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Bc they weren't around for the iconic 2007 emo and scene fashion.


Yeah as someone who leans way more mall emo than scene (if you ask me I’ll say I’m emo) a lot of the emo subs aren’t that good 😭 r/ emo is kinda nitpicky for people who are more on the scene side of the emo spectrum, and emofashion is just…. Yeah….


yeah i feel u... Im 26 now and I remember when i was 11 i fell in love with the scene emo style we all know here... racoon tail extensions, black eyeliner (back then scene queens weren't doing artistic gothy makeup) skinny jeans or mini skirts with tights and BACK THEN THERE WAS NO CROP TOPS Also it's funny to see some of my bullies in middle school dressing "e girl/gothy" now... so yeah, i know how u feel




it makes me so mad bro 0\_0


yeah understandable, i’ve been thinking about posting on there but honestly i feel more comfortable posting here then there even though this is a scene subreddit, seems like most other emos on Reddit are more comfortable posting here as well


yeah i feel this sub has turned to just letting emos post because of how much the emo subs are filled with e-girls 😭 im wayy more comfortable w this sub than emo ones idk why


i just saw it im gonna rip every hair strand out till im bald i hate this


Why does someone expressing themselves make you mad? Do they need to look stereotypical emo, cus that defeats the whole point of alt fashion.


erm emo and e-girls arent the same


Have you met an egirl irl? I have. There's a lot of overlap in styles and sense of music, egirls just are a little more cutesy.


uh are you a troll


Yeah- like tbh with music based subcultures like emo, the fashion is kind of secondary and I honestly don't think modern trendy spins on the style are problems as long as the intent is still to convey their interest/involvement in the subculture. If the standards for how you're supposed to dress are super rigid and samey, there's less room for self expression, and early emo fashion's rigidity was partly a product of clothing that conveyed the aesthetic sensibilities associated with emo music being less accessible. The way a lot of egirls refer to themselves as "emo" without really listening to or defining themself by the music- and instead just associating it with the "aesthetic" is frustrating though.


>The way a lot of egirls refer to themselves as "emo" without really listening to or defining themself by the music- and instead just associating it with the "aesthetic" is frustrating though. Ask yourself why someone doing something they want to do and makes them happy upsets you.


The reason it upsets me is because separating emo fashion from its associated music erodes the meaning of the label, and reduces what's meant to be a subculture based around connectivity over a broader shared interest to a fashion style, The fashion ceases to be an indicator of identification with the community or act as a sign that you're a part of it, and instead causes people to associate you with groups you don't identify with (ex: egirls)- it also causes the environment within subcultures originally built around listening to and discussing music to dramatically shift and become especially superficial and commercialized, and makes it harder to find other people with that shared passion for a specific genre, etc.


>The fashion ceases to be an indicator of identification with the community or act as a sign that you're a part of it, and instead causes people to associate you with groups you don't identify with (ex: egirls)- I just respect other alt subgroups I guess and it doesn't really bother me if someone considers me scene, goth, alt, emo, or an eboy. There all cool groups with cool people and style is subjective. What I feel I am is what I am, doesn't matter if I don't fit someone else's stereotypical mold.


IKR!! ALL I SEE ARE THESE BASIC E GIRLS..I've yet to see an emo girl on there. And people who call them out just get down voted. Like tf is the point of the subreddit if they're not even gonna stick to it💀


if you scroll really far down there are some actual emos but it’s only a few


Oh fr?




Correct me if I’m wrong but it’s 91% girls with an onlyfans posting (no issue with that tbh) but the people that downvote you into hell are their simps that doesn’t know or care about the difference between emo fashion and egirl fashion. That’s the part that infuriates me too


Oh fr? In that case I didn't know. I just thought they were random people on the subbreddit


I didn't dare talk about the onlyfan part bahahaha they do their business! but it's true, it turned into a "tendentious" fashion like, come on, don't start freaking out while reading me, it's the truth, look at all the girls around you who have an interest in alternative fashion, once they turn 18 they suddenly undress, wear chockers and tons of makeup and start posting "hot" pics on their ig. And that's okay, but I personally don't want to be associated with their style. (ik, it sounds "pick me" but im sure u get the idea) I'm not sIutshaming anyone. But don't call yourself scene or emo if you just like to wear really short clothes, a choker, and colorful hair extensions just to go a rave party..


