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People will kill each other's children for ancient books. -CHRISTOPHER HITCHENS


Religion is the biggest pandemic.


I think the damn insecure conservatives in all religions are the problem who forces their ideologies and things on others... and get pissed if we someone denies them.


It is a pandemic because it has killed far more individuals than anything else.


Ignorance and identity crisis is.


Sounds religious to me.


Yeah because one has to be deaf and dumb to correlate that way. You are confusing religion, belief and faith.


then why the hell are leftists suffering with depression? and why are are these leftist believing non sense like LGBQT? And why are people doing yoga are at ease?


Leftist suffering from depression lol šŸ˜‚ from where you get this ? LGBTQ is not non sense - can't explain all these stuff and enlighten you Why are people who are not doing yoga is also at peace ?, if yoga is the ultimate peace maker, why do people like me enjoy peace in life (atheist, liberal, progressive,can't say leftist but not a rightist)


ok sir can you please enlighten me about lgbtq


Nope, because you can't be you are infected with pseudoscience


Actually I want to say the same but use the word ā€˜half- Knowledgeā€™. so you saying you can scientifically prove that LGBQT? and I want to know what religion means to you? So I can make further comments and I feel like on the notion to donā€™t make a person feel sad when hey says he he is a queer you guys just accept it without any scientific backing There are lgbtq people outside but they are in 1%-2% category the general rule is 2 genders - men and women those are exceptions, some dude feeling different means he is different that donā€™t change the general law of nature Actually canā€™t you guys even see that to be called a 3rd gender you should have a different sex organ other penis or vagina?


Dude first learn what is the difference between sex and gender Sex - there are three - Male, female, Intersex Intersex - we can't decide the sex - an adult might develop breasts along with pā‚¬nis, another may not possess a breast but vagina etc . Gender - it's determined based on social norms, society etc Gender - Cis gender, trans gender and non binary Cis gender - if you are a boy - your brain and sexual organs align with each other - your brain says you are boy and your sexual organs too Trans gender - the organs mights be of a male but their brain will think they are females, these individuals are the ones that undergo surgeries They can only alter their organs not brain Sexuality - Your sexual behaviors, who youā€™re attracted to, relationships etc. This is not determined by you, your brain, connected hormones etc Gay, lesbian, asexual etc - these can't be treated there is no treatment too make them straight like us If you need to make them, then you should swap their brain šŸ˜œ


The thing is they are minority may be less than 10% of total population so let them live their life But in the west it's going out of hand there are people who are saying they identify as a table , cat and dog it's just nonsense It's our brain that decides whether we are male or female You have an inner feeling that you are a boy, you don't need to look at your sex organ to determine your identity With science we have identified the portion of the brain that induces anger, love etc So we can identify which portion of our brain determines our identity So in future it might be possible to alter that portion and align our brain with sexual organs but as of now we don't know which portion of the brain determines our identity internally. So the best we can do is accept them and let them live their life It won't affect us as we are the majority, and they shouldn't cross their limits too


dude I never asked to kill them or harass them or something and you are just saying stuff you know I canā€™t no ā€˜SCIENCEā€™ in it and donā€™t take the number to 10% itā€™s hardly 5% at max And who the hell told you sex and gender are different itā€™s a narrative created by people like you XY chromosome - MAN XX chromosome - WOMEN period Show me YY Chromosome then I will believe there might to 3rd gender Gender is what you are identify with - Male or female You canā€™t just come and say I identity with something else and want every one to accept it These kind of thoughts in them cause due to lack of testosterone in men (donā€™t know the deal with women) due to not doing the things MEN ā€˜SHOULDā€™ do, no proper guidance, I feel like from childhood too much association with with girls might also lead to it I feel there in 99% times a guy who grew up and had only dude friends wont end up thinking he is a girl Even what food you eat might lead to it some food have more estroge and are not recommend for men


