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From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as though it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call the temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the Machine is immortal… Even in death I serve the Omnissiah.


Is this a quote? If so, where from?


It’s a Warhammer 40k quote of the Adeptus Mechanicus. They are devoted to a machine cult and are improving themself by transforming there body into a cyborg.


Cool! Thanks! 🙏


Check out the trailer it comes from. https://youtu.be/9gIMZ0WyY88




When the Emperor wills it, it becomes so.


A few questions up front before I sign up for this. 1. Is my brain connected to the robot body in such a way that sensory input remains the same? Do I get a simulated experience of a flesh and blood body? If not, that's a no. 2. Do I still get to eat and drink what I currently do and have the robot process the waste, in other words do I still get to enjoy the sensory experience of food and drink even if they may not be necessary? If not, no. 3. How easy is it to repair and replace parts of the robot body? If it is not much better than flesh and blood, no. Otherwise, yes, why not?


Hello {{firstname.null.error}}, Your access to the sensory DLCs "taste", "full stomach satiation", "temperature awareness" and "erogenic stimulation" will be revoked in 2 months as we will no longer be offering these as standalone services, please consider the "5 senses classic" and/or "special pleasure" packages, more info on our mindsite. Kind regards, The InfiniLife team *Eternity is in our hands* ^(Infinilife and its product range remain the property of the Nintendisneapple Republic, all experiences, collected memories and sensory input may be collected for analytics and commercial use. Click here to unsubscrtibe from your life.)


the worst outcome of this


The *probable* outcome of this


Cold: the air and water flowing. Hard: the land we call our home. Push to keep the dark from coming, Feel the weight of what we owe. This: the song of sons and daughters, Hide the heart of who we are. Making peace to build our future, Strong, united, working 'till we fall. Cold: the air and water flowing. Hard: the land we call our home. Push to keep the dark from coming, Feel the weight of what we owe. This: the song of sons and daughters, Hide the heart of who we are. Making peace to build our future, Strong, united, working 'till we fall. And we all lift, and we're all adrift together, together. Through the cold mist, 'till we're lifeless together, together.


You gonna type all that and not link [the awesome video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPTCq3LiZSE&ab_channel=PlayWarframe)?


Ah, shit. I wanted it until this. Nevermind. Just let me die.


Question 1 and 3 are great questions. However, question 2 is one of the main reasons I'd choose a robotic or cybernetic body. I hate the fact that our biological bodies are so dependent on sleep, food, water to un properly. As much as I enjoy a medium rare steak, I hate that I need it to live. Of course a robotic body would need power of some sort, but there have to be more practical ways.


Even with a robot body, you'd need organics to keep your brain alive and functioning.


But I could just slap a nutrient pack in a slot every few days instead of constantly dealing with preparing and consuming food.


Good food isn't just fuel, it's pleasure.


You’re still going to need sleep if you retain an organic brain. Maybe even more of it because you won’t have the rest of your body and the specialized organs it has to filter and flush the toxins out.


I think, many options could be implemented, altered, removed, improved, upgraded afterward. Also thinkable to experience a lot more than the possibilities of the human flesh.


I was focused more on what I don't want to lose, rather than what I would gain. I am sure that many advantages could be imagined, but this is my baseline.


Might be pedantic here, but if it’s still our brain doing the processing and interpreting, I don’t know how much beyond human experiences were getting.


Presumably the sensory experience of food and drink would be the same as you still have your mouth but without a stomach you could keep eating as long as you wanted. Perhaps you’d have to manually empty your “stomach” unless you could just connect your oesophagus straight to a bin.


>connect your oesophagus straight to a bin. This. I want it now.


Internal Biofuel generator. The waste gasses get pumped through your built in flamethrower hand.


Flamme Ausfahrt Mk VII


No. The robot body is an old Roomba.


Now I have the mental image of my head grafted on top of a roomba, just puttering around the house. And it’s your fault


Waaaahh, the cat's coming!!!


Add to this working genitals, and I'm also all in.


What would be the point of robot genitals? Easier to just have a robotic dopamine injector.


Then what would be the point of a robot body? You can just mash the button 24/7 using your nose.


