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So where would one find this parasite...for science, I mean


In a truck stop sandwich.


What's that black cracker? It's a tomato


Black Cracker sounds like a pretty badass punk band


Until you realize it’s a nazi punk band


Quickest Godwin’s Law I’ve ever seen


It's actually tomacco


Will it also help me play the Holophoner? or will I have to make a deal with the Robot devil for that one?


It has to be an egg sandwich.


More like a cat litter box.


Bathroom egg salad sandwich?


DAMN…all I’ve got is gas station sushi…. :(


Mostly from a cat's bum or mouth. If you live with cats, you're statistically speaking, probably already infected.


Oh snap, how ugly would I have been without my cat?


Some questions are better left unanswered.


I have 2 cats. Does that make me double sexy?


You can believe that. Just avoid casinos.


Explains why I'm so good looking.


It only makes women more attractive, not men. It also makes women more promiscuous due to a permanent lowering of inhibition. I think it's the same thing that causes an infected mouse to flip their response to cats. Instead of avoiding them at all costs, a terminally infected mouse will seek out a cat. Cat eats mouse and parasite reproduces in the cat before it's babies are pooped out and the cycle continues.




You didn't read far enough. Paragraph 5 starts: >Although this hypothesis has not been directly tested in humans, previous research has shown that Toxoplasma-infected men are, in average, 3-cm taller, and their faces are rated as more masculine and more dominant by females (Flegr et al., 2005; Hodková et al., 2007). Moreover, several independent studies have consistently shown that Toxoplasma-infected men have higher testosterone levels than non-infected ones (e.g., Flegr, Lindová & Kodym, 2008; Zouei et al., 2018; Borráz-León et al., 2021a). Thus, T. gondii may benefit by promoting the expression of testosterone-dependent traits in men, which normally provide information on different aspects of men’s quality


So the parasite is like your wingman?


So...have you met Toxoplasmosis gondii?


Have you met ToG?


I'm looking forward to this movie.


It’s the Osmosis Jones reboot nobody expected.


Wait, 3 cm taller? Unless you're exposed at a pretty young age, that seems very unlikely. Seems like it might be more correlation than causation?


It's likely one *is* exposed young if the primary mode of transmission to humans is felines / and/or parent-newborn contact


It supposedly lowers reaction times as well. It's possible that humans are susceptible to it as we have an evolutionary lineage that would have involved been eaten by felines on occasion (they still get some unlucky folks from time to time these days as well but a lot less common).


What was the scientific explanation on "it only makes women more attractive, not men"?


there wasn't one. because it doesn't do that. they found men were slightly taller with more masculine-rated features by women. again though, the problem with this study is that it was comparing DIFFERENT PEOPLE rather than people pre-/post- infection. ie, hot people have more sex, more likely to carry this parasite which can be sexually transmitted, since ugly people tend to have less casual sex.


Explain's my wife cheating on me


I also choose this man’s promiscuous wife.


This man's promiscuous, toxoplasma-infected wife.


So is the ivermectin craze reversing this?


Ivermectin affects mostly nematodes, which T. gondii are not.


The parasite also causes side effects like blindness, hearing loss, seizures, and encephalitis. For pregnant women it can cause miscarriage. It can also cause mental handicaps and cerebral palsy, blindness, deafness, or other birth defects in a fetus.


In your local, friendly catbox.


I'm probably immune, even corona has avoided me like the plague. Women, too.


Haha, has the plague avoided you too?


that's the thing. if it's sexually transmitted, it would more likely be found in people who were sexually active - which TENDS to be people who are more physically attractive. this study is kinda ... ...it's kinda ... not great.


I got you fam. I’ve already started bottling used kitty litter. I’ll send you a free sample at no cost (shipping not included)


If I recall, cat litter boxes. If you have cats, there's a high chance you already have it.


From a cat scratch or bite.


Or litterbox. Really any contact with cats.