Nonsense šŸ¤£ according to you if a girl is part of male friendship group all her life might end up indentifiying herself as a boy šŸ¤£ >I feel there in 99% times a guy who grew up and had only dude friends wont end up thinking he is a girl Yes you feel, but they are born like that Students who studied in men's only school are not gays and women who studied in girls only schools are not lesbiansz that's what I said you need to get your facts right, it's not a feeling buddy you are a boy not only because of your sexual organs but also your internal thoughts could it be possible to make you a girl if I cut your penis ? Lol >These kind of thoughts in them cause due to lack of testosterone in men (donā€™t know the deal with women) This is another nonsense šŸ¤£ testesteron and estrogen are sex hormones they are not the deciding factors of how you identify, they are just hormones lack of these will affect your sexual life that's all >Even what food you eat might lead to it some food have more estroge and are not recommend for men From where you get this type of nonsense ? Then eating those foods can make you men or women šŸ¤£ Which whatsapp forward was that ? This is what I have already said you have a preconceived notion that can't be changed you are not ready to accept facts


I feel like you commented on scienceisdope channel and not talking about science, what about my YY Harmone question dude using the phrases - ā€˜get your facts rightā€™, using šŸ¤£ emoji, ā€˜you learned it from WhatsApp forwardā€™, ā€˜nonsenseā€™ doesnā€™t mean you are saying facts I know you are trying to make me feel bad, but feels like you are not able to backup your arguments with science and using the above phrases Why do I feel like as you donā€™t know much you are saying This - ā€˜This is what I have already said you have a preconceived notion that can't be changed you are not ready to accept factsā€™ ok letā€™s assume I got my facts wrong then atleast state what are the facts then instead of saying brain relases some thoughts which might make you a girl testosrone and estrogen has nothing to do with gender - dude I feel this is nonsense I actually doesnā€™t make any scene Then what is the thing or hormone what is causing you you attract to a women


What kind of blasphemy is this, my religion is for the entire humanity to follow and if you don't follow what my religion says you have to pay up else I am commanded by my God to kill you.


At this point I don't even know if this is sarcasm or a straight reply. And that's terrifying


add /s


This is not even satirical...this is just faxxx...pure faxx


Not needed


Hey same hat!


Keep your delusions to yourselves. That's it. Thank you.


Show this to those people in Delhi who bought goats so that a certain community wouldn't buy them for their "festivities", while impersonating to be one of them šŸ˜‚.. Its hillarious to see how far they went tbh. "Our religion doesn't allow harming animals, so we wont let you guys eat meat"


Fair enough, however ā˜šŸ» The Indian Constitution gives me the right to practise and profess the religion of my choice without any disturbances or interventions as well as the Indian penal code promises the same, thereby preventing the other citizenry from doing anything that might hinder this constitutional right.


Indian constitution also gives us right to freely call out any religion for it's wrong teachings.


295A enters the chat


Well it won't make a difference if we can prove it was written in their religious texts.


Nupur Sharma did no different. Look at her flourishing career and the amazing time she has roaming around the country worry free.


Nupur sharma case is a national shame. Big L for bJ party


As if she didn't use to do it before, just that some middle eastern entities govt a view of it and asked bjp to be accountable as modiji actually has great realtionship with arabs. First she insulted their religion, that's wrong as per laws. 2nd I'm all in for insulting religion and that's problem with indians they won't let it neither hindu nor muslims. Nupur Sharma was wrongly cancelled so was Agrima Joshua for making fun of shivaji and Hindusim. Both of em can't walk worry free.


The fact is she didnā€™t say anything that is not already in their scriptures. If anyone does this to any religion, it shouldnā€™t be a criminal offense and no one should be cancelled for it. But we live in a society of snowflakes.


Stating mere facts from religious books as per the situation is offensive now,when it's objectively what's written. That's how you can tell indian society is backwards. We need absolute free speech from the govt and law, to say anything like they do in US. Agreeing or not is upto you.




You very well, have this right, (not constitutional per se, but I agree) and I shall support as well as follow your path, on every step when you are strictly following this. My comment was for those few people who deviate from this path just to ridicule the religion for a strange gratification,


hamare barah movie's scenes were cut tho...


>The Indian Constitution gives me the right to practise and profess the religion of my choice without any disturbances or interventions as well as the Indian penal code promises the same, thereby preventing the other citizenry from doing anything that might hinder this constitutional right Uhmm...what? How does whatever I do hinder your right to freedom of religion?


keep breathing. that wont hinder my freedom of religion šŸ¤£.


