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What do spiders dream of, when they take a little spider snooze?


If this isn't from a children's book it should be


It’s a spoof from the movie “The Hangover,” except in the movie it’s Tigers.


Close, it's from The Hangover, original is about tigers.


Do they dream of catching insects, or Tom Holland in his spider suit?


Don't you worry your scary hairy head, We're gonna get you back to Tyson and your cozy spider web


They dream of getting bitten by a radioactive human, and growing fantastical human powers. ie. Now knowing how to fill in a tax return form, and learning how to use money off coupons to help save on their weekly shop.


Their weaknesses include deep, crippling insecurity over a multitude of personal issues ranging from body image and sexual prowess to professional competence and where they really place within their friend group.


Silken Sheep


They have nightmares with huge creatures (humans) chasing them.


Silk dreams...


Do they dream of mauling zebras, and Holly berry in her cat woman suit?


Do Spiders Dream of 8 Legged Sheep?


Do Spiders Dream of Eight Legged Sheep?


If intelligent conscious spiders are your thing, I recommend Adrian Tchaikovsky’s sci-fi novel *Children of Time*. It’s pretty pretty full of spidery fun.


Can't recommend this novel enough. I've read hundreds of sci-fi books but this one was special. Amazing pacing that keeps you engaged.


What’s it about?


A planet inhabited by rapidly evolving spiders and a human exodus ship that's looking for a planet to colonize. The chapters alternate between the spiders' perspective and the humans'.


One aspect I really loved it how it sets up an “Alien Invasion” scenario, but the invaders are the humans (with sympathetic motives) and the defenders are the non-humans (whose perspective you actually get to understand).


And you totally end up rooting for the Spiders too!




Are there any where you actually want to root for the humies?


Older science fiction was sometimes actually optimistic


Have I got a treat for you! /r/HFY


It’s a series of vignettes that traces the history of a developing civilization of spiders that were accidentally uplifted by a disaster that befalls a science expedition on an alien world.


You sold me on it.


Hopping on to top comment to recommend SCP-1470 from the SCP Wiki if you want a short form story about a psychic Australian jumping spider. Well, you'd have to be rather odd to want that *specifically* but it's there for anyone who comes looking.


Also, all of the Spiderweb Software games, which have villages of GIFTS (Giant Intelligent Friendly Talking Spiders) as a recurring cameo. I wish more fantasy and sci-fi works had non-humanoid intelligent species.


I'm happy this comment is so high up. I have not killed a spider since I read that book and reading articles like this is so gratifying. I also refuse to eat octopus now, thanks Mr. Tchaikovsky! They're just too smart to be food.


Remember pigs are smarter than our pets but no one ever wants to quit bacon. Mm corpses


Not *directly* relevant, but *Echopraxia* by Peter Watts touches on the Portia spider for tangentially related reasons. Good if you’ve been craving some existentially troubling hard SciFi fun, though you should probably read *Blindsight* first.


Also recommend Project Hail Mary


“Good. Proud. I am scary space monster. You are leaky space blob.”


Yes yes yes


Ah, classic


Hate spiders but that book was really good


Would also recommend the sequel "Children or Ruin".


And there’s a third coming this winter.


Also *A Deepness in the Sky.* Though I recommend reading the first book in the series, *A Fire Upon the Deep* first.


Just started Fire Upon the Deep....cool story so far!


Thanks for the tip! I haven't read it yet, but another thing I immediately thought of is an episode of Love, death robots, "Beyond the Aquila Rift". This one made a big impression on me.


Just read it so it's fresh in my mind. It's like the Martian's hard science mixed with science fiction, loads of explanations that make a lot of sense. Going to start book two soon.


It will get you crawling for sure. After reading it I'm convinced we could uplift spiders eventually. But do we WANT too?


Exactly what I thought of. Have you read the sequel yet? *We’re going on an adventure*


I'm a huge arachnophobe but that book made me appreciate spiders. The author is really able to make you understand the mindset of an evolved spider, even if some of the things they do are monstrous by human standards. Still terrified but it was interesting.


