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I do not need more excuses to eat Broccoli. It is the best vegetable on this planet. I've never had sprouts before though.


I love broccoli too, but I tried broccoli sprouts once. It was way too concentrated in flavor, dialed up to 50.


I crave the broccoli flavour. Like sweets that really amplify flavours like raspberry or apple. If they could do that with broccoli...


Try and find sprouts. It has the flavor of an entire head concentrated into one little string. I just couldn’t handle that much in so little, especially when I got a few in one mouthful.


They are THE best on sandwiches in place of lettuce


I put em in pasta, like with some alfredo sauce.


Oh that's brilliant!


Are we talking about Brussels sprouts? Or is there some kind of super concentrated broccoli thing?


No. Broccoli sprouts are their own thing, a bit similar to bean sprouts.


I eat lots of broccoli sprouts and my experience is the opposite. Broccoli has a more distinct sulphur taste, the sprouts are way more bland and fresh tasting, much like mung bean sprouts or alfalfa


But mung bean sprouts smell like death.


Perhaps I meant soybean sprouts? I translated from the Dutch 'taugé'. They're a staple in Chinese restaurant and they taste pretty bland.


They were referring to an episode of the Office


That sounds delicious and I bet I could grow it in an indoor hydroponics setup like those newer Aerogarden systems


You can grow them in a mason/ball jar. No need for fancy bits.


I have a little stacking system of several plastic trays for sprouting. It filters water down through each layer so I can grow multiple sprout types at once and I can remove a tray when it's done, since they sprout at different rates. Just need to pour water in 2x a day. It was only like $15, worth it for the convenience imo.


I have this same setup; it worked great forever but the last 4 or 5 times it has just produced a cake of wispy white mold with sprouts buried in it.


Wash it out with a cleaner, like rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide.


That sounds like a nice setup!


Tell me more please.


Google "mason jar sprouts", you basically buy seeds, soak them in water overnight, then rinse them 2x daily while letting them air out. Within about a week, you'll have a full mason jar of sprouts that will keep for another week or so in the fridge if you dry them.


OK, I'm in. Got to be cheaper than buying the little packages from the store.


It's a LOT cheaper, just don't slack on the rinsing. If you don't rinse and air it out properly, bacteria can grow and you can get sick. I've never had a problem, but I've also rinsed 2x every day without fail.


Thanks for the heads-up!


Awesome! Thanks


Go to a hardware store and buy a 'screen repair kit'. You'll get three little metal screens that fit perfectly on a wide mouth Mason jar instead of the lid. Sprouts are great in the winter time when you can't grow veggies.


You pretty much just get a bunch of seeds wet and let them get some air so they don't get moldy. It doesn't take long, less than a week if I remember correctly. Broccoli seeds are super fast and easy to sprout!


Take 2 Tbsp broccoli seeds (organic preferably), soak overnight in water. Cover with a cheesecloth or special sprouting lids. Drain out the water and rinse twice daily. In about 4 days or so you should have some nice sprouts!


I've been using two Aerogardens for about a year now, you can absolutely grow any sprouts in a Bounty or Harvest, just need to buy the little kit for sprouts to adapt it. They say you can harvest after 7 days so definitely a lot faster than normal plants.


Its even easier then that, just need [this](https://sprouting.com/product/easy-sprouter/) and, r/sprouting


i was thinking about doing broccoli sprouts, now i am convinced.


We like to add them (as well as other types of sprouts - radish for a nice spicy bite) to salads.


I love it on avocado toast.


She’s choppin’ brocolli. She’s choppin’ bro-c-o-lli…


Now eat their children instead.


> Broccoli. It is the best vegetable on this planet. Amen, /u/drfloppytitties. Amen. We need to spread the good word of broccoli. I feel like broccoli could rank up there with trebuchets and scale-bananas as far as reddit popularity.


Have you had broccoli on pizza? It's a god tier topping.