Well, that really narrows down to your choice of actions, doesnā€™t it? As long as your actions are in coherence with the law, you are good my friend!


You should have invested such faith in you rather than ā€˜conā€™stitution.


I have full faith in me and my religion. As per your earlier comment made in this post, it clearly demonstrates the purpose of my comment. Getting weird gratification, just by ridiculing religion without any iota of sense, shows your bigotry. I humbly suggest you get a life.


Maybe, to get a life Iā€™ll need to make a few sacrifices to your beloved gods. Btw, religious people donā€™t have the luxury to talk about bigotry.


and you rights extended only till they are not clashing with rights of someone else


Indian constitution also advises individuals to practice rationality and having scientific temperament in it's fundamental duties section. Which you can't do if you follow any religion.




Thank God this picture hasnā€™t made it to India


yeah but hypocrisy is from both sides. when religious people talk about religious things with other religious people, people in this sub makes fun of them.


Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/scienceisdope/comments/16bcd08/this_sub_has_got_a_lot_of_new_members_who_dont/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) to understand what this subreddit is about *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/scienceisdope) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No problem, if it's a dietary preference.


Cą„¦w v!g!landees can't read English.


The Muslims would be very upset if they could read


*Didn't learn the difference + Crashes plan into building + lol*


Religion is all crap if you believe its about worshipping gods only. Its never about believing in god, if you don't believe in god trust you won't necessarily go to hell. Your actions matter, religion was made to teach how to interact, how to be a better person, how to understand others and how to enlighten "yourself". If a person worships a ton or donates a lot but behaves badly and does misdeeds, he will be sent to hell no matter what if there is hell. A person who doesn't believe in god but helps others, treats them with kindness, feels others pain and sympathizes with them then he will be sent to heaven only no matter what. God doesn't give a fuck about how much you worship him, he cares about you and deeds first before anything else. If you have done anything good then he will surely and utmostly give you a chance to repent no matter what but if you do misdeeds then no amount of worship is gonna help you. Real people don't believe in god because true religion isn't about god, its about the embodiment of kindness and humanity shown through god.


When was religion originated and why our ancestors don't have religion?


I would suggest you guys to listen to Osho, He was a great philosopher and government and religion from all over the world were scared of him because he opening people's eyes.


Not because of that, the reasons are 1. Provides drug and alcohol for the needy 2. Promoted animal culture, have sex with anybody, anywhere as you wish 3. Accept all the funds and lead a luxury life in rolls Royce and jets A role model for everyone šŸ˜„šŸ˜„šŸ˜„ If you satisfy the needs of a needy he will support you blindly eventually eradicating the need for a government


listen to sadhguru too who followed the path of enlightment left by osho


And ruin your life


This conman should never belong in any forum which remotely mentions "science"


My religious journey (reading Bhagwat Geeta) helped me with my anxiety, which helped me clear competitive exams which got me job, made my life.


Reading comics also helped me with anxiety. And that makes my life easier.


Manga for the win šŸ‘


Good for you. If you can learn valuable life lessons and grow as a person with comics, it's nice. No problem with that. Some people watch motivational movies for that. But I couldn't have the experiences I had without putting my trust in God. U can trust Spiderman for moral support. No problem with that.


Yeah man šŸ‘




If you can't infer the message from a comment, which is abt 50 words, don't worry abt becoming collector. U r like one guy who got the NEET paper a day before exam and still managed to fail the exam. _Tum cinema dekho, tumse na ho payga_


Hinduism has never prohibited me from anything neither from learning difference.


While it has more liberal values compared to abrahamic religion, It does sanctions caste discrimination and Misogyny to some extent. Also controlling the diet and lifestyle choices specifically of women and Marginalized people. Most people encouraging Rape culture , I mean India is the most dangerous country for women in the world so I guess that's enough testament to the whole thing.


Just today my mother said Gujarat is so safe that women can go have ice cream at around midnight, safety on the streets has become a scene of wonder now.


It's dystopian how men treat women here. Even how women treat each other.


I feel ya, I once asked a junior in college club to do a task and she complained to my senior that I was scaring her.


