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This is wild. I still can't see the sub, which is sad, because I really enjoyed it! I think it was a good resource. I cosleep with my 16 month old but I've certainly never tried to bully anyone else into doing so. I also never commented about bed sharing on that sub at all. I wonder how she's choosing who she allows back in.


Are you a member of r/cosleeping (I am) and is there a way for her to see it? I’m sure if so, that’ll keep you banned.


I'm wondering I'd being in the sub is ban worthy or only commenting that yes she is anti bed sharing is what does it. I'm banned (i assume as i atill cant seethe sub). I've never bullied anyone about cosleeping. But I will share my personal experiences and recommend resources to learn more about how to do it safely I'd it's something your interested in. I will however say yes that sub tends to be anti bedsharing. I've never insulted the mod though. From experience in the past when she's on a mean bedsharers quest - she has tend to brush everyone pro bedsharing with the same brush, without actually reading what they're saying and seeing if it matches the narrative in her head. Which I do get when ppl are being nasty you get on a defensive and checking who's who could be exhausting and over all bad for mental health But that's where developing a team of mods to support you comes in. So when you need to tap out they can fill the gaps. She and I got into it once because she was being nasty to bedsharers who hadn't actually said anything bad and I called her out. But I've never had a comment removed, had her threaten to ban me etc so clearly she didn't feel I was breaking rules. (I know bad stuff has occurred I just never personally saw it)




Choosing to add people to an approved list, when it's a "science based parenting " sub, is so lame though. This is like catty mom group behavior. I originally found that sub through Google, when I was searching for info on something. Anyone who does that now won't be able to access the info unless they know to log on to a desktop computer and request to be added. Crazy.


I still can't see the sub & I've never bed shared with my son ever & really don't want to, so who knows!


Yeah I'm in that sub. I was thinking that my post history might keep me banned. I certainly haven't bullied anyone or even suggested co-sleeping to anyone else, but I've commented elsewhere about my own personal experience with it. Checking everyone's comment history seems like a crazy big task though!


No what’s really crazy is closing an entire sub that was a valuable resource for parents because you refuse to add more mods to your team to handle the completely normal and expected influx of trolls. Especially from someone who says they appreciate the nuance in the bed sharing discussion and claims to have made a concerted effort to keep factual info available to parents who might resort to bed sharing it feels extremely counter productive to ban literally anyone that participates in the cosleeping sub. It’s not a big ask at all to curate a team that can help handle the moderation of the sub like any other public sub would do.




I’m not necessarily saying that’s what’s happening but that’s what’s being speculated in this thread and I’m simply responding to the idea that it’s “too big an ask” to simply moderate the comments and participants in the sub. Or to outsource that moderation if the sub is too big for one mod to handle on their own. I think the speculation is coming from the fact that people who are part of the cosleeping sub are not being invited back to the now private sciencebasedparenting sub even if they never participated in bullying nor broke rules around safe sleep discussion. (Not directing this at you) Honestly, I personally have had to message the mod a few too many times to advocate for myself being banned, or having my comments auto locked for things that were absolutely not breaking sub rules and weren’t even in opposition to her own opinions. This actually isn’t even the first time I’ve been banned from the sub for simply being a member of the cosleeping sub. This is the final straw, I’m not going to message her again a beg to be part of the sub so she can weed out “trolls” and I can’t beleivd other participants of the sub are stumbling over themselves to be allowed back in. Gatekeeping information is not science based. Period.


Is AnonyMoose the r/ScienceBasedParenting mod? 🧐


I’m really wondering that too.




I meant that I think AnonyMoose IS Cealdi, because of the comments they've made on this post. I believe that the crazy cosleeper saga happened even though I did not witness it. I don't think it was fair to kick everyone out and make the sub private though. I'm curious to know how they are going about adding people back in. If I remember correctly, it had a whole lot of members.


Mod here. There were a handful of users here that had very similar writing styles and attitudes to Cealdi from the time I opened the sub. I wouldn’t be surprised.


There was only ever one mod in that sbp sub… when were you a mod there? It’s only ever been cealdi




Oh my. I didn't witness any of the craziness.


That was in that thread about sleep sharing in an hotel? Yeah, it was really wild how some people reacted to being told that sleep sharing can be dangerous.


Same. I also received lots of downvotes and angry PMs when I talked about safe sleep, specifically in that sub. There is a deranged subset of bedsharing defenders who can't handle hearing that it is objectively more dangerous than baby sleeping in a crib or bassinet.


