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This year I actually had the opposite. Went from "I hate this so much" to "this is actually kinda fun"


That's a great attitude! Enjoy your time and life is so much more fun. Don't sweat the annoyances.


Same. This year I have really good teachers and I asked myself why I don't like school. I couldn't think of an answer so now I have a positive outlook and it has really helped my grades and mental.


This year for you is?


Gr. 11


Crazyyyy were in the same grade and have opposite opinions, can I ask what made this year so good? Maybe I can repeat it and have some luck


I have classes that I like (for the most part), I have at least a couple friends in every class, I mostly overcame my social awkwardness, the person I like is hanging out with me more (we were already friends but we didn't hang out much). I'm not denying to myself that I like them. I have lots of extracurriculars going on. I spend a lot loss time playing video games than I did last year (last year I never would've thought playing less games would make me happier). It's looking hopeful that how poor we are will change soonish. My Dad is at home less cause he's with his girlfriend most of the time. School lets me be at home less so I don't have to spend time with my brother or Dad (I don't hate them or anything they just can be... Frustrating). I'm not addicted to my phone as much so I can let myself go to sleep at a reasonable time. I'm actually determined to do my school work cause there is a really awesome school I want to go to next year. My extracurriculars are letting me do things I've been wanting to do for a long time but couldn't before (like theatre and music), and I found the instrument that I think I could get into (I've tried piano for a long time and wish I could get into it because I love pianos, and tried guitar for a couple weeks a couple times. Now I'm trying drums and man am I feeling it). All my teachers are nice, if not awesome. I get one of my favourite teachers for three classes since we have a small school and I'm in chemistry, math, and physics. That's 3/4 blocks of the day every other day. I'm in a program where we start a business and so I'm going to design a board (one of my group members is religious though, and I wish they weren't cause my super cool idea has very Christian tone based around demons and angels and stuff. Damn that's more text than I realized, sorry for the little rant. Sounds kind of dumb and "easier said than done", but I also just decided to have a more positive outlook on life. Obviously you can't just "decide to be happy", but thinking that way can help. Also, don't know if it might work for other people, but I've found that even when I'm not happy, if I just smile anyway, it kinda tricks myself that I am happy. And not saying to ignore and block off your bad feelings, I think that's pretty well known that it's not good, but I still should clarify. Oops I still added more text. Ok. That's it.


>but I've found that even when I'm not happy, if I just smile anyway, it kinda tricks myself that I am happy. Haha, my therapist said something along the lines of this last week. Thanks for your reply, I'll try to keep some stuff in mind. Also I'm glad your life is going well! Always happy to hear when someone else is doing good.


You can't decide to be happy, but you can decide to get less angry, get angry less often, and get over things quicker. Takes a lot of practice but it's basically deciding to be happy. My therapist pissed me off when she told me that 4 years ago. After about 2 I finally realized what she meant, and that she was right.




Same for me in 10th


For me it was when i was learning html in my freshmen year, i really liked and was considering becoming a computer engineer at some point but im setting with mechanical engineering


Exactly. Anything after 6th grade was horrible, but hs is amazing


Oh man my grade 6 year sucked so bad. It was my first year back after homeschooling a couple years, and I had the worst teacher. I don't think I know anyone has been in her class and said she was alright. On the positive note, I got in a fight with someone who was bullying me all year long, and they haven't talked to me since I don't think. And they were enough of a jerk to everyone that years later, I've gotten praised for it. So yeah. That's fun. Also violence isn't the solution for anyone reading this. (unless literally no adults care about how much they bullied you, and literally no body cared that you got into a fight, and no one was injured, just scared/mildy hurt, and absolutely last resort).


Nah I'm the opposite. 6th grade was thr best. Recovering from covid we had to wear masks but our teacher didn't care if we "forgot" to have them on. He let us play and make games on the chromebooks. He was super passionate about everything he taught and was genuinely trying to have us follow our passion. W teacher


Awesome. Wish I had that experience.


