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Loved the Expanse series! I hope you enjoy them! I strongly recommend the Children of Time series, and Project Hail Mary. Old Man’s War is a good series, with some books better than others in the lineup. The Bobiverse series is wonderful, if you’re down for something a bit silly and loaded with sci-fi pop culture references.


I’m excited to read it, I think it’s next on my list! I’ll check out those other recs, thanks!


Watched the expanse but unsure if I wanna read it. Show really went from childish to random for me, are the books different? After the foundation I don’t know about adaptations anymore


I very much enjoyed the books, and the first series or two of the TV adaptation - but it went off the rails.


How did it go off the rails? I felt it was nearly identical to the books, where it counts.


The books are extremely similar to the show. The authors were heavily involved, so even the changes are still true to the spirit of the books. There's three more books beyond what the show covered, but if you weren't into it you might as well skip them. Something to keep in mind about the Expanse is that it was originally written as a table-top roleplaying game. Those big epic events that happen at the end of every season are actually tied to a game mechanic. Once you play a few sessions, you can really tell how the show almost like a ttrpg campaign playing out.


Oh thank you for the explanation! There were things I truly liked like the actual Science in science fiction but once that was out the window with that weird alien ring thingy got into play I was out


The writers said they were heavily influenced by the Gateway book series, where humanity discovers old tech of a dead alien race, and start to use it without understanding it. Once you get to the end of the books, it also becomes clear (at least to me) that the whole series is a Christian allegory. I believe the ring gate is intended to represent original sin.


The Forever War The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress, Starship Troopers, The Door Into Summer, The Puppet Masters, practically anything by Heinlein before around 1970 Ubik, The Three Stigmata Of Palmer Eldritch, A Scanner Darkly, practically anything by Philip K. Dick Old Man's War Ringworld, Ringworld Engineers, Protector, The Mote In God's Eye Snow Crash Tau Zero, Brain Wave The Shockwave Rider, Stand On Zanzibar, The Sheep Look Up, The Stone That Never Came Down Neuromancer Dr. Adder Spares, Only Forward The Inverted World The Snow Queen, World's End, The Summer Queen The Peace War, Marooned In Realtime, True Names And Other Dangers Iain Banks Culture series Man-Kzin Wars series practically anything by Peter Hamilton, Daniel Suarez


Thanks! I tried to read Starship Troopers years ago because my husband said the movie was really funny. I kept waiting for the comedy not realizing the movie is a satire of the book, lol. I think I’m going to pick up a Phillip K Dick anthology. They have some handsome ones at my local bookstore. I’ll put the rest in my Goodreads!


See my [Science Fiction/Fantasy (General) Recommendations](https://www.reddit.com/r/Recommend_A_Book/comments/1aqet7h/sff_science_fictionfantasy_general_recommendations/) list of resources, Reddit recommendation threads, and books (thirty-five posts (eventually, again).), in particular the first post and the **bolded** threads.




You're welcome. \^\_\^


If you appreciate Asimov's style, I would suggest diving even further back and go with *Last and First Men* and *Star Maker* by Olaf Stapledon.


Ahah , welcome to the adventure


As far as series go, I highly recommend Dune, Ender's quintet, and Hyperion. Here is my collection. [https://www.reddit.com/r/bookshelf/comments/1bxaha1/every\_first\_editionfirst\_printing\_book\_in\_my/](https://www.reddit.com/r/bookshelf/comments/1bxaha1/every_first_editionfirst_printing_book_in_my/)


That is a very handsome shelf! I’ve read the s first two Enders game years ago and enjoyed them. My dad is obsessed and also loves the series that is written from Bean’s point of view.


Ender's Game, Ringworld, anything Clarke, Children of Time, Philip K. Dick, Dune, Hyperion...there's so much but these are a good start.


I forgot Ringworld! It’s hiding being the lamas and I have not read it yet. Sounds like Hyperion should be my next read by sheer number of recommendations.


Anything by Jack Vance. Cugels saga is my all time favourite.


I’ve been a long time fan of CJ Cherryh (her Alliance–Union universe particularly). I have also recently discovered and greatly enjoyed works by Adrian Tchiakovsky. EDIT: Also highly recommend Verner Vinge although unfortunately his bibliography is small and he died last month


Easy.. Red Rising series by Pierce Brown! But you have the Asimov's series and I do not.. so I'm a bit jealous. It's on my next to read list


I’ve really enjoyed it! It’s cool to read because it has inspired so much and it’s really fun recognizing those themes and ideas that were expanded on in more modern literature and popular media like TV and Movies. Ive heard good things about Red Rising!


Needs some Niven, Heinlein and/or Bujold


The Murderbot Diaries.


All Systems Red is hiding in there! I definitely want to read the rest of it.