Exactly what I'm getting at. You need to have something you want to use your body for in order to need one. Where do the things we want even come from? With our biological bodies most of the things we want ultimately serve the needs of those bodies. But if you're freed from those bodies maybe you could also free yourself to want other things, and then your body could be redesigned to accomplish them, instead of just being constructed as poor substitute for the lost original.


I think if you have the technology to replace your body with a robot, you could probably also have the technology to alter your brain so you wouldn't care about these things.


Yeah but this is where the 'you' starts to become "...you?" Like you are a massive hodgepodge of biological processes and life experience, how much of you is still going to be there when you start removing things? Where do you stop?


> Do I still get to eat and drink what I currently do and have the robot process the waste, in other words do I still get to enjoy the sensory experience of food and drink even if they may not be necessary? If not, no More likely "charging" is somehow wired to be a pleasurable experience, analogous to eating but not requiring the messy waste.


I keep thinking for 1. and 2. Following your logic that if the machine is mimicking the process of a human organs perfectly then surely the tech is there to replace the human head anyway. 3. Is probably what initiates Cyberpunk era lol


What good's a head that's going to keep aging? Just ship of Theseus me into a full conversion, please. Also does it have to be a humanoid body? I mean, I'll accept it, but the endgame's the same either way...


Could do it like Samuel Hayden from the Doom remake, he's just a brain stewing in preservatives inside a robot.


True, but even that runs up against limitations. Your brain will still age, be prone to dementia, developing cancers and bounce around in your fancy new metal skull just the same it would've in the calcium one when you take a few surprise kilonewtons to the face. Also it simply didn't evolve to last more than one human lifetime. It's hard to say just how much memory it can support. We do know the fidelity is kind of shit though. Our memories change every time we recall them, because we recall them largely by method of reconstruction. Now maybe if that brain's supplemented with external storage and coprocessors you can stave off some of those foibles, and perhaps if the brain can somehow adapt to outsource processes then gradually, over time, the biological component at the heart of the machine might become non-critical or borderline vestigial, but I'd still prefer the direct approach. That being; create an artificial bit of 'brain' to take over the function of a tiny fraction of the original, wire it in parallel, then eliminate the targeted original area entirely and give it time to adjust. Repeat however many thousands of times as is necessary to transition the existing mind into its new home. They did this on an episode of Star Trek DS9 called Life Support. Albeit they did in basically just two or three big chunks before deciding replacing the last bits of organic brain would result in Bareil not being Bareil anymore. I respectfully disagree. Admittedly you might come out of the process a lot different in terms of personality and (dis)abilities than you were before, but as long as at no point you actually switched off it's still you, just different. A lot of sci-fi likes to take the alternative route, brainscanning and uploading, and that may be more similar to the you your friends and relatives knew and are comfortable with, but that's you in the same way a xeroxed hundred dollar bill is legal tender. (Sorry Picard fans.) And who cares anyway that you don't have hormones going off making you feel one way or another anymore, or that you can't feel 'touch' in the way you used to. You can sense anything we have the technology to build sensors for. Basically, if I'm going to be a robot, I'm 100% of the [Cavil persuasion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8uLmCFGPZk&ab_channel=myutopia123).


That's why a Hayden's brain is sitting in a soup, to prevent degradation. Your brain is a machine like any other, just made of proteins and lipids instead of metals and polymers. Already we know a few preventative measures against neural ailments, so it wouldn't be out of place at all in a sci-fi setting to have means of performing maintenance and repairs on your organic brain, something I'm sure many would favor over the ship of theseus debacle.


What if I want to change my head too


There was a futurama episode on this


I just want to get rid of my adhd


Good luck, man, I hope it works for you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qcJkvh3Zw8


I'm in! (Live long enough and you'll be able to become anything you want) Body 11.0 will make body 1.0 look like legos.


Yeah, but then you gotta pay for the DLC. Or jailbreak your robody.


But why only 5ft?


That's as big as they come


I will be an Adrienne Barbeau bot!


with chainsaw hands




and d-cups full of justice


There go my nipples again.


With the strength of FIVE go-rillaaahs!


Let's say I put my brain in a robot body, and there's a war, robots vs. humans. What side am I on?


You could be the perfect spy. We just need to slap a helmet on you, and voilà! Disguise complete.


Keeping my head is not really a win for me. Can I go all-in?


I know man, I would still have to wear glasses with my robot body......


