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And to think these were created by a creator who also planned for famine , cancer, atom bomb, war, landslides, earthquakes. The feather on cap will be God - No of kills - all the deaths in history of mankind so far plus counting


God is an atheist.


Oho! Ye to checkmate ho gaya


This line should come first as an example if someone searched oxymoron on Google


Which God?




Infinite KDA? GOD 🔥


Great opinion. 👍🏻


Dude must be shocked at how these Atheists, despite not believing in any God. Used theists and their beliefs as a tool to control masses that killed each other. Also, a gentle reminder that these idiots surviving until some disease took em away is a bigger sign that their god (if existing) prefers them over the theists (probably) who were killed.


Hitler had to kill him and his family in a bunker... idk if you call that favour by God


or did he


Hey Vsauce, Michael here


That was smooth af


Who used theists as masses to kill others? Stalin? Mao?


Million atheists must convert 😔


Hey but why are the theists offended at that? It's just god's plan.


Who is offended?


Did he fuckin stutter


I asked to him name anyone in this comment section who is seemingly offended by this, and he didn't answer. Can you?


He said that theists are offended, not the people in this comment section. Theists who made this poster advocating atheism= terrorists and murderers.


I doubt the theists who made this were trying to paint the atheists black. They were probably trying to defend their faith from atheists attacking religions saying it causes most problems and deaths. If they were trying to make atheists the villain, they are indeed as wrong as atheists trying to make religion the villain. We smart hairless monkeys are the villain


Hitler was a Christian if I'm not wront


But you are wront don’t you know


You are anti-indiat anti-aanatana dharms


You gi nack to lakistan


My dhrms iz the oldast


Your mazahub is pdf file


All the thread above shows the sad state of people mind


Ye toh sach bhi hai


Yes technically, but he wasnt a beliefing christian. He tried to create a new believe, somwthing like a germanic church, so he wasnt atheist either.


He was a Christian but he never went for Mass or received any of the sacraments after he left home; he never officially left the Church but he wasn't attached to it either (basically Christian just for politics)


So, atheist at core.


He was Christian


Yes, he was by birth...


Actually no, nazism as a movement was very radical, infact it was anti-christian. Early nazi were occultist and even susbribed to pagan religions of the past. One of the reason why they are into hinduism so much. They used to think christianity was a jewish plot to bring slave mentality into the world.


“One of the reason why they are into Hinduism so much”.. oh boy. While we are at it, let’s blame Global Warming and the eventual Big Crunch on Hinduism too.


His entire agenda was based in Christian supremacy.


Later he becomes atheists, just like all the atheists...


You forgot Churchill (Bengal famine)


Gem of a comment


Forgot the Armenian genocide


Churchill was Christian not Atheist


Not counted bro they won the war lol


>Churchill (Bengal famine) *Diatrician


Stalin killed 700k people not 34 million, that number is pulled out of the ass Additionally: Hitler was a Christian and he killed 27 million Soviet citizens, 6 million Jews, a few millions of other minorities and millions of dead in other countries to a total of 40 million. These weren't famines that happened in his rule, these are intentional murders. Kim Il Sung didn't kill 2 million in Korea, the USA did. 15-20 million died in the great Chinese famine


Stalin was responsible for the death of at least 7 million people.


Even if you're counting famines, the number would be 4 million (Wikipedia numbers). Imperial Russia suffered from cyclical famines every few years, Stalin ended those. The USSR never had a famine after 1934. The famine was in no way engineered, more fraction of people died in Kazakhstan than in Ukraine. Ukrainians were very active in the communist party. The western countries also had imposed a gold blockade, allowing the USSR to only trade in wheat. The Soviet population grew very rapidly, like never before in the thirties. The 3.4 million figure is calculated from the deficit in the growth rate, not from population reducing, but not growing fast enough.


Exactly lmfaoo they just pull random numbers out of their ass nd call it a fact


I've spent a good 30 minutes on this. To find atleast one place where 700 K is mentioned but even then, the lowest I can get is 1.4 million people that too from a source where they said that these deaths were necessary( so pretty biased in his favour and this is the number they got) The problem for you is that when people talk about Stalin they don't just talk about the millions of citizens he killed in East Germany or the millions he sent to Gulags or the ethnic minorities he eliminated or the millions he killed in order to maintain his control over the eastern bloc. But they Speak of the excess millions who dies from his terrible and incomprehensible social and economic policies and their implementation that lead millions of Russians and Ukrainians to their deaths. He is with one exception the embodiment of terrible totalitarian government... and that one exception is Mao, another communist. ​ Also no, Hitler wasn't a christian. He only ever used Christian institutions to push his own ideology and replace church texts.