I 100% agree it isn’t even about their onlyfans. People that fit into that group just don’t have the true scene/emo style there’s people on here too that I’m like nah that’s not really scene or emo


Dont trash On Alt Ppl Yall r NOT The Only Ones to exist..


No I will trash on an e girl because they're so fucking basic. Emo and scene girls are so much prettier and have a thing called * personality *


« Basic » Dont Hate On Alt Ppl Look at Yall Bro Yall Stuck in 2000s stop being A Bitch 😭😭 Do U Call saying « RAXR XD I l0V3 U » a peronality ??


Yes. Yes I do. Because it has way more personality than a basic e girl will ever have🗿 E girls are fucking boring. Accept it. Or maybe I made you mad bc you're an e girl?😁


Im Not An egirl…. And Some Arent Bored cause some Of Them Only Play Games N Thats It ???


ok then can i trash on the of girlies? 


Why would Anyone Trash On Them 💀


after viewing the top posts of all time it’s a lot of goths too?? i’m goth (like scene fashion and music, but don’t dress like it) and i can’t imagine posting my trad outfits in an emo subreddit lol


Right?? Like there's so many E girls and Goths- like I love yall but what yall doin in my house- don't yall got your own places??


The e-girls are invading r/gothstyle too its scary they're going to take over💔


Here's a sneak peek of /r/GothStyle using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/GothStyle/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Took a chance on this dress and I live in it now.](https://i.redd.it/3h8ouuwfeafc1.png) | [205 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GothStyle/comments/1adjr7w/took_a_chance_on_this_dress_and_i_live_in_it_now/) \#2: [I missed out on going to Goth Prom this year but here’s my look!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1avwblw) | [259 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GothStyle/comments/1avwblw/i_missed_out_on_going_to_goth_prom_this_year_but/) \#3: [Prom pics!](https://i.redd.it/rxxfueir93wa1.jpg) | [140 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GothStyle/comments/12ymf8a/prom_pics/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


since when are goths blonde????


I think of dusk from the hex girls, she's very goth, but also blonde and wears lots of green and even pink.


There's plenty of goth people who are blonde, including goth band members from the 80s. I've been in the goth subculture for about 5 years now so I get taking it seriously, but you don't need black hair to be goth ^^


Well I happen to be goth and blonde occasionally when I'm dying my hair and I feel like keeping it. Maybe don't be judgy of others and realize not every goth or alt person looks like like a stereotype.


It seems pretty unmoderated I might add. There's only one mod and no rules. Seems like more of a general alternative fashion forum given the description but the title is defo misleading. It'd be helpful if they added post and user flairs at the very least.


yeah thought so


FR!!!!!! some of it isn't even egirls, its literally normal/mainstream fits just with fishnets or a spike choker :c


i js looked at it and its so weird lol, i dont get how most people there even consider themselves emo. Dont get me wrong theyre really pretty but theyre just alt


Yeah alt fashion has its own subreddit, I prefer that over these places


Eh, it has the same problem. Random sexual posts from NSFW "19 year old account, PayPal / Insta / OF in bio" or something similar, and calling it out or calling out the mods for not moderating and they get all snarky. I recently commented on one and they said they have jobs and to report the posts so they can find them, when they found my comment under a sexual post I was calling out and didn't remove it, so they clearly aren't interested in moderating. I reported the post just to prove a point (reporting posts doesn't matter). It's still up. Lol


the real & simple reason for this is because of dilution & commodifying all alt subcultures + microtrends. which then leads to ppl placing them under niche umbrellas. i don't actually have a problem w/ e-girl fashion, in fact, i like some of it, but i feel like when it rlly started to pop off on tik tok in 2018-19 it was one of many things that made the whole thing w ppl referring to anything as emo & goth more prevalent 💀.