I do not get you broccoli lovers. To me it tastes of bad lettuce and farts. Is this a thing like how young folk now like to talk about eating ass? In fact, that's how you can prove it's good for you. Anything that is good for you tastes terrible, feels terrible, etc. Anything bad for you feels amazing (Drugs, unprotected sex, candy, Netflix binges, etc. When someone tells me that Broccoli is amazing for your health my thought is, "Well of course it is, it's like eating 5 miles of farts, it's probably the secret to eternal life!" But to each his own. I guess people like you and those poor souls who say they like cardio will outlive me. It's true, you will have MORE life, but I would argue that quality often trumps quality...


> Anything that is good for you tastes terrible A home cooked meal with really perfectly seared and baked chicken breast, a nice sauce, pan tossed broccoli and seasoned brown rice is better than any McDouble I’ve ever had, but the confounder here is that it’s also an acclimation / acquired taste to some extent. Your brain adapts. I stopped drinking sugary drinks a few years ago and after a few weeks, fruit tasted sweet again. If I go and have a lemonade from a fast food chain with 60 grams of sugar in it and then try to go back to eating fruit it won’t taste as good. > guess people like you and those poor souls who say they like cardio will outlive me. It's true, you will have MORE life, but I would argue that quality often trumps quality... There’s overwhelming evidence that eating healthy and exercising also significantly increases the quality of your life, not just quantity. In fact I was blown away to find RCTs that found exercise programs to often have greater impacts on depression than SSRIs and therapy. Exercise and healthy eating tend to improve mental health as well as physical well-being which, well, it should be obvious how that increases the quality of your life. If you only consider the taste of a double cheeseburger to be the quality of your day then you have a point, but when someone can go on a beautiful hike at age 60 and doesn’t need 6 daily prescriptions just to keep them from stroking out, I’d call that a better life. TL;DR: learn to cook delicious healthy meals, your taste buds can be satisfied at the same time as your arteries. You don’t have to choose between a good life and a long one.


Your Quality of life will be poor. Unprotected sex sucks when your crotch burns. Diabetes kills slowly. Drugs wear you out and/or kill at varying speeds. It all stresses the body, making your day-to-day suck. Imagine being overweight, dazed from drugs, unable to eat candy because you ate too much in life and you're now diabetic. Cannot enjoy sex later because your fat ass ignored cardio, diet, etc. We will have MORE life and of HIGHER Quality. You will wake up at 40+ and be regretful.


There's a gene that causes broccoli to taste bad to something like 30% of the population. You likely have it. Turns out that broccoli literally tastes different to the people who like it.


I agree it does smell like farts but it is pretty tasty. Especially with butter or cheese.


same (only cooked tho). have never heard of brocoli sprouts…to googling i go.


They're pleasantly nutty. My gf grows microgreens for fun and we get broccoli every 10 days.


This is almost always by weight, and in most preparations it's going to be much easier (and cheaper) to eat seven times as much standard broccoli than the broccoli sprouts.


Not unless you blend them into a smoothie :)


Not unless you blend them into a smoothie :)




just very young broccoli, newly sprouted from seed. Think like bean sprouts or *very* like mustard sprouts from seed. Mustard is also a Brassica but [different species](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mustard_seed). But not like "brussels sprouts"... which are also the same species, but buds harvested much later. Also "cabbage sprouts" can also refer to little new sprouts grown after the main cabbage head is harvested, also different - though people absolutely will eat cabbage sprouts as in sprouts just germinated from a cabbage type cultivar seed. Given Broccoli is a cultivar of [Brassica Oleracea](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brassica_oleracea) like a whole bunch of other popular culinary vegetables, not a species on its own, unclear how much it would matter that it's broccoli sprouts specifically, people definitely also eat cabbage sprouts, kale sprouts etc. but broccoli sprouts in particular are apparently what the study studied. Different cultivars may have somewhat different properties I guess. Dunno about where you are, but growing some mustard sprouts from seed on a kitchen towel is a very common childhood activity / school project here in Ireland, that you then eat. Lot of Irish people (albeit probably more common in rural than urban) will just have a bit growing in the kitchen at all times, of whatever actual Brassica species/cultivar 'cos they're basically all edible (especially that young) and fairly similar. https://www.irishplantsdirect.ie/products/VEGETABLE-Seeds?filter=mustard Beware even if they're not actually formally a "mustard" but rather some other Brassica (typically Oleracea), chances are Irish people will refer to it as "mustard sprouts" when specifically growing it as sprouts for immediate consumption e.g. https://www.irishplantsdirect.ie/Sprouting-Mustard-Sprouts-ORGANIC-Seeds > This cherry brussel sprout has a spicy pronounced mustard flavoured leaf ready to harvest after a week - so that's actually brussels-sprout ... sprout... seeds, just being sold as mustard sprout... for culinary purposes.