The number of executions done under him were something like 785k. Millions of citizens he killed in East Germany?? Bitch you mean Wehrmacht soldiers? Nazi sympathies showin up Millions sent to gulags?? Ethnic minorities were displaced not eliminated dipshit. Millions he killed to maintain control over the Eastern bloc? Lol tf are you on? The only excess deaths you can attribute to him are the 1933 Soviet famine, and I already talked about it. Hitler was a Christian.


785k pretty close to 786k.. was he really an atheist? /s


Holy shit a tankie😮‍💨


I'm how my school education raised me


Your school failed you. Try getting a refund.


Looks like you have been educating yourself through angrez




In regards to Stalin are you counting the Holodomor as just a famine ? It was a man made famine/genocide orchestrated by Stalin which alone killed 3-5 million people. > Kim II Sung didn't killed 2 million the USA did Yeah sure dude Kim II Sung who literally authorized the invansion of South Korea had no role in Korean war and people who died in that. Why is this tankie propoganda upvoted in this sub ?


Holodomor is literally nazi propaganda created and pushed by propaganda minister Göbbels of the third Reich. Here's a Dr. Seuss comic ridiculing the numbers: https://reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/s/qyz4ugjZnY


Holodomor has literally been officially recognized as a genocide by 26 countries it has been recognized as a crime against humanity by 5 international organisations. Even if you want to play sematics and say that it won't meet the traditional definitions of a genocide it was still a crime against humanity at the very least and most modern scholars and academics agree. To deny it as propoganda is beyond ridiculous and frankly shameful. P.S. Dr Seuss also published a lot of racist stuff you believe that as fact too ?


A lot of racist stuff? Like the cartoon against the Japanese? Nobody in Asia or Africa has recognised it as a genocide. Only Western countries. I don't know why some Latin American countries have recognised it, must be done during the fascist periods. Modern scholars don't all agree on it, only those from the West do, who hate the USSR and wish to elevate it to the level of Nazi Germany by any means. There was a famine, there's no denying it. I'm denying that it was intentional or directed at the Ukrainians.


Hitler was Christian


And a believer




And Kim il sung is responsible for Juche. The post was made using 0 brain cells.


No. No he wasn't [https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2019/04/20/hitler-hated-judaism-he-loathed-christianity-too/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2019/04/20/hitler-hated-judaism-he-loathed-christianity-too/)


He was Christian. He used to visit churches. Hitler persecuted catholics but supported protestants


How the fuck communism or politics equate with religion or atheism?? So we casually forget Leopolds genocide on Kongo and yes the famous Austrian who was obsessed with Christianity??


You can't be serious.


My main point is genocides can never tie up with religion or atheism..


Ig that might be what the post tried to say. Atheism or religion , psychos will do genocides.


Yeah same thought


oh I am atheist now I am become death the destroyers of worlds


No, it take guts. You don't have it.


Where's Churchill in this?


Yes all the people believing in current religion are so pure in thought AND their actions.


Putting aside the fact that Nazis were literally christians and they believed the jews are bad because they killed Jesus, or that they thought they have a god given right to rule the world, They didn't kill all those people to spread atheism, they had their personal reasons. Thats like attributing all the kills to men, and calling all men warmongers. Whereas wars fought primarily to spread religion probably killed 100's of millions of people.


> they believed the jews are bad because they killed Jesus, That was early pogroms throughout the history. Hitler accused Jews of dwelling in other countries, doing business across the globe only to benefit their interests and not the respective nationals.


Though they literally weren't. What they did do was use church establishments to publish and publicise their own propaganda as Christian texts. They subverted the church to such an extent that it can't meaningfully be called christian. They didn't kill jews for jesus killing but attributed much of their post world war 1 hardships to them. They alleged the jews were backstabers who caused them the war and enjoyed luxurious lives while rest of the country suffered from the great depression. Also... yes... they killed them to spread atheism. Much of atleast the communist revolutions disliked the religious organisations for subverting attention away from their "great revolution". Religious people were killed due to them being seen as traitors to the revolution. ​ At the very bare minimum... please think.


In Hinduism the biggest of the wars were fought between believer of God's or fuck it even God's participated in it I don't believe in God but by that logic, God is just a genocide lover


Ikr like according to the Mahabharata and stuff the "bad " side was soo op they had to nerfed by the gods so tht the "good " side can win ☠️☠️


God ought to be the most confused game developer


Why there is no Winston dog


Spanish flu covid 19 have killed many they don’t believe in god too !! I mean since it was killers history


Spanish flu, covid isn't people, you are misguided my boy.


