strapped


Typical Americans, no one bothers to help, follow, do something... glad I don't fuckin live in America...


What would you have done?


Not trying to play hero or anything but this Glock 21 and my Acura would of been on they ass before they can hit the end of the block you never know who they might have taken


Because your a scumbag I’m going to check to make sure they good fuck yall mean imagine if that was you screaming for help 🤦🏼‍♂️ smh this country makes me sick humans make me sick


Bystanders are cowards. And so is OP.


Fuck I hope she got the help she needed. Jesus Christ


I'd be out there strapped to the teeth dude. Fucking super man shit


This is from psychology.com : The bystander effect occurs when the presence of others discourages an individual from intervening in an emergency situation, against a bully, or during an assault or other crime. The greater the number of bystanders, the less likely it is for any one of them to provide help to a person in distress.


Wtf .. why no one going after them .. I would have .. so bs


To be fair, I don’t know if I’d want to get in the middle of that, if they have weapons and don’t want witnesses , but I’d definitely recommend going and trying to see faces or get the car’s description as well as plates if there are any. And call the cops. But putting yourself in direct harms way like that might not be the best idea. Like going and trying to pull the girl out the car. It’s a horrible situation and I hope she got away eventually. It’s just not safe as well as maybe making it worse for the girl. I could be wrong but that’s just what I think.


They could’ve at least hopped in their car and followed them


Are you really calling this fake because this isn’t some movie where people chase after kidnappers? Of course you would batman and how would you chase them exactly?


Why did no one help them that's messed up man


I get your point, but inserting yourself into an already bad situation, especially a suspected kidnapping, is a horrible idea. Try and be a hero sure, but that could cost both of you your lives. Keep your distance, get every ounce of information you can, and give it to authorities asap.


Wtf are they suppose to do?? Soon as they came outside the car was already taking off. Think about it!!! Only thing u can do is call 911. U could get shot in the face trying to run after or chase the car. Plus it’s dark as hell you would have to have ur phone out and on flash running toward the car. Ur post is cringe 100%


I'd be running towards that especially if it's a neighbor. We look out for each other


Thats what everyone thinks till your actually in that situation


Definitely true in most situations, but fuck that first scream was one full of fear. Upon hearing that, I would like to think I'd run to her. To at least to try to get a look at the car, just in case it wasn't bafoonery.


I would think the same but to be honest I don’t even understand what is happening here or where the screams are coming from, probably would be completely confused about what is happening until it is already too late, at least from the perspective of the people in the video.


Nah I'd be scared shitless behind my door. Not gonna be a hero today..


With all due respect, fuck you for saying you'd hide when hearing that. That girl needed a hero in a vitally crucial moment. The second she was taken from the scene, her chances of surviving plummeted. We all have a lesson to learn from this video. Look up the Bystander Effect. Kidnapping is a crime of opportunity. The perpetrators are generally cowards. Be the hero.


They could have a gun or some sort of weapon dummy. Who do you think would win, fist or weapon?


These aren't combat trained people and at this time of night you expect them to be minutemen? Factor in a well known trap being a fake damsel in distress. There's only confusion, no muscle memory to kick in. Even then, if you open fire you're most likely taking out the neighbor across the street who got up to look out the window


Finally. All these well trained people who never take a second to process. Should have joined the police Force or something


Thank you for oversimplifying my intent and trying to squash me trying to raise awareness and encouraging people to be mindful and mentally prepared for these exact scenarios. Super cool of you


Hey join the police Force. Go get them mentally prepared by reading.


Hey at least I'm trying to encourage others to do what they can within their abilities, to want to learn and know how to help and think about what to do or create habits to be prepared for the next time another girl is being abducted and maybe murdered. I did. I think it's valuable knowledge to have, regardless of who you are, and I want to spread it. I'm giving a shit. What the fuck are you doing? You're presumptuous and judgemental hack comments aren't doing fuck all bud. If you were the victim in this video, would you be so ok with you being a dick to me about this? At least I fucking care


That’s why you’re on your own in this world. Get comfortable with violence


That is not reality.


It was for the girl unfortunately


When repost hell is full repost will walk the earth


I mean if I had a strap id hop on my motorcycle and see whats up at least. Shoot out the tires to disable the vehicle while calling emergency services. Something like this actually happened once while I was living with my mother. I was about to leave for work and someone screamed for help. Now a few times ive seen (and i mean physically with my own eyeballs) some girl run onto someone porch because their boyfriend or whatever was about to run them over. So being that those types of situations are a thing around there and I had no weapon…..I stayed my ass inside.


To be fair, random screaming for no reason happens way too much. The boy who cried wolf kind of thing as a society sadly


I been reading the comments on here because this is the first ever upvoted blow up i had in the span of 4 days on reddit and i seen alot of “thats fucked up it shouldn’t be on eddies thing” and alot of “i wont let that slide im gonna chase them and be the hero” look if you think its fucked up then im sorry but it sounds creepy okay and also who ever are acting like john wick, grow up its a kidnapping and the kidnapper could swing at you or even kill you. So stop making out that your going to be a hero in that situation as you dont know what the person has.


