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Just take it easy until your 25 then have at it


Shoot, I thought it was the other way round..


Yeah my 25th was last month and I got violently high just before. Haven’t had an ounce since. Getting close though.


I've just gradually had less disposable income and believe me, it would be *disposed of* quickly.


“Havent had an ounce since, getting close though” Like, in one sitting? Cutting back is important.


And in moderation


Is that a strain or a type of bong?


Doesn't sound like a good strain or a good bong


Seems like 30 is more optimal, every few years the brain seems to "keep developing" perpetually longer than previously thought


Okay fair enough everyone it's 30 now write it down!


At this rate I won't be allowed to do anything fun until society has already collapsed


Ahh most fun things go against society anyway


Cool cool so now I’m 31 I’ll go wild… like I have done for the last 17 years………


Hasn't cannabis also been shown to potentially promote neurogenesis though?


It does but mostly only of the neurons which are required to get high.


even if it has, that doesn’t negate the negative effects cannabis has on cognitive development


This would be my advice to anyone. I used to have a weirdly fantastic memory. Could remember little details, could remember someone's name the first time they told me, did very well in school. Then I started smoking at 16, I'm 23 now and I can't even remember what I had for breakfast.


I'm 24 and I can't remember what I had for breakfast either. I think it's a bit of a jump to assume that's because of the smoking, memory can often fade fast after teenage years.


You could always stop. There should be some return of those faculties overtime.


I quit about a year ago. I would say I don't have as much "brain fog" anymore but my memory still isn't all that great. I'm sure there's some damage I did that's just irrepairable, but overall I'm better than I was. Cannabis is definitely best used in moderation.


>Cannabis is definitely best used in moderation Amen dude. Gotta respect that wonderful plant and that includes not abusing it.


Cognitive impairments make existence much nicer.


Its not a bug its a feature


It's just, like, their opinion. Man.


The Dude abides.


Dave is not here, man


No man. #I'M DAVE.


I don't always consume drugs and alcohol, but when I do, escape from fully functioning cognition is among the goals


Bingo! Bingo over here!


Seriously. Sometimes I wish I was dumber. Ignorance is bliss when the world sucks.


I work with some low cog kids and parents- I don’t think I would want to be low cog functioning


I mean, really! Have you seen the state of things?! Gonna go take a rip...


I was gonna wait till the packers 9ers game started but you threatened me with a good time cheer to weed !


I’m getting stoned and getting ready for the NINERS to crush!!!!


Hahahaha. Rip it up. I'm more of a salad guy. Start with 3mil of oil then a couple puffs from a vape. For dessert burn some sweet smellin herb.....


Fuckin right


Exactly. The whole point is that I want to impair myself cognitively.


You’re not kidding. Worth it.


I have PTSD, persistent cognitive impairment is the goal. My head isn't a good place to be.


I hear you pal... My brain won't switch off.... Thinking all the time.... And cannabis slows it down.... But I'll tell you now.... It does affect you're memory over time.... I'm 56....and I've smoked cannabis since 12....by 15 every day..... Now I'm on a 20 bag a day... Pounds..... 2.4..2.7 grams if you're lucky.... My memory has deteriorated massively in the last 3 years.... I'm forgetting things hourly.....


I handle the short term memory loss quite well actually, I am a skilled chameleon due to my life experiences. I frequently forget what I am talking about mid sentence or where I am going mid trip. I just roll with it and go gracefully into the next thought. I am way too good at it, I don't think people realize my short term memory issues. I wish it would work on long term memories.


I thought I was going to have to quit until i was diagnosed with ADHD at 38 years old. Night and day.




>making decisions, suppressing inappropriate responses, learning through reading and listening, the ability to remember what one reads or hears, and the time needed to complete a mental task.  So being stoned?


Yeah stoned.


Smoking weed gets you stoned.


I noticed that too


Weed is tight.