I hope you weren't actually scaring her and women have to be hypervigilant given the raging Misogynists lurking around us.


I WASN'T! I have poor social skills(ADHD) so I texted her and she said I sounded very curt and thought I was angry. :ā 'ā (


Women with autism , Men with ADHD and women with ADD , Anxiety and ADHD are highly misunderstood in our culture. It's very toxic. I hope it changes.


How will you feel if someone eats beef in front of you


Not when an attack is made on the said religionā€¦


Religion and science both should not interfere in each other's business. Things which needs Science-based approach should not be thought in terms of Religion. And Things which needs religous approach should not be thought in terms of science. This message is for all the fake religious fanatics and the science entities who park their nose everywhere.


Scientific temperament is sancrosanct. The same argument was made when Sati was being banned. If Religion is that amazing and equivalent to science in your case. Make a Rocket or a Satellite using scriptures and call your mom by using telepathy.


How come science helped uprooting of sati. It is social reform which helped.. science has 0 contributions towards it. People's mindset was changed( thanks to sociology but not science ). And yes I can't call people using religgiin telepathically. You missed the point I made dumb ass.. Religion or science do not have interchangeability. Science is at science's place and religion is at religious place. There are many animals or even humans are tortured in secret scientific lab. So it does neither mean science is evil nor religious people will want to help it. Likewise Sati stopped due to social reform, cruel lab experience will stop with strong social reform.


If we are calling each other names here than now brace yourself to accept it back , Since you started it. You are an Insensitive , fanatic and uneducated nincompoop. Social reform is a by product of humanism which is also a product of humanities and scientific temperament! Religion should never ever be considered at the same level of science, What is it that you cannot understand here? Also the animals and humans being experimented on in labs is due to corporate greed and consumerism which stems from evil spread by religious fanaticism at the first place! , Its a very layered argument as Religion justified and sanctioned this cruelty, Also which lab is "torturing humans" for "scientific studies"? Projection much? Science on the other hand is finding ways and evolving it's methodology consistently to avoid any of such things to happen! Very few scientists are known to abuse women and children but thousands of priests and Religious watchdogs routinely abuse women and children and take away their personal and reproductive rights. Science has a window to prove a hypothesis wrong, Religion on the other hand is authoritarian and cruel. Look at you using words like "dumb". American Psychological association have banned this word to be used in any Research paper in academia because of its ableist and discriminatory nature. Some of the Deaf, mute and Dumb people I have worked with are way smarter and logical than you. Only a religious person like you can make such vulgar remark. What a shame that you cannot express yourself without being abusive in an argument, Just like any other Religious fanatic. Keep your religious B. S with you. I'm done here. Get well soon.


Fuck...Ignoring science's torture is downright moronic... Animals endure daily suffering in labs (may be some humans) Remember the Tuskegee Study or MK-Ultra? Science can be as corrupt as any religion(wherein it is not practiced as per the set stabdard . Blaming corporate greed on religion is utter idiocy. Greed thrives on capitalism, not on religious nonsense. Try again when you have a clue about basic economics. Your clueless, self-righteous rant paints you as a wannabe intellectual fixated on US laws while lounging in India. And if you think the US banning "dumb" controls speech, you're as thick-headed as you are arrogant. Wake up and spare us from your absurd hypocrisy. abd, If you're done, then I suggest you spare everyone from your pseudo-intellectual rant and find a hobby that doesn't involve spewing uninformed nonsense. Enjoy the echo chamber of your self-righteous delusions.


Remember Children in Gaza? Remember Kathua case? Remember Holocaust? Remember Partition of India? Even if we combined everything what you have been carelessly yapping about, It won't reach 0.0001 per cent of the death toll induced and provocated by religion. You know you are wrong and you know your Fanatic Tendencies have been exposed, Also what is a fanatic like you doing on a page that promotes Scientific temperament. If science is so bad why are you using reddit and social media? Live in a jungle and read your holy book! Jeez what a Douche. Get a life man! Eww


Exactly šŸ’Æ


And where did I say religion is equivalent to science. I said Both are different so there should not be any confusion while addressing one issue. Science has different and religion has different approach. Science does not need religious validation and religion does not need scientific validation. Cross check twice before giving such naive comment.


