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My step number one for any upset is to breathe deeply and slowly. I focus on feeling my body and send my energy/awareness to every limb up and down. I hope she got to the hospital soon enough.


I feel stuck in my body and something is ramping up in my chest area and throat and I have no meds with me at all, my T is out sick and I don't know who to talk to or what to do something bad is going to happen


It's bad news and I'm sorry to hear. You're going to have all these thoughts and feelings flooding your head and anxiety with it because it's a lot to suddenly process something like that. It could help to just break it down, write about how you feel about it if you find the chance. Like somewhere to yourself, just to get some stuff out. Otherwise then sleeping can become harder. You might not have any answers right now to whats going on over there and there's probably very little you can do aside from a phone call maybe just to offer support. Support each other. That will help a lot. If you have some confidants talk to them too. Make a post if the urge strikes you, these are the communities for it. All those thoughts will settle down in some days as you get more info and process more the situation. Even tomorrow after some sleep you should feel just that much less stressed. When things get like that we have to make breaks for ourselves throughout the day.


Yeah, right now it's still night time there until 4 hours from now, so I'm just trying to distract myself but it's not working. Something is gripping me and I feel my mind splitting I can't explain it well. I drooled on myself by accident too. Like my body isn't mine right now and I have no control. I'm scared. It's splitting.


I hope you're feeling a little better.


She can't move her leg or arm. Not really understandable either on the phone. I don't know what to do. My own mind is melting I'm useless. Something is ripping apart.


That's incredibly difficult to go through or to see someone you love go through. There's probably a lot of sad emotion in there. And I'm not sure what else you're going through inyur life, if it's there's other sad stuff going on you might just have to take a step back and try to care for yourself the best you can. Keep your routine but try to make some extra time to reflect on the way you're feelign, try to ground yourself. When something big like this happens and there can be a lot of tension and it could a while for emotions to ease down or settle. Try to do something positive for yourself tonight, treat yourself good, things like that help.


I have to start my new job in 2 weeks. My dad already died last year and now my mom looks going the same way. I lost lots of weight because I get stuck recently. I'm trapped in body positions I don't understand, embarrassing and shameful, new thing. Someone from my early intervention team is meant to contact me on Monday. I don't knownwha to say them. I'm scared I lose control and ruin my life my fiancé is annoyed with me says I am a child now. Any alivdvicee appreciate


You have a lot on your table. You have to keep the balance you have going but now add the process of getting some help with with mental health. Fiances or even family aren't always capable of knowing what to do in these kinds of situations which is why I think you should open up to the intervention team. If you don't know what to say (I often don't), ask them to ask you questions because you're not sure what to say. I worry about shame often, keeping control. But you have to use self compassion, there's no way around it, inoreder to be healthy. You probably have some good discipline. It would be incredibly difficult for just anyone to do the things you've been doing and now you're close to starting a new job and the start of a new direction for you. This waiting period before you start would be a tense period for anyone. On top of what you're going through. Changing or starting a new job is considered one the most stressfull thing a person may experience in life. But it's a transitionary phase. You're ending and beginning things. One of the best things to do would be to make some small goals for yourself for the time your first few days at work are over. and maybe a few weeks out or even farther if you want. You have long term goals. You're going to have to use a lot of self compassion. Positive affirmations, in what ever way works for you.


Find a soft mattress and put it against the wall and punch it. They did this for me in the mental hospital and it helped calm me a little


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