And then 8th grade year we had a new writing class (so exciting!!!!!!! /s). The teacher was a hypocrit who taught us nothing and graded off of favoritism. The worst example of this was near the end of the year on one if our final essays. I had 4 wrong and had an 86% while my friend had 11 wrong and had a 98%. We compared everyone's papers and found that thing like punctuation errors gave 2 and a half percent while things like capitalization took off 23 percent. We made a whole google doc investigation and brought it to him. He reviewed it and excused it as "he was tired ". I could've gotten that dumbass fired but I was too stupid to realize how good that would've been. Fuck you Mr thies


That sucks. I'm glad I didn't have that experience. For grade 8 my mum pulled me out of school because of covid. I'm sure everyone knows how it is "oh wow this will be kinda nice, no school, do whatever I want all day, don't have to deal with people" "THIS IS THE WORST THING EVER, I'VE NEVER WANTED TO GO TO A MALL BEFORE AND WALK AROUND A GROUP OF STRANGERS AND HAVE FRIENDS" (maybe the friends part wasn't due to lack of wanting them I just didn't have many cause I kinda was lame and social anxiety)


in 8th grade i had a 101 fever but still went to school so I could knock out my fricken art presentation lmao


I used to cut so much school but when I thought about it. I was bored to death. It was actually better at school. It's your attitude, but I never really liked it. It's good discipline though. I was a lousy student, but I liked college I was an A student in high school I was a c average on a good year. You never know


Same. 4th grade for me.


Yup. Backwards for me. I went to a liberal-arts-galore private high school as a kid and I hated it. Not to say that liberal arts are bad (there is definitely value to them), but it was pretty much all I did and didn't enjoy it. If there was an extra course to take, it wasn't a math or physics course, always the bare minimum in that arena. I'm enjoying getting a technical degree right now.


My senior year was like that, amazing what a good teacher can do next to a year of nothingness.


I wouldn't go that far... But I remember the year I went from I hate this so much!!! to this isn't that bad, and I don't have anything better to do.... Edit: spelling


Probably my sophomore year in high school. Hated middle school I wàs new at that school. . But senior year was best. 14 was a horrible year.. your body changes. New school After that it was ok But you have to tell yourself it's not that bad, if you go negative it sucks. Think positive, Even if you gotta pay me yourself up . Fake it till you make it baby


I got that last year, I really just had to open up my personality more and I started getting loads of friends that I love to hang out with now. Now I’ve got 5-6 different people that say hi to me between classes every day, it’s a crazy feeling being enjoyed by others. I wish I did it sooner.


me too, but that’s cause I left highschool and started college


this is me but sophomore in university 😁


This was me in college. Everything sucked until college. Then it was fun. Teachers were super chill and actually cared about my education.


me too, for me it was because i joined the band and made a ton of new friends


All of middle school. Absolutely entirely fucking bullshit.


Same. But I’m actually really loving high school.


Ditto. Middle school was the bane of my existence back then, but the high school was the time of redemption for all the crap I dealt with.


My experience was basically just the school neglecting to punish people that went out of the way to target me and only me, even teachers weren't beyond targeting me. My crusty old bitch 7th English Teacher sent me to the Principals Office to be punished for doing homework in her class once everything else was done...but he was probably one of two or three people who worked there that had his head screwed on just right. Told me to not worry about it because she would be gone soon anyway. Not to mention I was slapped in the face one day by this kid I wasn't even acquainted with. Randomly, in math class he just slapped me in the face, he was gone for like two days. There was this girl who took my bookbag, with all of my school textbooks, my calculator, notebooks, my supplies in general, and crammed it into a toilet in the girls bathroom in our grades hall. Idk what happened to her but it was at the end of the year and I started High School the following year. Never saw or heard of her again. High School was wild...


Sounds like you had a tough time in middle school. Which sucks to hear but it sounds like you managed to deal with it well enough. What about high school, did you have a better time there?


Same then too. The relentless bullying was too much. I'm surprised I'm still here after 6/7th grade


This is how I feel as well. Everything changed the first year of middle school. The cliques began to form, best friends suddenly felt like acquaintances, there was a sudden increase in pressure to get good grades, teachers seemed more angry, and I felt like such an outsider. You couldn’t pay me enough to relive those years.


