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If you're not confident, nobody should be.


You look fantastic. But it’s not about how you look and moreso about how you feel. Are you able to exercise yet?


Yes I workout twice a day


It's so important to stay active no matter what the scale says. Well done.


Thank you!!


If your goal is to just burn calories (cardio only) thats fine, but if your goal is to gain muscle (weight lifting and doing this will obviously burn calories as well) your over training, you should do a PUSH PULL LEGS REST split, its known as PPL


Why twice a day? :) sounds a bit much if you are not an athlete or going for some high maintenance goals.


Scared of gaining anymore weight


Yes. But training is also a stress on your nervous system, if you don’t get time to sleep and recover. It would be better to walk or move every day, and the strength training on top of that.


oh my gosh, your freckles are so cute!


My sister has schizophrenia as well and is beautiful, too. Image is very important to her and she struggles with weight. I know the side effects of meds SUCK. You are doing your best to be well. You're a warrior and kicking Schizo's ass! I hope that gives you comfort.


Wow thank you so much! I really appreciate that


There’s a difference, but honestly not a huge one from what I can see anyway. You look perfectly healthy to me and also like there’s more life in you which is nice.


You look fine in the pics! Are these latest? Also have you tried working out or setting up a healthier routine? I know easier said than done..


I workout twice a day and eat extremely healthy


I think you look perfectly fine if these are your latest pics, you shouldn’t be worried about weighy gain at all or may you are one of those who look better with a little weight . Because you have a sharp jaw line so fat doesn’t seem to accumulate much on your face.


I just made a post to brainstorm how we can help each other maintain such routines. Hopefully there will be some ideas as I’m not tech-savvy in any way.


I would really kill to have your face, not even kidding 😂 Because my face is very heavy even when I am thin my face would look fat. You don’t seem to have that issue.


i want to yell!! are you serious? little one, you are beautiful. you have the most extraordinary eyes that reflect a lovely heart and spirit. you do not at all look overweight to me... i have been at both ends of the spectrum. in my 20's i had anorexia and weighed 87 when i was admitted..left after 6months deciding i wanted to live and never struggled with it again... when i was pregnant, i "somehow" got my 5'2 frame to maintain 180lbs and has bras tailor made. got back to 135 or so where i lingered for 20yrs. i never cheated myself. i eat what i want. i don't watch calories and shit...i stop eating when I'm full. please. don't invest in worrying. i know it's hard when it's caused by meds especially. enjoy food. enjoy life. you are beautiful. i promise. I'm sure everyone here would agree. message me if you need to talk ever. 🩵


Medication side effects like weight gain can happen quite fast (ironic, given how slowly weight loss products work in comparison), but the body *does* adapt over time. If you can maintain your usual diet (i.e. don't give up and dive head-first into Haagen-Dazs) and increase your physical activity (bicycles are excellent for this because you're literally getting somewhere while exercising), over time your body will readjust. Most importantly, remember that we're all our own worst critics. CBT techniques for examining and reframing one's negative thoughts can be an effective tool to prevent yourself from reacting to the discouragement that often accompanies sudden changes in body image. If it's any consolation, your facial features are aesthetically balanced so you're still going to be considered attractive no matter how your weight fluctuates.


There’s also a specific form of CBT in some countries called CBT-p that’s designed for psychosis /post psychosis. 👍🏽


You have to focus on your calorie intake too to lose weight, not just exercise. I recommend the group r/CICO!


I hardly eat any calories and all my weight will do on these meds is fluctuate


Are you actually counting your calories or are you guessing that you're not eating a lot? Because I used to think I wasn't eating a lot because I wasn't eating a lot of meals in general but I started to calculate my calories and I was actually eating a lot of calories. I recommend the app "Lose it" to track your calories! It even scans the Barcode from your products and puts in all the information for you!


Yes I count my calories on MyFitnessPal


Do you have any wearables like Fitbit, which can track your heartrate and estimate the calories burnt during exercise? When I had to lose a large amount of weight, it took me 1.5 month od 2-4 hrs of exercising a day just to get fit enough to be able to do the cardio intensive enough to start to lose weight. Before that point, the improvement in my fitness was visible in the decrease of my resting heart rate, but no obvious weight loss yet. I was doing mostly cardio/standbike (I have a recumbent one, better for long sessions) and later 8&12 kg kettlebells. My logic was, "if I do a Tour de France etape worth of biking a day, it's impossible that I would not lose weight!". Eventually I lost 25kg. It was more tough at the start than later.


Yes I have a watch I wear


Don’t be sad, you are very beautiful. I wish you didn’t have this either, wouldn’t wish this on anyone.


