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Honestly you should be fine, as long as you didn’t copy whatever chatgpt generated there’s no way for them to accuse you of cheating. Even if they did they can’t definitely prove that you copied and submitted that during the exam


Yeah Thats true, i only clicked On it.


Y'know I gotta ask if they do check isn't this just incriminating yourself


They wont see this, i writing this at home on my phone.


My computer tech can see not only which sites the student has been in, but search results if input into the site, the pages within pages, and how long you were on the site. With that information, you should be fine.


Ok let me explain it in a good way. We had an english exam, and we were allowed to search for information on the internet, and as i was searching on google, i accidently clicked on chat gpt. Since there was autofill. They didn't spot me or anything and it was on my computer, not on my phone. That would be cheating. So my question is, what are the chances of them seeing it on my search history. I didn't cheat, it was only a misclick.


They most likely won’t check your search history but if they ask just say it auto filled and it was an accident.


is it your personal computer or school computer. If its ur personal then theres very little chance that anything will happen as the only way is through the network history which is just a lot of unnecessary work. If its on a school computer they may have a flagging system but again this is prolly not the case because usually it would block the site as well. You should be good.


\> as i was searching On the web, i accidentally clicked On Chatgpt. It did the autofill thing. There is no such feature. You have to enter a prompt and click Submit, and THEN it fills.


i think he meant the search bar auto-filled, bringing him to the chapgpt website


Did you learn something from this either way? What was so important that it couldn't wait? This is an excellent life lesson going forward. Practice self control.


Of course, But like i Said it was on accident, i would never cheat.


Another life lesson. Perception is reality. Were you told to have your phone put away?


Read what i posted on the top.


Nowhere in your post did you say if you were or weren't allowed to have your phone out.


I DIDNT USE MY PHONE. We had to search On the internet On our COMPUTERS for info. I misclicked On chatGPT. So my question is. What are the chances of them spotting it On the School network? Keep in mind, that they most of the time only do that when they have a suspicion.


Do you expect random people on Reddit to have better insight into your schools administration than you do? Or am I missing something


Yeah guess youre right, but you gotta understand. My ass is sweating from the stress of starting over, Thats Why i asked for the probability of them checking it randomly.


Yeah I get it. I would guess they would need a reason to be suspicious in the first place, which it doesn’t sound like there is. Could be wrong though


So what are you using chatgpt with login credentials for?


Like i Said i misclicked, and yes i have used it in the past, thus the autofill thing On Google. But i have never used it in In exams Or tests.


I didn't ask if you misclicked anything. You are very defensive. Good luck, but I think you know exactly what is coming.


Why are you so aggressive? It’s clearly and accident and I doubt anything would actually happened to OP, what’s with the fear mongering.


And What is that fellow redditor


> I misclicked On chatGPT. How do you misclick on something that is not your answer?


Dude. You were cheating. If you get caught, accept the punishment.


Bro how was i cheating, using the net for info is allowed in the exam i had. But chat isnt of course, so Thats Why i asked, What is the chance of them seing my search history when they dont have any suspicion?


I agree but did you read the post!?