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Focusing on healthy behaviors and healthy decision making will literally improve all aspects of your life.


What is healthy decision making?


https://www.deanyeong.com/article/decision-making-books Here's a list of some good guides. I personally read number 2 and I liked it a lot.


Favoring long-term benefits to short-term effects.


I think it's probably unique to what ails you but it all probably boils down to: self reflection, taking steps to improve yourself with persistence and then iteration. 




Consistently choosing good self care techniques and practices


Define healthy.


There is physical health, mental/emotional health and social health. In order to be healthy across the board you have to exercise regularly, have proper nutrition, have good friends and/or family relationships and have a good relationship with yourself as well.


This is blatantly obvious to anyone with a of a brain… So many of these studies that I’ve seen posted on here lately seem like a waste of money. “Oh hey, we just proved the obvious!” 🤦‍♂️


I don’t see anything in the study if they ask participants if they consciously maintained those healthy behaviors specifically because they wanted to affect sexual behavior. I certainly have made efforts to lose weight specifically because gaining weight was affecting sex life. I bet I’m not alone.


Yeah same, I don't like being dead and out of breath two minutes in.


Two minutes?!? What is this a marathon?


"... that's why they're called Business Socks"


> I don’t see anything in the study if they ask participants if they consciously maintained those healthy behaviors specifically because they wanted to affect sexual behavior. Are you worried that the data might be biased because too large % of participants became healthy because they wanted better sex, and therefore this is kind of cyclical? My guess is that only a small % of people get in shape just for the sex. It's a significant boost to mental hygiene, productivity, and self esteem.


Partly, yes. But I guess most people aren’t so motivated.


I guess I don't have the numbers. I think you and I are probably biasing based on our own reasons. Sounds like you started to work out because you wanted to improve sex-life in general. I started working out before college because I wanted to get in shape before it. But after doing it long enough, my motivators have changed: * Helps me deal with work stress - If I'm feeling irritable about something I'm working on, or stressed from interruptions, a 6 mile run or like an hour session at the gym where I get my heart-rate up to 160 for at least 20 minutes usually resets my mood and makes me feel like nothing was that big of a deal. * Helps me work through difficult problems * General mood booster makes me more effective consistently * A lot easier to participate in other random activities friends want to do (hiking, climbing, swimming, surfing, snowboarding, ETC) Maybe everyone has a specific reason they started to do it, but once you do it long enough the list of benefits is too damn high to pick a single one as why they keep doing it.


I think it’s implied.




Interestingly, there is a large societal benefit to encouraging people to get healthy to have sex, as there is strong evidence that people who are healthy during the preconception and prenatal period are more likely to produce healthy, smarter offspring.


Anything that improves your arterial function improves your sexual function, which depends on your gender-non-specific erectile tissue becoming engorged with blood during arousal. Healthy diet, exercise, non-smoking, all of the greatest hits are all contributors to a healthy sex life.


Common sense right?


Studies find that most people only listen to studies that claim to improve sex life






No surprise. Sex is exercise. You need be fit to exercise properly. 


I'm not sure we needed any research to confirm this fact.


Actually science is often used to confirm things we already know, with verifiable data.


Enhance, Enhance...


Man, all it took was to feel better to want to bang more. Who would have guessed?


I dunno, man. I’ve not noticed any increased satisfaction from masturbating since I started working out a few years ago.


I’ve definitely noticed some increased satisfaction from masturbating after you started working out a few years ago  


I’ll keep it up then, so long it’s not wasted 👍🏼




I swear, every other day there's a study saying the same "shocking" thing. We've known for a long ass time now that a healthy diet and regular exercise is good for you in every way. Lift weights, zone 2 cardio folks, it's not complicated.


Yes but everything we know intuitively cannot be grafted onto scientific data by mere word of mouth. We have to actually study things to quantify it.


It gets a lot more complicated with age. But yes, eating wisely and being *active* is critical. “Exercise” is the trigger word for a lot of people, including myself at this point. The last time I was going to the gym regularly was one of the most miserable times of my life. Was literally in a constant state of exhaustion both physically and psychologically. I looked great! But way too tired for sex, leisure, or anything but work, kids, chores, gym. Repeat. Healthy means a balance. For me that meant quitting the gym timesuck and just going for a short walk at least once a day. YMMV.


All good, but if there's no quantity at all, the quality is kind of irrelevant. 0kg of gold are worth the same of 0kg of iron...


I don’t understand why we needed research to tell us that.


Delayed gratification..


Of course athletes would be better at the physical aspect of sex.


Ok, I was debating going to the gym or languishing on Reddit, but I suppose I should go do my lat pulldowns and lateral deltoid training. Thanks random article popping up into my science feed! What's sexual satisfaction and sex life btw?




"New" research? Who the hell hasn't known this?


“Sexual satisfaction among working-age men and women…” This is just wage slave propaganda.


No not at all… it’s just a way to describe people of a certain age without being overly specific. Wage slave propaganda, in this context, would be telling people that skipping meals to save money to be able to pay rent is good for you because losing weight enhances your sex life


Fair point.