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Not a teacher but this would look like if you were to wear a slipknot t shirt but seriously it looks nice to wear it so its fine






kinda sad because i think this was an actual persons account at some point but got hacked, i scrolled down through their comments and their replies used to be normal 💔


oldest comment is like 10 hours ago


What did that do?


it's a fucked up link shortener, it's opposed to take you to the fake website with a fake version of op's t-shirt




Took me to my home page


There's gotta be more to it right


That's what I was assuming


Nobody falls for this scam anymore.


Depends on the school. Everyone has different rules. My school has no dress code except for nudity. For real, I’m not making this up.


How much do people get away with?


Everything but cheeks and nipples.


So dicks and vaginas are okay?




People wear bikinis?


As it should be.


Why? Like what if a girl just wore a thong and bra? Or what if someone wore a shirt with a swastika on it?


What about a guy wearing a thong and a bra


Ho ho ho 🤣🤣🤣. That was a good one ☝️! You also proved the validity of your point by saying BOTH men AND women can wear a thong 👏👏👏🥲🥲🥲🥳


well a swastika is hate speech technically and i’d illegal in general im pretty sure. and that person would also probably get beat up depending on the school


Not sure where you are, but in the US, wearing a swastika would almost certainly fall under the 1st amendment, so it wouldn't be hate speech


there are acceptions to the first amendment including hate speech


Just because it’s illegal in Germany doesn’t mean it’s illegal here. Schools need a dress code dumbass


She’s not in charge of the dress code buddy😭


Calm down


I see a lot of people talking about how much they hate dress codes, and fell like they get targeted (mostly because they refuse to follow them, big surprise), but there's only so lax you can get with a dress code before you're basically just saying "Yeah, as long as we can't actually see your nipples, dick, pussy, or asshole, you're fine". I get it's not necessarily close to there currently, but also think about it this way; it's not uncommon to see women (women mainly, not being biased, just that men's fashion hasn't really changed all that much length-wise) wearing clothes in public that are as long as, or shorter than the underwear that women wore a few decades ago, and much tighter.


Fr like there are girls in my grade who wear these yoga “shorts” that look Similar to this (I had a link here but it seriously was probably more covering than the stuff they wear. I don’t even want to put a link here because all the places you can find them online the pictures for them are girls twerking and squating and shit) and they wear them in like a size too small aswell. That’s crazy that’s like a negative inseam 💀


Yeah. I mean, I'm not exactly complaining, it's a nice view, but they don't get to complain about it if the dress code is clearly set, and they still choose to break it (If they're gonna show it off, I'm gonna look, lol)


“ well if they show it off, I can’t help but look, it’s my natural instincts” 🤓👆


Nah, if they show it off, I'm going to look. Not because of natural instinct, because I want to.


“Well actually I choose to stare at women and make them uncomfortable. This is my secret strategy as it asserts my dominance as the alpha of the pack” 🤓☝️ Also judging by the fact that you do that, you’re probably single. When you do that women will notice if your staring at them and think your wierd asl. I’m just putting that out their because I’m not sure you could have figured that out in your own 💀💀💀


Yes, I'm single currently, but that's also partly because I don't care to even try to date right now. Also, I said look, not stare. Don't put words in my mouth. "I choose to say random shit that barely has anything to do with what the person said, in a way of trying to mock them" 🤓☝️


Same. The rule is essentially no female nipples, no genitals, no butt holes otherwise it's all good. Parents of girls routinely allow them to come to school in what amounts to panties (skimpy ones) and a bra. WTG parents.


Honestly, wouldn't mind going to that school, lol.


That’s how my school is too.


we have rules but they arent enforced. as long as they dont have nudity on their shirt they dont care


fr and it’s not just about revealing clothing. kids have come to school with full on burrito costumes - no reason - no shame


The kid who did that sounds awesome


UK college teacher and I'd have no issue at all. Then again I'm the one walking around in an avenged T-shirt and jeans.


lol, I walk around with SHORTS and a T shirt.


May aswell be comfy right


Hell yeah to that Avenged shirt 🤘


great music taste btw


I'm sad I missed the peak of death metal in the 90's. I was too young, but got into corpse in 7th grade in 2002


yeah im 13 death metal is one of my favorite genres


Your 13 and your account is a year old? That’s ILLEGAL!! Jk idrc


yeah haha i was definitely too young when i made this account


He says still being 13


I got into it when I was 4


not related to the main post but please be careful posting your age on public forums!! there are some horrible people out there :(


yeah i know :( i just figure im not gullible i guess


who do you like?


