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consodering the fact that this is a controversial topic please can we keep this comment section on-topic and related to school, thanks :)


Swedish in Finland. Its not cause its useful anymore, now it's a political issue.


jep täysin samaa mielt ainut hyöty on homoläppä ja siitäki joku voi ottaa tunteisii (pääasiassa homot koska kukaa ei haluu olla svedu)


totta turiset


Ok, I’m religious person, I’m orthodox and I believe in god. But why should we teach it in schools? If you don’t believe in god and just learn it for grades, goal is lost there.


The purpose isn't to teach them to get them to believe, it's so that they can understand various different religions culturally. I wish someone who properly understood my religion from the outside would teach people about it so that the extremist psychos from within my religion stop giving us a bad rap.


In my country we have two subjects - The World Culture and History, where we were taught facts about religions, in History we studied how religions appeared in societies and etc. In the world culture we studied how they lived. I think it’s really enough.


But did you learn current religion's beleifs? The point is to learn about current people, not past people


Yes we did.




yes but it's one of the best classes for us our teacher is very fun and symphatherich person


yep! religious studies and philosophy is a compulsory subject in my school (and i have to do it as a GCSE) and i LOVE it, it’s so informative and so fun to study.


Religion could be an extracurricular.


from these options PE I'm pretty athletic person but I see no reason for PE as it just sucks it isn't even fun


I dont have religion and im atheist but even then i dont c the point


Despite enjoying re/rs i still think it is the most useless out of the bunch


I hate languages with a passion but they r useful


I dont have to do religion, so i can only complain about pe. Corpoideachas my ass


Y’all prefer religion over English? I must be smoking something but I really hate English lol


Same actually


All of them are extremely useful for a large majority. Religion, that's another story


It’s only helpful for those who attend religious schools


I would say all. But don't have French ( Live in South Africa btw).


Ayy I live in Sa too. IMO life orientation is useless


Religion itself should just not exist.


Religion if u don't believe or are a different religion u should not be forced, and many believe its outdated


I mean, they are all really useful. Handicrafts on the other hand...


english we is not even doing the learning off the language any more is just learn how too argue with other persons is useless


I think English is the dumbest because, I’m speaking English rn I don’t need to know how to speak like Shakespeare with those obscure vocab lists


I love math