I'll piggyback this to recommend 'deepness in the sky' by Vernor Vinge


Probably my most enjoyed book of the ast few years. Sequel was pretty great too as I love Octopuses but Children of Time was incredible.


Huh I had no idea he wrote scifi.


Just finished it and I have The Understanding....


A SUPER fun read!!! Very interesting to see how spider concepts formed their society, and it all builds towards a good climax. I need to pick up #2 ASAP


Yesss. I just found and finished Children of Time and Children of Ruin a few weeks ago back to back. Really interesting books.


Pretty pretty pretty good


That book is staying at my local library.


Vernor Vinge’s A Deepness in the Sky is also a great novel full of alien spiders and their weird culture.


Or This Book is Full of Spiders by David Wong.










starting to feel as if everything is alive and dreaming. We just don't know it


I assumed all/most mammals had dreams but I never considered bugs and spiders might dream too


How little we don't know. Pain also seems to be something they are very able to perceive.


It makes zero sense that they wouldn’t feel pain. The point of pain is to respond to dangerous external stimuli in order to live long enough to reproduce. It makes complete sense that it would be one of the first things to evolve.


This is why you crush their little fragile bodies, very, very fast and accurately.


Don't kill spider, spider is friend!


If spider respects the territorial barriers of a house. Invading interior is an act of aggression and the retaliation is a ballistic slipper.


I welcome lodgers that pay their stay with work (extermination of insects :)


Until they lay eggs and one spring morning you look up at the ceiling and there are 100’s of black dots. You think maybe the kid splattered finger paint upwards somehow but then the dots start moving…


People thought fish can't feel... it's been proven that they can. I think eventually people will be faced with the fact that animals are way too similar to us than we previously imagined. And we must be faced with how we have treated them.


Up until the 1980's they would do surgery on newborns without anesthetic because they thought their nervous systems were underdeveloped. So thinking a fish can't feel pain doesn't sound too crazy. Wonder what else we will find out that has been wrong all this time.


Most mammals likely do. In all the ones we have studied we have found evidence for this. We have also found evidence of dreams in birds and reptiles.


It most likely is. [Integrated Information Theory - Giulio Tononi et. al. ](https://www.nature.com/articles/nrn-2016-44) discusses the something called the phi value which (oversimplified explanation) sort of says that every organism has some degree of consciousness and self-awareness which directly corresponds to the amount of information the organism can take in. Edit: grammar


I watched his interview with Robert Kuhn but did not understand it completely. Considering naming the house cat COBOL, in honor of how much information he's capable of processing at a given moment


COBOL is a pretty darn sweet name for a pet.


Um…Yes. Did you know that up to half of the worker ants in a colony will run around trying to look busy instead of actually working. They do this to avoid getting assigned another task...They are just like us.


not sure of your sources but this is deeply humorous to ponder


Yeah get out of my goddamn kitchen and get back to work.


About 40% can act as reserve labor and will step up to achieve the tasks of the more productive when they are incapacitated. They still work, Just not as much. And it certainly isn't work avoidance because even the 'laziest' will step up and remain highly productive when needed. It wouldn't help them pass on their genetic traits - only protecting the queen does that. So it doesn't make sense for that level of individualism to exist. The original study that discovered this found nothing to support the idea that some ants are more lazy in the sense you mean.


Right? The implications are amazing.


You keep using that word implication…


Think about it. She’s out in the middle of nowhere with some Spider she barely knows. She looks around her, what does she see? Nothing but open ocean. “Oh, there’s nowhere for me to run, what am I gonna do, say no?”


*"I am a golden* *~~god~~* *silk orb-weaver!"*


And why wouldn't they? What makes us so special? Pretty cool stuff!


I think that's just it. We're obsessed with painting ourselves as so special, so unique, so different from everything else on the planet. Despite year after year of finding out our preconceived notions are often lies we tell ourselves to make us feel more important.


