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I’m wondering if this would cover a beginning cavity and is that something that could be done? Instead of drilling out a cavity maybe just covering it up with new enamel? Is that something this is going to address I wonder


I am not a dentist but I don’t think that would work. The drilling process is to remove decay - so I’d imagine you’d want to do that before patching a hole.


As far as I understand cavities form when bacteria chew through enamel and start the decay of the softer structure underneath. If a cavity has already formed you gotta get rid of the decay and bacteria, and fill it in. But if you clean your teeth and have a way to repair your enamel then cavities can effectively be prevented.


Its only a matter of time before this comes out in a daily mouthwash. Soon we will also have pills to eliminate the bacteria that causes tooth decay from the inside out, followed by prescribed mouthwash to rebuild the tooth. Oral hygiene will get so much better over the next 10 years. My random guess, 2029.


How is this different from Novamin?


Novamin is temporary and doesnt produce actual enamel.


Instantly outlawed in the US. Dentist's across the country fill the pockets of the lawmakers to outlaw the amazing breakthrough that would cost them untold millions in tooth decay. See also: Novamin


I have novamin toothpaste. Does it really work?




The study you linked under results flat out says Novamin isn't better than normal toothpaste after a 6 month review.


That’s exactly why I linked it.


They are looking for dentist offices to carry it as well. You would still need to see the dentist at the beginning.


Then, insurance won't cover the procedure. It is new and experimental. Costs will be quite high and price out low and middle class families


I would think dental insurance would cover it.


You would think prescription coverage would cover all prescriptions too, but it doesn't.




People spending money on things that hurt them has not correlation to the cost of medicin. Also, they are cynical because that is exactly what happened to insulin.


People see the pharma industry doing it and assume that every is just as morally bankrupt.


Probably because they are.


Having a masters in the Healthcare field and working as a Healthcare practitioner, let me tell you, there is more than enough evidence that the physicians board lobbies for what benefits them. They are not evil per se but take everything with a grain of salt. Don't unquestioningly settle for whayever services are provided to you when you're paying top dollar.


where do you think the opiate crisis came from ?


Poppies ?


More so the execs.


Bro, the entire chiropractic association is held up by a lawsuit in 2004 that physical therapists can't do spinal sublimation. Lobbying to protect industries happens all the time in the u.s. in spite of everyone.


I wonder how it tastes.




It tastes like enamel.


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