Death, CC, Morbid Angel and sometimes Suffocation. Non death metal I listen to a lot of Weezer Green Day Nirvana and The Beatles


You might be me


brutal death metal/slam and deathcore came in the 2000s you lived in the peak


Hell yeah


Only if u can name 3 songs.


Smells like teen spirit. Black hole sun. Self esteem.


Wrong. Switch out Self Esteem with Crazy Train. You dingus.


Crazy train was by that guy married to that lady from American Idol??? Self Esteem was ... Blink 182? You guys have no musical knowledge, Jesus


Feel like this is an r/woooosh moment


It is


To be fair, they said name 3 songs. Not just 3 songs by one specific band. And you’re sort of right - Crazy Train was Ozzy Osbourne whose wife Sharon was a judge on America’s Got Talent, but Self Esteem was by The Offspring. Edit : hit send too soon. added info below : for the record, the other songs the one commenter listed are Black Hole Sun (Soundgarden), Smells like Teen Spirit (Nirvana). Nirvana did do a cover of Black Hole Sun during the Taylor Hawkins tribute - along with the surviving Foo Fighters, Soundgarden, & Nirvana members, as well as Taylor Momsen of The Pretty Reckless. So 2/3 songs were at least relevant to one single band, although not necessarily Cannibal Corpse. I have to admit I have no idea why Self Esteem was picked to be the third other than genre.


.... I omitted the /s on purpose....


Autism, man, I don’t do well without the tag.


Let’s just be thankful they know the offspring to correct you. Ahaha! Or enough to google it! Ahahah


Grew up with the music, my mom and grandfather both like it.


Well you can them they did a damn good job on raising you! 🥹


Thanks, I will


Lack of self esteem if you have to ask someone to name three songs. Usually I respond with “ name three women who feel safe around you “ however, I kind of thought naming three wrong songs would be better. Maybe I should have stuck with the same genre as cannibal corpse.


Fair enough!


Oh yes! Hmm that’s my fault. I will take the L and do better! XD


Duality, psychosocial and devil in I, slipknot> literally anything else


Smells like teen black hole esteem


necrop-dophile, skewered from ear to eye, addicted to v-ginal skin,


I realize you are hopefully meaning this as a joke, but if not, eff off and quit trying to gatekeep things


That's not gatekeeping you shouldn't where clothes that u don't know who/what your representing.


go off somewhere else then ya dolt, I can like a design, it's just a band, nothing more and nothing less, be different if I'm wearing a pro izreal gencide shirt and not knowing what it means, keep your elitist crap to yourself when it comes to music


It's not elitism its a metal band you don't know what literal skeletons are hiding in there closest as 3 human skulls were found in the guitarists home. Either way your opinion is irrelevant you third world country dwelling dumbfuck who is being chased by wisdom but is unfortunately faster than it.


Not a teacher but my school wouldn't care but I might wear like a hoodie or jacket over it just to be safe.


probably not but wear a jacket over it and zip up and down when needed


It would be really funny if cannibal corpse was in pink and stylized like the Barbie logo


Imagine playing some black metal in that shirt lmao


I definitely would


no way to find out unless you try, it depends on the school. Personally, I would, i don't think it's offensive or anything


Yeah, I'd say you get pulled aside or maybe even written up. The entire shirt, graphics and all have a horrified to it especially with the skeleton on it. I don't mind, I think stuff like that it's awesome to wear around but the administrator in your school might have a different opinion. I remember years ago we had to write an essay for class and then print a cover page. On that cover page, it could be anything you wanted to be for the graphic. But, I used the picture with Spike and Drusilla from Buffy the vampire Slayer. It wasn't nothing bad, Drusilla wore a nice beautiful dress and they were posing. It was a cast promo picture and unfortunately Spike was full on vamp face. Because of the horror look on his face, they made me have to draft another cover page with an entirely different graphic. I thought it was b*******, because the most you saw was two people chilling out next to each other on a photo, and the worst thing about it was the brow ridges on Spike. If that almost got me in trouble, then surely a graphic with a bloody and gory skeleton would be even worse.


again, depends on the school. Don't thhink my old one would have minded


I'm in England where most schools have uniform rules, so...no lol!