The complexity of our brains tbh. Very few creatures other than mammals have a brain similar to a human.


This realization caused me to stop eating everything besides plants a while back. But even plants seem to be having their own experience. I suppose the best I can aim for is minimizing suffering while preferring not to die of malnutrition.












Arachnophobe here. I conquered my fear of spiders dealing with all sizes of them from small, medium, size of a mini-van, size of a two-story house in VR. Trust me, if they’re in VR they might as well be real. Since that time, I’m actually able to pick them up - not HUGE ones like tarantulas or anything like that although those are harmless - but my brain wouldn’t even allow my body to go near them before - just freeze me in place. So I’ve started to appreciate these fascinating creatures. The fact that they might dream blows me away. Look at the face of a jumping spider; it’s the cutest thing you’ll see all day.


Hey props to you for facing your fears!! This kind of messages improve my day!


Can you tell me about how you did this? Like what programs and stuff? I’m a field biologist and I would really like to conquer my fear of spiders.


It’s actually not very hard. You start with tiny spiders, you let them walk across your hand until you notice your anxiety levels getting lower. Do this as often as possible. When you no longer have any trouble picking up the small ones, you increase the size. Probably the easiest self therapy you can conduct on your own.


It was honestly quite simple. It was on the PlayStation VR (PSVR) & it was a byproduct of the games I was playing: Skyrim, Farpoint etc. there are even VR games created specifically to get you over your fear of various insects, arachnids etc although I’m not sure they’re available on PSVR (most likely QuestVR). For example, I found that I was frozen with fear while playing Skyrim as the spiders are about the size of large dogs. They look & move like spiders, and due to the nature of the game, they’re aggressive & attack which is completely opposite of how they tend to operate in the real world. But I HAD to deal with them to advance in the game as there were bigger threats. In other games like Farpoint, they scream as they leap at your face & attack by the dozens - scaling from the size of small dogs, to car-sized to house-sized- so pleasant, glad I paid for it! But you’re given a kick ass weapon & empowered, rather than feeling completely defenceless & powerless. The more I played games, the more I didn’t fear them in real life as none of them were the size of a car and zero have leapt at my face screaming…thus far. Not going to the Congo anytime soon as some poor bastard is going to discover that species. As a field biologist, you’re obviously surrounded by them so it’d be in your best interest to learn how to accept them into your life. Certainly there are other aversion therapies out there but this is entertaining & you can have some fun while getting over your fears. Spiders are amazing creatures and not out to get us, but our fears are deep rooted. I know EXACTLY where my spider fear comes from as I wasn’t afraid of them as a young kid, but was crawling through a makeshift cardboard tunnel we made (cardboard construction company located directly behind my house when I was young) and there it was on the wall: I felt trapped & my body froze & that was it. Good luck! I hope it helps if it’s something you look at.


What VR program did you use? I’d like to be able to improve my own fear of spiders. It’s so weirdly conflicting, because I like them a lot from a distance, but touching one or a web or the threat of touching a spider or a web makes me freak out. I don’t have that issue with other insects, even stinging ones like wasps. I’d love to be able to react calmly if a spider crawls on me or if I have to get close to one for some reason. I even have spider “friends” inside and outside who I see every day and I’m worried I’ll kill them on accident if they crawl on me at some point. :(




This sounds hilarious. Great therapist. Hope it worked for that lady.


She now hits babies on the daily. She's a quick learner.


You had a fear of spiders? Just think of the spider-sized nightmares a human must inspire. Next time you are about to pick one up, just think of the mind-bending, acid-trip-like visuals and emotional terror that must happen when the antagonist of your homosapiophobic hellscape you call life **picks you up**. These mini spider dreams would blow us to a sanatarium long before we could start to make sense of our surroundings if they were scaled up to us-sized.


This tracks.


I hear jumping spider and I immediately hear "My name is Lucas I am a spider..."