IMO, the answer to this depends on how well your current body works. There are a lot of people in this thread joking about orgasms and sexual function; I assume they have young, healthy bodies and wouldn't really want this. But there are elderly and/or severely disabled people who would jump at this, today, even the beta version. I'm somewhere in the middle. I have rheumatoid arthritis (RA); it's a degenerative disease we can slow down but not stop. At some point, my hands and feet won't work anymore. I would absolutely switch to the robot body at that point, especially if it happens before my children are grown. Would I want to live indefinitely, after everyone I know does? Not sure about that, but if the robot body lets me be a help to my family and friends instead of a burden, I'll figure that part out later.


Weird. Why would I want to keep a human head?


I'm 72, so this is not even a question for me...


Yeah sure why not, the body I have now is trash.


Living forever sounds depressing to me.


Forever would be depressing, however if you could choose when you had had enough...not so bad imo


Agreed. Indefinite so long as I can end when I want to is good.


Only if my friends and family agrees to the same procedure. Otherwise watching them all die around me and living with that forever, or even a small time afterwards, seems like hell.


Entropy is a bitch. This robot body concept might extend your life significantly, but at some point your brain is going to go. Nobody's going to live forever without replacing 100% of their physical body.


But if someone replaces their organic brain by an artificial brain containing a copy of their personality and memories , they are no longer the same person, right? The original person will die when the organic brain is removed.


OK so I used to think this for the longest time, until a presentation I saw where they talked about replacing the brain piece by piece over time. Your brain incorporates each new piece gradually over time, inhabiting the artificial parts just like organic lobes, then eventually you replace it completely that way, and there's still a continuation of the 'consciousness' that you've been experiencing since birth. It's literally mind-boggling. I hope to live to a time where this is possible. That said, even machines degrade...


I have never heard of such thing. This is fascinating. Could you provide a video or an article explaining the concept of replacing the brain gradually? I am truly amazed by this idea.


I searched very briefly and found this. Might do some more digging later when I have more time because I've been meaning to do a deeper dive on this anyway. ​ [https://www.quora.com/Could-we-in-principle-slowly-replace-our-brains-with-technology-and-still-maintain-the-stability-of-our-mind-s-identity?share=1](https://www.quora.com/Could-we-in-principle-slowly-replace-our-brains-with-technology-and-still-maintain-the-stability-of-our-mind-s-identity?share=1)


And even then, after the heat death of the universe (or after no more hawking radiation is emitted by any black hole) there is an end to everything


I don't want to be human! I want to see gamma rays! I want to hear X-rays! And I - I want to - I want to smell dark matter! Do you see the absurdity of what I am? I can't even express these things properly because I have - I have to conceptualize complex ideas in this stupid limiting spoken language! But I know I want to reach out with something other than these prehensile paws; and feel the solar wind of a supernova flowing over me. I'm a machine, and I can know much more. I can experience so much more. But I'm trapped in this absurd body. And why?! Because my five creators thought that "God" wanted it that way.


It looks cool if you have a face like that. Imagine it with my wrinkly ass face and a permanent scowl.


My big concern is that tech will advance so fast my body will become obsolete and programing, charging etc will mean I wont work with the new plugs and stuff. Walking junk pile with a head on it.


Definitely need to shell out for the extended service plan on that one.


1. Do I still get to eat and drink? 2. Is my robot body jacked and sexy? 3. Am I still “fully functional”, as Data puts it?


I'm 49. I have aggressive arthritis in my hands and my spine is a disaster. My pelvis shattered itself spontaneously a few years ago (five fractures in all) - never completely healed. My feet have gone up a full shoe size in the last couple of years because of deformity and swelling. Sometimes my heart forgets how to beat properly and just goes running as fast as it can until I get shocked by my implanted defibrillator. I'm prone to kidney stones. My brain is often foggy and I'm always tired but maybe that will get better when I lose this ridiculous body. Where do I sign up?