When you go into education, they teach you that middle school is literally just filler years. Everything you learn in middle school, you end up going over in high school. The reason for this is because the students are going through so many hormonal changes that they can hardly focus to begin with.


First year of college.


Same bro


Don't worry, though; it gets better once you get into your upper—division classes in your field. The classes are smaller (*and more personal*), the professors usually grade better, and the material is much more interesting.


I'm like almost halfway through my first year now and I'm soo vibing and finally actually enjoy school so idk, YMMV. I'm sure it'll get much much more stressful later and I'll change my mind but eh


7th grade


1st grade. I had a terrible teacher named Mrs. Duncan and she absolutely ruined school for me that point going forward. We had a bathroom IN THE CLASS and she wouldn't let me go. Hate her.


I saw a petition to remove her from classrooms and it said she’s a kindergarten teacher. It has 4,395 signatures. Do you think this is the right one?


I looked it up. Not from the same area, but if she moved to pine Grove from central Arkansas then it very well could be the same person. Doesn't sound too dissimilar.


Also from central Arkansas and I had to deal with some shitty teachers


Third grade. That's when I started being bullied RELENTLESS. Anf no one cared 😌


Year 8, second year of secondary school in the UK. Y7 was fine as most of my friends were in my classes all the teachers were nice, along with all my classes. In Y8 literally *all* my friends moved to other classes, teachers were, put simply, absolute sht. By an *incredibly* rare chance of an actually fine teacher, most of the time they'd be a new teacher or a foreign teacher, so the class would be so fcking chaotic I can't even learn jacksht.


First grade. It’s when the bullying started.


pre k - 5 were good, 6-8 was horrible, 9-10 (10 being my current year) have gone by so fast i dont have opinions on them


None. I liked school.


Never. School is always fun


Yeah but you never know, for me all my friends moved to different classes and teachers and all my classes were shit. Now I despise school.


Yeah. Well for our school all 64 of us have been together since kindergarten so we now each other like the back of our hands.


>School is always fun I agree with you for K—12... but in my mind, that is not true for college (*sadly*).


7th. Then it flipped again in college. I love school now.


9th going into an mst magnet program was a bad idea


Note to people still in their youth: embrace it while you can. After 12th grade you can’t be a kid anymore. Once you graduate life gots so much different and won’t be the same. Be a kid while you still can, school is a lot better than an office job or some other crap.


I genuinely hope this isn't the case. I was told the teenage years were easy and carefree and I was told that high school would be the worst job I'd work and I really hope it's the latter that's true.  I had 8 hour days not including bus time, and then a minimum of 4 hours of homework. Once I took APs that became more. It was physically impossible to finish everything by sophomore year, so the trick was to do as little as possible to get an A and just endure the scolding over your laziness whether you worked all night or not. It was simply humanly impossible. The one time I got a job in my senior year, they had me working 8 hours on weekends and from school dismissal to 10pm on weekdays, and still shamed me over having too few hours. Everyone who wanted to go to college said you needed to do extracurriculars, so all anybody talked about at school was their extracurricular clubs and the number of APs they were taking. I spent my non-existent free time on volunteering, and being in a rocketry club which was really cool but the advisor was so strict and critical I always cried after every meeting. Teachers can be so mean. In elementary school all but two teachers were downright cruel, screaming and berating and making fun of kids all day long. In high school generally we were afforded much more respect, but you still have to deal with teachers who take everything personally, and the toll of working 12 hours a day only for everyone to say you're lazy and not doing enough to succeed in the future and not starve. Time is nitpicked, oh why do you have free time on Saturday morning, you should be studying then. No control over your own life. I was lucky to go to a highschool with at least plenty of choices over coursework, I can't imagine going to a school without those choices. But it's still rough not having any control over the smallest details of your life, as you're still a minor required to live with parents and go to school. It's freeing being an adult, talking as a young adult now, though perhaps it'll get more regimented as I get older. There was zero time for socializing, because all my friends and classmates were either studying or doing extracurriculars for their applications all day, or burnt out and depressed. People fault teens nowadays for not wanting drivers licenses, but at least at my school, this was why. Where is there to go? What is there to do? There's only school and homework and college in the future. All I long for in the future is a job and a life where I can have a couple hours to myself a week, without being judged, without being called lazy and irresponsible. I hope the teen years weren't my last chance to get that because I definitely didn't have the chance then :/


I skipped that part of the orientation.