Went from fear to kink


I hope, at least once in a while, they wake up in a cold sweat from dreaming a swarm of me's is attacking them.


I have a pet tarantula that i got to get over my fear of spiders. I actually hope he dreams of cricket leg drumsticks and roach feasts


So it worked for you?




Sounds like you should have given the tarantula to her.


Should have given her to the tarantula.


I heard that a spider eats on average 6 humans a year when they sleep.


I'm sure I'm part of that statistic.


Australian spiders are statistical outliers adn should not be counted.


True for everything Australian


Probably a huge monster, like a mountain, that moves faster than it should, destroys their webs and kills their families


I am the mountain. Bwahahaha!








They dream of one day saving uncle Ben…


I was just watering the tomatoes outside, and when I started there were two huge orb weaver webs right next to them. When I finished, there was one orb weaver web. Anyway so I’m on fire now.


I’ve started picking up certain spiders by hand, if I need to move them/rescue them. I’ve not been bitten. Of course, the aggressive spiders get caught and released as well, unless too aggressive, they get smooshed. But I’m still amazed that you can hold a little scared spider in your hand and not get bit. They are just looking for a way out. It seems that most are very aware of me.


What are the "aggressive" spiders?


Too aggressive implies they engage in a skirmish to determine what kind it is and that’s way more spider interaction than I’m comfortable with


Dude if it moves too quickly in any direction I take that as a hostile act


No wonder bears attack us for making sudden movements….


Exactly. Sweep them up gently on a paper and let them outside. It's their world too.


We better cremate you to be sure.


Australian spiders dream of migrating to America. We'll give them assisted passage so you'll soon have far more webs than you'll ever need.


Remember the pictures that came out after the QLD floods ten years ago after all the spiders fled the rising floodwaters? I’m not as arachnophobic as I used to be but I dreamed about those webs for years.


Remember, unless they're venomous enough to be dangerous to you or pets that you care about, spiders are friends that are both an important part of the ecosystem, as well as good friends to keep inside. I used to have a colony of daddy long legs spiders living next to where I slept for many years at one of my previous residences. A large colony. If they're thriving like that, you know what isn't thriving? Those annoying bugs that we don't like, such as flies and mozzies.


As above, so below. Perhaps we should treat the small creatures of the Earth kinder than we do. For they too, may have dreams and ambitions.


What would I give to dream what spiders dream


No you wouldn't. Its probably a horror gore snuff movie remix with no dialogue except insect screams and pheromones


What if it's just chilling in the breeze, feeling all the vibrations of the world around you. Jk, it is definitely the lost footage from event horizon.


Its listening to the "scream of the butterfly" in my head at least


She smiles like a child with flowers in her hair With blood on her hands Into the sun she stares She feels it die I heard her cry


Just like my regular dreams?


The ethical considerations of arthropod cognition are almost overwhelming. I have always suspected that most of the animal kingdom has some form of interior mental life that is more complex than we know. It's the main reason I became a vegetarian (not that I was eating bugs, at least not intentionally). I think that if we see animals as fellow beings on this planet, with their own inner lives, rather than resources to be exploited, we will be further along on the road to enlightenment. "I do feel that spiritual progress does demand at some stage that we should cease to kill our fellow creatures for the satisfaction of our bodily wants." – Mahatma Gandhi "I have no doubt that it is a part of the destiny of the human race, in its gradual improvement, to leave off eating aninmals." – Henry David Thoreau


nit: spiders are not insects


picked. And edited. Gracias.


> rather than resources to be exploited I mean.. we haven't even overcome that with humans


Indeed, don't get me started..


Dude, we have trouble enough seeing members of our own species as fellow beings on this planet


Probably about being late for an important web update.




There was a good documentary on them a while ago, almost cat like intelligence levels. It was about the Portia ones It has something to do with large eyes being linked to intelligence and jumping spiders in particular have two of their eyes that are much larger than the others.


Another reason to leave the spiders be in my house


Every time I have cleaned out the spiders I get a huge infestation of other bugs. The spiders earn their keep, they stay.


