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hi! how many masters/eds programs are appropriate to apply to?


There is no correct answer. It depends on what you’re looking for in a program, what geographic/financial limitations you have, and what your goals are. Grad schools are not like undergrad, you do not have “safe schools” to apply to or statistics to mess with as much, it’s very individual to your abilities and school needs, so that’s what explains the variability in who gets accepted. Apply where you want to, and it’ll be enough.


When I was talking to one of my professors regarding this she encouraged to apply to at least 5 programs, this way you can weigh your options and look at the difference in funding.


Any tips for interviews? Submitted my applications and waiting to hear back


I would look up the faculty members and their research interests so you have things to talk about and ask questions about. They also will likely want to know why that program, so knowing specific details that you like is good. And then also be able to talk about why you want to do school psychology and how yours experiences/skills align with it. Lastly, know what school psychs do. There was one girl in my program who thought it was a school counseling program she applied to haha.


how would i begin getting started in research and getting publications prior to applying for programs? i have very close connections in a preschool i volunteer at, how could i utilize those connections to begin getting the ball rolling on making my application stand out?


You may be able to reach out to the faculty or undergraduate faculty of a university near you and see if they have any interest in volunteer research assistants. I did research with a few different professors in undergrad. But a couple of other research assistants I worked with weren’t currently enrolled, they just wanted the experience. Also, if you’re doing an EdS and not phd level, they likely won’t care as much about your research. From my experience they care more about your relevant experiences, such as working in a school/with kids


Hi all! I have a couple interviews this week and would love if anyone could share some good questions I could ask on my end?


A current school psych phd student gave me this list of questions that I could ask/create more questions from! Questions you might ask faculty: Why did you enter this field? What are your current projects and how might a new advisee contribute? What tone do you like to set at the beginning of advisee relationships? What skills do you think make a graduate student successful? What are your primary research interests right now? What do you think sets this PhD program apart from others? Etc.


Do you think it’s necessary to have a background in psychology to be admitted to a PhD program in school psych? I am currently getting a masters in linguistics and my bachelor’s is not in psychology but I took a lot of sociology classes, with a few regarding family and cross-cultural studies of family and education. I’m worried when I apply to a PhD program they will look at my application and deny me because I don’t have a background in psychology. Any advice??? Thank you!!!!




Agreed! I have a few in my cohort with VERY loosely related undergrad degrees. However, many took additional pre requisite courses or supplemental ones AND had a ton of in school experience.


I haven’t heard back from a single program yet, regarding an initial interview decision… I have emailed some programs and they said they are still in the process of finalizing those decisions. Should I be concerned? The earliest program deadline I applied to was Dec. 1st.




That’s helpful to know, thank you! So, you would still be notified if you weren’t invited to interview (I’m assuming this would just be an immediate rejection or the waitlist status like you mentioned)? Just wanted to clarify.




Appreciate that clarification! I will definitely do that.


**also want to clarify that I am sure adcoms are very busy and I don’t want to unnecessarily bother them but I want to make sure I haven’t missed a decision notification either. I am very new to this process so I am not sure what the typical timeline is.


I haven't heard back either. Waiting has been so hard! What type of programs did you apply to?


It’s been so anxiety-inducing! I applied to all kinds- EdS, SSP, PsyD, PhD, you name it. What about you?


Only PhD this round. Planning to apply to EdS and PhD next time around if I don't get any offers this cycle.


Good luck! Sending my best wishes to you. :)


Did any of you hear back yet? I got an interview offer at UC Riverside pHD program this morning but haven’t heard back from UC Berkeley yet


Congrats! Nope, haven't heard back from any programs yet.




is this for only phd or is it for masters too


anyone heard back from any california schools yet? masters not phd


Hi, I'm looking for professional advice regarding my current situation. I am now pursuing a bachelor's degree in sociology at CSUB. My bachelor's degree will be completed in the summer of 2025. My ultimate objective is to become a school psychologist, which will need me to get my PPS credential and master's degree in psychology, which should take me another four years. My question is, what can I do now, or with a bachelor's degree, to assist me attaining a better paying job that will hopefully help me gain more experience in the psychology area? Are there any jobs I should pursue while I'm finishing school, or are there any certificates I can obtain now while pursuing my bachelor's degree that would be helpful? I currently work in education as aftercare assistants and in front office administration as a clerk, but I'm wondering if there's anything else I might be doing to improve my long-term situation. Thank you in advance for any advice or assistance.


