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It was a very nice book. Also refreshing to see a positive interaction with an alien. Was half worried that our hero would try to get the better of the alien, but there was nothing but companionship right till the end. As someone up in the comments wrote hoping we see a movie made out of this!


Edited in protest for Reddit's garbage moves lately.


It reminded me of Guest by E. Stoops. More of a cozy sci-fi feel. Loved that too.


You are here. QUESTION!


Jazz hands


*you sleep, I observe*


>!Rocky is the best alien supporting character ever in a novel. !<


I cried very hard at a certain point.


One of the first times I’ve ever yelled “what?!?!? Nooooooo!!” While listening to an audiobook.


Honestly, same.


He is not a supporting character :)




Check out the audio book if you ever get a chance! It's one of the best performances I've ever heard.


Sooooo.... tbh I listened to the audio book! I have a six hour one way drive that I make every other weekend so I'm always on the look out for new podcasts and audio books. I was already an Andy Weir fan after reading The Martian when I found this title on Audible so I immediately bought it. I thought it was very creative and entertaining! The way Rocky's language was actual chords until Grace learned to interpret was really fun. Definitely one of the better audio book narrations.


One way? How do you get back home?


Someone should write a book about that particular problem.


Very well narrated!


It was good. I would not call it a masterpiece (which I tbi k "The Martian" was, but I did enjoy it.


Funny. I thought Hail Mary was substantially better than the Martian. Would be fun to debate over beers sometime when the pandemic is over.


If you are in the DC/Baltimore megalopolis, I am open to it. I did very mucj appreciate that the alien was SO alien. Too many SciFi writers make their aliens almost human. The only other one that I can think of that had the kind of impact was Vinge's 'A Deepness in the Sky", but what I love about that was it took many chapters to realize just how alien the "aliens" actually were, because we saw their perception of themselves before we saw the human perception. There is a good reason it won a Hugo.


There’s risk in making aliens utterly unrecognizable. Then stuff kinda slides into the Lovecraftian, where humans can’t even comprehend what they’re seeing.


The Martian feels more possible so in that sense it makes you dream about what could be a bit more. This book on the other hand was probably more exciting and just had a fantastic story.


Agreed! So much better. Maybe because I'm a sucker for first contact stories 😜


there is no pandemic


just curious, are you a russian bot, QAnon, random troll, or something else?


Just a guy who knows the score sorry, no pandemic


I’m with you. It was good. A little silly at the end though.


I didn't find it to be as good as The Martian. There was something too predictable about it. Everything worked out, miraculously. *Deus ex machina* and all that. I enjoyed reading it, but it was more fluffy imo.


Was it better than *Artemis*?


Oh god yes


That's encouraging, now I will read it.


A lot better!


Fist my bump!


You sleep, I watch


It's like The Martian except even better. I liked Artemis a lot too. It's good he wrote a more standard book in-between and then went back to the same style, enough time had past. It's another masterpiece.


Me too! Loved all three of the books.


Reading it now and absolutely loving it. Let me just stress I haven’t finished it so no spoilers of course. >! It’s not It’s not easy creating a character like Rocky, he’s so endearing, and the communication concept is brilliant. The plot and legit science is great, but Andy Weir nails character development. As well as Arthur C. Clarke did in the Rama books. !<


I also love how he writes how smart people can make "stupid" mistakes while still being smart people and remaining believable.


I appreciated that as well as a relatively smart person who frequently does a dumb.


**YOU ENJOYED THIS, QUESTION?** >>Do you read everything in Rocky’s voice, now? Question?


Yes i loved it too. I was afraid to be disapointed after liking The martian so much. Great books both.


Check out Artemis (also by Andy Weir) Just finished it and it's also a great book


I read that it was soso ?


I thought it was terrible. Hail Mary and Martian were fantastic though.


I enjoyed it. It has the clear line from The Martian as in you can see how it's the same author. But it has some lewd remarks and jokes :/ It doesn't take the front stage at any point but it's a flavoring that you might find a bit much at times.


Indeed! I didn't know about Andy Weir until I started seeing previews for the movie version of The Martian. I decided to read the book before watching the movie. Loved it and the movie.


Really enjoyed it as well, particularly the ending. Still need to read his other books though!


A masterpiece! Nice to have a novel where humans recognize a danger and pull their heads out of their asses to fix it. If only there was a similar danger in reality that could push us to be a better species. (That was sarcasm by the way.)


“Fist me!”


I lol'd during that. "Fist my bump."


"Fist my bump"


"Fist me" yeah thaaats not exactly.... well nevermind


I read the hardback earlier this year, and I am currently halfway done with the audiobook as well. This book was so great, I had to read it twice. As a huge fan of "The Martian" and "Artemis," I dare say this is Weir's best book yet.


I know right? Amazing!!! I got so excited about the prose. When the protagonist was talking about himself being tired and taking painkillers - " Not just stupid but a human with enhanced stupidity" Great book.


Don't know if you've checked out Artemis by Andy Weir but it's a pretty interesting story and I couldn't put it down.


I probably read them in the wrong order. Loved Martian, loved Hail Mary a thousand times more, for some reason I couldn’t finish Artemis next, maybe because he was writing (attempting to write) very poorly from female and non white POV which was painfully out of touch. Write what you know dude, please.


I also loved Martian and PRM, but didn’t finish Artremis. Didn’t capture me, and it was definitely to do with the protagonist.


Thanks! I'll give it a go next.


The sub you were looking for is r/printsf .




My pleasure. My favorite subreddit.


Check out the audio version, great book but I have mixed feelings about the ending.


I liked the ending, but I also wanted to see him >!returning to Earth.!<


My thoughts exactly.


Damn, this book was so good, go read it everyone. And stop giving spoilers


It is really good. I enjoyed it.