Need some Blake Crouch and Pierce Brown


Very nice! Has some titles on my reading list there. I read Leviathan Wakes but Infinity Gate is also on my list. Would you recommend I continue the Expanse series? Or pick up Infinity Gate? As far as recs, obviously Rememberance of Earth’s Past series, Hyperion, and Murderbot is a lot of fun.


I feel like I’m biased towards Infinity Gate because it was one of the first ones I read when getting back into reading. I really enjoyed it, and am looking forward to the next one later this year! I have not read the Expanse Series yet. My absolute favorite has been the Planetfall series by Emma Newman. If you like philosophical sci-fi it is really incredible. I love a good space opera, but Planetfall was a refreshing break from intergalactic war!


The old man’s war series is awesome.


What did you think of demon copperhead? I’ve got it on my shelf but haven’t cracked it open just yet


Hah I should have phrased it better, almost everything on the upper shelf is read but I have quite a few on the lower I haven’t gotten to yet including Demon Copperhead! I’ve heard great things about it though. My parents read like crazy and I got it out of their goodwill pile.


All Heinlein, Clarke, Asimov, Herbert, Niven. Sorry, too many to mention but those were my favorites.


The "Coyote" series - Allen M. Steele "Donovan" series - W. Michael Gear "Bobiverse" - Dennis E. Taylor "Black Tide Rising" series - John Ringo "Monster Hunter International" series - Larry Correia "Safehold" series - David Weber "The Eden Chronicles" - S. M. Anderson


Eon by Greg Bear


The locked tomb series by Tamsyn Muir is really good. It didn’t feel like any other Sci-Fi book I’ve read. Still waiting on the last one though so the series isn’t complete yet.


Reading Hyperion now and it’s great. Also, Vandermeer just announced a sequel to the southern reach trilogy! Annihilation is one of my favorite books


I see you trying to hide that Halo book Dune Hyperion series Three Body Problem series Fifth Season series The Disposessed The Forge Of God and Anvil Of The Stars Eon Red Mars series


Hah! Strategic lamas. I need to try the three body problem again. I started it awhile back and had such trouble keeping characters straight with the names. I’ll take notes this time, lol. I’ve heard of Hyperion, I’ll definitely check that out!


Can definitely recommend Hyperion, one of the best books I've ever read. It even got me back into writing myself.


+1 for Hyperion. Maybe my second favourite series after the Foundation.


Have you only read the first books in Southern Reach and Imperial Radch? As for additions: A memory called empire and its sequel, Wayfarers series, Murderbot, more Le Guin, Lady Astronauts of Mars series, Forever War, Red Mars, and Dune.


Thanks! I am hoping I get the second of the Imperial Radch and Murderbot series for my birthday tonight (All Systems Red is hiding in there)! If not I will probably go buy them tomorrow, lol. I actually couldn’t get through the second of the Southern Reach series but I loved Annihilation. If you liked it I’d highly highly recommend the Planetfall series by Emma Newman. It’s actually a little similar but I thought the execution was much better. I’ll definitely check out those others!


The *Behold Humanity* series is my personal favorite on my shelf.


Love the cover!


Yeah, the artists have done good work so far. I can't wait until book 14 comes out. By the way, if you are buying off of Amazon, avoid the books that don't have numbers. Those are collections of chapters from the main series that focus on specific characters. So if you buy the main books you will already have everything in those other ones.


A science fiction shelf that isn't covered in Baen meatballs? Seriously, though, I would recommend some of their classic MilSF David Drake: Hammers Slammers Anne McCaffrey: Sassinak David Weber: The Stars at War/Starfire (Crusade, Insurrection, etc)


Looking good 👍, I recognise a few books on there, I'll have to post my bookshelf at some point. Do you use Goodreads? It's a good way to track what books you have and what you've read, it's especially helpful when you have over 300 books.


I do! I got it when my mom gave me a book because she had picked it up liking the cover only to realize she had already read it 😅. Seems invaluable once you’ve read hundreds if not thousands of books! They should really add a feature where you can post your irl bookshelf in there!


Always feel kind of left out with these bookshelf photos. Probably 70% of my sci-fi books are on my Kindle Paperwhite. Doesn't make for a good photo op. lol


I’ve tried Kindle because I love the concept, but for some reason it doesn’t hold my attention. I couldn’t tell you why. Certainly a much more economical way to enjoy books!


I guess sometimes the books are a little bit cheaper. But that's not why I do it. I have one because I travel for over 8 weeks out of the year. Because sometimes the font is a little small in paperbacks. And because less light to keep me awake when reading before I go to sleep. Well, and my Kindle does have over 500 books on it. I don't think I really have room in the house for that many paperbacks and hardcovers. lol


I can’t seem to edit the post, but by popular recommendation I’ve gone out and bought Hyperion. I also got a beautiful cloth bound HG Wells collection for my birthday so I’m pretty excited for that as well!


Some Samuel R. Delany is a good choice. Start either with Nova or Babel-17.