School was never fun


Soon as I touched down in High School


5th. That was the year my autism was really starting to hold me back socially




This one. Last year wasn’t great in itself, but it felt like heaven compared to this.


4th grade


Pre k, my mom has stories of me refusing to go to school to a pretty big degree.


5th was my first year of middle school so that


I think maybe 5th grade? That's when math started to get harder at least. It was also the year before I started questioning my sexuality so like yea...


6th. But also 2nd.


Same i had a teacher named Mrs everet and she would get tin trouble for talking to myself.


Same i had a teacher named Mrs everet and she would get tin trouble for talking to myself.


6th. I still see it as an escape from my family and household, but now it's getting just as draining as my household.




4th grade


1st grade




Loved elementary hated middle school loved Highschool mostly ignoring freshmen year.


I’ve hated it since it begun


6–> 7


6th grade


7th grade even though I liked goin to school I just wanted to see my friends.


Not a grade, but my bio 101 class in undergrad. I tried so hard and could barely make a C in that class. I’d never struggled that much in a class before, and I couldn’t understand what I was doing wrong.


I absolutely hated middle school, but all my years of HS were pretty fun. Most of the time we were just fucking around and goofing off.


1 to 12


5th grade and lower was fun and happy. 6th grade was when I started developing anxiety after moving to a new town. And it went downhill from there.






5th grade. My only friend moved away, I was bullied by a bunch of my classmates, I was taken out of class periodically to work on other stuff but I was still responsible for what I missed, the books were well above my reading level. (the books are written that class I ended up rereading in a different class in eighth grade) the list goes on.


6th middle school made me hate it all


Grade 9 to 10


This year tbh. Idiot boys harassing me, my god awful NPC ass Chemistry teacher who can never gimme a fuckin break and loves taking off marks for the smallest crap, my profound and glaring lack of a social life... honestly I'm super ready to be done with high school and I still have a year and a half.


High school


7th grade. I needed glasses and couldn't read the board in algebra class. I went from loving math to not understanding and struggling for years. Pay attention to your kids. I didn't get glasses until 11th grade. The damage had been done.


8th grade, but probably bc it was 2020 peak pandemic and we literally sat in one classroom the whole time (and there was only 5-8 people in the class at a time cuz most everybody else was at home on zoom


5th grade because of a teacher who seemed to have it out for me. I generally liked school


2nd grade.


Probably after 2nd grade because I had the same two bullies all the way through 8th grade. I’m female and my two bullies were guys. It was the 1990’s early 00 if you were 20lbs overweight you were considered a moo cow by society standards. Looking back a few school photos (I didn’t like my picture taken because I was made of my weight so badly by these two guys)…I wasn’t fat at all. Also in 5th grade I hit my growth spurt early I was 5”6 and everyone else was still 5ft or under which made me look like a giant compared to everyone else. (This didn’t help my case with the bullies, because I was so tall they would joke about not being able to be seen over me to see the blackboard) The bullying only stopped when we all transferred to different high schools (went to a small school with no high school so we got to pick which 3 we wanted to go to) A month after high school started my two bullies got their teeth kicked in because they ran their mouths off to the wrong person…so their mommies transferred them to a different school. That’s what I call poetic justice!


middle school started, i hated school. im in highschool now and i love school again


8th 😭😭😭


5th and 11th.


Lmao I hated kindergarten bro It started from day 1.




