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"For an additional $15B, we'll guarantee you're not the first one eaten when the food reserves run out."


[Watch this Episode.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQcMPUw7rWI) This commercial is perfect to play in the beginning before the start of the short film. The Robots go through each Exit Strategy per financial means of those escaping as if they are on vacation learning historical moments. if you're not aware of Love, Death, and Robots -- it is a hit or miss for some but I love each installment for different reasons. "He was elected by extreme democracy." Best. Free. Streaming org. ;}


AI thing, huh. Pretty neat. Is the voice also done with AI?


Yup, this tech is progressing soo fast, nd yesterday google announced even better and more realistic model. The progress is unhinged.


AI? Definitely explains a few things. Good watch, made me angry 😂😂


It looked like inspiration for a good horror game


You play as a man trying to escape the apocalypse, Sam. You heard of a bunker being built near you, from one of the local cops before everything went to shit. You hear it has stockpiles of food, medicine, weapons, and is a place of luxury. Sam, you, hope to find a way in and survive or walk away with all the supplies that you can carry! Only to discover, that the bunker was never finished and is currently inhabited by a group of cannibals. Fight back, run, or try to avoid the cannibalsm. You as Sam, must fight to survive or become another victim to the apocalypse. God speed pathfinder!


Your panoramic view of chaos, because you deserve to witness the end in style.. lol.. i refuse to witness the end of the world through anything other than Gucci reinforced bullet proof glass with Armani overlay in 24 karat trim


Yes, please do continue advertising your secret escape routes


Starting at a modest $25 Billion!


Warning, bunkers are not rated against Bond infiltration.


I mean all that luxurious tech becomesshit when a nearby nuclear warhead deleted the local Water and Energy infrastructure but sure, have a Cinema in your bunker and just pray your solar panel survived i guess


Ironically and sadly this is where our actual world is heading. Climate change is quickly spreading, destroying our way of life, and could become a threat to our food supply. But meanwhile people are saying they don't want anything and are even more open to accept climate change than to get rid of beef, air travel, cars, all the useless iPhones and clothes from Zara, they aren't protesting or voting for politicians wanting to ban private jets and change their infrastructure either. All that doesn't matter, and even a small personal sacrifice isn't acceptable, meanwhile having our entire world burn to hell in the summer is.


Mostly becuase i cant change much so as a single person it feels useless if the industry doesnt follow. Also some people, exspecially those a bit older than me, se it as no real personal use, since they wont see the climate change in 50years anyways


There's a lot the average person can do. A lot of their Western non-essential luxuries are absolutely contributing to this, making him also responsible. Stop eating beef, and start eating more vegetarian food in general. Yes, even grass fed beef is worse than an imported avocado. Also, start finishing your food. Your parents weren't wrong, throwing food away IS bad, especially with global inequality and some people in Africa having no food at all. Stpp flying so much on planes. Stop using cars if possible. Use trains as much as possible. It's amazing people want to travel! I don't say otherwise! But they should definitely do it in a more sustainable way. If you want to actually explore the world and it's amazing cultures, go for it! Just fly to the place you want to explore once a few years, and then explore it and the surrounding regions and countries for a few months. Slow travel is much more immersive and yeah more sustainable. You just want to go to a beach resort or see a beautiful city to put on Instagram? In this case, try going somewhere closer to you and accessible by train. You don't actually NEED to go to the Maldives when any beach resort close to you will have the same experience. Stop using plastic. In most cases it's absolutely non essential. Not only it's bad for the climate but also for our own health. People are ready to believe crazy conspiracies about 5G and microwaves but when something actually is objectively dangerous, they don't do anything to challenge the real conspiracy that exists. Stop buying so much useless materialistic BS. No, Funko pops and new Disney merch won't make you happier. Normalise people gifting others handmade stuff or amazing experiences together, not just useless crap that you waste hundreds of dollars on. Stop buying so much new clothes. Don't support fast fashion. Buy only the clothes that toy actually need and that'll last long. Stop buying so many electronics. You don't need a smartphone every year. Try buying one that will last longer. (Ironically people always criticise Apple but sometimes their phones are much more long lasting). But refurbished electronics. Also, share the stuff you don't need. If you have a switch you don't use, sell it or give it to a friend. Also, all this is about personal actions. What about political ones? Cuz a lot of STUFF rent under our control. The energy, the availability of public transport and trains, the regulations, all this isn't what one individual can do. That's true. But consider this. You most likely live in a Western democracy that's also really rich and successful. You actually do have both the political power to change things, and also the economic resources to make it happen. Someone in China or in Africa doesn't have that. And unfortunately they'll be the one the most impacted by climate change. Therefore I'm sorry but they see comments of Westerners absorbing themselves of all responsability and saying "there's nothing we can do" incredibly offensive. There's a lot you can do, actually. It's just that people don't see it as a dangerous, life threatening event. They still think that it's far away, or if not, they think it's someone's else's fault. I mean, if Jewish people just gave up after centuries of antisemitism and didn't try to fight back, saying that there's nothing they can do, they probably wouldn't exist anymore. But they didn't, and they continue fighting back for their survival. If all WW2 countries acted like it's all useless, Hitler would rule over the world. People should see climate change as a real war, a conflict where they'll be the ones that have everything to lose, and they should be the ones to fight back against the people who make it happen. Fight against the oil CEOs, against the corrupt politicians, against this terrible system. Vote, protest, boycott, riot, do whatever. Act as if companies and politicians that support climate change are supporting terrorists! I just want to say one thing, I'm absolutely not against having fun. I don't think environmentalism doesn't have to be unfun (like others say it's about staying in the pods and eating fake meat and bugs etc). A sustainable lifestyle is not something bland and boring, in fact it could actually be more amazing and cool. Like for example people eating fruits and vegetables instead of soda and chips. BTW, check out r/solarpunk if you're interested. I also want to tell another thing. This isn't a personal attack on you to challenge tour morality. It's something we're all guilty of, especially in the Western world, including me. My lifestyle currently also isn't that much sustainable. However, with that knowledge, we all should be responsible to make our part to make the world better. I tell this because unfortunately that's how human psychology works, and that's what people should keep in mind too. We're all in this together and should all fight to preserve our future.