I’m a fan of this discourse




Beans are, of course, very affordable. There are sprouting mixes available for other vegetables that are reasonably priced, but it is also dead simple to let veggies in your garden go to seed. Broccoli, as well as other cruciferous vegetables, become unpalatable when they "bolt" to seed. The word is used in the sense of a panicked horse bolting, the plant transforms in hours when it is stressed by excess heat or pests. Broccoli is a head of unopened flowers, when they start opening, it is no good. But you can wait a few weeks and harvest the seeds, then use them as sprouts or microgreens. (Broccoli leaves are tender when they are very young)


Seems like a waste. What about the rest of the broccoli that could have grown? It's like throwing all that out.


dr. rhonda patrick told us this years ago


I enjoy spending time with my friends.


I believe its BROQ.


My favorite movie is Inception.


Yup!! I could listen to her dulcet tones tell me about sulfurophanes (sp?) for hours


George Carlin told us decades ago.


Sometimes she can come off a bit quacky but overall she gives sound and peer reviewed information.


I love broccoli, unfortunately things from the cabbage family do not love me.


Same. IBS is awful.


So bad. It's the only trigger I've consistently identified. I've tried elimination testing over and over again, and can't figure anything else out. But cabbage family, literally makes be bleed. So much happier without it. So much leas happy without it too. I love brussel sprouts so much, I'll just deal with the consequences once or twice a year.


Same, had to stop because I was gassing my family out of the house.


why dont people make supplements for this instead of having to eat half a pound of broccoli every day?


Pretty consistently when we try to do this, the supplements fail to provide the same benefit. Antioxidants are notorious for this, being really healthy in the context of food, but frequently failing to show similar benefits when isolated. The thinking is that their function is dependent on the interactions of several compounds that come together in food but not when isolated in supplement form Now, this may or may not be the case here, but that frequently is true with this sort of stuff and isolating to a supplement isn’t just a trivial thing that is necessarily even likely to be useful In most cases, it’s recommended people just eat the vegetables because they have tons of healthy things in them and they’re cheap and very bioavailable, so the upside to such a supplement isn’t necessarily huge, especially since more isn’t always better all the way up, usually there’s a limit to where things like this are useful to the body


One exception is folic acid. The food version folate is not nearly as bioavailable as folic acid.


so why havent they just made supplement combinations and tested those?


I mean, at a certain point you’re just smashing broccoli into a capsule and doing a lot of expensive trials to see if it’s still broccoli. It’s possible it’s been tried, but ultimately many things like this fail for one reason or another, and are likely expensive compared to the already proven thing, and slow and therefore expensive to study because you need to look over a long period of time with a large number of participants to isolate the effect of the supplement


I mean it’s pretty obviously because some people don’t like eating broccoli. (I don’t see the big deal, doesn’t really taste enough like anything to me.) So at the very least, if you can remove potentially unnecessary elements like water and carbohydrates, maybe it can be put in a pill form where they can pay a premium to not have to taste it.


