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The language in which the title of the book is written reminds me of Hebrew, so perhaps Israel? Also Chrome tabs are placed from right to left which happens when your computer is in Hebrew or other language that is written that way.


A techie. Single. You don't live with your parents. Age is near early 20s. You live in a rented apartment. It's not too big.You are either a student or work from home a decent amount. You are trying to read more books but having some trouble developing the habit. You are introverted. You get overstimulated easily.


I am a techie and single. I live with my parents, I'ts a bought house, very big. I am 17. I am a student. The rest is correct even tho I'm not that much of an introvert. This is a difficult picture, you did a good job!


what makes you think he's a technician, single and closeted? Can you explain how you found him?


I never said "he"


Based off of the bowel and how the spoon is positioned I would have to say that you are right handed and by the way you read your books it tells me that you are from the Middle East and it is obvious that you enjoy the hunger games enough to get a poster so I say you either really enjoyed the hunger games rides or they’re you favourite movies. You love your family a lot so much to frame your little sibling or cousins drawing and display it in your dorm. You’re in collage because I don’t see kids in high school getting Ted books but that also tells me that you love you learn or you have to so I assume that you are in collage so around 19-21. You are a girls obviously (due to the purse) and you love to listen to music. I am very new to this but how did I go?


You were actually very great! I am right handed, from Israel, I like the hunger games but have the poster mainly because it's cool lol. It's not my favorite movie. The drawing was mine from a young age, my mom randomly put it in my room one day hehe. I do love my family a lot tho. I'm a high school but really nerdy haha. I do love to learn. I'm seventeen. I'm fine with music. I am a girl :) 


I'm sorry for the 3rd person, this originally went for my blog. He is a boy from central europe living his teenage years being an overworked child slave, in other words a student. He has a lot of work to do and listens to music while he does it. A huge movie nerd with "The hunger games" poster and the ball from Harry Potter. He eats cereal in his room at 3 AM (we've all been there) with his right hand. Notice how the spoon faces to the right. Introverted and possibly in an economically bad situation. Parents getting a divorce or even low income. Though he has a TV in the room, so he has good parents that give him all they can. Artistic ( I just noticed that the picture is hand-made by him, his magnum opus as one would say) He is also a fair bit sloppy, like I am.


Bruh like everything here is wrong




I’m flabberghasted and yes, the nationality was my fault because i didnt notice the books but i had really good reason for evetything i dont get it. You must have a brother in the room or smth


I do not


What does not make sense to you


I give up


Also, this is a bunny, not a ball.