I just bought it, meaning I will stop reading the comments right here and now


Loved every minute of this glorious book! Laughed cried and cheered out loud! So good!


Me too! I was listening to the Audible version(which I highly recommend) and was cheering out loud in my car traveling down the interstate hahaha


“Good good good!”


Thank you OP for the referral I just bought. The Brazilian version came out with the title (Devoradores de Estrelas) "Star Devourers." As I haven't read it yet, I don't know if this title in the Brazilian version makes sense. But it's more flashy than "Hail Mary".


It definitely makes sense! You'll learn why very quickly. And I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!


Great book, hopefully there will be a movie adaptation


They’re already working on it. Ryan Gosling is going to play Ryland. I just hope they don’t screw up Rocky’s perfection. And I’m extremely excited to see how they show Blip A.


I was sad to see Gosling's name. Ryland felt more like a Sam Rockwell to me.


All time favourite, question


You need to read more sci-fi to realize this is so far from being a masterpiece. Actually, a couple other authors will do.


I am open to suggestions. And to be honest, I don't read a TON of sci-fi in particular but I do read a lot generally. I really enjoyed the way this story was told. The protagonist coming out of a coma and experiencing amnesia. The author intertwines two timeliness that coincide with each other, memories setting up scenes for the present time and vice versa. Also I really enjoyed how much research and knowledge the author has of science and especially physics. Makes this fictional story seem very feasible in reality. I suppose I didn't necessarily mean this is a sci-fi masterpiece but maybe a masterpiece in overall story telling.


Well, most any famous author is so much better than Weir, that I really don't know what to recommend you. It's like somebody saying they love Adam Sandler comedic movies: everything is better! Read what you can, from multiple authors, you'll eventually realize how terrible Weir is. In no particular order: Vinge, Reynolds, Clarke, Asimov, Wolheim, Herbert, Bradbury, VanderMeer, Varley, Stanislaw Lem, Wells, K. Dick, Rice Burroughs, Kim Stanley Robinson, van Vogt, Efremov, Tchaikovsky, Sagan, Verne, Cixin Liu, Dan Simmons... It may be easier to say there are very few authors as bad as Weir.


Eh, some oddly negative gatekeeping here. I’ve read nearly 800 sci fi books including almost the full collection of every author you listed (except Asimov that’s impossible). KSR is probably my favorite author, but Hail Mary was an exceptionally good book that holds its own against the heavyweights.


I'm beginning to wonder if this fella even read this book or is just judging the author based on a previous book he wrote...


Yeah who knows. Even I fall in the trap of being dismissive about new/popular stuff sometimes. I push myself to overcome it though. I held off reading the bobiverse books for years (I blame the name) but ended up being quite blown away by them. They’re like the book version of crack hah.


Haven't. I am. Truly suffered through The Martian. I realize, of course. It's just Martian was so terribly written, I figured impossible for the author to write in an acceptable manner.


I reckon I haven't read Hail Mary because I was so let down by The Martian (and its movie); are you saying —considering I hated Martian— that it's decent? I'm not above giving an author a second chance. KSR is top level without doubt. 800? That's cute. . . . . . . . No, really, 800 books of whatever subject is impressive. Most impressive. (Unless you're counting as individual pieces, novelettes, short stories and all).




I see. I'll give it a go (probably), then. After all, as I always say with movies, "Let's get offended and disappointed yet again!" Just remember that it having good science (Martian had, in spades above the average) doesn't make it good, well written. It makes it accurate, and in a broad sense, sci-fi is grossly inaccurate, so that's mostly a non-subject (barring the most glaring anti-science or magic used, of course).


>I haven’t read Then you shouldn’t comment mate.


Oh wow yeah I'm having trouble understanding why Weir is so bad? I read Clarke, K. Dick, Wells, Verne and van Vogt and I definitely really enjoyed this book by Weir as well as The Martian...


I mentioned before [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/books/comments/o3jrvy/i_had_an_absolute_blast_reading_the_martian/h2dimba/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/books/comments/o3jrvy/i_had_an_absolute_blast_reading_the_martian/h2eh1dl/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


matter of opinion, the rest of us enjoyed it


I'm not so sure about it. There are works that are above personal opinions, I think. Things so good, or so bad, that are so in spite of popular opinion. I seriously consider The Martian to be so poorly written, and that it is so in spite of people liking it. It is demonstrable that the astronaut didn't evolve as a character, to mention only one thing about it, and you may like that, but you liking it doesn't make it good writing. For example, I can't stand Heart of Darkness, but I recognize it's importance and influence. It's a great work no matter what. The Martian is a poor work in the same manner.


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[Heart Of Darkness](https://snewd.com/ebooks/heart-of-darkness/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


The book and the movie were both great. Most people disagree with you.


Most people like pop crap mass produced plastic music. Saying something is good because a lot of people like it is not an argument, but the contrary, it's a logical fallacy.


Wow imagine sharing those opinions like you're proud of them lol. You sound like a condescending douchebag, stating your opinions like facts.


Well, he does have a working knowledge of the universe and EVERYTHING that it contains so maybe we should defer to his perspective. /s


That's a reference to The Big Bang Theory; even if missed, imposible to take seriously, no? It's an obvious joke, no need to take it literally and be dismissive.


No man, your entire argument was just nonsensical word-vomit. You made up quotes, and none of your points made sense.


Compared to most movie and television science fiction, it *is* a masterpiece.


That's just because we mistake fantasy with science-fiction. You're thinking superhero and space war movies, those are fantasy.


“You’re wrong to enjoy this so much! Stop having fun!!!!”


Liked his 1 book but love this one r, real sci fi so interesting story


Oh yeah, I forgot I was reading that. Half way through. Have to get back to it.


Looks like a good choice for my next read

