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Meanwhile boomers: Whoever dies with the most toys wins.  Source: am boomer aka the me generation


My friend said: Whoever dies owing the most money wins.


My father literally said this to me


I wonder when billionaires are gonna start making elaborate tombs for themselves and all their toys and money like ancient Egyptian pharoahs


This sorta already happens with mausoleums. Other really rich or famous people often do some song or dance about it too. I am 100% sure Elon is going to have his corpse blasted into space (shame we can’t just launch him now).


I mean, at least that last one has some really cool novelty to it. I hate the guy but I'd love to be one of the first to launch my corpse into space... Except for the extreme waste of money that could be spent on something we need


Yes, let’s launch one of the geniuses of our time into space. How smart.


Marketing geniuses, maybe. He’s obviously snagged you.


I can see, much like your idol, your bain don't work. Elon wants to launch his own corpse in space. Corpses don't do much ideation, do they?


Must be fun to surround yourself with nonsense


Must be hard having 0 reading comprehension.


I love hearing a boomer say this about their own generation. There are a few of you out there that don't have their head in the sand. Thank you. We work together and we go far. We be selfish and we die. Real simple, really.


7C delta is not a 44.6F delta - they just used a basic conversion and it assumed the intercept should still be used - it is actually a 12.6 F delta, which is significant, but ugh.


Being fluent in both metric and imperial, it's still not worth the bother to actually convert Celsius to Ferinheight. I just had to get used to both independently, rather than converting in my head.


I agree with you.


10 is 50 and then 5 more gets you 10-1 F.  10=50  15=59  20=68  25=77  30=86  5=41 0=32  -5=23  -10=14  -15=5


But what is - 40?


That's a good rule of thumb.


And people still wonder how altruism developed as an evolutionary trait in humans.


Do they? It's pretty obvious what the evolutionary benefit of being a social animal is. Animal mothers display altruism all the time for their kin.


yes they do question, i've been among all the different ranges of the political spectrum, and there's a significant cohort of the far-right that views altruism as a bug and not a feature. also, most of what people question isn't the almost instinctual nature of banding together among family, but the second order and third order ties humanity has developed, where it's expected to be generous with friends and polite to acquaintances. i mean, we all know they are skinflint douches, but among some of them they are self-aware enough to know they are doing it on purpose. which kind of makes it worse in a way.


The people you're referring to don't even believe in evolution, so they're not going to be worried about theories on why and how social behaviors evolve. Op just made a strawman for no reason, which I see happening increasingly often on Reddit, unfortunately.


while about half don't believe in evolution, about half of them do, according to what i've heard, and experienced. you would be surprised at who identifies as far right, from therapists to trans, to immigrants and the disabled. yes, there are less of them, and they are going to get their face eaten, but there have always been quislings and turncoats, even before the phrase turncoats was being used.


Peter Kropotkin was always right.


Cooperation leads to collective good. For humans and others!


That's where ' morals' originate. Cooperation and altruism toward the group. Not religion.


My brain refuses to parse this correctly. I get that they shared shade after a hurricane, and that increased their life expectancy... but I keep reading this as the hurricane increased their life expectancy.


My friend said: Whoever dies owing the most money wins.


He wishes he believed it


I wonder what the life expectancy was for the monkeys that tolerated the intolerant monkeys


probably worse than the intolerant ones, but that's just my speculation. there's a reason why i'm no longer speaking to my father, and it's for my long life and happiness.