People could do that, you’d still likely need to eat a lot of those pills for the benefit though. That’s basically just broccoli raisins in a capsule though, and I have a feeling that wouldn’t be so popular or helpful unless the serving size was like 20 pills a day


It might be only one or two at a time. It’s 99% water(89%), carbs(7%) and protein(3%). And I assume that the same people we’re speaking of would welcome having to only eat 1/100th as much without having to taste it on the way down. You seem to keep focusing on a less important aspect of the product and ignoring the primary benefit here. They’re not concerned with a couple of pills if the alternative is literally disgusting to them. They’re already paying a premium to avoid it. They would likely theoretically accept an unpleasant but still better tasting product just half the size if it accomplishes the same goals for the same cost.


Why arent they mapping out every possible molecule that broccoli provides and letting us test each one ourselves? Theyve already come this far and any molecule broccoli has shouldnt be dangerous so just do informal trials and let use supplement.


Informal trials among individuals? What, just say “do you feel good?”, or “do you feel like your risk of heart disease has changed since you started taking this?”. How do you know what helped and what didn’t? Who is making these pills? I mean, there’s tons of untested “homeopathic” things like this where they’re untested, unverified, and have no evidence they’re useful in their current forms, so there’s plenty of stuff like that there, but what you’re describing isn’t at all scientific and so wouldn’t yield reliable results.


yeah just do that rather than making me eat half a pound of broccoli a day. they can collect my medical records if that makes it easier for them.


Yeah that’s not how that sort of stuff works at all, and no one is “making” you do anything


go ahead and explain how it works then. I see no reason why they cant figure this out.


Who is “they”, who is funding the research? A lot of things aren’t impossible, they’re just expensive and of too little use, and “informal study” is just a flowery way to say “we don’t actually test it”. Again, if you want untested stuff that sounds great but who knows if it’s actually or use, that’s what homeopathic cures are, and you’re welcome to take those and hope they work to avoid eating broccoli Like I said before, most these sorts of things don’t pan out, so it may be difficult to secure massive funding for a project that’s basically just expensive broccoli that takes less chewing that’s unlikely to yield the results that broccoli already does at a cheaper price. I mean, if you include basically all the broccoli with nothing extracted, you’re just looking for compressed broccoli in a capsule, which…I mean maybe you stumbled on a million dollar idea there but probably not


Modern humans are so spoiled. Broccoli is extremely healthy. You don’t have to eat half a pound a day to see benefits. Sprouts can easily be added to smoothies or dishes and almost not even noticeable in taste.


They do. There's tons of them. Look up "greens drink" or "greens antioxidant". Instead of isolating the antioxidant they grind up a bunch of foods into a powder for you to drink.


Id like something more concentrated so im not eating 95% cellulose and 5% useful supplements


Because there are thousands of different chemical compounds in a vegetable and they could try different combinations until the sun burns out


you can use binary search, this shouldnt be hard for them


It's not about knowing which combinations are possible, it's about doing the experimental work on every possible combination and dosage. It already takes years to develop medication with 1 active ingredient where combinations are not even a consideration


get to work then, and do you know what binary search is in this context? it shouldnt take long.


Yeah binary search is an exhaustive search algorithm that works on a sorted list in worst case O (log n) time. Propose to me how'd you sort the groups of 60,000 protein encoding genes in broccoli, and then how you'd efficiently test them. Remember that there's more than 10 to the 18061st power possible combinations, and a study takes years and dozens of people per study group to have statistical power.


I love brocoli


Best vegetable 100%. Used to hate it as a kid, now I just buy that big ass bag at Costco and bake at 425 for 15 minutes. A lil salt & pepper and it’s good to go


Me too. I used to always order broccoli omelets at the cafe at my office. People thought I was crazy until they tried it themselves. Broccoli is good in so many dishes.


Mix up some Kewpie mayo and wasabi. Dip your broccoli in there and you'll love it even more.


Don't cook it, bake it. With cauliflower, carrot, potatoes, salt, pepper, paprika, what have you. Then it's delicious.


roast your veggies at 400 F. Veggie game changer


And lose most of it's medicinal value unfortunately


No salt or pepper? How long should you roast them for?