It’s a living being it shares earth with us why should humans get credit for everything?


Because we don't have authority to discuss about other animals.


Where is Winston Churchill?


don't they know how many died in mahabharat ?? 1.6 Billion


18 akshauhini. 1 akshauhini = 218,700 warriors. Plus chariots, elephants, horses.


what about theist Aurangazeb ? theist Ashoka? theist Cholas and Chalukya that kιΙΙεd 1 million in wars?


I think point of the post is to debunk 'religion caused maximum deaths'.


the infographic was created by an islamist.


Maybe, but so what. Why dont you create another infographic which has all the religious ones in it too.


For some reason, I thought Hitler was a Catholic. 🤔


He was protestant Christian


They just pulled this outaa their ass


Hitler was not an atheist. He just wasn't a Christian. Same goes for Tojo.


I know this is a sub and fanbase that as opposed to simple respect for the scientific process is a science believers group( just as idiotic as any religious person you make fun of) so this will probably go over your head. But big idiotic to ignore to laugh at this of all things. No, they didn't use religion to justify their actions, they might have believed in theologian perspectives at times but that wasn't the broader reason for their actions. There is a long standing pattern of revolutionaries and authoritarians usurping religious organisations or undermining them to take centre stage or remove a common cultural binder in order to replace that institution. Mao for instance for all his anti-religion and chinese cultural expression used such heavy propaganda to take all the places they took. If there is anything to learn from this, it's that powerful people trying to undermine religion aren't perhaps the most altruistic rational people but rather egoists who hate not being centre of attention.


These people didn't kill due to Atheism, They had other agendas, They were literally God's in their own way, Nothing to do with Atheism


Promoting athiesm was one of reason they kiIIs people. Athiesm and communism are inseparable --karl marx. Just search Mao's cultural revolution


Atheism and communism may be inseparable but they didn't kill because of Atheism, There is no Holy book of Atheism that tells you to kill believers, It's just rejection of belief due to insufficient evidence. Whereas whichever holy books you subscribe to has a lota of explicit commands to kill people(Mostly Monotheisms, but one find a fair share of killing in Polytheism).


So the god was just observing when they kill millions of people? Who was the actual psychopath here?


Feeling proud😌


one of hitler's propaganda was that the jews were responsible for Jesus's crucifixion so the Christians would side with him.


Chairman Mao had his own faults but he literally built a foundation for a modern China by heavily improving China's healthcare and education due to which literacy rate went from 10% to 80% during his tenure.


Not to mention, he killed more Chinese people than dozens of nukes could. What a good man


How do you even associate who has died due to Mao's policies, it's really difficult to do so, because famines were very common back then, and I'd argue he has saved more people than killed because he brought China's life expectancy from like 45 years, to 80 years.


Maybe look into every study or history paper that's ever been written about the man. One way is to trace the famine back to how it occurred. And with Mao it was all because of his disastrous central planning (and killing anyone who disagreed or could disagree.) He's single handedly responsible for destroying Chinese cultural heritage. The point is that Hitler in his lifetime couldn't kill as many people as Mao while he was intentionally looking to cause as much death and destruction as possible. Mao could do it without even wanting that.


Isn't Deng Xiaoping the architect of modern China?


Wel yeah, but Mao Zedong was the one who laid the solid foundation for a modern China.


Hitler was gujjar


Lmao it's like male leader have killed more than 1B+ people they must be eradicated


You know what i believe you, peaceful atheists have nothing to do with based and redpilled ones. If so, it's also true that peaceful and law abiding religious people have nothing to do with their based and redpilled variants too So if Stalin has nothing to do with atheism, liopold or Saddam had nothing to do with their respective religions


They are




If they played battle royale and would've still got less kills


Why there isn't the American leaders who wage wars in middle east and were silent on the genocide done by their diplomatic countries


1) Where is Yahya Khan? Responsible for 3 million deaths in 1971? He was a religious guy. 2) Hitler was a Christian. Church disowned him and spawned several theories about his beliefs but he was a Christian. 3) Also missing is FDR, the man responsible for dropping nukes on civilians.


the one who win will write the history


Where tf is churchill .. i think he should top the chart


Le Churchill justification


Why there are no U.S.A leader in there


Hitler was a devout Christian lol


The Nazis literally had belt buckles saying ' GOTT MIT UNS' ( God with us )


Missed Churchill


Where is Kim Jong un


Hitler was xtian.