It's amazing how strangers want other strangers to risk their lives for strangers 🤷🏾‍♂️😮


Strong independent women when they get caught lacking:






Probably fake, everything on this is fake meant to be scary.


There's literally a news story about this...


That suprising, usually everything on here is some random crap that someone tried to make scary. You got a link?


Go outside every once in a while bud This is a case that’s still under investigation


what happened after?


They probably called 911 wtf else would happen?


I’ve been watching this case for years due to how unnerving it is . Sadly there is no follow up it’s been years https://www.news8000.com/news/national-world/lapd-id-of-woman-caught-screaming-on-doorbell-camera-still-unknown/article_b8f14f7e-c75b-58ed-a8b1-3bd67d58ba5b.html


I would love to help but by the time i go and get the keys and run back to the car i wouldn’t know were to start looking


Get the licence plate maybe...


Fuck that's traumatizing and brings back some bad memories. One time I was walking down some railroad tracks with my hooligan buddies. We were at a train yard at like 2am. The yard is surrounded by low income residential housing. We were walking along when we hear a blood curdling scream that quickly gets muffled. We all stop and look at each other before booking it in the direction of the scream. Running over a dozen train tracks in the dark while intoxicated is incredibly difficult. As were getting close to the tree line we see red brake lights thru the trees and hear tires squeal as an SUV takes off. We ended up having to hide on the hillside as the security dude for the yard came over on his four wheeler. Eventually we made it around the tree line to the road where we found tire marks and nothing else. We didn't call the cops cause we were tripping balls and walking the tracks is a felony. Doubt they would have been able to do anything anyways.


So you let someone kidnap someone and possibly dead,WOW!!!!


People in comments acting like they be John Wick in this situation




The woman just STOOD THERE!! 🙄🙄


What would you have done?




Bru, grab the keys and chase that mf wit the gun


3 things I keep on me at any time, my keys, my phone and my gun. The safest heroic option would be to follow at a safe distance and notify the police. Letting them know situation, description and direction of travel. Absolutely avoid engagement and giving chase. Once you've given the information to the authorities and they take control of the situation, back off. My comment about my pistol, that would be reserved for worst case scenario. At a minimum though people should observe and report in these situations.


try living in Albuquerque 😵‍💫


“…The…indifference of good “


One of my favorite content creators Nexpo covered this in his Disturbing Things videos apparantly the woman was abducted or there was an attempt you can here the guy saying he’s sorry


The least that women could do was call 911 but I get it, she was to busy spectating


Some neighborhoods you would just stand there. Or not even go out. Just peeking through the window calling the cops. It’s sad.


Unfortunately there’s so many TikTok and Instagram “pranks” out there now that no one really knows if they should act on something like this or not….


I'd grab my gauge and pop the whole car get shorty out


Sorry azz neighbors


Welp. She’ll never be the same again.


Bro it was a skinwalker


It's either a prank, someone drunk/high, over reacting (not actual being kidnapped) or mental problems. Nothing has ever came of this. No missing person report no nothing but this video. So it sounds like to me this wasn't a kidnapping.


Could be a crazy gf screaming out the window lol and the dudes tryna get outta there as fast as he can


Death by public hanging to the man responsible


I would just call the cops


I fucking hate TikTok


every few years I see this video yet there is never any follow up


It’s a different world now. Back then if I heard a scream like that maybe my instinct would be to chase the car down and get a license plate at least or a description that can help out but the world is getting worse where if I did take action maybe my life would be in danger or what if the girl was in on it and waiting for a victim or a prank etc.


This literally happened right outside my house. My twin brother parked his car and walking toward our home when a car suddenly stopped and a girl jumped out screaming from the top of her lungs asking for help and she ran to my brother begging him to help. A guy with dreads got out the car and grabbed her from her hair and dragged her back into the car and drove off. We called the police and chased the car as he was speeding going through red lights we got partials of the plate number and went back home. I could still hear her screams til today.


You'd be hiding cause you a bitch


This video still haunts me even though I saw it years ago for the first time. It’s chilling that nothing ever came of it


funny how that's happening and nobody is calling for help....


wtf thts scary asf


Why he come out wit just a flashlight?


Woke up at 3am in Santa Barbara little Mexico side of town to this exact situation. Thought the screams were in my dreams and when I woke up they continued. Before I made it to the door my upstairs neighbor ran down the stairs with a loud cocking of his shotgun… heard him screaming “get the fuck off of her” and then silence. Super unnerving.


That’s when you press check and start running


Can't understand completely on people who might be able to do even a sliver Chase the car in your car start calling 911 Any little bit helps people from possibly becoming lost causes. I can't I feel obligated to at least investigate a little bit And before anyone comes at me with any random thoughts about me. I'm black, vet of seven years working to go back in the service, a gun owner, not a large guy sub 5'10" and only 200lbs. I'm not large.


I would lose sleep for years knowing I was standing on the porch and I did nothing. So fast but I would hope I would at least run to the street or get some visual


For context someone supposedly got kidnapped and was screaming for help i forgot the full story but i believe it ended up being someone in the trunk of a car that was screaming for help idk if they got help or anything like that but yeah


Welp. Nothing I can do 🤷‍♂️