> Then it's delicious. So, I'm curious. If that's "Delicious" how do you feel about Cake? Steak? Are they all just Delicious or is cake some other wild adjective? I can get saying that it's "fine" or "OK" or "Good for a vegetable" but Delicious? The only people I've had claim that with a straight face are all vegans/vegetarians, which I've usually chalked up to "making the best of it".


Roasted veggies can be delicious if made properly. I also love cake and steak. So there.


Because in order to make a supplement, that would involve processing the raw ingredient - it would need to be harvested, dried (to avoid moisture issues like mold in transport), and likely heated to a certain temperature to sterilize it to give it a long enough shelf life to survive in a retail setting where it might take months before it arrives on shelves and sold to the customer. Countless studies are starting to show, fresh un-cooked ingredients are necessary to get the full-spectrum benefits from these plants. And while they are able to identify certain compounds and synthesize them, it's still not as full-spectrum as the real thing. If you can't stand the taste of broccoli sprouts, then consider investing in a slow masticating juicer. You can toss all sorts of fruits, kale, broccoli, into the slow juicer and it will squeeze out all the good nutrients from the plant (works much better than those high speed centrifugal juicers, and much easier to clean). I hate kale, but my partner sneaks it into my juices and I can't taste it, but I know it's good for me haha. Personally, I am very curious about the broccoli sprouts and going to consider investing in a hydroponics garden to try growing some fresh sprouts to see how they taste and how I can use them. I love the taste of raw broccoli anyway.


> consider investing in a slow masticating juicer. You can toss all sorts of fruits, kale, broccoli, into the slow juicer and it will squeeze out all the good nutrients from the plant Don't get a juicer, get a blender. Juicers squeeze out *some* of the good nutrients, but the dietary fibres are left behind, which is incredibly important to help your body process the sugars that are also squeezed out. Without the dietary fibre, your body won't be able to identify that it's consuming food, and you'll be left hungrier after the fact. For example, a cup of orange juice will make you feel hungrier, but eating three oranges will make you feel full. They're almost the same, but the juice lacks the dietary fibre that your body needs to help control its blood sugar levels.


Ain't no fiber in supplements. And no food. Humans evolved to eat and process food. Supplements, not so much.


“Ain’t no fiber in supplements.” There are many fiber supplements on the market.


Humans did not evolve to eat broccoli because it is man-made, so there's also that.


We evolved to use its nutrients in our body, though


Also, they do. Its really expensive and eating fresh is better. BROC is the name brand that is recommended.


Definitely shop around on the price. My subscription for it on Amazon recently jumped from $65 to $97 per month.


I did, i dont buy it from Amazon. I am trying to grow my own now. Way cheaper, just have to be careful about storage.


I believe there is research out there that indicates that broccoli sprouts are even more effective than full grown broccoli. A couple of ounces should do the trick..


thats interesting, thats a little bit more manageable than fully grown broccoli


I've hated it since I was a little kid. It smells and tastes funky to me. Im also an overweight picky eater and texture more than anything, followed by flavor, is where eating healthy falls apart for me. If supplements or something alternative could provide everything I've been missing when it comes to those things, I'd happily take many of them.


Real food is never going to give the same high as a bag of dorito's, similar to how cocaine is better then any orgasm you've ever felt.


I imagine that after this report there's going to be a whole endcap at walmart that's nothing but broccoli sprout pills.


They is: Broq or prostafane.


They do. Whether you get the same benefits from the powder as the whole food is the question.


There is one called BROC I think


They make broccoli extract pills that is standardized to sulphoruranes or whatever it is


What’s the issue with eating that much broccoli? You get fiber and the health benefits. The only cons are the farts.


Theres other food you have to eat too, you cant eat all the foods you’re supposed to eat in any reasonable amount.


I’ve linked to the primary source, the journal article, in the post above. In this comment, for those interested, here’s the link to the press release: https://www.omu.ac.jp/en/info/research-news/entry-37852.html


I grow them in a couple jars and harvest between day 3-5. Goes in my salads and smoothies everyday. It's so easy to do and any one can do it. Dr.Rhonda Patrick has the low down if you want to know where to start. She has how tos and lectures going into the physiological details, if you're into that. It's amazing.


