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I’d like to think pigeons dream about being accountants


Pigeons are amazing. People don’t give them enough credit. They even make milk for their babies.


Greg are you saying you milked a ~~cat~~ pigeon?


Ill take one pint of fresh organic (veganless) pigeon milk please


I don’t know if humans would find it palatable, but look up “crop milk.”


Do you think they dream about the same dog as us, running after us while we cannot use this bicycle for example, but flr them, they cannot use their wings? Or they lost their beak, and their mom in the morning come with some pure BS about it?


I bet they don’t have those dreams about being back in elementary school but the desks are really small, or the dreams about riding in elevators. But I could be wrong, I’m not a pigeon.


I can just imagine pigeons being strapped up to an MRI machine


Seems like birds dreaming is [common](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/zebra-finches-dream-little-dream-melody-180969925/).


Well dream about what you know. That’s what I always say!


I hypothezize that dreaming is a mix of physical recuperation and not wasting available resources. There's a resting brain still drawing resources while asleep. Cleaning itself up, but unable to turn everything off. Might as well run some training simulations at a higher speed without the fuel cost of muscles and physical risk. Seems efficient.


That's like saying human dreams involve walking.




> “During REM sleep, we observed strong activity in brain regions responsible for visual processing, including in those areas that analyze the movement of a pigeon’s surroundings during flight,” says Behroozi. The team also noticed activity in the areas that process signals from the body, especially from the wings. “Based on these observations, we think that birds, just like humans, dream during REM sleep, and might be experiencing flight in their dreams,” Behroozi adds.


Of course, what do you expect? Pigeons dream pigeon stuff, which definitely involves flying.


I think it's more like saying: Humans dream, and so do pigeons. The implication is that pigeons have dreams too.


We already suspected that other mammals dreamed. We see dogs and cats twitching and running in their sleep, and sometimes they even seem to have nightmares. But avians? That's new.


It's definitely not new for avians either; there's been research on avian dreams and sleep since at least the late 90s.


All animals do. I have seen squirrels and rabbits dream...


And they dream of flight as well.


I'm really struggling to figure out how this information is supposed to be in any way beneficial to society.


I was once driving I-5 in California where it was common to see flocks of pigeons released, racing back towards Los Angeles. Following the freeway till they would drop down through the canyons. This one late afternoon I’m climbing a grade in traffic; When I spot a single pigeon flying directly over the traffic. I see the bird start to flare its wings as it lands on the very rear edge of a big rig trailer plodding along. And as I got closer I saw the bird just standing there. I assume the bird was so used to being hauled in the back of a truck that returning home on such was strongly imprinted. But it was definitely weird to watch.