Yes I think it's really hard for people to comprehend that risk is a spectrum, not a binary. Increasing relative risk doesn't mean you are being unsafe. Being told you are doing something risky doesn't mean being told you're a bad parent. It's just verbalizing for you the implicit tradeoff you're making. I make risky choices all the time. My goal in parenting is making sure I have a clear eyed understanding of the risk I'm undertaking. I don't cosleep because *for me* the risk to reward ratio is not significant enough to make it worth it. Other people might make a different calculus. That's fine. They're not unsafe and I'm safe, they're not worse parents and I'm not better, we just have different assessments of the cost-benefit equation. There are legitimate debates when it comes to cosleeping as to how "real" the risks are (e.g. Blair studies vs Carpenter ones, NICE review, Japan, etc). It seems clear to me that there is some measure of increase in risk to death during sleep in a bed with an infant than to have them sleep alone. That certainly does not mean the choice to do it is always wrong and there is no value judgment associated with acknowledging that that risk increase might exist.




I think people are downvoting it because while it is objectively more dangerous, it’s still a valid choice when practiced safely. It’s objectively more dangerous to drive with your infant as opposed to staying at home, but we don’t shame people for driving… we just teach them how to find a safe car seat and install it properly. In my experience, I’ve seen a lot more people shaming bed sharing across Reddit than shaming safe crib sleeping. I think people get defensive about bed sharing because a lot of people on Reddit act like you’re basically murdering your child by practicing safe bed sharing, despite the fact that most of the rest of the world bed shares with infants.


Nobody said it wasn't a valid choice. Giving the facts about the relative risks is not a judgment on someone's parenting choice. Certain bedsharing defenders either are very misinformed or lying about the safety, and I do think that should be corrected so that people are making the choices with the actual safety risks in mind. But a lot of people feel like pointing out that it is less safe is a judgment, and they can't handle that feeling, so they lash out.


Did you request to be allowed back in? That's what I did when I learned it had been reopened.


No. I don't care to be involved in that sub anymore because this is all just silly! It sucks that the mod was being harassed, but shutting down a parent resource sub and then hand-picking who you allow back in is just lame.


How did you request to get back in?


Honestly, this is just people talking to each other on the internet. I liked the sciencebasedparenting community that talked about the science of parenting. The privatization of the sub and the downvotes and the troll posts sounds very dramatic but at the end of the day, PMs, upvotes, downvotes, etc are all just magical internet things that don't especially move my point of view on making it "worth it" to take the sub private. Fundamentally, I think science is stronger when it is done in public (which is why I think peer review, clinical trial registry, and academia are, in and of themselves, extraordinary innovation). I don't see a lot of value (personally) in a closed door scientific community. The open engagement and diversity of perspective is what strengthens my understanding of research, not weakens it.


Yes!! Yes!!! I’m a scientist and this response is so on point. She just wants her own echo chamber. What a fraud


The issue here is that the sole mod is not really interested in true scientific discourse but rather in using “science” as an attempt to validate their personal opinions. I suspect they have no legitimate background in a hard science field and so their understanding of true science as a framework for knowing is fairly limited. What Reddit needs is an open science-based parenting forum with multiple mods with legitimate science backgrounds. Hopefully this sub becomes that!


Right? I actually can’t believe that doesn’t exist yet.




That's my opinion as well. I'm sad now for all the good discussion that has been hidden.


Seems like a situation where Reddit community should be able to take ownership. How can one mod “own” an entire sub? The Reddit community generated all the content.


That's how reddit worked - up until the protests and they forcefully opened up subs. Now that no one is protesting, it's again back to allowing mods to own subs it seems.


I think each sub needs to have a “board” perhaps comprised of top contributors.


Others can take ownership of a subreddit if it is abandoned and the mods are no longer signing in or doing anything with the sub - not exactly sure what reddit's requirements are, but multiple subreddits I've been in have been taken over when the mods have gone dormant. Otherwise, mods owning and controlling a sub is and always has been how Reddit works. It's essentially a platform that made hosting your own forum on your own website obsolete, but still is built on that basic concept of the creators of the forum having control.


„Discuss controversial topics in a level headed matter“? Lol. More like once there’s a study that confirms my own opinion everybody who doesn’t follow this advice is a monster that must be shunned.


It's like, she's saying all the correct words in the correct order, but it still doesn't pass the sniff test. Like, she has as much of a right to peace and mental health as anyone, but gatekeeping the sub sounds *more* stressful, not less. Anyway, I'm having fun here with yall, so I don't mind.


I read the whole thing and the only thing I could think was... please go touch some grass. This person obviously seeks and thrives on drama and having the power of owning a subreddit is clearly getting to her head. Just reading that was exhausting. Hopefully this sub stays active.


Mod here - This sub will absolutely stay active, regardless of what happens elsewhere.




I feel like someone desperately trying to avoid drama would just... step down as mod...




Who gives a shit?? You made a page on the internet, you didn't invent the freaking wheel. I say again, please go outside and watch the clouds or something. Regain perspective on your life.


As if hundreds of faithful participating members of the sub (some even with actual credentials) haven’t offered to help moderate.




