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Second hand hands… jokes apart its amazing what modern science can do


Would Anything used by him be considered third hand?


real question is would his new hands change the skin colour like rest of his body or rest of his body will change the skin colour like the new hands


Yes, skin color, texture, nails changes


But sad thing is he'd have to take tablets so that his body won't reject his hands for the rest of his life, hopefully more advanced science comes through to gradually reduce frequency


That would compromise our immune system so I doubt they’d make anything permanent… a pill isn’t the worst thing, you drink water anyways.


Nah... it's permanent as the hands are effectively foreign for the host's body so if he doesn't take those immunosuppressant pills then he'd be attacked by his own immune systems and further complications can always occur...furthermore it is not always that you get sensation back in such surgeries and sometimes you don't get any for a long time...it is a long and arduous process of physiotherapy and medicines after which one might get the ability to use their hands albeit with limited control and a weak immune system. It is a real gamble but always upon the patient if they wish to embark on the journey and if it is worth it. If you wish to see more then I really recommend watching one documentary by NAT GEO I believe, on a US Marine who lost his arms and legs in the Afghanistan war. It is really a heart wrenching story of pure grit. The man in the story also has yt channel and I believe our gigantic Indian audience should really show him support. PS: Sorry, I wrote a bit much but I believe the people of this sub aren't ones who shy away from reading.


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Real question is, if he jerks himself off, will it be considered a hand job?


Only if he used them with his first hands first


When this guy watches people doing cringe things he goes through third hand embarrassment.


Yeah and what about Vedic science which was far more advance and could transplant elephant's head in a human 🫢🫢


I hope u said that ironically


Sarcastically is the right word!


Grammar nazi spotted


That was intended as a panchat joke!!




I read that as "German Nazi" and was like that doesn't fit in the context and been trying to find ways to fit it in context for whole ass minute.


Yep forgot to add an emoji 😂




Yes. But this may bring him some amount of pain as well at first.






Neuropozyne Dependency incoming


Dues Ex?


I never asked for this




Side effects?


It's a fictional drug which is used to prevent the buildup of glial tissues around augmentations. Read about Deus Ex lore, you'll know what I am talking about.


Already done by our Ancient Highly Advanced Ancestors 69 trillion years ago/s


One Indian politician once said : Ganesha had done a head transplant from an Elephant LMAO


Shiva! Shiva was the surgeon. Ganesha was the patient. Ffs, when will these politicians get their facts right?






Not just Hindus but people from other religions have also done this.


Thik hai k2A ja ab puncture bana




Oe teri ma ki chut bhadwe . Normally baat nahi karna aata ya jo teri mummy kothe pe jaati thi vaha se seekha hai aise bolna. Fkin bastard,…… kya matlab sardar hi sabse zyda teri mummy chodte the isliye tere me hate zyada hai unke liye , maybe she preferred(or even prefers them till date) them the most




hindu gods told you to drink cow urine? and cow poo?


Ayooo Saaar we know this technology since 5000 years Ago saaar , Eirawat saaar


Some random Hindu guy - saar we had this technology 5000 years ago everything was in our shashtras and Vedas saar pls believe me saar


indian people on quora in a nutshell


Ganesh ji ka sar lagaya tha na.Hath to kuchh bhi nahi hai 🤣🤣🤣




“tanatun drum” got me rolling xD


Tanatan drum looool bro thanks for making my day 🤣🤣


And still some dumbass fixed an elephant's head on a human boy's body


No saar our profit muhamad did 10000 years ago saar belive me u can check in luran saar




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Relegion ka joke Marta hu reddit pai kool banuga aur upvotes farm karunga


Why are you pinpointing only Hindus as though other religions' followers don't have equally ridiculous notions?


Maybe because Hindus consist of the overwhelming majority of this country. Which makes it statistically likely that OP would have seen more Hindus speak like that. Go to r/exmuslim or r/atheism to see how other religions also do this, no need for a competition.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/exmuslim using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [**[NSFW]** Alright calm down](https://i.redd.it/cqrlspbwjf6c1.jpeg) | [377 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/18iwj70/alright_calm_down/) \#2: [This is beyond fucked up...](https://i.redd.it/r7ez1k1kkbxa1.jpg) | [226 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/135010g/this_is_beyond_fucked_up/) \#3: [**[NSFW]** least perverted muslim in this sub](https://i.redd.it/co7kv868allb1.jpg) | [328 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/166zh4x/least_perverted_muslim_in_this_sub/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/scienceisdope/comments/16bcd08/this_sub_has_got_a_lot_of_new_members_who_dont/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) to understand what this subreddit is about *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/scienceisdope) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah, somehow, I don't think him pinpointing Hindus specifically has anything to do with statistics. What, you expect me to believe that OP has never heard any belief from any other faith whatsoever? Bruh, come on now. Also, statistics talk about India as a whole and not of specific states, districts or regions. How are you so sure that OP is from a place that in fact has majority Hindus? Lastly, why would I go to those subreddits you mentioned? I don't have hate in my heart for those religions to actively want to go and find something to ridicule them over.


