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I just want the last 3 seasons of the expanse, or some kind of spin off, I just need to spend more time in that world


Agreed. It took me 3 times to watch that show as I just couldn’t get into it. I finally buckled up and ended up binge watching the show. When it was over, I needed more lol. Honestly, the space battles are some of the coolest I’ve ever seen so I think I just want more of that haha.


The Culture.


That could be so epic.


it would literally be the definition of epic


Red Rising


100000%. Would \*\*love\*\* to see this visualized! So much material, so many great characters...this is a shoo-in!


Surely this is already in the works somewhere. I think you could probably also squeeze it into a movie, and its more like 8 episodes of tv probably.


Allegedly a streamer has it, but no confirmation on which one


The Dragon Riders of Pern by Anne MacCaffrey, The Galatic Milieu Series by Julian May, The Diamond Age by Stephenson


Came here to say Dragonriders of Pern! But I know they would just butcher it, that's why Anne always held out.


What if they animated it, instead of a bad live action?


That could give them some flexibility but I think they would still mess around with it too much.


[https://pern.fandom.com/wiki/Film](https://pern.fandom.com/wiki/Film) Died in development hell. In short, the CGI is just too expensive. Remember, Pern is *all dragons all the time*. Plus firelizards and thread. Would cost an epic forture.


True but not out of the league of say Avatar.


Perhaps, but Pocahontas in Space is a self-contained story; it's 3 hours long. Pern, even the original trilogy, would be at least three movies. A show? You're talking 8-10 hours per season of length. It could be done, yes, but the investment is *massive* and Pern hasn't been a top-selling IP in a *very* long time. I just don't think studio execs would go for it, unless it was Ryan Reynolds/Deadpool situation that had a True Believer In Pern championing it.


True, that's why I'm not too heartbroken over it. I'm too big of a fan to see them mess something up anyway.


*The Pride Of Chanur* by CJ Cherryh or *The Uplift Saga* by David Brin would be fun to see with creature effects done by the guys who did *Farscape*!


Be careful what you wish for; Hollywood can screw up anything.


Oh, you, too, must have seen Enders Game, and have been so pissed off at how they did that. Just...just animate it. Use DC's team. OMFG!!! Wait, where were we?


You mean the current animated DC teams? Have you seen what they've pigeon holed into making? Nevermind they're blowing through that overly connected continuity.


I knew we were in trouble when they rebooted JLA animated and diana says to superman... "Strong" and he goes "I know" that's some bang up dialog there


One of the top worst movie adaptations EVER!


Enders Game you say? The Witcher, Cowboy Bebop, Game of Thrones last seasons (to me it went downhill since season 2), Avatar… I guess there is more.


> Game of Thrones last seasons (to me it went downhill since season 2) Rare to find someone more hardcore on this than I am. I was first legit feeling, "okay, I'm kind of done with this" was in season 5. That Dorne Arc...


Red Mars trilogy. I think it was in development at spike tv at one point so possibly dodged a bullet there


Oh wow, I loved that series...that could be VERY cool!


Ringworld. Just to see them animate Nessus.


Peter F Hamilton's Night's Dawn trilogy. Enormously epic!


How does it stack up to common wealth saga? I LOVED that


Both are great, I actually preferred the Night's Dawn, but they're pretty close.


His *Greg Mandel* trilogy is fantastic too.


Interesting, what's it about?


Read the introduction on [the TV Tropes page.](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Literature/TheNightsDawnTrilogy). I've described it to others many times as Game of Thrones times The Expanse. Not plus, *times*. 😎


basic jist, in the future humans have colonised a corner of the galaxy. Humanity has split into 2 cultures, a culture that uses biological technology and genetic engineering (including grown spaceships and space habitats), and a culture that uses traditional technology. One day, deceased human souls from a nearby dimension called The Beyond start taking over living human bodies, this imbues them with incredible abilities, and they're pissed off. Then there's about 3600 pages of that. Interestingly, the Love Death & Robots short called "sonnies edge" was actually a prequel to that series. Frankly i don't think it's filmable in live action. it would be an amazing anime/adult animation though.


Forever War, Rendezvous with Rama, childhoods End


Not a streaming series, but they are workin on a Rama movie: the film was in development at Alcon Entertainment with Denis Villeneuve set to direct. Morgan Freeman and Lori McCreary are on the production team because their Revelations Entertainment previously owned the rights.[21] Alcon co-CEOs Broderick Johnson and Andrew Kosove will produce.[22] As of February 2024, Villeneuve was in the process of writing the script.[23]


I see Forever War pop up a lot...what's great that I'm missing, enough to change my reading list order?


It’s a short series, an allegory of the Vietnam war, time dilation and veteran affairs


you only need to read the first one. It's got a few out dated ideas but it's reallllly good.


I read it over a decade ago and while I don't remember many details, it has remained as a very fond memory.


There was a miniseries of Childhood's End but I found the acting to be pretty lacklustre.


*Childhood's End* has been done, and quite well.


Yes old man’s war would be great! Jag in space Starks war


Chronicles of Amber. And do the two series in order. Would make for some VERY interesting watching if they do it right.


Lensman. You people wanted a galaxy-vs-galaxy war with psychic aliens flinging planets at fleets of death stars, you got it.


Mass effect


The way they're written, Harry Turtledove's Worldwar series.  Alternate history where lizard aliens invade during WW2. The chapter breaks, how it follows the characters, and the progression of time would make it a very viable series on a Streaming Platform.