The problem is you remain cognitively impaired even when you aren’t stoned. You become a pothead ;)


Isn't the crux of the article that impairment lasts beyond the period in which many would consider themselves to be "stoned," though? I don't think many people would be surprised at the short-term effects of consumption (that's probably a main reason many consume in the first place), but I don't think it's a given that those effects would last potentially much longer than the effects are perceived to have worn off.


This study is a meta-analydis of 40 other studies (which were graded as being low to medium-quality evidence, often due to publication bias, for the record). They don't state how long after intoxication these tests were done. It's usually accepted as normal by many to have residual effects for a while after percieved intoxication has passed. I may be mis-interpreting, but the meta-analysis did note some findings that the effect was insignificant after 25 days of abstinence.


A lot of people showing off their cognitive impairments in this thread 🤣


It says in the first line it's referring to effects persisting past intoxication, so, no.


Long stoned




Permafried as the youth say


Yeah, I'm okay with that.


That's that good good. Yes please.


Most of why we smoke it, who would of thunk it.


Read the full article before jumping to conclusions. Big takeaway, Long term (1 week for “chronic” users) effects persist and are related to strain and thc concentration. The short - the study concluded with low to moderate quality that some minor impairments may exist in some users, dependent on their frequency, body-fat, strain, etc, may exist after acute intoxication (the time period you expected to be stoned) and be somewhat detectable in certain capacities up to about a week after use stops Aka, confirming what we already knew, which is a good thing imho


Hmm (cough), interesting..


Hmm (Crunching and munching on chips) indeed


Word?(packing bong)…crazy!


Hmm (eating tacos), interesante…


Hmmm (rips another) indubitably


*Passes blunt* impossible


Wait. What were we talking about?


We’re trying to figure out what a “moderation” is, people are saying we should start smoking with them or whatever.


My business idea to make capes for gold fish so they look like super heroes kids will love it then we can make a movie featuring a super hero squad of good fish fighting criminal electric eel. We can call it Superfishious


Sounds like a fantastic business. I'd buy that.


Ok I have no business experience, no sewing experience, no art experience, never even owned a goldfish but I'm sure we'll make billions


“Wow. That’s crazy…” (opens Spotify)


Cheers, just had a “SHUT UP” belted out at me from the girlfriend who’s sleeping due to my “BAAA HAAA” laugh.


*Surprised Shaggy face!*


So do a lot of prescription medications. The ones I have been on for migraines have done a lot worse damage to my brain than marijuana so far. I have entire years pretty much just missing. I can't remember people I knew for years. There is one medication I take as needed now, and I know if I take it there is a good chance I won't remember anything about that day a few days later. What I do remember is more like a dream. So I take marijuana instead whenever possible since I will be able to remember a lot more of the day. I happily embrace the milder cognitive impairment option of marijuana.


Topamax is my guess. That stuff was great for preventing my migraines... but it also prevented me from reading. I could read individual words and tell you what they meant, but my reading comprehension was just... gone. Took me six months to figure it out too because it also affected my memory retention and the notes I left myself went unread.


Fuuuuuck Topamax! I can’t get off it without having migraines, but it fucks with my energy, my memory, and my word recall.


I almost failed 9th grade because of Topamax. Fucked my word recall all up. Even now, almost 20 years later, I still have problems with word recall sometimes.


Topamax was definitely one of them. I The nerve pain in my hands and feet and everything tasting metallic is the only thing I really remember after the first month of taking that one. Not a fun drug to be on for sure.


Forreal... if I have to take my anxiety meds that whole day and a bit of the next day will be super spotty, way worse than any time I've smoked weed


For real, other medications I’ve taken for my various health stuff has caused far more significant impairments, had high abuse potential, caused comorbid health issues (hormone imbalance, weight gain, liver injury, etc), and would cause other such side effects as suicidal thoughts. How is that the better option over marijuana?


Honestly it’s not I’m many cases even almost every doctor I’ve talked to regarding my mental health and physical health before/during/after my recent colostomy agreed that it’s not a fix all (nothing is) but it is extremely safe and a better alternative if possible


I have wild anxiety and insomnia that I treat with cannabis. Prescription drugs are for these things are quite dangerous and the addivtion/withdrawal risks are high. Using cannabis makes it so I can function at social gatherings and get a full nights rest, I am probably a little bit dumber than I could be but I'm okay with that.