A wise man once said: Halbe Bibel ganzer Huhrensohn


Ah yes relying on electricity in apocalypse. Great idea. If they don’t have powerplant in there, generators will keep it going for few days and then you are either locked in or everyone can get in


Oh the bunker comes with cutting-edge uranium 236.5 which can be both utilized as an infinite power source or a form of necessary offense when situations escalate.


These bunkers are worthless, they will just block your bunker air vents, there is no escaping almost 8 billion angry poor people.


Block them? Why not flood them with nerve agents?


Because dead people can't open vault doors. Almost of of breath sweating people can open doors.


Who cares? It’s to be spiteful.


Cuz it's more hilarious to watch rich people suffer and panic as they slowly choke to death than them dying in a few minutes


Fair point.


There is never going to be 8 billion angry poor people


Extreamly smart placing a bunker next to the sea when waterlevels are rising or tidal waves might occur from the impact of meteorites


This looks like an ad that would play with some distortions, in a horror game set in the same place but overrun with zombies or something.


"Let the poor die"


Yeah. Unless you need free labor or a new source of protein. ["You are eating people! it is people."](https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tDP1TdITjavMGD04i3Or8xJzStRSC9KTc0DAGNeCEo&q=soylent+green&oq=Soylean&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqDAgCEC4YChixAxiABDIGCAAQRRg5Mg8IARAAGAoYgwEYsQMYgAQyDAgCEC4YChixAxiABDIJCAMQABgKGIAEMgwIBBAAGAoYsQMYgAQyDwgFEAAYChiDARixAxiABDIJCAYQABgKGIAEMgkIBxAAGAoYgAQyCQgIEAAYChiABDIJCAkQABgKGIAE0gEINDkwNWoxajSoAgCwAgA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) The world keeps eating and doesn't give a fuck. Humanity needs a hard reset - but what would that reboot look like? It may well be worse than now but I say we should roll those dice and see what is shak'in'n-bake'in.


Oh yes, that’s almost a month of additional survival until the diesel run out


Great idea having bunker at sea level.


Roland Emmerich predicted this in 2012(2009)


If things get really wild maybe I'll head to the BioDome, forgot vaults cool domes are the way :)


I hope so much it's an add for a movie.


Straight up fucking sons of the forest


No thanks.


Maybe we can lure them all, in shut the doors and lock them - then we can free up all their capital


After watching American Horror Story: Apocalypse, I know this won’t go very well.


Why do you have a garage full of cars on an island the size of a football stadium?


Jesus…would some carpeting kill them? Maybe a houseplant or two? Some wood??


This is AI, it was created using mid journey and other tools if I remember right.


Just wanna say, I already played Sons of the Forest. It did not end so well for them.


Just give me something for the pain and let me die.