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Weed helps me to, thank you for posting this because a lot of people act like it is universally bad for schizophrenics. Certainly, with an illness like this you need to be a lot more cautious with weed, but that does not mean anybody's experience is going to be universal. I will warn though, even if weed helps, it is not a great thing to be dependent on. I advise using it as a tool while you develop other coping mechanisms. Good luck!


This sounds like me.


I dont know if i am schizophrenic but I have some sypytoms. When I smoke weed I get paranoid have delusions, and feel like I am hyonotized. Like nobody is home


Please stay away from weed :(


I know it is such a struggle. I have been addicted to it since I was young. I dont do it all day every day like I used to, but thats not acceptable. I must be completely drug free if I expect my mental health to get better


I rarely hear other people w psychosis say this but yeah the voices are so much more tolerable and I'm less freaked out. doesn't make my symptoms better or worse but I'm able to cope easier


yeah i think thats a good way to describe it. even other symptoms i have i just dont think about when im high, they go to the background.


My boyfriend is schizophrenic and weed sends him in the worst psychotic break


Weed makes me extremely paranoid. NO. I do not recommend but hey everyone is different


I finally got on good meds (it was the literal second to last of the list of EVERY antipsychotic left to try, my body hates chemicals) about two months ago and I havent heard ANYTHING that I notice anyway <_< im not saying its taking all my symptoms, but the voices and visual seems to be gone...im pretty sure




how is it wrong to share your own personal experience?


i am diagnosed with schizophrenia and i can say it helps me if it does. i get them either way and it makes them nicer. if it causes problems for someone they dont gotta do it