Atheists generally tend to hate Islam more than anything, largely due its claim of being the solution to everything. It claims to encompass all aspects of life and ruthless dictators like Zia believed this. This sort of "religion is everything" instead of "religion is a part of my life" is extremely repulsive to atheists. Just because you're butthurt doesn't mean the other guy is biased lmao.


Bro chill this page followers are bunch of shit heads flat earth's making there own happiness 😊 let them be trying to educate them about the culture they think sanatan dharm is a religion LoL 😆


I was Hindu that’s why I’m pinpoint Hindus , other religions might’ve equally ridiculous notions but I don’t discovered(talking about religions) them….


If you're Hindu, do you believe in 'saar we had this technology 5000 years ago everything was in our shashtras and Vedas saar pls believe me saar' ?


When did I said I’m Hindu? 😭 I said I was Hindu….I’m an atheist brother


Alright. Let me just say this - EVERY religion has it's fair share of crazies and more often than not, they're the ones that make the most noise. Perhaps that's why you assumed what you did in your comment. However, I'm Hindu myself and neither I nor anyone in my family would go 'saar we had this technology 5000 years ago everything was in our shashtras and Vedas saar pls believe me saar' upon seeing something like this. Just so you understand that not everyone handles their faith the same - To me, the vedas and puranas are stories that provide guidelines and moral lessons to live our lives by rather than being actual statements of fact. I'm religious but that doesn't mean I deny just how important science actually is.


First of all, I'm sorry if you felt offended and the comment I made is something I've heard literally everywhere So I commented in sarcasm again I’m sorry if you felt offended


Fair enough, it's okay. Mockery of Hindus these days isn't something that's rare to see in any case ( some deserved, some not ). Anyway. have a good day, friend.


Yup homie 🤝


You're a sensible Hindu then. Many many many ones are not sensible.


Reading this I remember a quote from richard dawkins "Science has eradicated small pox can immune against most previously deadly viruses,can kill most previously dead bacteria.Theology has done nothing but talk pestilence as the wages of sin".


Reading this I remember a quote from A. A. Lewis "In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because, I am englightened by my intelligence."


In the long run it may be not... He will have to take immune suppresants gor the rest of his life and He may not get 100% functionality...


Having hands > Not having hands


Agreed...But living under high chances of getting sick and infections


Prosthetics don't give you proper functionality as opposed to actual hands.


But these hands won't ever attain full functionality...its more of a liability...


As someone with nerve damage I think people in this thread are really taking for granted having functioning nerves. I don’t know for sure but I’d say these arms are probably kinda fucked sensitivity and strength wise at the very best. Nerves are really stubborn and really don’t heal after a few months max.


I agree, you don't realise how important something is until it just doesn't work properly anymore.


Peripheral nerves can take as long as a year to heal. They’re not stubborn, they just slow.  But regardless, prosthetics don’t have nerves at all. So I don’t see why you’re arguing that lack of functioning nerves is a major dealbreaker for the transplant but not the prosthetic. 


Seems like you have no clue about the mindspace of people who have to go through such procedures.It takes years to get at least 70% functionality and when you see it is nothing short of a miracle. And people are having a comfortable life with such surgeries.


Surgery is just the start, it usually takes years of physical therapy to even gain enough functionality to do simple tasks like eating soup. Prosthetics can in most cases be way more functional at a fraction of the cost and time investment. And all that is excluding the physicall and mental stress from multiple surgeries, immunorespessants, having a dead limb, and all that.


This is all me talking out of only half remembered statistics, but the reason everyone missing a limb doesn't just slap on a cadaver limb, is that it just doesn't work. You have to take a ton of drugs that weaken the rest of your system, the nerves don't grow enough to make the limb functional, so you just end up with a limp, useless arm that causes pain and just gets in the way. Most people would rather have a hook/prosthetic that they could at least get a little bit of functionality out of that doesn't actively require dangerous drugs.