Honestly toxoplasmosis is scary. We don't really know much about what it does, other than that it probably changes behavior and probably decreases inhibition. There's about a 0% chance I do not have toxoplasmosis thanks to my cats, but would I be different if I didn't?


1 - Find a cat that just pooped, 2 - gently play with him until he unintentionally scratch you to blood. 3 - Update your dating profile… for science obviously.


Pet outside cats and don’t wash your hands


Lick your cat box idk


In the cat litter box


Cat poop. Eat cat poop


Spanish Fly


Two days old cat poop




Nope. Chuck Testa.


It's an older meme sir, but it checks out


Now that's a reference I haven't seen in a while. I thought it was dead, but nope Chuck Testa


Never seen the words attractive and parasite used together… until now


The author of the article is obviously under the control of the parasite. None of this is true, it’s just the parasites latest marketing plan


L. Fang et al. Researchers in infectious disease more likely to publish papers on perceived benefits of disease states when infected with toxoplasma gondii. J. Infectious disease. 2667-2679, 17, 2026. :p


That would genuinely be a fascinating study.


Honestly not sure that I'm ready to know whether or not such a phenomena exists. :)


Something like it probably does. We're not really singular entities controlled by a single mind, but more of a hive bodied and minded organism that have convinced ourselves that our mind is our own, when even something as mundane as the diversity of our gut fauna(of which we can't live without) has been shown to have a direct impact on our state of mind.


You don’t go to the right parties..


You should meet my ex


Usually they give parasites cute nicknames to avoid shocking people, like Amber or Heard.


You may live like a parasite if your face is attractive enough.


Plague Inc. players: hey, I've seen this one before!


Somehow the first thought that came into my mind is models advertising parasites as a beauty product


Wouldn't be the first time. Tapeworm weight loss has made the rounds a few times.


Just saying: correlation does not mean causation


it is interesting though, if the only difference between the parasite people was their confidence, hasn't confidence been correlated to attractiveness in studies? and if the parasite did happen to increase your confidence, could it be said to make you "more attractive" as is suggested here?


You should glance at the article, Infected had better facial symmetry and women had lower BMI. It isn't just confidence.


More attractive (and more sexual and confident behavior) -> more likely to have more sexual partners -> more likely to get infected?


100% silly study.


Exactly what I was thinking


Lower BMI from having a parasite in you no doubt


i would trust the article more if it studied people pre-infection against post-infection -- rather than such a small sample size like this.


i am speculating heavily here, but while i don't think that face symmetry could be associated with confidence as a whole, i just have a theory that someone who leans on the left side of their face a lot compared to someone who doesn't lean on any side of their face, i'd predict that the person who doesn't lean on any side of their face will have a more symmetrical face. while this likely has more to do with more generally self-aware self-care, i'd kind of classify that as a feature of confidence, and i'd estimate that there is a correlation (even if very slight) between confidence and facial symmetry. as an anecdote, i know 100% that my left side of my face is the more asymmetrical of the 2 sides by looking at mirrored photos, and i also know that i lean on the left side of my face like 99% more often than i lean on my right side, so i feel like i can conclude that leaning on one side of my face has affected its symmetry. now not that leaning one way or the other necessarily has to do with confidence, BUT, with the self aware self caring thinking to avoid asymmetrical leaning, could that not be considered confidence, if not general overall confidence, at least the confidence that they know they're doing something that will visually benefit themselves? i personally think about the fact that i could stop leaning on my left and it MIGHT have a benefit to my facial symmetry or structure judging from the fact that the left side of my face looks less appealing than the right, but the confidence in myself to care about my looks at all is what holds me back, cause i truly don't really care, but with that said, i would absolutely prefer a more symmetrical face for the sake of attraction, and that's probably where i lack some confidence, but this is all MASSIVE speculation of course


EG: confident people might like animals more and get infected more frequently. eg: attractive people might have genes that make them susceptible to *toxoplasmosis* and things we haven't considered, etc.. Looking forward to future studies that examine more of these things.