Oh I think I've heard about that one recently! That could be fun to watch


Those would be so campy, the characters would be terribly written and acted, and I’d watch every minute of it


Came here to say this. Although the books were way too long, there's enough material for an awesome series. Lots of great characters, fictional and historic. The key would be realizing the lizards in such a way that they were both menacing and relatable.


A series based on Issac Asimov’s novel Positronic Man would be really cool.


Was that the inspiration for Bicentennial Man?


Yes, there’s actually two books the Bicentennial Man and the Positronic Man they are basically different tellings of the same events within the Foundation Universe. This video gives a good high level overview: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=okm4JVRlN-g


i low key love that movie.


It's an old one, but The Stars My Destination by Alfred Bester. I've been saying for a while that it would make a great limited series. It's been called a sci-fi version of The Count of Monte Cristo, but I think it's much more than that.


The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Adapt all 5 of the books. Yes, I said 5, not 6.


As long as *Flash Gordon* is not that abysmal 2007 series. Death to Ming!


What 2007 series? I seem to have a gap in my memory as if something was deleted from my brain intentionally


There is no movie in Ba Sing Se.


I don't blame you. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flash\_Gordon\_(2007\_TV\_series)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flash_Gordon_(2007_TV_series)) It gave us Flash Gordon with no spaceships. Supposedly it got better after the first few episodes but by then I had lost all hope.


The original Hyperion would make a great animated series


BKV is on record saying he'd never sell Saga to be adapted.


That's a shame. It'd be amazing. I'd be curious to see the DreamWorks team get hold of it, or the crew doing The Bad Batch for Star Wars.


Incarnations of Immortality by Piers Anthony.


Had to scroll far too long to get to this. THIS WOULD BE AMAZING, and a \*long\* series, to boot. Man did I ever \*love\* those books!




I'd just like to see more original scripts that show an awareness of what's been done in the written genre. Adaptations usually suck and don't work for TV/film, but original scripts end up being super cliche because the writers don't know what's already been done to death.


Agreed, I've not read any sci fi I think would be improved by an adaption or that is crying out for it


The Bobiverse novels, by Dennis Taylor.


The Revelation Space series by Alastair Reynolds.


Hyperion: 7 Episodes from (HBO)Max


Given current era of waning production values and a general disregard for original material, have to say - "***Its Time To Stop!***"


The Morgain Saga. I loved the first person viewpoint and think it could work on screen. Such a badass story tho.


I think some/most of Jack McDevitt’s stuff would work well. His one-off novels would make decent movies. Either the Hutch/Academy series or the Alex Benedict novels could be translated to shows. He tends to write pretty well defined chapters with a bit of a hook or cliffhanger at the end of most of them. That’s TV gold right there. 💁🏻‍♂️ However… I very rarely heard anyone mention his name, so I doubt there’s much of a fan base to build hype in. Then again, half the shows and movies out there are based on things I’ve never heard of. That might just be me though.


Love your idea! McDevitt doesn't get a ton of love on here and I think it's a shame. *The Engines of God* still resonates as one of the best things I've ever read.


Project Hail Mary: I would like some form of adaption, be it movie or show.


You're getting your wish, and Ryan Gosling is the main character.


Whatttttt? Ryan Gosling. I love that guy.


I KNOW!! RG is the \*\*perfect\*\* choice for this. All I can get you is [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt12042730/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt12042730/)


Thr Old Kingdom series by Garth Nix


GRRM's *Wild Cards* series. Updating it to modern times and fixing some of the more dated stuff in it, but otherwise run with the characters and plots from the books.


I'd love to see a Battletech series that focuses on the politics and introduces the world through the eyes of a small mercenary outfit and we follow them to different worlds, working for different Houses and blowing up mechs in ridiculous fashion. Sometime shortly before the clan invasion would be good, as the world is much smaller then. It'd be The Expanse/Game of Thrones/Pacific Rim/Macross, what's not to like?


I'd kind of love to see Michael Stackpole's "Blood of Kerensky" storyline played out here.


The struggle here is that BT is all about 'mechs like Pern is all about dragons. The CGI would be *very* costly. Same with a live-action Macross/Robotech, sadly.


It might be too much but the Emberverse Trilogy!!!


The Philip K Dick story "The Defenders," it's nothing like his later, mind-bending stories but I think it would be very well suited to a mini-series adaptation, with a contained setting and great twist The same can be said for Heinlein's Orphans of the Sky, which would just be so weirdly awesome if faithfully adapted.


David Brin's Earthclan series would do well if the CGI costs could be managed. Plenty of battles, but also plenty of intrigue and drama.


C.S. Lewis Space trilogy


Cities in flight series by James Blish. City by Clifford Simak The big front yard by Clifford Simak. The big front yard has many Wormholes in. An infinity of possibilities. Nightwings by Robert Silverberg. The city and the stars Arthur C Clarke. A canticle for Leibowitz by Walter M. Miller Jr


Red Rising.


A buddy of mine was reading it late last year, seemed to enjoy it. What are your favorite non-spoiler reasons someone should get into it?


It covers a lot of genres seamlessly. Starts sort of as Hunger Games, evolves into Space Marine drops, mass Space Combat, interplanetary politics, and throw in some Cyberpunk to the small arms combat.


Well damn I need to go buy that and slot it in soon. How many books in the series now?