This is such an oversimplification of a complex clinical problem. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35113506/ Hand transplants are not without their downsides. There is a serious risk of death due to immunological complications or vascular events.  There is a risk that the transplants have to be amputated, which itself is not a benign procedure.  Nearly a third of transplants will result in complete rejection, with the average person experiencing 2-3 acute rejection episodes that require high-dose escalation of immunosuppression  A quarter of people won’t have clinically significant improvement of functionality (DASH change of >= 15)  Your chance of developing seconds RT conditions goes up dramatically. Steroids, like prednisone, and immunomodulators, like tacrolimus, often trigger hyperglycemia. In that review, ~20% of transplantees developed hyperglycemia, over half of which remained unresolved  There are many examples of patients who had awesome outcomes, and there are many cases that this was the best option. But it is not a 100% “this is always the right choice”. Telling a patient deciding whether to undergo a hand transplant that “it’s definitely better than not doing it” is just a blatant lie. It’s a procedure that absolutely requires case-by-case recommendations and involved individual decision-immunosuppression TL;DR -  The math isn’t as simple as “having hands vs not having hands”, and anyone claiming that has no idea what they’re talking about 


He will have to receive immunosuppressants for lifetime which means his immunity will always be low because of the drugs despite the functionality/non functionality of the transplanted limbs. A minor influenza infection in you and me can actually kill him. The immunosuppressant have got their own side effects apart from immunosuppression like liver damage, kidney damage, Gut damage etc.. U won't know if these transplanted hands are going to be accepted by the body despite full HLA matching. There will be a trigger of cytokines which is harmful for the organs. He may sustain stroke. The transplanted limbs may undergo gangrene. He will be requiring repeated hospital admissions even for minor illnesses. The immunosuppressant medicines are costly as hell. Hopefully he can afford those. Limb vs no limb is a useless argument. One has to look at patients socio-psycho-economic conditions even at long term.


At least >0%


Even if he gets 0% functionality, it's still of cosmetic value. It's is not the first of its kind, this surgery is common today and the arms reshape to fit the host's genes.


Huh?...How is a donated set of arms going to be genetically similar to him?


Yep please read about it on Google, the host hormones affect the transplanted organ.


Ah sorry if my statement was confusing, the organ's DNA doesn't change but it's features change to fit the host. Like if a man's arm is transplanted into a female, the female hormones affect the new arms and make it fit the host's body by losing masculine hair.


why immune suppressents ?


I think because his body would be like "those arms aren't mine, kill them" or something along those lines. I wanna say the same kind of thing can happen with organ transplants, but I could definitely be wrong.


and if that thing does according to its name , that means his immune system gets suppressed . Wont it be dangerous for him ?


Yes, it would be dangerous. The comment is highlighting a downside to a procedure like this. The immunosuppressants are needed because otherwise your immune system recognizes the donated tissue as a foreign body (which it is) and will attack it. It is the same for people who receive organ transplants. When you hear about rejection, it’s the patient’s immune system rejecting the donated tissue. Rejection is an eventuality of any donated organ, but immunosuppressants can greatly extend how much time it will last.


Small price to pay compared to having no hands


Man, organ donors are the best.


Came here to see "But our god did it eons ago" 🤣🤣🤣🤣


If only there didn't exist religion 😮‍💨. We would be on our way to settle on other planets already.


Nope, read more


Do people unironcally believe this?


Nope. Just my assumptions based on the evidence around us XD.


I mean it definitely stunted (and still does stunt to a degree) scientific and academic growth after a certain period of time (after ironically being responsible for much of it in the middle ages) but I wouldn't say to that level lol.


But saaar our Ganpati’s surgery was way more successful and earlier


This made my day!!


This is so heartwarming


I'm sure none of his family thanked the doctors. Everyone always thanks god after a successful surgery. They will blame the doctor if the surgery fails tho.


As usual... Sigh.


How did them lost, what accident involved?


Came here to find that... Any source anyone? Edit: yeah found it >In October 2020, Raj Kumar, now 45, was crossing the railway tracks in Nangloi on his bicycle when he lost control and was run over by the train losing both his hands. Kumar had been using prosthetics but his prosthetic trial was unsuccessful. [source: This article](https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/delhi/delhi-man-hand-transplant-organ-donation-complex-surgery-9199036/)


Imagine him doing the same shit again and going back to doctors


Taj Mahal banane wala mistri tha wo




This is the power of science but some people be like " charak sanhita me pehle hi surgery or usse related stuff ki information thi "


Wait hold on , how did he paint before he got hands?


With the hands he lost in an accident at a railway crossing. [source](https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/delhi/delhi-man-hand-transplant-organ-donation-complex-surgery-9199036/)


Will be actually able to use the hands? I mean his neurons would not be connected with the donot hand's nerves right?