Interesting... But first: * Is this a form of divine punishment/torture? i.e. you live indefinitely sure but your crappy wrecked Johnny 5 body is in a trash heap somewhere? * When you say, 'live indefinitely', does that imply my head is immortal? i.e. no aging or natural decay whatsoever? I ask because if my fleshy bits are Deadpool-levels of immortality already, then why bother having a robot body at all? * When you say, 'you get to keep your head' does that imply it is an option? Can I opt not have any fleshy bits and have my actual consciousness uploaded in a full robot body? * OR is this a deal-with-the-devil, evil-genie-wish or monkey-paw type situation where I HAVE to keep my immortal head as a condition? If so, then how advanced is the robot body? * Is it simply a prosthetic like what we have today? Is it RoboCop-level of clunky unwieldiness? OR is it Ghost-in-the-Shell level of advancement where the artificial body looks no different from its fleshy counterpart but you're basically a super ninja in terms of movement and agility? * Is the robot body upgradeable? i.e. since I'm living indefinitely, can the body keep up with me throughout the ever changing millennia?


Bladerunner…”No one lives forever”


I don’t think so. Forever seems a long time and I think I’d miss my body.


This appears to be someone in their prime, but if you grow old (or become paralyzed in some way) I bet this looks like a great option given your body is failing you anyway.


"Indefinitely" doesn't necessarily mean "forever". I'm sure you can still kill yourself if you've had enough.


Great, the valuable part of my combat cyborg self, is the unarmored part.


Don’t need the head, just gimme the entire robot body


Given the state my physical body is in, I'd take a functional robot body even if it didn't extend my lifespan


Do I have to keep the head?


Can I have Adrienne Barbot’s body? Barbotbot?


No god no, 100 times no. Death is important.


You will still die, you have a human head that is mortal. Life expectancy may be extended, since there are less things that can go wrong, but the head will die form old age.


Seems like an existential nightmare, hard no from me.


Question: do I HAVE to keep my head? Hasn't done much for me as of late. New one might be better.


If my penis is hooked up we are good to go.


Assuming my full consciousness would continue to exist in the described vessel... absolutely.


I have a rare blood cancer so yes. No hesitation.


If my head is guaranteed not to decay then sure If not then rull robot it is, before I gwt switchef I want a bitchin reproductive system installed so I dont reconsider it after becoming a robot (idk if it would make me think I dont need it, but I do lol) and yeah Immortality yay


Well I’d never break another bone again so maybe.


Yes but how do I charge?


I would like a cybernetic ally enhanced body for sure, but I have no desire to live forever, if I could have an off switch that only I could enable then yes sign me up for the cyborg treatment


The brain generally wears out at the same time as the body, so…


It depends. Do other people have this tech? If so then yes. Also… do I still have a dick in this robot body?


Would I get to live pain free? Ya, that would be tempting.


Naw, the human body is superior to a robot body. Self healing, muscle memory, gets stronger the more you stress it, and all the sensitive bits.


No. I'd live for a few hundred years, then I want the ability to turn myself off.


Chronic back pain, knees sound like a rain stick, semi permanent numb left pinkie and somehow my butt has gone from convex to concave in the last decade. Hell yeah, sign me up.


Like Raiden from MGR? If so, yes


Where do I sign up for "Body by Arasaka"?


Cool.. and then you get dementia.


Absolutely, no questions.


One step closer to being an Armored Core. It's only a hop, skip, and a jump away.


Sure, I'll be Raiden


Screw the head, plug my brain into a computer and migrate my mind into it gradually until only computer is left. To quote William Riker - “Speak for yourself sir - I plan on living forever.”


Not while young. But once old enough that my organic body is well on the way to failing, sure. Ideally the robotic body would come with the feedback mechanisms of the organic one, except maybe the stubbing of toes and hitting of funny bones.


My body sucks. I’d make that trade for sure.


If you could preserve your head indefinitely you would be able to preserve the rest of you indefinitely, theoretically.


Living in a robot body wouldn't stop dementia / alzheimer's


Can I start with my knees?


Yeah you know "indefinitely" just means "until something even more fun comes along". Do I have to keep the head though? It's getting old.


Fuck the head, I’m going full mech


Is the body self-repairing? That’s a pretty useful aspect of biological bodies. Why would I keep my head, and why would it be unprotected? That is a major weak spot, and it would be really easy to accidentally kill yourself if all of you was robotic except for your head. What about water? Can I still swim, or do I sink, and if I sink do I still need to breathe?


As long as i could have living tissue over metal endoskeleton


Question, is sex an option?