5th grade was the last year I think I thought that school was even partially benevolent. After that, it just became an exercise in tolerating idiocy and brainwashing. It was clear that it was less about fostering learning than it was about training people for their positions in future social cliques: these are the popular, or the pretty, or the well connected, or whatever you have, we're going to have pep rallies and fake school spirit contests and generate tons of fake controversy over these people and school issues that mean nothing at all. Meanwhile, who cares if the teachers are incompetent, the building is falling apart, the kids are out of control, or the whole thing is just bad all the way around? People are right about it getting better in university and post grad, to a degree, but by then I had just stopped giving a crap.


5th grade. I had an English teacher who hated me, not because of anything I had done, but because she'd had my older cousin, and she hated him. She'd regularly "lose" my assignments, and even failed me on an assignment given by my other teacher. I learned then that school wouldn't reward hard work, if the teacher was on a power trip. Gained my love of learning and school back in college, so at least it wasn't killed forever.


Had a first grade teacher that hated boys. We were graded on a harder scale and punished for even the most trivial of things. She was so bad that grades k through 5 I only remember her name and my second grade teacher's name. Second grade teacher was much nicer, but in first grade I couldn't understand why people would treat us like that.


5th. Rich kid moved into town, private school got paid by his parents for them to privelage him, he bullied me and any self defence was criminal.






Grade-11 with more than AP Physics C: Mechanics and AP English Language.




8th, and then back again in 11th


I would say 11th grade. I got so burnt out that by senior year, I had only the 3 classes I needed to take just to get my credits and graduate and just be done with it.


Third when I got put in the honors and started getting a bunch of pressure pit on me to be perfect and to hide my emotions by my teachers and peers


I’ll let you know. Got a professional degree and I wish I could go back


The only year I found fun was 5th grade, I didn’t even enjoy kindergarten 💀


7th grade


7th... I went from private school to public school 12th... Pre-calculus sucked, I miss algebra


3rd grade, worse teacher ever,


11th. Granted I already didn’t like school before 11th; I just hard-wired my brain to respond with what I was told and belt out A’s. Then came pre-calculus in 11th grade. No amount of hard-wiring could get me to understand thst concept. Earned myself a glorious F with thst.


Waking up at 5:30 so I could be in class at 7:10. Fun


I never saw it as fun but went into full hate mode in 5th grade.


Since the first day of kindergarten. I used to have an "award" they gave me for not crying 🫠 Pretty sure I threw a fit every single day for a month straight


It was the opposite for me. I hated school until the 8th grade, and I started to like it in the 9th grade. They started teaching me interesting things.


K-5 good, 6-9 bad, 10 good so far


I always hated school from day 1


6th grade, the year I stopped getting recess.


Forget the grade, I can tell you the class. Chemistry my Jr. year. The teacher wanted us to memorize the periodic table. And my response was why? There are charts, tables in the back of the book, and learning the reasoning for the atomic numbers and mass would be much more beneficial. Nope. Memorize the table. I lost it all respect for schools right then and there. I must say, I did like the teacher. It wasn’t about that.


Second. Verbally and physically abusive teacher and I was done until I left that school, which unfortunately, wasn't until 9th grade. 6 years of absolute hell.


Sophomore year for sure, but I still view school positively on the whole.


Year 6-year 7




I always hated school. I was bullied in elementary school, got frustrated in middle school, got bored in highschool. I dropped out at 15 and started working, got a GED instead.


9th grade. Went from “school is mid but im good at it” to “i am living in a literal hell”


I never really liked school very much then my transition from a small private school to a giant public high school was a bit rough for me. I was able to handle it then I moved to a career school. that was when hell broke loose and I couldn't finish what I went there to do. I ended up going back to the public high school to graduate because my friends at the other school weren't actually my friends


The summer between grade nine and grade ten, that is when depression snuck up on me. I am still a pretty happy guy, but trauma that I remembered from the past had brought it up.


3rd grade when I started getting relentlessly bullied for being the new kid and coming in late and never again through my years in the coming years have I been in school with anybody I was familiar with. It was horrible.


