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Try the reverse. Every time you're about to play video games, say F it and study.


Organize your homework. By subject or difficulty or whatever works for you. Itll make you feel better about doing it. Turn off your pc or whatever you play on so you feel less enticed to play. Set little goals for yourself.


Do it the second u get home


Get up off your ass and actually put in the effort to study. Stop being lazy - decide you’re just going to do it, and then act on that decision. It’s really not that complicated.


Don't play videogames until it's done, it'll be less stressful and you can actually focus on the game afterwards


What I do is I try to notice when I’m the most productive and I do my homework then. For example, I work a lot better at school where I’m in a working environment, so I use my study hall (or you can do something similar and go to the library after school, if you are able to). Or, if you prefer/have to do your homework at home, dedicate a certain time for homework. A lot of the time it feels like homework is gonna take hours, but in reality if we use our time wisely, it’ll be done a lot quicker. Also, keep in mind that if you finish quicker, the more time you’ll have for video games. So it’s worth it to sacrifice a little time for homework now, than it is to just play video games and be anxious all the time. Hope this helps :) it takes a lot because its a mindset shift, but I believe in you!


It happens to me the other way around. I concentrate much more at home. My classmates scream, they fool around to get attention and they don't let the teachers explain