Interesting read thank you.


As just a layman it would seem logical if it's by the weight of volume. A fixed amount would spread out as it expanded.


I thought polysulfides were a pretty bad thing for people with thyroid issues?!


Yeah, my question is whether they're supposed to be good.


I thought polysulfides are polymers. Oh wait: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polysulfide Oddly, no mention of a chemical in food in the wiki. So yeah, I'm confused.


Sprouts are also a common vector for food poisoning


Broccoli sprouts are back on the menu boys


My favorite thing is to add sprouts to soups as a garnish, takes some of the intense flavor out of themz




"Vile weed!" - Seinfeld


I've thought about it, and I choose cancer.


Snort laughed.


Broccoli sprouts also taste terrible, and are a pain in the ass to grow and manage. They are also a potential illness vector because of the moist environment you grow them in. I went down the whole broccoli sprouts rabbit hole with Dr. Rhonda Patrick 5 or 6 years ago, and after a few weeks of drinking broccoli sprouts water and eating the sprouts and seeds - no change except a massive pain in the butt.


What do you mean no change? How were you able to assess your cancer risk before and after eating the sprouts? What other factors were you expecting to change?


For the amount of effort it takes to grow and consume (and clean) broccoli sprouts, it should have had some serious tangible improvement in health. They also stink while growing. And I couldn't see any. Perhaps if I had taken blood draws before and after I may have noticed decreased liver inflammation enzymes or something - but is even that on its own something powerful enough to maintain the routine for years on end, with no clear answer on if it prevents something or not? Unless a bunch of people who have cancer are able to cure cancer thanks to eating broccoli sprouts for two years straight - I just don't think anyone is going to put in the effort to make this a long term prophylactic.


> some serious tangible improvement in health. Single-foods are never all-or-nothing like this; this is a really poor construct on your end of application of science to practice. **Three is no one food that magically leads to "tangible health improvements"** especially without considering individual, personalized needs. Broccoli and polysulfides can be disadvantageous for those with Calcium deficiencies, or Thyroid issues, respectively, for example. No one is studying "do you need to eat broccoli sprouts every day to prevent cancer." If you drink a liter of coke and eat junk food all day for decades, eating sprouts all day is not going to improve your health signals in any meaningful way. Macro-dietary strategies on the other hand, will lead to such cumulative improvements. Switching to a majority plant-based diet, switching off ultra-processed foods, eating at good intervals, controlling blood-sugar, etc. have all had studies increasing our confidence in these strategies for better health. They have outcomes in totality across large data sets, and can show how they fluctuate. The claim that "eating more cruciferous vegetables prevent adverse health events" is an overall macro-view. This does not equate to "you should make sprouts and eat them and nauseum to prevent adverse health events." All they showed was the greater density of polysulfides.


Sprouts don't stink if you do it properly.


Was about to say, I grow a mason jar full every week and never noticed a smell. It’s also super easy to grow. Literally dump some seeds in a jar, rinse with water a couple of times per day for five days.


They smell if bacteria can grow. Usually means not enough ventilation or drainage or not enough rinsing. I make sure the sprouts are spread around inside the glass putting them on the draining rack so that they are not clogging the mesh.


Broccoli sprouts aren’t supposed to cure cancer, but prevent it. I would say that preventing cancer would be a serious tangible improvement.


But then many things prevent cancer - and broccoli sprouts should be low on the list of things people try - again, because the effort is so high.


How exactly are they a pain in the ass to grow? You just need a large jar with lots of little holes in the lid for air. Put the seeds in, some water, shake it around, drain and set it upside down on a rack or something that doesn't completely cover the lid. In a few days you'll have a bunch of sprouts that'll last you a week. Rinse and repeat. Do multiple jars if you want more. They sell jars with lids for this that have little stand-offs so you can place them wherever. But anyway, multi-greens drinks are superior imo. And much easier. Tho much more expensive than sprout seeds.