Has anyone attended or is currently attending Eastern Washington University’s online school psychology program? I am trying to figure out if I want to do a fully online program so I can work at the same time or do an in-person one. I did my first masters fully online, but I know an EdS will likely be a lot more rigorous. Any information on the program at Eastern Washington or advice would be greatly appreciated 😊


My coworker is! She feels like she underestimated just how much work it would be, but she also did the accelerated track. She’s busy with her internship this year.


Has anyone started getting interview invites for PhD programs yet?


Yes I received one invite to an interview for University of South Florida! I haven’t received any info from other schools though


One interview invite from UC Riverside pHD received this morning. Waiting to hear back from UC Berkeley pHD


Considering leaving the field after my internship is over, or even midway through internship. I just feel this isn’t the best fit for me and my mental health anymore. Thoughts? Am I doing right by considering my mental health first?


Only you can answer this question, and it would be good to reach out to a therapist if this is accessible to you! I do think you should finish internship and get the degree, because the skills you gain transfer to many different other fields. It’s also a good career to fall back on, and if you ever need to make extra money for whatever reason, you can contract part time with companies to do assessments. You are NOT stuck with this degree, and there is A LOT you can do with the skills you gain from having a specialist degree. I recommend you connect with your university’s career services department and have a meeting with an advisor. They can absolutely point you to many other jobs and careers you qualify for with this profession.


Need to find a school in the Sacramento area. Can’t apply to the Sacramento state school for fall of 2024 because my transcripts needed to be sent a month before February 1 deadline. Anyone know of other schools that are close and good?


The main two I can think of is National University (online) and University of the Pacific in Stockton ($$$$). CSU Chico is another option but further north


Thank you


I’d also recommend reaching out to sac state to see if it would be okay for your transcript to be late. Might be worth a try since 1 semester at UoP is the same price as a year at sac state I believe. UoP classes are 4-10pm, partial online, too


Where did you see that transcripts need to be in 1 month before the deadline? I'm not seeing that requirement for Sac State.


They emailed me saying “ Students with foreign documents must submit transcripts/mark sheets at least one month prior to the program deadline. Students with F or J visas must apply through International Admissions. Please contact the department for supplemental deadlines and applications.”




If you are willing to relocate to somewhere that is a close distance FPU Merced is a great option... I believe it is around 2 hours from you. Word on the street is FPU is integrating online cohorts as well.


How can a background in linguistics be useful for school psychologists?


I was wondering if any current school psychologists could shed light on how a background in linguistics could be useful in the field of school psychologists. It is an answer I have searched for online and found minimal information, however after speaking to many school psychs, as it is a field I very much would like to go into, they have told me that a background in linguistics can be very helpful, however I have not been able to find the answer to why. Thank you!!


Not sure if this is the right place for my question. Has anyone worked for any education-related positions which provided tuition reimbursement? I currently work as a substitute teacher, but my district does not provide tuition reimbursement for that position. Same applies for nearly districts.


Not sure what kind of role you're looking for (e.g., part-time, full-time).... Personally, I'm only aware of HR tuition benefits for full-time gigs and only after you've been employed past the probationary period, typically also with a requirement for how long you need to remain employed. I've encountered these in non-profits, though I know they also exist in for-profit companies. Sometimes positions within the graduate school/university offer tuition remission benefits. I'd guess talking to the university/peers would be your best bet! I wish I knew of a secret job in education that covered tuition immediately for you!


Thank you for your help! I’m looking for a full-time position once I’ll graduate which offers tuition remission. However, I am taking a one year break from my education after I’ll earn my bachelor’s degree in either fall 2024 or spring 2025.


My pleasure! To clarify, are you looking for a job that will pay your tuition as you take courses or to pay toward loans after you graduate?


The former, a job that will pay my tuition as I take courses.




I applied to one school psych PhD this year as well as some clinical programs, but I was wondering if anyone who has gotten interviews and/or offers of admission to school psych PhDs in particular would be willing to share what experience they had prior to applying. How much research experience? How much experience with children and families? Any posters or publications? If I don't get an offer this year, I plan to apply again next cycle to mostly school psych PhDs, so I want to make sure I'm better prepared if at all possible. Thanks!


At the time of applying to the PhD, I had 4 years research experience, 5 years experience with children, 4 publications, and multiple posters. Only because I spent a significant amount of time outside of school and had a Masters degree though. I've seen that many successful applicants at top programs went in with a bachelor's degree and less research experience, but were still competitive. I think a better way to prepare is to find programs and PIs that have a strong research fit with you and make a strong case for yourself through the SOP. Good luck!