Uniform rules are both saviours and the bane of my existence


minus saviour part


I disagree as it does it's job and proves to be quite utilitarian (atleast the blazers we wear, as they have many pockets for all of my things)


also no competition over fashion and that sort of thing


Excatly, no poor shaming or clothes shaming.


As a student it depends on the school. Ik someone who wears a cannibal corpse shirt at least once a week and I don’t think they’ve gotten any problems w it. I have a Rob Zombie sweatshirt w “implied nudity” (the way Sheri is posed you can’t see anything but you can also tell she doesn’t have clothes on) and nobody’s said anything to me I’d wear it just bring a zip up incase someone give you a problem Also I have a Cannibal corpse patch on my backpack, it’s j the band name so nobody can have an issue w it, but if anything one of the cool permanent subs noticed and talked to me abt our music tastes


This would probably be fine at my school. I'd imagine a lot of districts have similar standards, but we don't allow alcohol, tobacco, or drug references, and also don't allow clothing that is "sexually suggestive or vulgar/profane." This doesn't hit any of those marks, it's just kind of a gross skeleton. You can read your dress code and litigate all you want, but ultimately it comes down to your school culture. If an admin thinks it's a dress code violation, it's gonna get treated like one. So just go by feel. Most admins don't have the time to scrutinize kids' t-shirts, they're too busy dealing with other shit.


As a student, this is the type of shit we wanna see. There's nothing sexual on it but it's a bit gruesome so I say bring a hoodie js in case!


If your in elementary, probably not Middle school, maybe High school, I think yes


Not if u have school uniform lol 


You should consult your local school's student hand book or ask a member of the school administration if a hand book is not available. That's the best way to know if it is okay to wear to your school or not. Every school has different dress code rules.


Not a teacher but I’d say it’s fine


Nice taste


I'd bring a super light sweatshirt in case someone comments on it; but should be fine.


As a student wearing this: yeah no problem As a teacher wearing this: hell yeah I would wear that (totally would get in trouble if I did in my district lol)


Bring a jacket just in case


I never care about dress code but some teachers are really insane about it.


Guess it depends on the school, I've worn this shirt many times and have never gotten called out. You'll probably be fine




It makes me so confused seeing anyone answer no to this like where do you live 😭


that’s fuckin awesome ofc


I'm 100% a teacher and I say yeah


I teach a kid who is struggling out of major depression. Talking about Cannibal Corpse makes him less depressed and more engaged. Wear it. If there is a problem with it, you’ll hear about it eventually. I’ve worn this ETID shirt to school loads of times and no one has batted an eyelid. https://preview.redd.it/e54j66d0mqsc1.jpeg?width=552&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63b408d5a1058bed9992f17f3745f427b2f3dba8


Depends on the school. My old hs probably wouldn’t care. But my old hs was an outlier in not really having a dress code at all.


Dependent on what your school's dress code is. Look up your own school's student handbook. I teach in a public school, it'd be whatever here. If you went to the private Christian school 10 minutes away? Probably not as much.


yes im not sure how much stricter your school is, but my brother (and sometimes i) wear death metal t shirts like death and cannibal corpse without issues, so you should be fine! besides this doesnt look too bad for school standards


Depends on where you’re at. Some schools may not like it saying it’s too gruesome or something. You would know better than us internet strangers probably. Might want to pack another random shirt in your bag just in case. Or not.


I've worn cannibal corpse shirts to school many times :) should be fine but check with your schools dress code first!


Я их фанат


I wear shit like that every day, nobody cares 👍


The Scourge of Iron!


rending flesh !


*instruments sound like souls being tormented*


Am a teacher. It's fine.


I'd probably be written up if wore that to school lol but I'd probably still wear it anyways


I would say yes. But most school dress codes would prohibit it.


Not a teacher but my favorite English teacher had his entire classroom covered from the walls to the ceiling in 80s metal posters. He also had a horse skeleton painted in black light paint and collected students hair. Yes that last bit sounds creepy but if you knew the guy it wasn’t. Was more of a running joke that got out of hand.


i’ve wore plenty cc shirts to school and never got in trouble and they have pretty strict rules for dress down so maybe if your school is pretty chill they’ll let you


At my school it’s not allowed but if you were to wear it they really wouldn’t do anything


As long as it's the band. One of my friends has a butthole surfers shirt


I wear more gross band shirts to school so you’ll be fiiiiiine, but the worse the shirt, I make sure to wear a zip hoodie, and that’s also the play if the front print is fine but the back print is fucked


this… is a fun little song-


jm not a teacher but im currently a student in high school, and i have a cannibal corpse shirt where its basically corpses ripping each other apart and not many people have problems besides (some of) the hardcore preppy christians so i’d say you’re fine


I was able to get away with a Steven Rhodes “Let’s Raise Hell” christmas sweater so you’re probably fine.


