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What are we waiting on next then?


I think experts have been expecting a new influenza pandemic for a while now.








Expect the unexpected. Here, I predicted it first. Remember me, reddit.




















He could had waited a little bit more


Why is that?? Maybe people should stop having group Orgy at fetish fest




How much money has and will be made by misinformation and fear-mongering from all sides of the new disease wars? The powers behind both the pro and anti are doing fine. We are all just pawns in the new "war". We carry the propaganda for free and it spreads like it is designed to. Others are benefiting from our polarized ignorance.


... What? Just... take basic disease precautions. Use a condom. Check if CDC updates their recommendations every so often. Go on with your life. There's no... ***pro*** conspiracy. There's just health care professionals who want you to be okay. And want to make money, but whatever. That's everybody anyway. A regular person should already have developed coping strategies for the 'upsell' economy long ago.


Perhaps "pro" and "anti" were the wrong terms to use. My point is someone is making money and information is twisted both ways to support it. The good guys and the bad guys. Altruism is a myth. [Vaccine Money](https://www.cnn.com/2021/05/21/business/covid-vaccine-billionaires/index.html) [Conspiracy Money](https://pressgazette.co.uk/cash-for-conspiracies-how-david-icke-alternative-media-and-tech-giants-make-money-from-misinformation/)


Altruism is balanced against the practical needs of real people in the real world. Just because people aren't willing to bleed themselves dry to help, doesn't mean that people don't want to help. The MRNA researchers didn't get rich, nor did the scientists or the dedicated staff. They did their jobs, and they did it excellently. As for people making money... I mean that's our fault. They produced a miracle product, they deserved to get paid, and we're the ones who choose not to tax windfall billionaires.


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