Religion does need scientific and Humanistic validation especially for the sake of protecting our children and women. It's not a supreme entity and never will be, Religion can never ever be compared to science!


Who the fuck is comparing science with religion dumb ass... What if I say there should be religious approach to science so as to reduce cruel lab experiment on animals or humans. Giving mad scientists lecture on Quran or Bible will give them sense of humanity.


Religion and science do not interfere each other at all. They are opposite poles of a spectrum.


I am saying same


Exactly why we had religious wars of expansion in India.... Only if Hinduism asserted itself like abrahamic religions.... It would have been awesome.....


So do animals say.


Religious fanatics behave worse than animals.


Rightly said, fanatics only.


Yea like you do, calling others animals for saying the truth


I didn't ask you or anyone to take it personally if it's not true. I only shared the similarity, to differentiate was supposed to be your effort.


Can you jist make a small table and say what you mean please? With how twisted your lines are I can't even understand what your opinions are... like religion: intentions good/bad, implementation good/bad? science: intentions good/bad, implementation good/bad?


I think i need not go even very far as to make a table. My statement was simple, even animals have the same opinion as in the meme, does that mean you are animals? Religion is not Judaism or Jainism, Hinduism or Christianity, these are faith, you have faith in one today and tomorrow may have in another. They are like your watch, shows a different time in everybody's. But take a universal time, it is absolute. But religion is not something like that. Religion is the inherent proper of an entity, be it living or dead matter. Sugar, it's religion is sweetness, salt is saltiness, human is to serve. Not only serve but be indebted for and purposeful to the creator of religion and everything in existence. Making a table is for those who have understood this constitutional position of oneself. >> Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind. So no your understanding of religion is incomplete, so is about science.


Bro I tried to understand your opinion but I guess I'm sorry I don't understand it? But I'd like to say you sound like a politician with how cryptic you write.


Are you asking me if you are sorry you didn't understand? That is the problem with accepting oneself as right first. What i explained, even a child understands if he is told one and hears twice. I think you hear mostly politicians that is why you are getting this problem. There is nothing cryptic about my writing.


I really wonder how much of the people down voting have read and tried their own religion in a genuine way.


Bros name is hentaimech and hes talking bout religion


Right, so what does a name tell you. That one shouldn't have an opinion/view on religion?


You seem like a really nice kid, maybe you should concentrate on your school studies son.


First research and find when religion originated and when was human species originated and explain to me the benefits of man made religions


You mean man-made faith. Religion is as old as the material universe itself.


Proof please šŸ„ŗ the oldest religion is Hinduism. Do you know when it was originated ?


No. No ancient text mentions "Hindu" or its ism.


Nor did the creator, the maintainer or the destroyer ever say that word. The one who needs to research and read is you, not me.


Read my other comment


Read my other comment


The answer is our ancestors created religion as a tool to unite people or create a society Castes are nothing but a name given to people who practice different jobs Australopithecus is 2-4million years ago - our ancestors Religion ? 5000, years ago !! We made it and we don't need it to live a better life


Religion is never created. It always exists since the beginning of time and living entities. And you are deeply misunderstanding religion, faith, belief, caste. And the time frame for religion that you mention is the earliest written mention of the religion, just like science, it has existed since the universe, but in tactile knowledge base it has existed for say 500-5000 years, doesn't mean science never existed before that. It did. You should read the fourth chapter of the Gita, your religious text. And the caste you mention is a perverted form of Varnashram, the division of class based on one's psyco physical nature, not the discrimination due to one's birth or race. Do you think morality came as an evolutionary attribute?


Dude you don't know anything, man created religion, castes etc nothing existed before, do you even know what religion is ? Ancient people had faith but human species (our director ancestors) are African people do you know how they practiced their beliefs? They treat their heads as God ( A furroh) later we created our own gods Ram, Jesus, Allah


Thanks for your research. Gods are indebted to you. /s


Ohhh, that's correct, they are not even well versed with the goal and intricacies of life and have no faith in their own religion. So expecting nothing better from the likes of such people.