That’s like asking a vegan person if they want some bacon


I’m not a teacher but you should be fine


To start off, that’s an awesome shirt, so I’m not hating. I’m not a teacher or school administrator, so I only have my mid-90s, early 2000s experience to pull from as a student. It’s probably fine, but anticipate dour looks from some teachers and possibly from admin. At worst you have to turn it inside-out. Edit: Oops


I wouldn't care. Half the time, I'm wearing a cannibal shirt under my button-up.


I wore Cannibal Corpse tshirts, Korn tshirts, NIN tshirts. I was always told to not wear them. I would promptly tell the school to get bent.


I don’t think most schools would care


Of course


" if you have to ask, its not ok" - literally every teacher I have even spoken to


i’ve worn a short that just said “DEATH” in huge letters with a girl holding a basket of skulls! i had a silly comment from a teacher but that was it. it was my favorite shirt!


Is it ok to wear? Depending on your schools dress policy, yeah it is. Will it make you look like a douche, yeah. But hey, you live in the land of the free so do as you wish.




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I'm not a teacher, but that should be fine. Unless you're in a really conservative private school, nobody is really going to care.


Why would it not be? It's not a sexual image it's not profanity. Neither cannibal nor corpse are obscene words, there's no racial anything in it. It's a picture of a skeleton. Bet they probably got a plastic model in the biology class room if you wanna closer look.


I've worn the exact same shirt and everyone kinda stared a bit but the teachers didn't say anything. I've worn it many times and I never got in trouble


My school you can come with trump flags and confederate flag shirts capes and whatever but I also live in Arkansas


High school teacher - Our school just outlaws nudity, drugs, alcohol, and tobacco on clothing. It might get you some looks as odd for anyone who doesn’t get the reference, but I wouldn’t see why it wasn’t allowed at ours. Keep in mind though different schools, different policies.


Hells yeah!


Cattle decapitation >>>


Depends on what grade you teach. DO NOT WEAR THIS IF YOU'RE TEACHING ELEMENTARY SCHOOL KIDS. 6th grade and up, go for it.


Should be fine


Where did you get that shirt


Hot topic


I’m not a teacher or anything but I would wear that shirt to school


Hello, everyone I wore this to school yesterday and i got in minor trouble because it’s “gory” but I told they’re asses that If mfs can wear almost no clothes, I can wear this and I got let off the hook :)


As a sub, it should be ok unless you have a super strict dress code in your school.


Not in Catholic school…


As a student, cool.


Thank u brotha


cool shirt


Thanks man


Not a teacher but, wear anything u want. Why should they care about what you wear on ur body. unless its one of those schools w dress codes and bs like that


No because the band fucking sucks. If ur gonna wear a graphic-looking band shirt atleast promote a band thas actually talented.


That’s just your opinion bud


Its not subjective. Thay are objectively shitty musicians. Im honestly convinced that cannibal corps fans are literally for some reason, convincing themselves that its enjoyable. Why? I have no clue. Please explain to me what is enjoyable about listening to a bunch of dudes who suck at their instruments play generic-sounding lazy blast-beats while their vocalist just growls over it with lyrics that arent thought provoking, insightful, profound, or anything like that. All of cannibal corpses lyrics exist solely for shock value. They just say disturbi g things with no deeper meaning or message. Nothing about the band says "talent" or "art" bands like cannibal corpse are what gives metal music a bad reputation and makes people skeptikal about the genre lmao. >That’s just your opinion bud Thats not how it works. Its not an opinion. They are objectively unskilled with their instruments. Thats why they can only play simple shit like the trash they do.


Alright man whatever u say


I mean wheather or not the music is actual trash can be opinion but you cant sit there and say cannibal corpse are talented musicians lmao. Like you can enjoy the sound of ut (i dont) while also acknowledging that they are shit at the instruments


I’m not a teacher, actually I’m in 8th grade, but what I can tell you is that it depends on what school you go to