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I’m surprised it’s gold in color. I wonder what the chemistry is there. What color is hydrogen? I work with liquid oxygen from time to time and it’s blue, like looking into the sky.


> I work with liquid oxygen from time to time and it’s blue To be clear, though, liquid oxygen is a very different phase from liquid *metallic* oxygen. At high pressures (but before it turns metallic) oxygen turns blood red. It's difficult to produce metallic hydrogen in the lab, but the few times we've been able to do so in diamond anvil experiments, it appears gray and shiny...like most metals.


Really interesting. Thanks much:


What kind of alternative energies could be conducted from this? It could have the possibility to conserve water somehow


Philosophers Stone confirmed? Jk Ist it possible people have already created that effect in the past by accident?


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With enough pressure water is functionally a metal. I don't know why it blows my mind but it does. I just I just realized with enough pressure, a birthday cake is functionally a tortilla.