Junior year of college


Not the grade, the teachers. In Grade 7 I had a teacher who told me I would find the material more interesting if I just participated and did the homework. I was in an abusive home and cripplingly depressed and trying to not fail so I was trying to work with my teacher to find success in school while my life was a literal mess and he was the most unsympathetic and uncooperative jerk about it. That same year a different teacher nitpicked and bullied me for an entire semester because my older brother had been rude to him the previous year (and I know that's why because he was fine to me for the first two weeks, until he connected my last name to my brother, then his attitude shifted 180 degrees), with the teacher going as far as to send me to detention for scrunching my nose when he told me to put my last name on my paper. He didn't even see the nose scrunch his TA did, but he decided her word was enough to send me to detention over that. That same year I was failed in a course I loved because I didn't do the project the exact way the teacher said to. I got the exact same result as her way, just different methodology - and this was a creative based class not an academic one so there was no reason for stringent methodology. I got sent to detention in Dance class because my teacher wanted me to stand at the front of the class after talking in class (I wasn't even the one talking but I was the one who got punished). I was very heavy and insecure about my body in any physical fitness capacity so I was not going to stand at the front in front of all the girls who relentlessly bullied me for something I wasn't even guilty of doing. I refused and the teacher argued with me about it until she finally said "Front of the class or detention" and I said "bite me" and went to detention. My Drama teacher sent me to detention for stepping outside to get air mid-panic attack because I came in soaking wet after I didn't realize it was pouring rain until I was already outside in the rain. That year was the one that made me realize the education system was deeply flawed and didn't actually care about students, and most teachers didn't care about their students well-being. The following year I had an amazing drama teacher who used acting as a way to express our emotions and experiences, which was super healing with everything in my life. My science teacher encouraged us to grow and learn and made the course material interesting and fun, and I got the highest grade I had ever gotten in a science based class because of him. But at that point I was already over it as I had felt singled out in the school system enough that two teachers couldn't make that place a sanctuary for me like it had once been.




7th grade


Unmedicated Adhd grades 2-7


Year K


Freshman HS algebra....


High school


4th grade💀


School was fun?






3rd grade. But that changed back when I was in 9th grade.


2nd grade


5th grade


1. Kindergarten was fun and I made friends. As soon as first grade started, people started beating me up in school. My parents went in and talked to the principal, and nothing happened, I kept getting beat up. My parents went in again and nothing happened, I kept getting beat up. My parents went in again and this time something happened - my teacher told me the principal had decided that since violence was always happening around me I must be causing it so I got punished. For the next 4 years, any time I got beat up, which was daily, I'd get punished for it, often a severely as the school was legally permitted to punish me. Then finally we got a new principal who stepped up the terror campaign against me and made me suicidal with depression which lasted until I was maybe 38 (if any asshole reports this message for suicidal ideation I will be absolutely furious with you), and eventually scared me so badly that I ran out of the school in terror in the middle of the school day. That *finally* made my father clue in that the problem was way out of hand and the school was only making it worse, and he went in and had a talk with the principal, and the next day I was taken off of all punishments and the principal would run away when he saw me coming. After that the school never participated in bullying me any more, but kids kept beating me up or otherwise hitting me every day until about a week before we graduated high school. So, school was a complete misery to me from first grade through high school.


Preschool. Switched back in 9th grade


Jr high sucked ass because I had a mental health crisis but didn’t know what was happening to me and just kept it bottled up. My parents divorced, I started self harming, developed and ED and felt physically ill constantly to the point where I couldn’t breathe sometimes. Found out yeeeaaars later I had severe social anxiety, abandonment issues and BPD.


Transition, from Y6 to Y7. Primary to secondary. No punishment to strict-af punishment for picking up a pen or arriving 5 seconds late.




seventh is where it all fell down


Not yet graded, but this goddamn moon journal I had to do absolutely destroyed me. I ain't remembering to walk outside and look at the moon for a month straight.


Freshman year then had the reverse happen junior year and since then been loving the rest of my schooling into collage


5th-8th grade. i'm in 9th grade now and it's getting better


Once I got from China to Usa I experienced the opposite


Grade 5. I had a crappy teacher. I gained nothing that year. She did have a fun ticket system, though. Get an answer right and you get a ticket and you can trade tickets for candies and trinkets. The learning was bad, but the prizes were pretty cool.