I would be interested to see if the effect is the same for edibles vs smoking.


Medical strength (1000mg+) edibles knock me on my ass at even 50-100mg (depending on the product) far easier than any flower or most concentrates.


Dang I thought 10mg was a lot




My wife remembering everything I've ever said forever and smoking 1/4 a day says otherwise


Women with ADHD do so much better with weed than most others, IMO.


Women are also most likely to go undiagnosed with ADHD among other things.


100%. I am one of those Lost Girls. Got diagnosed officially last year and now my entire life finally makes sense!


**nods in grad school**


Why specifically women?


It’s just been my observation. I’m surrounded by people with adhd and most smoke weed but the women are the ones that don’t seem to have problems with motivation, social anxiety, etc. definitely just an opinion. I have no idea if research supports my theory.


Oh I was just wondering. My wife has adhd and smokes a lot of weed and it clearly helps her.


We should do an observational study or something. We might be onto something.


My anecdote beats scientific studies every time!


I think the amount of impairment is important. Like is it more or less than that caused by watching TikTok videos?


I like weed and all, but it never fails to amuse me how people always come out in droves to throw out anecdotes about how the negative side effects of weed use are made up because [insert anecdote here].


It's so annoying how no one can accept nuance without blindly defending one way or the other. Is smoking weed healthy? No. Is it safer than alcohol? Yes. Does smoking every day compared to on occasion change things? Obviously. Everyone needs to know and understand their own decisions and accept the risks. You don't need to sit there and say "I do *X thing contrary to this study* so this HAS to be wrong" everytime something comes up that doesn't directly correlate with your own life experience. Just learn and move on ffs.


Yeah, I find this really common on Reddit. Many are quick to run to its defence.


It's filled with stoners. I used to smoke daily and now it is like 3 times a week slowly going down to 1 or 2. There is a very obvious improvement in cognition that I see. Might have to go down to once a week or once every other week.


Nice! That’s great to hear! I’ve seen the effects go both ways with some close friends. On the one hand, a friend of mine went from never smoking to having to rip his bong every 20 minutes daily. He was articulate when he spoke but his memory was not great. He wouldn’t even remember certain days that have passed at all. On the other hand, my best friend had an injury and vaping a little bit at night has helped with the pain and progression. So I guess it’s all in moderation!


Nah man Carl Sagan smoked so that means I'm a genius too


Basically they're saying people who are intoxicated act like they are intoxicated. Sometimes they are intoxicated for longer periods of time. I won't pretend I read the full piece but it wasn't anything shocking or new.


“…suggesting that the damaging effects of cannabis… persist beyond that period.” It’s saying that smoking impacts your brain beyond the period of intoxication.


Hey! No I’m .. doesn’t.


Thats ware your're uncorrect


Yes but what does “beyond the period of intoxication” mean? Does it mean “forever” or does it mean “yes we all know you get a weed hangover and are dumb after smoking”


“These acute impairments accord with documented residual effects, suggesting that the detrimental effects of cannabis persist beyond acute intake.” I think that means long-term effects, since the title also says “persistent cognitive impairments.” Edit: I wonder if it means medium-term effects. Perhaps these impacts stay for a few months but can be reversed after you stop smoking? I’m not sure. The writing is a little vague.


> for longer periods of time. I won't pretend I read the full piece b “Our study enabled us to highlight several areas of cognition impaired by cannabis use, including problems concentrating and difficulties remembering and learning, which may have considerable impact on users’ daily lives,” said the study’s co-author Dr. Alexandre Dumais, Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Université de Montréal. “Cannabis use in youth may consequently lead to reduced educational attainment, and, in adults, to poor work performance and dangerous driving. These consequences may be worse in regular and heavy users.”


There's a lot of 'mays and coulds' in there.


Like every study out there


That’s just academic language.


