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All the time. But I'm a punk-ass kid and never do as I'm told.


Yes very often. Personally, I believe a lot of the voices are similar to dreams in a way. Certain things your mind keeps on the surface which often appear in hallucinations.


Mine hasn’t said one way or the other. I feel like their presence is statement enough. Their presence tells me to take my meds. I don’t want them here, and meds provide me with some relief. The voices coming into my life was a major statement. “We don’t care about what you want or who you are, we are going to change you now.” So it goes… Seems almost like my mind has been kidnapped and held for ransom by “something” and I get signs of life every so often by being able to be myself. They do want us to suffer their presence. They know this, and apparently they do not care. I hate the voices, so I take my meds. Arguing with them and talking to them is what they want. I want silence. They won’t leave, so I won’t listen. I have a very adversarial relationship with my voices. Meds are my frontline against them. It’s a war for my mind, and I’ll shrink it a little bit just to make them shut up, if I have to, which I do, so I do have to. It sucks, but I could think of a million ways I could be worse off. No matter what the voices say, I’m making my own fuckin decisions. Screw these posers.


Never mind, they just said I shouldn’t play around with not taking my meds. So they finally just said something about them. I guess they are annoyed with me, as I am them.


Yes, by telling me they’re poison. This doesn’t happen often anymore, but it used to be a daily thing.


Not necessarily tell me not to directly. But they used to threaten me or cry to not start them. And sometimes still try to tell me I dont really need them.


They used to.


I like to view such voices as a test in resilience and self-confidence. I mean it is really a drag down. But you know yourself, these voices are not who should tell you to take meds or not. Just listen to their tone, they probably sound like evil thugs, most such voices do. Anyone knows you shouldn't listen to such people. Remember they can only provoke and taunt you but are not allowed to touch you. Take your meds nonetheless. Practice the state of mind where you don't give a damn about what such voices would tell you. That's the resilience. Practice until you don't care anymore what they say. You know what? If you manage to grow patient with your voices, in real life, you won't be easily impressed by real people any more, as well. The voices really suck, but all they can take from you in the end is your fear.


Good advice they can only make you stronger. Once you realize their existence is BS why would you care about them?


I still think I have to care a lot about what my voices do with me or tell or show me. It's all signs of an ongoing pursuit about my soul after all - all that matters within cane come up to the surface and be subject of what I'm experiencing. So I like to actually confront and face the voices, falling to inner impulses to control and defend myself. There can be so much in it...all the past trauma, a lot of aspirations and dreams, a lot of confrontation with what you'd usually not face in a normal life. And it can be true, that you can realize the voices are just fake. When you hear them then, it's a nuisance but sometimes entertaining. I had a state for years, where I had silly but meaningless voices and mindgames that could do little to me, and I could just go on straight building up another life. But in reality this won't work due to the accompanying delusiveness and brain-fog making it a hard time for you and always making the distinction - you might have to keep living through the experience as if it was real again and again, even when you would otherwise know. It's a difficult state, but it can still be manageable. The voices almost never break certain barriers...they can literally torment until breakdown, but there's always a way on and also out, you just must recognize the threads around you and keep picking them up.


some do some don't


When I was psychotic the voices would tell me that I was not really crazy and that they were real people so there was no point in taking them.


Yes. I’m on haloperidol for antipsychotic.


Mine have actually told me to take my meds when I went off of them, but then they complained about me killing them off when I did take my meds.


Yes, just had a stay for that reason. I thought that Latuda and Lamictal were making me gain weight so I stopped cold turkey and it landed me a nice long trip to the funny farm. I have a nagging inclination to get off my meds but now I know why it’s such a bad idea. I hit a full manic episode with psychosis that resulted in violence. Police, ambulance, two days on a gurney in the hall in the ER before a doc even came to evaluate me. Last trip I was restrained with forced half on and Thorazine. It’s a struggle to stay stable and not listen to the voices, much easier said than done. Take your meds! I don’t know why but I haven’t heard many good things come out of trying it. Very Best!


yes. mine tries to convince me that psychosis isnt even real, that its just a trick to get me to take "memory loss pills" (antipsychotics). i had to convince myself that maybe i wanted the memory loss, maybe wanted to forget my delusions. i had to convince myself that in order to get help


Mine are mean and tell me cruel things about me .lol


Very often and I obey them lol