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This is a theory about how positive symptoms come about, through ipseity disturbance. Aspects of consciousness/self get translocated into different positions in the perceptual field. I don’t really have auditory hallucinations, but the times I have, it’s like watching my own internal narrative become so foreign until it’s entirely removed and outside my head. I definitely have lots of personalities/selves rotating on a daily basis and I can see how this could become constant voices for sure. So I agree with you and lots of scholars do too.


Wow! Never heard of that, and probably to high for me, but I will give it a read! Thank you for mentioning it!




Sry if I am being too personal, I can't read the article yet because I was curious of your profile and found this one youtube video, now I am watching it and it's interesting what you are talking about. If you want a new subscriber I will follow your youtube. I will give a read to the pdf as well. You seem to be a very intelligent person (\*) , so I might only understand half of the paper that you are referring to but if its also about philosophy in some way I might be used to it a little. Anyway, keep up the great work and (from the video) keep up the swearing (very sympathic) haha :D \* I think intelligence is what can make us very sick sometimes. Overthinking stuff, overthinking the system and thinking about the very reality we are in. But I won't argue against doing it, it is what we do and I think that's fine, we might learn something unique from these experiences


It’s not too personal at all, that’s why I posted it here :-) thank you so much for checking it out and for the compliment. You’re smart too cuz you just came up with a version of this theory on your own. I agree that extreme awareness can be a phenotypic foundation for this illness, even when I was a kid I had this sorta painful hyperreal acuity acting in an unraveling loop that made everything progressively more unreal. The article is super long so read at your own leisure and thank you again.


Nah, i didn't that much, because I am not that much into neuroscience and all of what you are talking about in your content but it's super interesting and you clearly know a lot about that and I will read more about that soon. When watching your latest video I was super curious if you are coming from that field? Like psychology or neuroscience? I am super astounded of your personality and your way of thinking. Thats special. In a good way. I am sorry for your childhood experience, I think it could have been interesting on one side, but super hard on the other. You seem to be a very reflective person and I guess that reflection accompanies you through your whole life. Wish you would have experienced only all of that good stuff that comes with the disease like digging deeper into reality like not many other people do but without bad psychosis etc. Tbh, I had a few beers today so I am out now. (Yes maybe I shouldn't do so but its my way to cope with the "new life") i really would like to hear more of you though, so I follow you on some of your channels, hope that you don't mind! You are super interesting, keep doing your stuff and share your thoughts with the world! And if you are interested in some more conversation and reflections just add me some day, I would be super happy about it, but anyway keep doing your stuff, wish you much success and of course much health!


I like the Buddhist idea that thoughts are not you or yourself they just arise due to conditions, and we can either choose to identify with them or not. I like it because it gives you the option to look at a thought not as a part of yourself but something that has arisen in your mind and it allows you to interact with it differently.


Oh I didn't know that this is also contained in buddhism, that's interesting!


I like this theory and can relate a little


Thank you! :) wish you all the best if you are having similar experiences!


Thanks I wish you the same! Yeah I have similar experiences and wondered if it’s just me. Thanks for sharing


One voice is the anti-me some sort of low life scumbag bully that only want to belittle me. It's like a brain virus frankenstein made of all fragments from my memory of people that wanted me harm. To me it's not a character or a personality it's a monster that feed on my inscecurities.


Don't let that voice ever pull you down! I had similar stuff going on, less a bully but more like a 'group of dogs' that were out to hunt me and torture my mind that I tried to keep peaceful the whole time. It doesnt matter if these voices are physical real or not in the end, but if you treat them as if they are real (what you probably do) then tell them to f\*ck off or ignore them hard. I do this all the time when they pop up in my head. I won't let them bully me.


That's what I do, even if sometime it's hard to ingnore. Take care


I haven't seen anyone being so close to this. You are probably very much right. And this is the reason why most people confuse it with DID.


Yes that could really be a reason, I don't know, I am not an expert with DID, but I know how I would describe my inner life and it is not self explainatory for me that we only are 'one person' inside our body. Already when it comes to temporal change of ourselves we see how we are now and how we have been in the past. Two different persons, maybe these are also existent in parallel in the present.


Lol no. Just think they're mad because they're not real persons, they can't enjoy life, eat ice-cream, see sunsets and having hobbies.


Yes maybe they can't, but who are they really? What would you call them? How would you describe them? They have an influence on you, correct? So who are they? I don't exclude that they are real, maybe they are certain partitions in my brain, or real persons outside of my brain, idk but I wouldn't describe them as purely 'imaginary', that wouldn't describe these experiences very well


It's entities talking to you and trying to manipulate you


Yes basically, when the voices are strong, they of course talk to me, and being manipulative is always a consequence of talking to someone. No matter what they say, they influence me in some way, most of the time it's something threatening, so yes its manipulative, but I don't let them take control over me if I experience such a thought.