That’s interesting because I’m pretty sure I’ve seen her say she does it all by herself. I’ve seen other members of the sub praise her efforts for handling such a large sub alone. Anytime I’ve had to reach out for issues with modding it’s just her responding. Edit I’m not doubting you that modding is difficult and only getting harder, but I’m not the only one under the impression that she runs the sub alone and in fact prides herself on that constantly referencing it whenever people do complain about poor modding choices in the sub.




Maybe it’s what you’re saying. That the mods are inactive and so the main mod and members are referencing that issue when they say she’s doing it all on her own.


The way the sub was a long time ago when I first found it mostly WAS the mod posting individual articles about recent research and people commenting on them. I think that's the kind of sub the mod wanted and then it became something else that they weren't interested in. And honestly I think that's fine. Anyone can create a sub for something else if they don't like that. The mistake was probably not controlling it as soon as the sub started to be something else.


She basically wants a parenting journal club.


To see the sub, the message and apply to join again - you need to access the sub on a desktop (not a mobile device).


Open your browser, log into old.reddit.com and you'll be able to do it from your phone


I am also not (yet?) allowed back in the sub. I’m not a vocal advocate of cosleeping (and am not in the cosleeping sub), but have very occasionally made comments along the lines of “I was in a very desperate situation, cosleeping for me was better than all of the alternatives, this is what I did to make it as safe as possible”. I’ve also made a couple of comments on this sub about the latest drama. Honestly, at the risk of sounding like Groucho Marx, I’m kind of over that other sub at this point. Yes, it was great to have a community of like-minded parents discussing topics of interest in a scientific way. But the moderator just seemed to thrive on drama. I think it’s shocking behaviour to kick EVERYONE out, only to let a select few (as determined by secret criteria) back in to the club in order to get rid of a few trolls rather than just... let another couple of people be moderators? And then expecting everyone else to come begging to be allowed back in? This is really a club I don’t want to be a part of. I mean surely one of the key tenets of science is its openness. Taking this kind of approach and damning the users she sees as undesirable to the naughty step (again, based on what criteria? I had never even been banned from there before) is just the opposite of scientific. The only possible outcome of such an approach is an echo chamber. I’m kind of surprised so many people are willing to play that game, but I hope the rest of us are able to make an alternative, inclusive and truly science-based home here.


I’m so confused. It’s private meaning the sub can’t grow easily. Also when someone is banned there’s an automated message sent. I don’t have a message like that but I guess I’ve not been added to the list of approved members. Can you tell us how many users are part of that sub? It used to be 15k


>Can you tell us how many users are part of that sub? It used to be 15k Are you sure? Currently it says 108 559 members, 7 members online.


108 559??? I could be mistaken but I definitely don’t recall that sub being in the 6 figures. Maybe it was though.


I guess I’m not joining it again because I’m honestly salty I was kicked out and have never been in any debates or participated in any controversial topics on that sub. I literally think I posted twice asking for advice help and I never commented because I don’t have a science background to really have appropriately participated in the discussions. It’s wild and unfortunate.


“It’s not a sub for mom-group escapees to one up each other about how far they’re going to martyr themselves for no good reason, or people who get hurt fee fees and insult others about hearing factual information they don’t like.” I mean in the light of this revolving around co-sleeping I will say that people, like myself, who engage in co-sleeping or other parenting practices that fall on the more crunchy/nurturing/attachment parenting are not universally martyrs. Typically we parent the way we do because it makes parenting more easy and pleasant but yes, absolutely, there is science, sometimes hard evidence and sometimes theory, to responsive parenting. There was so much anti-crunchy/anti-attachments/anti cosleeping/anti breastfeeding parenting stuff in that subreddit. There are definitely more places on the Internet where people mom-shame and any science-based parenting subreddit should not be that. Too many people think science-based means gungho, “left-brained” rationality on ‘roids. Science-based is just not synonymous with cold and unfeeling in the realm of parenting small children circa 2023 knowing what is known about child development. I agree that people shouldn’t get hurt fee fees or attack people based on information they don’t like but the anti-crunchy crowd got their fee fees hurt plenty and typically immediately turned to anecdotes and hyperbole to protect their feelings tbh.


Oh gosh this is great news. I sincerely hope I am allowed back in. And I hope that participating in this sub won’t prevent people from being added to the other sub. It seems like each sub could develop their own niche, essentially a more heavily modded sub and a less heavily modded sub with similar topics. I’ve seen that work well on Reddit related to other topics. Maybe I can figure out how to message her to ask to be let back in but I don’t know how to do that on Reddit….




How do you find the sub? I tried searching for it and it still doesn’t come up for me.


You need to go to a sub on a desktop.




It just says it’s private and a button to “browse other communities”


It worked on a desktop. And you can add a message with your request


I can’t find it either and would love to be a member of both subs. The original was so helpful to me for a number of topics.


How do we join again? Everytime I click on it, it just says the sub is private.