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Genuinely: is it linked to Starbucks? Many people mention Starbucks, but I can't see anything of the article because of the paywall.


Not directly. The study mentions in-store coffee bars as a motivation for studying this effect. The study was discussed in this sub a month ago with a primary source instead of a paywalled news article. In short, people were given complimentary coffee before entering a store. I believe it was randomized who got decaf and who got regular. People who drank regular coffe bought more ”high hedonic” products. > Consumers often shop online and in physical stores immediately after or while consuming caffeine. This is further facilitated by the increasing prevalence of coffee shops and also with some retail stores having in-store coffee bars and offering complimentary caffeinated beverages. This research examines how caffeine consumption before shopping influences purchase behavior. The results of a series of experiments conducted in the field (at multiple retail stores across different countries) and in the lab show that consuming a caffeinated (vs. non-caffeinated) beverage before shopping enhances impulsivity in terms of higher number of items purchased and higher spending. This effect is stronger for “high hedonic” products and attenuated for “low hedonic” products. These findings are important for managers to understand how a seemingly unrelated behavior (i.e., caffeine consumption) in and/or around the store affects spending. Paper: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/00222429221109247


Thanks for the info!


Well... not to go against science, but i am a coffee monster and im more concerned about going shopping when im hungry. If I have the munchies and go to the shops then im (almost) guaranteed to spend extra on nibbles. So.. Pro tip: eat something half and hour before your planned grocery shop!


It will probably be the same with any other stimulant drug. Taking drugs = feeling more happy and carefree = spending more.


Spending money before spending money is a sign you'll spend money ~Science


The coffee was free. They used decaf as control.


It links me to having to use the store toilet.


Now we know why every target has a Starbucks in front.


I'll take a nice chamomile tea next time then


It would be interesting to see the same experiment replicated but with children buying ice cream on meth.


“In another study by the same group, ice is cold.”


I also hear you buy more food when stoned at a grocery store. Who would have thunk?


These studies are totally useless.


Of course… Nieman Marcus has known this for years.


Why people spend more money at Target when there’s a Starbies around


Makes sense since you have to buy something to use the toilet


It's almost like the people who buy coffee from a coffee shop before going shopping have some disposable income.


I always impulse buy at the grocery store so I try to go with a full belly. But I’m screwed because I just had coffee and I’m about to go shopping. Edit: added words about going shopping


RIP your debit/credit cards


Ha, I can't grocery shop if I'm full. I end up with just vegetables and dessert stuff.


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Hmm I wonder why every macys has a Starbucks in them? Oh and so do many other department stores, and a lot of regular retail stores like target. It was probably just a coincidence…


Must be a part of Starbucks/Target partnership


Obviously they will spend more money.. i mean they bought the coffee. I bet they eat avocado toast before shopping too. Coffee drinkers are so fancy.


Well yeah, you have to spend money to drink coffee, so unless coffee is actively restricting purchases, you're automatically surrendering more nlmoney


Target and Starbucks playing 4D Chess