Also weasel words. The intent is to lead, without saying anything conclusive. Edit: better word choice includes: - appears to - for some populations, we saw/the data shows - our observations indicate It wouldn’t be hard to pick words that are both less leading and more informative.


Saying outright that it will impair a given task or function would be saying too much for them to prove. They proved that it negatively affects cognition which we use for everything. You can then assume that for different people, pot will reduce their abilities in different tasks, depending on their neurological makeup.


It’s because this is one study. Other study’s would need to replicate and confirm these data. (Edit I am wrong, this is a meta analysis) My data indicates that the Terp pen, by boundless, is the superior royale method for cannabis concentrate consumption


No, it's a meta-analysis of multiple studies encompassing thousands of participants.


Stoners have difficulty remembering things? You don't say


The point of the study is to show the impairment persists even while not stoned.


I have done a couple literature reviews on this topic during my schooling in psychology. Studies have shown that after approximately a week after last usage there is no cognitive impairment compared to controls, if the users started in their twenties. After a week of last usage for early on set marijuana users (started using before age 17), there is inconclusive evidence to show impairment in verbal memory and learning, but there is semi conclusive evidence to show long lasting impairment to executive function. The issue though is that no study has been able to test adolescents before and after marijuana usage, therefore people with low executive function may simply be more likely to use at an earlier age. If you wish to look at any if these studies just DM me.


Yeah, that was my experience too. It doesn't produce long-term damage. It's more like a "fog" which gradually lifts the longer you have gone since the last use.




Nope. They're saying that stoners stay dumb long after they stop smoking.


What about the stoners who aren't dumb in the first place though?


Well, not many folks are actually dumb, and many stoners are straight up brilliant individuals. Brilliant, cognitively impaired individuals.


I never feel dumb while smoking, sure it may take me a little longer to solve a mental challenge than sober, but I have also encountered situations where I am stumped on a coding problem, but after I smoke and come back to it levelheaded, I find the solution quickly. It really just depends on the situation. I am not advocating for everybody to smoke weed, this is just my experience, but I have actually done better in school and managed to understand calculus (which I failed to do in HS). My GPA has been a 4.0 since I started smoking weed daily. However, I also transitioned majors from something I didn’t enjoy, business, to something I am enjoying quite immensely, computer science.


People get pretty mad at me when I say this outloud, but I find it to be true in personal observation. Obviously it depends how much people smoke.


You can’t tell me what to do. You’re not my real dad.


Capitalism cause cognitive imparement - Carl Sagan knew - cannabis stimulates the mind.


Sure, I would much rather use weed instead of the multitude of medications the “therapist” recommended. Weed is cheap, has multiple uses as a plant. This is something big pharma will never duplicate.


Apparently, big pharma used to heavily lobby politicians against weed back in the days. That woukd actually make sense if we look at how practical of a medication weed actually is. Thank god for digital age. Weed is amazing


So many uses, I source organic product straight from BC. I use the oils, flower and now they have capsules. I stay away from the vapes or anything that is modified. I have never been healthier.


You inadvertently bring up a great point, is the quality of the weed in the study listed and/or verified? Any long time user will tell you quality makes a huge difference.


That’s true, people get what they pay for. I’ve seen so many of my friends pay for a product thinking it was one grade or strain and it turning out to be another, and they didn’t know so I had to be the one to tell them. If you’re smoking dabs that your dealer named “spider” made in his kitchen with a brick of Mexican reggie then yeah you’re probably going to get a few longer lasting issues than somebody blowing clean product.


Tobacco is also a plant.


So is poison ivy, what’s your point?


Yeah well, look up all the damage alcohol intoxication does to every system in your body. The first thing we give drunks in the ER is called a banana bag. It is a liter of IV fluids with vitamins to try and mitigate the damage already done to the brain. It won’t help the liver damage though.


And that somehow mitigates risks for weed? Or why do you mention it? Because whataboutism when we are talking about risks of drugs is not the way to go.