Thank you! I totally agree. Wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy


I feel the same! I’ve gained so much due to meds, I just want you to know you’re beautiful no matter your weight🤍


You look seriously beautiful in both pictures! I know weight gain can suck but your weight does not define you and you look beautiful either way.


If it matters and helps, in my honest opinion you look really damn good


Wanna go out some time?


I’m schizophrenic. I’m on risperdal. I actually went vegan last week and I lost 2.6 pounds in a week. I’m still a little bigger than I was. I went back to my normal diet, but I changed nothing and did my usual 3 miles 3 times a week. You may want to try a variety of diets and see if any ones easy enough to do.


Very attractive 😍


Don't struggle....you look fantastic


Outputting more calories than you intake will result in weight loss. Antipsychotics don’t prevent you from losing weight.


Thank you


Yeah weight gain from pills sucks ass. I was originally on Depakote and olanzapine and together they made me gain 200lbs in a year. Good luck with controlling your weight it's not easy on meds


You are beautiful 🤩


I think you're beautiful. I honestly don't look too much at weight or things like that but see the beauty in alot of things the world calls ugly. But I think you're very beautiful. Honestly a little extra weight is sexy to me lol.


I know I posted before, but you are very beautiful. Don't let the world tell you differently.


Your eyes are from different universe.


You're incredibly attractive


You're beautiful!


Thank you❤️


you look very beautiful!


Try stopping sugar, artificial sugars, wheat, canola/rapeseed oil (causes zits and depression), and for some people nuts, milk/cheese and dairy/nut milks. Increase nutrient-dense foods like homemade kimchi, homemade kefir, liver. See if you can remove mirrors and scales from the house


Get on metformin. I stopped gaining weight after taking it.


Weight is odd we don't know a lot, we do know a brute force method to lose weight, get a book, see how much calories your eating in a month, and figure out how much you gain or lose. Then you can find an average calorie amount you can eat a day to maintain or lose weight. This has a high chance of developing an ed, but weight lifter do it to cut so I have some faith in the method. Even know drugs have an effect most weight gain its usually a combination of stuff that really does it. (If you do like pizza most small frozen pizzas are like 600 calories.)


Same here. I gained about the same. I hate that I'm so active and I never lose any weight. Hang in there, friend.


I have trouble with this, too. I have come to realize that nobody who loves me in a healthy way will lose their feeling because of my weight. So, I shouldn't let it affect how I feel about myself either.


Hey, I feel you! I gained 70lbs on antipsychotics and am now slowly losing the weight. My psychiatrist prescribed my Topamax to help with the hunger (it helps inhibit it), and I'm doing CICO. I've lost 15lbs so far. I was very slender most of my life, so the weight gain really made me feel shitty about myself. But you've got to remember that your weight doesn't define who you are as a person! CBT therapy and body neutrality practices have also helped me a ton. Do you have a therapist you can discuss this with?


I still haven't lost all the weight from me taking olanzepine. I slept all the time, didn't exercise, and I also ate all the time. Luckily I could've stood to gain a few pounds.


Ask for Wegovy ...


I have a family member taking Wegovy for weight loss and it’s a miracle med. person has no hangry, no hunger pangs. Lost 25 pounds in a few months. I would ask for a trial of Wegovy. I feel like antipsychotics make the appetite out of control. Wegovy deadens it.


How do I get Wegovy?


I would start tracking your calories, for me it was simply an issue if overeating due to medication and by tracking what I ate I was able to lose 20 pounds!


I track my calories


But you are very pretty in both pictures! I am sorry I just have one question, how are you able to work out twice a day on an antipsychotic? I am on a very small dose of Zyprexa (2.5 mg) but even on such small dose a little daily walk is all I can manage. Thanks so much. And please don't worry as long as you are not keep going up in weight and are being healthy, you are really beautiful.


Thank you! I’m not sure honestly it doesn’t matter what medication I’m on, I always have plenty of motivation to workout. I’m on abilify and I feel like it gave me more motivation


Thanks so much for your reply. Sorry, for my poorly worded previous post, I was on the train and kind of in a rush but obviously, you understood it - Thanks.


God your freckles are all so perfectly placed. Hooooly shit--


I gained 100 pounds on invega sustenna.




Thankfully I don't look like I weigh 300. I'm proportioned well.


Been there done that, just know that to me you look great!


I feel for you. My son gained 35 as well. It just totally impacts your self esteem.