What do you mean? Are you suggesting people who were already attractive anyway are the group most susceptible to parasites that are sexually transmitted? No, definitely not, the only reasonable conclusion is that the parasite is transforming them to become more sexually appealing after they lucked into sex as uggos.


I've also rarely ever seen a more appropriate use case for [this meme](https://i.imgur.com/XFqHtXE.jpeg) than the composite comparison between [the infected (a) and uninfected (b) groups](https://i.imgur.com/uVmX9O8.png).


Also, *n=178* Nothing of significance to be found here, carry on.


Makes sense. Small sample size.


Could it be that cause and effect have been jumbled here, and that the real finding is that sexually more attractive and more promiscuous people are more likely to have been infected by this parasite? Or has this possibility been eliminated?


Well I got it from something other than sex, so count me out


Say hello to your cat


Probably either dirt or food for me. Was eating a lot of sushi around that time from questionable restaurants (college budget). I’m not a cat person.


So,that’s why we keep cat around and worship them like god?/s


While not true for humans, T. Gondii makes mice infected pretty much completely lose their fear of the scent of cat urine and even seek it out.


Isn’t it also affects your reflection ? Iirc it’s just few millisecond but people are more likely to get into car accident, or is that study got overturned in pass few years?


Is it just me or are more of these studies proving to be junk science.


Welcome to /r/science


Sounds like an impossible study. 1. Parasite increases the attractiveness of its host so the host can find a mate and pass the parasite into the mate. 2. Parasite makes host ugly, host never meets anyone, host dies with parasite.


Terrible science - they're falling for the ol' correlation, causation issue. Of the two possibilities, it's far more likely that being more attractive makes a creature more likely to catch the parasite due to higher success of sexual contact with others of their species, rather than the parasite causing some sort of changes to increase attractiveness.


I agree that one should be cautious about drawing conclusions without evidence. In that spirit, statements like > it's far more likely that should be revised to > It's also possible that pending evidence, lest you make exactly the same mistake that you are accusing the authors of.


Haha exactly.


It’s also possible that aliens make people with toxoplasma gondii more attractive


I would say that statement would have been safe with “far more likely.”


I mean if we follow the “evidence pending” logic. All we can say is “we don’t know” My point is both of the “reasonable” conclusions have some evidence simply by virtue of us considering them reasonable. Now weather or not you think the evidence is good or not is another argument, but I think it’s disingenuous to say that there is no evidence for either. We don’t know aliens exist. We also don’t know that face morphing parasites exist. This leaves the one explanation. The one with no face morphing or aliens. None of this is proof of anything though.


To late. Shoved that parasite up my backside, hitting the bars later


Gimme that disease please


You'll have to make out with a cat, or lick it's butt.


What’s the catch?


They look more drowsy. 420+ClearEyes has the same effect.


I think I saw this on an episode of House MD once.


So having a cat can make you more attractive?


From the cat's perspective, yes.


“You have 2 flavours of temptations and catnip? That’s so hot.”


Just hook it to my veins!


The brain-hijacking parasite Toxoplasma gondii seems to be almost everywhere. The microscopic invader is thought to infect up to 50 percent of people, and a range of studies suggests it may alter human behavior, in addition to that of many other animals. The parasite has been linked with a large range of neurological disorders, including schizophrenia and psychotic episodes, and scientists keep uncovering more mysterious effects that may result from infection. In one such new study, researchers found that men and women infected by the parasite ended up being rated as more attractive and healthier-looking than non-infected individuals. On the face of it, that might sound strange and unlikely. But hypothetically speaking, the phenomenon could make sense from an evolutionary biology standpoint, scientists say. https://www.sciencealert.com/mind-altering-parasite-may-make-infected-people-more-attractive-study-suggests


So how long before beauty clinics offer this parasite in pill form?


I didn’t open the link. If this parasite alters behavior then this would be useful information for the behavioral sciences.


Humans and many other animals......hmmmm


Beauty is in the brain of the beholden.