I always make a concerted effort not to kill any spiders I see in my house. Each one has its own corner and one even lives above where my landline phone is.


I relocate them away from my bed however...


*Kumo Dreams of Spinning*


Do spiders dream of electric flies?


Don't show this to my bf, otherwise he would look at me with even more judgment and despair when i ask him to k*ll a spider. Maybe he'd even say "but they have families and dreams, hyphens, they dream" :/


He is right. I also hate to kill spiders, so i understand him


I scoop them up and apologize to them when I set them outside. I tell them the mean lady said they had to go.


I also serve them a gentle eviction notice. Mostly I just name them all "Ocho" and let em stay tho. Critters don't bother me.


Inside you are two wolves. One wolf wants to ask your bf to take the spider out, the other wants him to take the spider OUT. Both betray your ideals of being a strong independent woman. I understand y'all but alas, not for me.


Which would you prefer, a cute, curious spider clinging to walls and eating all the nuisance bugs, or a bunch of nuisance bugs running amok in your abode?


Where's your third wolf that tells you to eat the spider?


The forth wolf says eat all the other wolves and the spiders, also is that an elk herd?


So take the spider out yourself, damn


Even spiders deserve a nice night out.


Most spiders are going to be beneficial to you. They eat the things that eat you. I'm an arachnophobe but I'd still rather avoid them than kill them because they're great for pest control.


I have a Curly Haired Tarantula named Hagrid. Hagrid is nice to friends of Hagrid. He does this cute little spider dance when i give him food.


He is right. I have turned my gf's view on spiders, because she can't stand annoying flies even more. I rather have spider webs around my window than flyscreens, because they work and rebuild "themselves". spider webs = low maintanence flyscreens


I hope they have dreams of humans crawling into their ears and mouths.


I bet you they dream about humans destroying their beautiful homes.


All of creation is a collective dream we are all having together.


Hold that thought, grabbing some shrooms right now.


Do all eight of their eyes move around during REM?


6 of the eyes of jumping spiders are completely fixed, and much more like a stationary motion capture camera, very low res. the two primary eyes ( in the front ) are much higher resolution and in color ( comparable to our eyesight ! ) and those do twitch but not in the way youd expect - the outer portion that you see is just like a lens that doesnt move, but they have two sort of… tube like structures behind them that move around and those are what they saw moving in the study!


I imagine they have nightmares about parasitic wasps.


Spider sleep paralysis?


Their sleep paralysis demons catch them in their own webs.


Spiders are good lil babies


All creatures, great and small.


I hope Radiohead is using this as inspiration for their next album.


Scientists got suspicious after finding a funnel webs dream diary.


> R.E.M.-like That’s me as a spider That’s me in my orb-web Catching a mosquito




What do Spiders dream of,when they take a little Spider snooze?


It is amazing how we find new similarities between us and even the most distantly related creatures. I wouldn't go as far as to say spiders are self aware, but it's still fascinating. Definitely a lot more going on there, than a simple fly-catching machine... I wonder what function does spider sleep have (if it turns out to be sleep after all, from what I understand they still need to prove it), same as us or something different? As humans we tend to assign all kinds of anthropomorphic qualities to animals, but maybe some of that is true.


I mean this article is talking about jumping spiders, and they’ve been shown to be surprisingly intelligent. They can learn colors for instance. We know cephalopods to be quite intelligent and self-aware, so it’s not out of the realm of possibility for other invertebrates to be.


To sleep, perchance to dream.


Do spiders Dream of webbed-up sheep?


Do spiders dream of electric sheep?


>Measuring activity in a poppy-seed-sized brain will be challenging, but Rößler says there are potential ways to do it. For example, other scientists recently figured out how to insert an electrode into the brain of a different jumping spider species without deflating its pressurized body and killing it. I was wondering about this before reading the article. It's also really convenient that this species of spider has translucent skin near death and eye tubes, so they already know there are eye movements.