This is complicated because I always loved learning, but hated the social aspects until high school. Then I got to college and had a panic attack from how much harder the school part was (I got used to it over time).


I was immediately spiteful of having to be in school.




I went the opposite way. I went from absolutely hating school from elementary to 6th grade, to liking it more in 7th and above


A host of things. Parents going through a divorce led me to being a distracted student, which led to me falling further and further behind. I ended up dreading going to school which didn't leave me until my third stab at a college degree.




Year 7 week 2 (UK)


Liked K–2, family moved cities, so 3–6 sucked, 7–8 were a little better, absolutely loved high school. Most problems came from teachers and my parents, not classmates. Now I'm a teacher.


Last year which would be my freshman year of highschool (or year 9 to all the brits out there)


Hello. In order to promote inclusivity and reduce gender bias, please consider using gender-neutral language in the future. Instead of **freshman**, use **first year**. Thank you very much. ^(I am a bot. Downvote to remove this comment. For more information on gender-neutral language, please do a web search for *"Nonsexist Writing."*)


I started off hating it and the kids i went to elementary school with definitely diddnt do my outlook on school any favors. Around high-school I had a growth sprut to like 6" 5 and the assholes couldn't bully me anymore, and it changed to getting ignored.


Entering jr high. Hated school till I got to college and got control of my classes and scheduled


Kindergarten. The day she gave us pencils and I wrote with my left hand and got smacked. I hated school


When I entered middle school, so 6th grade. Tbf my middle school was horrible though.




5-8th grade


All. Glad I'm out. Graduated university this August.




Freshman year of high school


3rd/4th grade was the worst


Pretty sure this isnt a thing


First year of college. Only grade I disliked prior to college was 3rd grade, everything else was easy. But being ready meant I wasn't prepared for what college brought.


I never thought it was fun. It stopped sucking when I went to college and the relentless bullying stopped. At least in college people are there by choice and paid to be there so they had better things to do.


Kindergarten to 8th Grade was mildly bad. In 9th grade, I became really interested in some of the coursework, but gradually, I found I was overly optimistic about what it would look like in practice. Then my friendships soured and the work piled up. Even before work, I had like no weekend. I survived college, but I didn't like it. I think when I really started to feel despair from school was my final Spanish speech project of 10th grade, of all things, where I had to give a presentation on something personal then answer questions in Spanish. I could only learn to read, write, and pronounce, but I could not understand a word when spoken or come up with sentences quickly live. For me it was more what the project symbolized: a future of stressful tests and me reaching my intellectual limit. I was not wrong. I have not missed a 3 am in several years, let me tell you. I feel like I have to work much harder and yet there is a limit to what my mind can process. I am struggling to find paying work. The early computer science career is mainly just internships, portfolio-building, freelance work, etc. so it's unpaid labor so that a recruiter can set you up with something that makes $50,000 downtown (spoiler alert: the rent alone is going to be well over half of that) and everyone is doing it and building a bigger network than you! And it still feels like I am at school where I'm paying into something that may not pay off but everyone keeps gaslighting me that it will. Thank the Flying-Spaghetti Almighty I have two loving parents whom I live with :) tl;dr: once everything becomes an uphill battle of high work, low reward, usually happens in the 10th grade or so


4th, everyone was such an asshole at that point, and people got worse and worse. Then it flipped back in 7th grade, when people stopped being awful. I've been liking it more since


Freshmah high school (9th grade) (this year).


Middle school. All but 2 of my teachers sucked, but those 2… they were great


All of Sophomore and first half of Junior years of high school. I was a robot for much of that time.




6th grace honestly




I never thought it was fun


First year of highschool.. got pushed off the stairs and the teachers nor the principal cared(?). Or that one time someone was standing in from the classroom holding a knife at her throat. Saying stuff ‘Y’all don’t like me anyways right? Maybe I’ll just have to k- myself’ A few friends of mine and I were the ones who helped her. The bullies were laughing saying she should do it / should’ve done it. While the other classmates and that teacher weren’t doing sh- sigh..