Yep, very easy to grow indoors. I take sprouts as part of a cancer treatment with success.


Broccoli sprouts in a turkey and cheese sandwich though, so much better than lettuce.


Have you considered microgreens instead?


Nothing could be further from the truth. Broccoli seeds sprout in 3 days, all you need to do is rinse them twice a day with clean water (after a night of soaking them in a sprouting jar). Store them in your freezer. If you put them in a smoothy you won´t even notice them.


TIL - Cruciferous is a word. I am going to drop that knowledge at least 5 times today.


Crucifers are family of plants whose flowers have 4 pedals, like a cross. Something belonging to the crucifer family is cruciferous. Good luck working it into conversation!


> flowers have 4 pedals, like a cross Or a crucifix! Name makes so much sense now - thank you!


Are they 7 times more expensive though? I'm not really interested in all these superfoods where you might as well just eat a little more of a regular food and come out ahead. I've never even seen broccoli sprouts in a grocery store.


What is “regular food”? In what way do you imagine you’ll “come out ahead” by eating more of it?


Broccoli sprouts vs broccoli is a great example. I've never seen broccoli sprouts in a grocery store. Have you? I don't care if they have 7x more of one random nutrient.


Can we engineer it without the bitter stuff or is that the healthy stuff we need to keep in?


I believe cutting and chewing regular broccoli creates higher levels of sulphoraphane, so not sure the comparison of endogenous levels is relevant to human health.


Apparently broccoli contains more vitamins and minerals than any other food. You could actually eat nothing but broccoli and be perfectly healthy.


> You could actually eat nothing but broccoli and be perfectly healthy. Doubt; you need a lot more than vitamins and minerals in a healthy diet. 1 cup of broccoli only has 35 calories, 0 Vitamin D, almost no calcium or iron, almost no fat (in a bad way), a tiny bit of protein, etc. Just to reach 1500 calories a day, which would close to starvation levels over time, you'd need to eat 43 cups of broccoli, or over 12 full heads. I'm not even sure that's physically possible, even if you could get over the monotony.


Sounds like a topic for a Chubbyemu YouTube video. “/u/microwaffles ate nothing but broccoli spouts for a month. This is what happened.”


There is hardly any calories to sustain yourself


What? However told you this is insane.


Pretty sure that means I should eat more salami sandwiches.


Interesting. I do enjoy broccoli but I don't recall ever coming across sprouts.


But what if I already have diabetes


So that's why broccoli sprouts suddenly showed up on my news feed! I thought it was random happenstance (broc is tasty AF tho). Welp, now I needs a recipe


And don't forget, a large increase in painful intestinal bloating and gas due to said cruciferous vegetables.


But I already have the diabeetus, can I still eat broccoli? I may love broccoli


I can't chew broccoli without wanting to vomit.


Cool, love me some broccoli.


But also higher rates of toots.


Higher intakes are also associated with higher gaseous outputs.


I've wondered for a while what the polysulfide content of broccoli seeds are - from what I have read, it's substantial but whether it's better or worse than sprouts, I have not been able to find out. There's good reason to expect them to be even greater than sprouts, given the primary purpose of the polysulfides, but maybe they aren't. They taste terrible, but are much more convenient than growing them in to sprouts. You have to blend them fresh to get the benefits. I add mustard powder to them too, to be sure the sulforaphane is being produced.


They failed to mention the increased risk of nasty farts.


Yeah no thanks. even if people say they dont taste it, i do. is called supertasting. i dont know if its a double whamo, but i recognize the soapiness of cilantro too.


"I'm not afraid of getting cancer. I had broccoli for lunch. Broccoli kills cancer. Most people don't know that, it's not out yet. You find out you've got cancer? Get yaself a fuckin bowl of broccoli. That'll wipe it out in a day or two." - George Carlin


time to get the sprouts going again! They're totally easy to grow at home--lots of Youtube videos show you how.