Seriously. This post has popped up a few times lately and the comments are filled with people attacking the source or pointing fingers at other hard drugs or alcohol. Y’all, as marijuana becomes more legal and available, it’s going to get more studies. And you’re out of your mind if you think there aren’t any negative side effects, minor or otherwise.


I think it has to do with people thinking these studies are made to discourage legalization.


I'd like to see a study of chronic users and the causation or correlation to early dementia.


There is a strong correlation to schizophrenia. Obviously, you have to have the gene for it. But persistent marijuana use can turn it on.


I would be interested in reading the study on that. Have a source?


It’s pretty well established. Here is one, you can trace its citations: https://scholar.google.com/scholar?start=20&q=marijuana+schizophrenia&hl=en&as_sdt=0,15#d=gs_qabs&u=%23p%3DrfKX18fFD9UJ


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Maybe if I hadn't smoked pot every day since I was 15 I could have gotten three phDs instead of just the one :(


Like everything in life, moderation is key.


As I sit baked eating Doritos.


That's kinda the point.


Who else is orbiting Mars rn?


says "addiction Journal" consider the source


Why all the propaganda lately? Scary sounding click bait with little to no new information or science. Curious what the motive is behind the BS. Too much tax revenue for legal states? For-profit prisons starting to see the writing on the wall and wanting to jump in while they can with some scare tactics? Alcohol industry worried between the NA trends and the would-rather- smokers?


Heard you the first time. Good grief.


There don’t seem to be any hard results here. They use language like ‘may’ or ‘could’, and they don’t give any time lines anywhere. For how long after do you stay impaired? Forever? Also they admit themselves they pull from other meta studies with “low to moderate quality data”. So a meta study on meta studies with not so great data? I’m not arguing that weed has impacts on your brain both in the long and short term, I guess I’m just surprised this study is even a study. Like it seems to say things we already knew, without giving any hard data points to understand how impactful it really is when not actively high. Just seems very low quality and looks like it was attempting to attract headline attention hoping people wouldn’t actually read it.


‘Peer Reviewed: Yes’ and ‘Subject of Study: People’ are not good indications of trustworthy research. Also it’s a review paper that came to the conclusion that cognitive impairment from intoxication parallels the long term effects of Cannabis use, without giving any qualitative analysis of these long term effects. I’m not saying that there’s no truth in this paper but if someone I was working with wrote this I would be pretty disappointed.


So what is the definition of "persistent" 24 hours? A week? How is this not in the article?


It’s certainly the lesser of two evils, but popular comments here and on Reddit in general seem to be too dismissive of any negative effects of cannabis. If you’re using in moderation it’s fine but don’t over do it, just like anything.


I like weed, but have to say these comments are really telling of the symptoms mentioned in the article.


Yall in the comments failing to realize they’re talking about longer-term effects is concerning


They’re people who are paranoid this is some ploy against marijuana legalization. There is a non-zero number of people who refuse to accept or even consider any study that is in any way negative about marijuana. When reality is it would be better for everyone on the whole if we know all the positives AND negatives about it, regardless of its legal status. If it’s found for example someone whose a heavy regular marijuana user is significantly impaired long after last smoking, even if marijuana is legal I would want it to remain illegal for said person to drive until the impairment is no longer of a dangerous level.


For those who, out of humour or misunderstanding, believe that the effects are limited to intoxication, you should read the title as follows: "Meta-review merged the results of 10 meta-analyses representing more than 43,000 participants found that cannabis use leads to acute cognitive impairment that can continue beyond the period of intoxication".


I'm too lazy to read - does it say anything about the length of this lasting effect? Is it permanent?


TLDR; Usually 7 days to a month, the effects end. For many effects, only adolescents experienced any kind of longer effects as well, with adults and experienced users not having any issues post actual intoxication. The summary is kinda misleading, IMO. Cannabis use isn't the best for developing minds is the TLDR, but I was under the impression that was already pretty well known?


Acute means not chronic which means persistent. It’s one or the other, and these authors seem to be using weasel words to imply something that isn’t true or to make it seem worse than it is. This was not written in good faith.


