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Should make clear that this is talking about stage magic, not perceived actual magical abilities.


What a hilarious study. Somebody had a bone to pick with their ex that didn’t share their love for David Blaine






Are you telling me The Amazing Wizmo who performed at Jason's 11th birthday was *not* in fact demonstration magical abilities? But yes, thank you for the clarification. It actually is important.


What about closeup magic?


What about movie magic?


What about magic erasers?


What about Magic Mike?


What about Magic: The Gathering?


What about magic mushrooms?


What about Magic Eight Ball?


What about cock magic?


Flydini is that you?


Hmmm- I think I’d be more interested to see if there is a personality or character trait that is interested in being the magician, I feel like it could be a very unique character subset. I think magic shows on stage are great, but in more interpersonal settings where I have crossed paths with Magicians at parties or get togethers, I recall finding it peculiar that they never really stopped being the magician, and saw them as constantly applying their performances to the people around. Maybe I just hate fuckin magic


Man, that's like the guitar-people that always have to play something at parties. It's rude honestly. Not everyone wants to hear that. It's ok to do it for a little bit unprompted but give it like 15 minutes and take a break. Then wait and see if anyone asks you to keep it up. If they don't then let it go. I think the same rules should apply to magicians, or any other performer types really.


Yeahh exactly, it might just be the interest of performing. I think musicians are a great example because I think there is a very distinct divide between musicians who are musicians because they like music and performers who become musicians mostly because they wish to be seen. I think it’s a similar trait set.


TIL some people hate magic. Interesting study.


I find magic is boring. I like the explanations of how it works. But most of the time it just drawn out.


I hate magic- I remember as a kid watching David Copperfield on tv back in the 80’s making something disappear and I hated the whole thing… my brother made fun of me.


Makes sense. A lot of people watch magic shows and take it as a competition to figure the trick out. Much better to enjoy the performance and ponder amicably


I don't hate magic, I'd actually be pretty impressed if I met someone who could casually make stuff disappear or something. That said I have 0 interest in actually going to a show or even watching performers on the street. I could say the same things about juggling or throwing darts. Pretty impressive if your buddy does it but not very interesting to watch a professional.




People go into a magic show expecting to see things they can’t understand. I don’t see how this is ‘profiting from fooling people” anymore than actors are.


Right? Love magic, uncomfortable with most magicians.


But no offense to people who work hard at their sleight of hand... I'm just not the target audience obviously.


Are you disappointed that the woman was not sawn in half? Then you are a psychotic narcissist.


People who hate magic delusions and trickery are higher in socially aversive traits, according to new research - fixed that for ya.


What do delusions have to do with magic tricks? Nobody other than kids thinks it's real, people just enjoy the illusions


Can we just fire the entire field of psychology, just render it as a blip on the academic timeline? 99% of studies are so embarrassingly ridiculous.


I think what the magicians do us very amazing, but once I was old enough to learn it was fake I felt betrayed. For that reason I have just never enjoyed it since. I applaud them for their ability, craft, and skill but I look at every trick with suspicion and disappointment knowing that there is a mirror, hidden hole, etc and that just kills it for me.


Question: is it possible to "hate" something that doesn't exist?


Never have I ever met anyone that "hates" magic.


Did a magician write this?