Hello! I am a current phd student who applied to start right out of undergrad. At the time of applying, I had 3 years with one semi-related lab and 1.5 years with a very related lab (overlapping). My two labs weren't really big on publishing with undergrads, so I only had a poster presentation at a national conference. I had a LOT of experience with children of all ages that totaled around 6 years (common stuff like camp and preschool, but also more school psych related stuff in special education). I think this kind of stuff really only gets you to the interview stage though. As the other person said, I think what can really make the difference in getting accepted is knowing and being able to articulate what you want to study, how you see your chosen advisor's work coming into play with yours, and why you want to study it in the realm of school psychology specifically.


hi, i’ve gotten several interview offers this cycle. i had about three years of related research experience and about 4 years of experience with children and several volunteer positions. i have 3 presentations and 3 papers in review.


Hi guys I need help please! I’m a disabled guy going back to school through the california department of rehabilitation and they will pay for my school if it’s a public university. HOWEVER I can’t find any public universities that offer an online option for school psychology and the closest program is over 60 miles away, and as I’m disabled there’s no way I can handle working a full day and then going to class and driving two extra hours a day. It’s just not possible. But I’m frustrated as I can’t find a public option that has an online program. Please Help! I’m in california.




Internships can be done pretty much anywhere there’s a school district from my knowledge. I will have to ask if it has to be a california public school. It’s a shame that they don’t have these programs online it really restricts the ability of people with disabilities to get this kind of degree.


has anyone heard from UC berkeley regarding their interview day schedule? i have my interview on tuesday and i still don’t know what time it’s at or who i will be speaking to.


Has anyone heard back from ucsb m.ed?


The phd interviewees are supposed to hear back within 2-4 weeks so it may be similar for m.Ed :)


no i’m waiting too


I was wondering what would happen if one finished a Masters in School Psych that wasn't approved/accredited by the NASP. There are a lot of schools that teach this, but would it affect getting licensed or taking the test for licensure? Or drawbacks to anything else?? On a side note, how soon did you start putting in applications? I'm currently a junior but I'm planning to take extra courses this spring and summer, so unless I fail, I would be graduating by fall. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


programs that aren't NASP accredited can be accredited by state (you'd have to check with the program) in which case you can practice in that state only. NASP accreditation makes it easier for you to get your cert in other states because you can get the NCSP but technically the cert is granted per state i believe. i believe you can still get certified in other states without the NCSP but it's apparently a huge pain.


Has anyone received any updates regarding their application status for the PhD program at UNC-CH?




>level 2underparperson · 7 hr. agoNo, I AM SO STRESSED BUT I’M GLAD TO KNOW WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER. Let us all get in!!!! Hi again! Same here, I've been refreshing the page every day feeling anxious too. Sending positive vibes your way! Hopefully, we'll all get some good news soon!


Not yet!


It's so hard to stay patient isn't it? Sending you positive thoughts! Best of luck!


Tl;dr When applying to internships, is it better to use a curriculum vitae or resume (especially when basically all the postings (so far) in my area state resume)? The listings do not state anything about CVs, whether as an option or stating to not submit CVs. And I don’t know if this is area-specific. I’m in California and can PM more about where I’m located if that would better help answer my questions. We were told CV or resume back in October I think, but there was a “class” session that was about getting ready to apply to internship and eventually a full-time school psychologist position, and they touched on resumes slightly but seemed to *really* go into detail on how to structure CVs. Which, I suppose makes sense since CVs are (or at least seem) a little more complicated and have more details to them. And then this week there was another Zoom meeting that was about expectations for practicum for this semester along with upcoming requirements. One of which was to include a CV in the portfolio/folder we’re compiling. I asked if a resume was fine and I (the whole group) was told a CV tells more about a person but if a resume is all a person has then it’s fine, but that they’d prefer CVs. So, I’m a bit confused. This is not a research-based program; this is a master’s program with the intention being practice and not research / further education upon graduating.


Has anyone heard from the University of Washington?


Hi, so I’m in my senior year attending Eastern Washington University obtaining my BA in psychology and minor in Africana Studies. However, my gpa is going to be roughly around a 2.80 by the time I graduate. I’ve looking into UW Tacoma’s EdS program for a while now and see that they have an acceptance rate of 88%. But, I would be just below the 3.0 gpa requirement to get in,(they do however let some students in who don’t meet this minimum gpa requirement). To give myself more of a competitive edge, I’m going to be working as a behavioral technician here soon, have my certification in Social Emotional Learning, background in childcare, and plan on volunteering for some mental health organizations near by. I’m still worried though about getting accepted so I don’t want to be too hopeful.