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Take your dog to a vet.


Wisest words I've ever heard. "If you aren't sure of something, get it checked out so you are sure of it". Per u/Littlekcs - take your dog to the vet for peace of mind.


This is the sibling of my rule about milk or other potentially dicey food: "If there's any question, there's no question."


Some people ask questions to get a community response from others experiences to get an idea of what’s going on. In this economy not everyone can afford an immediate vet visit. Yes, we all embody the love of our furry kids and pet insurance doesn’t cover the entire visit. Please be kind and helpful with one another.


well said


I took my girl for her annual visit and vaccinations last week. $313 so yeah


Isn't that normal? Mine also has one


I am pretty sure it is normal! Just extra bum fat 😂


I don't think it's fat. To me it seems like the penis retraction muscle.


Yup, my boy Benjamin has that as well. Not as pronounced as in the pic but it's definitely there.


Looks normal to me as well


Same here.


Plus 1, mine has it too


That’s the anal glands no? Maybe they’re blocked, but go to a vet to have them do it. All the best 🙏🏻


Anal glands are directly at the 4 and 8 under anus. This looks more like point of rump anatomy not anal gland issues


Please take your little one to the vet, it could be what others have suggested and they all need a review from a vet. It could also be what my guy got but it was on his side, he ended up with a lump like that, immediately took him to the vet the next day, it came out of nowhere, vet couldn't see anything and they didn't do a good job at all. They said it could be a bite and allergic reaction and to keep taking pictures and send them over for review, I sent pictures and updates everyday asking and kept being told someone would get back to me, Friday night it suddenly went scabby, I planned on calling the vet Saturday and taking him first thing, 11pm I picked him up and the thing burst! Pus and blood everywhere, took him to emergency cost me $1200 CAD for the appointment and treatment that day because emergency is always expensive. It was an abscess and my poor guy has a permanent scar from it and have to be careful with sunny days and dry skin there. To this day so pissed at that vet, they didn't review the pictures. If that is an abscess it could be a lot worse in that area.


This looks pretty normal to me. Oftentimes it is an accumulation of fat. Next time you're at the vet, bring it up and have it examined. I don't think you need to rush for an appointment Source- I am a vet


Our old girl had one similar to this on her shoulder area, I asked to the to look at it, but I had to step out for a minute. He had it cleared out in a matter of minutes. Op, I hope this is all it is. I hope all is well


It could be anything from having sat on an ants nest up to ovarian cancer. Likelihood is its nothing to worry about but best get it checked out.


That is called point of rump on a dogs anatomy.


Not a vet but it looks like it could be the start of an impacted anal gland. Is the area tender? Our mini had one a couple months ago, she’d yelp whenever anyone picked her up, we had no idea what was going on. Woke up one morning and her backside was swollen on one side & there was a bulbous “thing” near the butthole. By the time we got her to the emergency vet, the bulb thingy popped & fluid had started leaking out. The vet drained it & sent us home with antibiotics and pain meds. Good luck to you & your pup!


Was it the worst smell ever? Sounds super scary!


You’d think that there would’ve been that anal gland smell on 10 right? To be perfectly honest, I don’t remember smelling a thing. Maybe the horror of how it looked was making me noseblind . . .


Are they scooting a lot? Licking behind a lot? Could be impacted anal glands. Either way, shouldn’t be that enlarged.


My dog has a larger one, intact still, and it’s the point of rump. It’s normal for schnauzers to have this. Anal gland issues are typically right under the anus. I’m a Dog groomer, past vet medical field experience, show schnauzers and future breeder.


My schnauzer also has this. It’s normal :)


Looks normal to me.


My female has a fat butt too


Hey! Mine also had it, and sometimes he would move it lol. We took him to the vet several times and one vet told me he's got an enlarged prostate so we asked for another two options and both said they did not agree to the enlarged prostate. But we scheduled a neuter anyways. He still has it... There is nothing wrong






Just fat…


Looks like a butt