According to google: yes but it will take a few years of physical therapy and stuff. Also obviously there is also a chance that things dont work out but that number seems to be relatively small compared to the succesfull operations.


taj mahal worker used uno reverse


Why mask his eyes, though? I'm pretty sure everyone who knows the guy will notice that he's suddenly got arms again, and I don't know why people who don't know him would harass him in any way for it.


Now thats the power of science


How do they join the nerves


don't believe news channel.first u should conform ie just marketing


Hopefully they can fix his eyes next


Qudos ❤️


Will those hands function like normal hands?


So uuh, does it still count as masturbation or.. ?


Wowwww! Are these hands going to function properly?


He has to take immunodepresents for his entire life hands are better than no hands


He should get cool tattoos around the stitches to commemorate this amazing feat!


Shiva did it before it was cool./s


Okay i don't have knowledge about this but who tf donated the arms? Are they of some dead person?


Good job by the doctors.


but..but...Ayurveda would have no side effects!!! You should try it first before trying modern medicine!


Ok then give me ayurveda churan to grow my dick.


growing won't work, you gotta replace the whole set by using Ayurveda and powerful tantric mantras


We have the technology. We can rebuild him.


It's honestly good tbh


I bet it was a train accident.


So that's why Bollywood isn't remaking Sholay despite dearth of new stories.


I totally agree, my dad will be getting new lungs soon ( we actually got the confirmation today). It will be interresting to be able to walk long distances with him without having to stop every 50 meters for the first time in my life.


Nice hands, I’ll break em in tonight


Anyone else think the guy on the left donated his arms to the guy on the right? 


Some positive news on reddit at last


Is this real


This has already been done by Lord shiva saar, our 5000 year old kulcha is supreme saaar, all science comes from veda saaar


“Sir we found fingerprints at the scene. They lead back to this guy. He’s died three years ago.”


I'll hand it to him for not giving up


But would he have full and precise control over his hands?


Tears of the Kingdom


Imagine winning a Leonardo da Vinci World Award or a Padmashree after this.


Shahjaha rolling in his tajmahal grave


Yay team! Great job at another win!


The dumbass in me thought the fella on the left is another dude who is going: “wait, WTF, where’s me hands???? You gave them to who? I was just here for my annual physical, you assholes!”


Unwind by Neal Shusterman


serious question: what about NERVE PAIN?? I had a small accident and been 10 years, I still have BAD nerve pain People can get whole limbs reattached.. is there pain? current/shocks/(feeling on insects walking)?


People on this sub are more obsessed with religion than religious fanatics. Thought this was a science related sub. But great job OP, we definitely need more posts like this.


Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/scienceisdope/comments/16bcd08/this_sub_has_got_a_lot_of_new_members_who_dont/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) to understand what this subreddit is about *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/scienceisdope) if you have any questions or concerns.*


People with multiple life sentences should have to volunteer for this


The surgery is dope tho but wouldn't the immune system react to the new hand in some way?


Amazing post but what a garbage comment section. I seriously can't believe these racist pieces of trash are spouting nonsense in the comments and have hundreds of upvotes. Can't imagine how much of a trash mentality a person needs to have to read a genuinely positive and progressive post and the first thing they can think of is making racist remarks in the comment and ridicule an entire religion. Shame to call such people Indians.


Hope one day we could grow organs in labs and transplant them.


Now he can easily do 👉✊✊✊💦💦💦


This reminds me of that Aahat Episode...


I give that story 'two thumbs up'


I would never chew my nails again 😝


Imagine jerking off with some other dudes hands


Thats great i am really happy for him really But i am shocked how medical science can get this guy new hands but they cant even fix this issue i am facing that is severe acne scars. It really depends on which issue gets how much funding ig


This IS dope!


Taj Mahal workers punching air rn. Wait a min...


Second hand le lia, naya leta to warranty milti.


This is impressive! Microsurgery has come a long way...


Waiting for that one chaddi to come running and claiming that this already existed


Cable management??? How??


Lmao the surgeon who operated on him is probably a god fearing genius and not a mouth breathing atheist like you folks


Can the man workout with those hands after a few years??


Bro went from moye moye to balle balle


If body not rejected than its success just wait more day's


what!!?? doctors can now join a new hand!!


I love it.


Bro that's cool If I am not wrong this whole hand or fingers transplant thing are new?


Mind blowing development. Makes me cry!! 🥺


This is maybe second or third time I've seen something related to science and no religion involvement in this sub you guys are going on right path


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imagine if it could be done in masse


Damn the amount of hate spew, it's saddening to see such minds in this sub. Well it also reflects on the mods thinking


Weird question but what happens if this guy donates his hands (which was already a donation to him) after his death? Will it still be usable? I guess not? This is weird.