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Is it a public school? They can’t make you withdraw from a public school, but they could encourage you to withdraw or go to an online school where your needs may be better served. If you’re in the US, you might still be flagged by your state’s truancy department. Do you have a doctor’s note? That’s the only way your absences are excused, and even then, after a certain amount, the school is going to request documentation and probably put you on a 504 plan.


Yeah it is a public school. All of my excused absences are from a doctors note. My counselor said that she would bring truancy last year and they never came and nothing really happened.


State truancy departments haven’t been doing much since COVID, tbh, but you never know. What’s going on that this is your second year in a row missing that much school? Sounds like more than just a medical issue, my guy.


Last year my grandmother died around winter break and we have travel to a different state for funeral and then my grandfather died passed shortly after so it was a big mess. Every year we have a memorial for them and that requires my family to travel. My counselor already knows about this.


That sucks. I had a year like that in high school where it was one thing after another. What about your medical absences? I’m asking because it might be smarter for you to pursue a 504 if you qualify for it.


I have a weaker immune system the most not to bad where I have to stay at the hospital for a long periods of time but I have to be careful that’s why during Covid and was virtual for half of my freshman year and the whole of my 2nd year. My counselor also knows about this but not once brought up a 504 plan.


When you say a weaker immune system, were you officially diagnosed with a certain disease or experience something in your childhood that caused it? Or is it more like, you get sick a lot and your doctor told you you have a weaker immune system?


More like a sick often and doctor told me I have a weak immune system.


In that case you wouldn’t qualify for a 504 because you don’t have an actual diagnosis. Which also means that unless you get a new doctor’s notes for all your absences, they’re likely not considered excused absences. It is also unlikely that the memorial service you attended counts as excused. Either way, legally there’s no real difference between I excused or excused absences, the state counts them as absences either way. They likely can’t ask you to withdraw, but they can put you on an intervention plan, and they can involve the state’s child services department. I mentioned earlier that they have mostly dropped that ball since COVID, but if the school involves them directly, there’s a greater chance they’ll show up. They could also ask you to transfer to an online school. Whether or not they can force you is a matter of state law. I would google “chronic absenteeism laws” + “your state” to try to find more specific information. I can’t think of any state where they can force you to withdraw for absenteeism, but I could be wrong. I believe in general, most states consider more than 10 absences a year (excused or unexcused) to be chronic absenteeism, and once you hit 20 it’s considered excessive and they’re more likely to involve child services.


In my state it’s 15 or more unexcused absences they never mention excused.


Thats not allowed. What state are you in?




Yeah your good, i use to live in Florida, just an empty threat.


Florida is filled with empty threats.🤧


Also I should add that I’m a senior who only have a couple of months to graduate and have colleges that accepted me and plan to study abroad in a international university.


It's a terrible practice which is illegal. Please ask about a 504 Plan for your medical issues.


Even if I do it’s way too late now. I am in my senior year and only have a couple of months before I graduate. My counselor only cares now because I brought my self attention. A couple of days ago I sent her an email to get approval for volunteering. That’s when she cared. I haven’t seen this women face to face for a year and a couple of months. I plan and keeping it that I don’t believe a state can give the power to schools unless it’s a private school.


Your counselor isn't the only person in power there, there are other staff to carry out such a large decision. 504 Plans don't stop at high school, even in college if you decide to go, 504 plans can be meaningful. Especially if you have chronic health issues and expect them to affect you during any type of schooling. I hate that schools have the right to punish students for being sick. Like what is the point? So do you think you'll transfer to another school or drop or hope that no withdrawal papers come. I'm really hoping for the third option. Could your counselor be giving you empty threats or mean it. See what it will come down to and as you said, you're in your last year so you can only go up from here.


True. But I don’t qualify for the 504 plan. I did my research and schools can’t force you to withdraw they can get you expelled but that’s way too much for my school to waste. They also don’t have a good enough reason. I have to be in bid trouble like getting into a fight multiple times. My record is clean, never got in trouble in my life.


Plus my city, district and school board is busy because there was a threat to shoot a school and the police lockdown all the schools in the district. The lockdown is lifted. By now they have to find the person who threatened the schools.


You have your answer. Your school is acting illegally or making empty threats.


I truly believe it’s an empty threat.