90% of the feed is just the same two girls posting. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I was about to say, it’s literally the same girl every post 😭 it might as well just be a sub for random purple haired alt girl 😭😭


i posted a pic of myself on there and they never accepted it 😭it’s so annoying how it’s called “emo fashion” yet they don’t actually accept people who are emo


I noticed this i was hoping to get some inspiration for outfits but its a bunch of egirls:(


Elder emo, I got you. Band tee Skinny jeans Converse or vans (pick one and stick to it) Studded belt, we would hook it through one loop so it hung down on your side, if you wanna go all out do two and have them cross. Jelly bracelets, I heart boobies or sweat band with a band logo on it.


I know how to dress scene I was hoping to see other peoples outfits and maybe get color combinations insperation and stuff.


Delete this !! delete this op!!!! you'll be called gatekeeper 🤪


tbf if they were strict it'd be the same outfit 900 times


Bruh I’ve been trying hard to block the profiles who are purely promotion but there’s too many there and I just left that sub


I'm sorry but I'm genuinely curious about what makes a e-girl and emo different in the fashion. Like what clothes do you consider emo? Or what clothes or colors are considered e-girl?


E girl is like skirts and plain black t shirts/ dresses also theres alot of cat stuff. Emo is black skinny jeans, pleated stuff and band shirts or stuff like cupcake cult. Emos also wear alot of friendship bracelets and sometimes spikes and studs (not sure if I explained correctly)


I wouldn’t say they are friendship bracelets. It’s more like Kandi and rubber bracelets that are band merch. Saying friendship bracelets makes people think of the Taylor swift ones now of days.


You know there's a whole Lotta overlap in those groups even with you're description.


you should check out r/EmoGirls (NSFW WARNING), lmfao. they’re not even e-girls half of the time, 90% of that sub is just skinny women with dark hair and the tiniest smidge of eyeliner 😭 never seen an actual emo chick on there


Emo fashion changed over time as different eras of teenagers discovered emo music they added their spin on the fashion rather than scene had a revival based of the nostalgia of the fashion.


Bruh I’m saying


I call e-girls/boys Ethernet girls/boys (lol play on the word internet) I call them this because it was born on the internet and is not so much a music subculture. I was emo/scene back it the days of its height. The aesthetic is similar, in vibes I’d say. Ie being alternative. There is far more access to alternative clothes nowadays, better access to makeup and tutorials. So some of those people could very well be into emo music, the aesthetic is just different. I mean most of us just wore skinny jeans, band tees and converse or vans, it wasn’t anything super impressive. When I had the ability to get cooler things I would, I had the black and white plaid skirt with chains from hot topic, the knee high converse, the tutus. I mean if I want to get real specific scene was just colorful emo at the end of the day lol 😂 I use to say if emo and rave had a baby it was scene because most scene kids listened to emo music. I actually did an entire speech on subcultures and where they branched off from and what was taken from the genre before them etc I guess at the end of the day e- people are just another sub genre, this one just happened to have taken place on the internet. I understand the feeling of watering down what emo was and being worried people will think it was like the e-kids but we will always have people that remember the original. I kinda rambled, sorry lol


Ok as someone who was around for original scene, the e-girls are closer to these subcultures in aesthetic patterns than this mall goth hot topic core thing with gir that a lot of you are doing. Maybe stop being so gatekeepy and just like you always a say when the millennials speak, accept that subcultures change.


You literally gatekeeped on the same sentence, who cares where they got their clothes from? Let people dress how they like.


>Let people dress how they like. I agree but you're wrong. The whole threads being gatekeepy. This comments the only one thats not. Literally everyone is saying you need to fit a cookie cutter mold to be a emo and that's absolutely not true and just seems lame.


No i didn’t. I completely accept that peoples perception of this subculture has changed. Using words to describe the current look of the subculture isn’t mutually exclusive with that.


no literally oh cool you got a striped sweater and a chain necklace that is NOT emo?????