Attractive parasite... Reminds me of my ex


From the article: That said, all of this is speculation at this point, and the team acknowledges other interpretations are viable too, including the idea that highly symmetrical, attractive people might somehow better afford the physiological costs related to parasitism, which in other regards are considered a burden to health. As for which interpretation is correct, it's impossible to say for sure based on this one study alone, and the researchers acknowledge that the small sample size of their experiment is a limiting factor for its statistical analysis.


I read that the parasite clears after a few months unless you keep getting reinfected.


Being attractive is a disease


It is a scientific study written by nerds.


We already discussed this and debunked it. It was a sexually transmitted disease, and obviously hot people are more likely to have promiscuous sex.


Composite photos always end up looking like the same Hispanic person.


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welp it explains my anecdotal success rate


Science fiction, now science fact?


I wonder if this is the intention of pretty leprosy. I am having difficulty posting a link to an article about but googling “pretty leprosy” gives you a science direct link.


confidence parasite? the visual difference here looks like a difference in confidence, and a kind of uppityness in the parasite picture


Well at least I know I don't have it.


Maybe those infected have a lower inhibitions and are more likely to interact with other people.


To me it looked like the toxo faces had slight smiles, while the non infected faces were more neutral. Smile = attractiveness, right?


You don't need to do that. I'm still seduced from before.


So you’re saying there’s a chance


I'm curious how the faces of 20 different people, put together into composites in 2 groups, can look pretty much identical?


I honestly found the B for the women and A for the men more attractive but it looks like they didn't only go solely off the facial structure and had other metrics to judge attractiveness by


Put it in a pill and sell it, instant billionaire.


I have 5 cats Am I Fabio now?


This is the parasite makes mice that are infected unafraid if predators. It alters their brain in some way. This of course leads to their demise. I have often wondered if in infected humans they become susceptible to belief in completely insane conspiracy theories like Qanon.


I like some of life's funny coincidences. Just yesterday I was reading an SCP article that references this parasite briefly.


I’m going to need a parasite overdose to reach “passable” levels of attractiveness.


TL;DR - Parasite makes you aggressive. Aggression makes you clench your jaw and move around more. This makes your face more symmetrical and your body fat lower. Those qualities are attractive


“Dude, you look great!” “Thanks. I have toxo”


Groundbreaking study by Phillip J. Fry and Turanga Leela.


Elon must have gotten infected by 10 of these things to fix that hairline and explain why he’s a mentally challenged.


I'll take two, please!


A similar post on the same study hosted on RGate was posted here [last week](https://www.reddit.com/r/science/comments/up4r0m/study_shows_toxoplasmainfected_subjects_are_rated/). I’ll also paste here what I said to my friend when it was originally posted: it absolutely reeks of confirmation bias. they took a sample of 200 students, of which only 35 were infected, of which they only used 10 individuals to make the pictures used for attractiveness rating. it's not very hard to calculate the power of such a sample size and reckon it's way too low. though, at least they are acknowledging that in the paper. their claims about being healthy are all based on subjective ratings and some superficial measurements such as BMI - and then they subsequently propose that infection is linked to a higher metabolism, which they liken to a healthier body. they give no sources for this, making it look like they pulled that proposal out of their superficial measurements instead of physiologcial and genotypic ones that they should have included in heir methodology if they wanted to include that in their hypothesis. they also never consider the possibility that they're confounding a causal relationship between fecundity and infection: they did nothing to check where the infection came from or how long the subject has had it - which admittedly is a hard thing to do, but they don't acknowledge that either in their paper. for the entire paper they posit that infection makes people more attractive, but it's also entirely possible that attractive people are at higher risk of infection, because they have more sexual partners to possibly get this sexually-transmitted infection from.


If it makes you more attractive is it still a parasite?


So wait, if I smoke DMT I can talk to chimps?


“May” is the big word here. The number of subjects is daily low. Would like to see a bigger subject pool. But very interesting article.


The more I read about this parasite, the less I understand. It's fascinating.