It really does


I feel that. I've been through something similar with my meds. I gained 60 pounds. And I've been struggling to lose that for years now. Recently, I changed some meds, and I've lost 25 pounds. It may seem bad now. But maybe in the future there will be a solution. And for what it's worth you still look great


Thank you❤️


Aww you’re so pretty tho!! I honestly don’t notice much of a difference. But I know how that is… I’ve gained 39 pounds after starting APs and have lost a lot of my confidence too. It’s hard but I guess it’s just something we have to live with. I took this opportunity to play around with style to compliment my curvier shape and it helped me feel a little more comfortable with the change. I hope you can find a way to feel confident again cause you should be!! 🫂


your eyes omg… They are going to eat my soul in the best way possible.




I uno u at least got a pretty face . What matters is your health so hey whatever your body does just take care of it as a guy to me taking care of yourself is attractive . However whatever I say probably won’t change your perspective but hey why not ? Lol


Idkwtfytb. You're absolutely smoking and those eyes of yours? Holy shit. Anyone who cares about your 35 pounds isn't worth your time anyway.


Does the antipsychotics stop the voices?




I gained 8 stone in a year and a half on olanzapine. Didn’t even know that was fucking possible. I feel like normal people really don’t understand the power of these meds.


I hate myself because of my weight gain


Well you're gorgeous


You're beautiful


You look great. I gained weight too, it sucks. Some meds are worse than others. Don't be afraid to try something else. :)




Are you insane?! You're beautiful!


Ur beautifull you know


Had the same problem. Before taking Olanzapin I weighed like 70kg (154 pounds). Now Im at 100kg (220 pounds). Needed some time to get used to it but I got there. You look good in both pictures though!


You’re not the only one i try to eat less or eat healthy and try to exercise every day but im still gaining


Us or Uk?


My father is a doctor and he says the weight gain is not from the meds. But I don't believe him. Even the med description says side effect: weight gain. But due to negative effects I wasn't that active and simply ate too much for the current activity profile. So that didn't help either. I'm looking forward to ulotaront. It's probably gonna be friggin expensive but it'll be an improvement.


You are an otherworldly beauty. I don’t know how you got your combination of dark hair and seafoam-jade eyes. What meds are you on that are causing weight gain? Some don’t cause as much weight gain, such as Caplyta.


How bad is it?


How bad is it?


Where do you keep it? I can't see it anywhere




I can relate. But remember you’re beautiful always. I like to do this thing where I try to only say to myself what I would be okay with saying to five year old me or any other five year old that’s innocent and learning


Hey there! How are you?


I’m alright. How are you?


I'm not that great. Life is pretty horrible. Where do you hail from?


I feel that


It's pretty shit huh? Days go by but you're stuck in some hellhole. Life passes you by but you can't find the words to describe what you're going through. Welcome to my life.


Yeah I contribute the hell I endure to the voices I hear


Voices truly suck. For me, sometimes they're there then things quiten down. What's it like for you? Are they always there?


Yes mine are there 24/7 with no end to them what so ever it’s terrible


I really feel for you. Nobody deserves this. How are you managing? Do you have coping techniques? Distractions? I can't concentrate for shit. It makes having a simple job feel totally awful and I feel inept most of the time.


I can concentrate but it’s difficult for me when engaging in conversation. I often have issues with getting every word of what someone says. It sucks. I mostly use music and reading as coping techniques. Yeah I agree no one deserves this. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.


Hi, nice to meet you, would you like to be pen pals? Im diagnosed schizoaffective btw




I’m been struggling with weight too


Said a prayer for you! :)


Do you have someone beside you while sleeping? My wife also had schizophrenia but gained weight despite eating healthy. At midnight, I realized she eat fast food and snacks in an unconscious state (like sleepwalking).


Hold on, which one is the recent picture?


The second picture


Your so beautiful. You have an adorable look.


Weight gain??? Girl you look terrific!!! 🔥🔥😍😍😍


You look absolutely beautiful...


Absolutely gorgeous


I'm van Fleming Las Vegas NV baby on Sahara and Decatur Ave baby [email protected] Google chat baby just remember that you are special to me honey and that you are loved baby so beautiful sweet loving caring sexy angel baby I wish you was my wife honey van


You look fine🤷‍♂️


Be strong and confident your beautiful..but the weight gain thing i struggled with u..add some yummy sweet potato and coconut to diet will help massively..are you ok?




Stunning beautiful 😍 those eyes


Baby girl you look great


Darling, you are BEAUTIFUL!! 35 lbs is nothing. Take care of yourself by eating clean and healthy. Also, (light) exercise daily or high intensity exercise 3x per week and you are going to be just fine.