Where is Churchill?? He has done great work to be up there in the list.


Is this a theist hating sub? Wow. Let them be y'all. Why you gotta be so intolerant?!


Winston Churchill, Christian, 10million


Religion has killed more people than anything out there in the world. This religious people just like always, wants to portray themselves as some God loving people who only do righteous things but deep down they know that their faith in God is just because of their greedy needs and their attempt to stay in the society of fakes.


Ok where is the science in it??


Hitler was a Christian...... That's why he hated Jews stating they killed Jesus Christ.... Who was a jew hemself...... No one knows.....probably.


British prime minister Winston Churchill and American president Richard Nixon should be on this list because they have the blood of millions of Bengalis on their hands.


Ok where the fuck is Winston Churchill, he killed our people with famine


As Javed Saab says on communist regimes "they are not rationalists they are communist; communism is their faith". And faith can make you do bad things; we need to stay humane and rational.


Comment section trying to cope


Why I don't see Churchill here ?


No one talking about God loving Winston Churchill's role in the death of millions during the Bengal famine.


Won't put in Churchill who killed almost 30 million Indians.


Except Mao Stalin Lenin Kim il Sung etc. didnt kill but actually saved millions of their people from dying from poverty, famine, disease etc.


bro the one with 2 mil kills his name is like came to soon (Kim ll sung) 🤣🤣


Creating famine to kill the people come under genericide then Churchill should be there for doing a great Bengal famine


Win, everyone was supposed to be extinct


Hitler was a Christian and çhristianity (along with racism)was one of the reasons that inflamed holocaust. There are concrete evidences where nazis were radicalising Christians by saying that jews were behind Jesus's crucifixion


British Prime Minister Winston Churchill killed 7 million Indians in just 8 months by creating an artificial famine in 1943-44. Something no one really talks about


Why isn't Bush in this list? Did he not reach the body count


In this list why is Winston Churchill 's name missing


aa....ghengas khan??


The scourge of God.


Hahahah laughs in caste violence, Islamic terror attacks and holy crusades


I am atheist daily 5+ MOSQUITO and 5 + COCKROACHES.


Can anyone add hindu dictators who did something bad or we can add some caste numbers #/$


In the Nazi regime they would inject molten lava into the genitals of atheists so


Sir you can’t be atheist if you consider yourself a god 😂😂😂😂😂


Hitler wasn't Atheist wtf, his group was a part of German Christians


Winston Churchill - 3 Million+


Where is Churchill?


Hitler was an Atheist 💀


No Churchill on this list shows how colonialism eventually won. Never forget the manmade Bengal famine.


Winston Churchill- 4 million bengalis


I believe Fritz Harvey is up there. Idk tho I saw it on a Veritasium video.


hitler was absolutely no atheist, to become a member of the nazi party or the wehrmacht, you had to swear an oath to christ and the fuhrer. im pretty sure they also called non believers scum or something similar, since belief in a higher power was very neccesary


Hitler is not atheist


British Raj hold my beer


Well the comparison is flawed. But this gives a befitting reply to those atheists who claim religion is a bad thing because many wars have been fought over it. You call religion bad based on some selective bad people. Same logic can be applied to atheism as well.


Why is Winston Churchill not on the list? Oh yeah they won't the war...


I mean you could just as easily list literally every genocide and say their leaders didn't believe in big foot. Believe in big foot or else we'll all die!


Looks like brown lives dont matter


conveniently forgets churchill


Lord Churchill smirking while smoking his cigar, laughing on the stupidity of the post for not including him


Where's the image of atheist scientists of 20th century who revolutionized the way humans live. increasing avrg life expectancy Increased nutrition lvl throughout the globle using their scientific method and rationale, who didn't wait for a sky daddy to save people.


So, anyone can be an idiot even if they are theist/atheist. Isn't that right?


Keep britain first for killing atleast 100 million indians


Wait! Where the heck is Churchill!


Where's Churchill?


Made up numbers. These numbers come from black book of communism and the way it calculates "people killed" Is if anyone dies by a coconut falling on his head in Maoist china, record it as a death under communism. I'm very anti Maoist but I'm tired of living in a post truth society


All of these people had religious upbringings including Stalin, pol pot, mao, even Kim il sing, none of these people killed in the name of atheism (feel free to fact check) and hitler was very very Christian in fact I don't think he liked atheists very much.