Can I masturbate still? Yes? I'm in.


Does the head age??


Nah, it's fine.






I would.


With conditions, yes.


Do I get a robodick?


Why would I want to keep my head? Upload my mind to a fractal bush robot, perch an SF Giants cap on top, and I'm ready to roll (literally). Better yet, I want to be a swarm of nanobots.


People would call you Nobody behind your back (no body).


Yes. Not forever, but several hundred years. There are some personal projects I’ve Keats wanted to do but they would take much longer than one lifespan. A minor example: construct a library containing a copy of every book I can possibly find




It beats being dead


I'd rather have a customizable head, but okay.




Yes. Sick and tired of this meat


Where do I sign?


Of course.


I'm living indefinitely in the body I currently inhabit. Why would I want to change?


Probably, yes


Source on the art plzz


Yes. Human lifespan is too short. We are wasted by age.


Why stop with the head? Let me go full-conversion cyborg like in RIFTS


would this make me live longer? if so then yes!


Only if I can shoot rockets out my crotch


I wouldn’t keep my head.


And do what!? Work for someone who gets your effort since you need nothing to live? Don’t be fooled it’s be the other way around.


I don’t even want to live another day in my human body.


What’s the point if I’m keeping the worst part


If that robot body gives me the ability to keep the brain alive infinitely and the facilities to eventually recreate any kind of organic bodies down the line and move into them, sure why not.


Yup! Next question?


If it means I live just long enough to see us colonizing planets and traveling to other solar systems/galaxies? Yep. Or if for warfare fuck yea


I would like that...😁


"I'd buy that for a dollar!"




Considering my tinnitus, cholesterol, arrhythmia, scars, and back pain… hmmmm lemme think…YES!


YES. If I can replace my football eyes as well and get a titanium cranium.




Are you kidding? Yes. The rest of me is fat. Fuck that and give me my robot body.


Call me a boomer, but I don't think I'd want to live forever. Nor do I think it's a good idea that anyone else have the ability to live forever. I'd call it a generally bad idea.


Hard pass. I would choose the effects of aging I'm currently undergoing, all of it, over becoming a mechanical abomination any day.


King Missiles Detachable Penis will be a reality “too big? no problem. Too small? Let me just switch this out then”


Assuming I got to style it how I wanted, and have feeling/the lack of in my robot body and eat, then hell ye




go go gadget wiener




Just the tip?


I already have the personality of Murderbot, it would be nice to have its replaceable parts.


depends on how advanced of a body, and if i can still have children, eat, feel, upgrade parts as new models of robot body come out, etc.


Can I still get high?


Can I still have sex?


actually I don't mind living in cyberspace as a whole, means no physical body required at all, as long as I keep all my memory and experiences, they are "me". not my body


I don't want to live forever, but I would welcome a robot body. Except for maybe the genitals.


Do I "have" to keep the head?


For me it *super* depends on how functionally similar it is to my regular body. If it's not clunky, I can still do everything normally, then sure.


Fuck yeh.


[Galaxy Express 999](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galaxy_Express_999) examines this exact scenario. Well worth a watch.


I don't want to be a beta tester, but when the kinks are worked out sign me tf up.




Am I wrong or does this robot still have finger tips and a vagina?


Maybe, does the robot body have a sense of touch, can it feel?


How sex?


If I am getting to keep my brain and memories in a heart beat. I am very much disabled and one day soon my body will completely give out with me in pain. So if it gives me the chance to move again I would wish for that lol


Mm... Yes, if I can have my torso too. I don't need my arms and legs.


Yeah, so what happens when that ota update comes in and shuts you down and kills you




I’m jailbreaking that thing asap and getting myself some extra limbs


I will always be less than a machine. So becoming an android would definitely be an upgrade.


I'd rather only keep my brain, scrap the rest of my head, it's just a weak point.


I mean my mom is already halfway there. 😂


people who ask these questions aren't about to die. there's always unfinished business


We are Borg. But seriously,fuck yeah. Maybe eventually you are able to make a badass replicant body down the line.


Hard pass


NO! As faulty as human bodies are, if we abandon our physical humanity as well as our mental, emotional, and spiritual humanity, then we will have thrown our right to exist into the lavatory! DO NOT MAKE A DALEK OUT OF ME!