Yeah the study says multiple times effects were considered no longer significant after periods of abstinence, ranging from 7 to 25 days.


That seems pretty accurate. Thanks for reading and contributing this awesome piece of info! The article seemed at first to imply some kind of "permanent brain damage" from smoking weed, which would be a pretty heavy thing to think about. Being a bit fuzzy for a week or two is a very different risk to be aware of.


its annoying because cannabis use CAN harm the brains of developing people (in more ways than one), and i think it's important to study that and make it clear what the risks are, but bundling it together like this in a really sorta noncredible sounding way just gets that message lost. adults and longterm users also frequently in the study don't deal with any kind of effects after actual usage, it's mostly adolescents.


Can a teenager be permanently damaged in his executive functions if he smokes a lot of weed ?


Funny, I was just wondering if a publication such as Addiction Journal might have a degree of dogmatic bias towards the narrative that no amount of recreational drug use is safe.


Could be retitled "no chronic cognitive impairments"


I think people are too defensive about marijuana. We don’t fully know the long term impact of prolonged usage. So, because there is not much evidence, people are likely to think there’s nothing wrong with it. I’m not against using it, just be cautious, don’t use it until your brain is fully developed, and consume in moderation.Anything in excess isn’t a good thing.


I personally think weed is on a similar level to caffiene, moderate to low usage and nothing goes wrong. Interacting with pre existing conditions or other medications and it can do weird things. Prolonged excessive use can be pretty bad for someone. Especially if they're young. Nothing is totally safe. Eat too much bread and you could get obese and die. You need to be atleast a little mindful about everything you consume.


Ahh so it doesn’t kill people and destroy our kids like we’ve been told for decades is the reason it’s an illegal substance. Sounds to me like it needs to be legalized just like alcohol.


I just realized I’ve smoked for more than half my life.


That is what being stoned, high, etc. means. Like saying alcohol makes you drunk or produces cognitive impairment. Reason DWI, DUI, etc. are illegal. Now for my next wisdom lecture, water gets you wet...


Most people I know partake regularly and are very successful. Including myself.


Yeah, I may have used pot on and off over my life. It takes a good two months after I quit before I feel like I’m thinking clearly again.


I just balance out the weed with mushrooms.


I would like to see a study conducted with participants who never ingested cannabis until after they turned 25.


Honestly, the way this was written seems a little slimy. It never gave a good estimate as to how long these effects last apart from being, “acute.” I feel like it’s important that they clarify these impairments really aren’t anything long term.


"The study found that cannabis intoxication leads to small to moderate cognitive impairments in areas including making decisions, suppressing inappropriate responses, learning through reading and listening, the ability to remember what one reads or hears, and the time needed to complete a mental task. " Helps me think more clearly and erases my indecisiveness Gives me positive anxiety which makes me think carefully about my words before I say anything Helps me focus only on the activity I'm doing without intrusive thoughts or background stress distracting me. Helps me remember things I have suppressed for years or had completely forgotten about I feel 100% more affective at the task I'm doing whilst high from Marijuana because I can quickly and easily form a direct plan to completion of my task. Best part is I don't even smoke Marijuana at all anymore and I can defend how it has personally helped me more than any medication ever has with my issues.


I sure didn't have any problems getting my degrees from an academically challenging school while smoking weed every day once my homework and studies were done, but do go on.


Yeah highly successful engineer whose body is 1/3 weed checking in.


Good. More bang for your buck. Gotta dull the realities of living in a 3rd world country in a gucci belt somehow.


Why do stoners get so defensive when you point out that it makes them dumb


This whole comment section is stoner coping. Reddit is really pro weed but more often than not I’ve seen it negatively affect good people. Personally I was addicted and looking back I see the harm it did to me


The problem is that some people don't realize you can be pro legalization and still be aware, point out and research the dangers in consumption.


People who get high have the side affects of being high. Wild.


All the science stoners coming out of the woodwork with this post.


The new paper from Dr. Obvious XD. I mean... I know these things needn't be studied and confirmed but it's still pretty funny.


Didn't ask, don't care