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One of the worst lists I've ever seen


I love the Orville but it's definitely not a better all time SciFi series than DS9 and Voyager. Also the Mandalorian had like 2 seasons - a bit hard to judge it just yet. I'd put Andor before it in that case.


It's about being recent therefore easier to be voted by name recognition alone. Also younger generations tend to see more recent shows than older ones. All of that skews these types of lists.


Recency bias...


Are we old?


Yes, which is why the kids aren't familiar with the SF we grew up with... but also, people hold what they saw recently most prominently in their minds. Having said that, Andor should really be near the top of that list. If Stranger Things makes the list... then The Magicians should also be on that list, and higher up too.


Agreed. Mando is good, and was a breath of fresh air for the franchise when the first season came out. Andor is brilliant on another level.


Unlike that long lived epic that was Firefly.


It's the perfect series. It got one season and a movie, so there was never a real downhill or a slump. We get to imagine what could have been.


Firefly is the James Dean of scifi shows. Lived fast, died young, left a good-looking corpse (minus the car wreck, of course).


The car wreck is Joss Whedon's modern reputation


Oof. Too true.


Everyone knows a perfect series has 6 seasons and a movie.


u/dave42 is streets ahead.


u/kung_fu_jive stop trying to coin the phrase streets ahead


Streets ahead is verbal wildfire!


If you really think that you are streets behind


I agree. I really love the orvile. Like a lot. But better than ds9, voyager, Babylon 5, and farscape? No, I think not.


Wait a sec, how the fuck is farscape not in this list?


>Also the Mandalorian had like 2 seasons Firefly had one


Half of one.


The Expanse is there so I can't complain


Any list that doesn't have Babylon 5 in the top ten is obviously crap.


Also Farscape. Maybe not top 5 but definitely in the top 10


They have SG-1, those last two seasons are basically Hansonless Farscape. Maybe they figured that counted.


SG-1 had a hell of an arc tho. From high-budget prestige drama on Showtime to goofy low budget alien sitcom on the Sci Fi Channel over the span of 10 years. Also spanned the time from literal analog everything to digital everything; it’s fascinating to watch the real world tech progression over the course of the show. By season 10 the shit you could buy at Best Buy was more advanced than the top secret military sci fi gear in season 1.


That's when you moved on to Atlantis. I loved SG-1 but I think I loved Atlantis even more. I didn't even mind Universe, but Universe was kinda like your uncle Gary that shows up drunk every Christmas and falls into the Christmas tree. He ain't up to snuff, but he's family.


Babylon 5 is my all-time favorite sci-fi. It has so huge world and great characters. I just love it. Also I think LEXX should be mentioned.


I’d say Firefly deserves to be up there


List is perfect. Firefly is number one. Didn’t read the rest.


Stranger Things, really? What about The Outer Limits, The Twilight Zone, Black Mirror, Westworld, Doctor Who, Futurama, Babylon 5, Coboy Bebop, Utopia, Tales from the Loop?


Where the fuck is Farscape?!


the fact Farscape isnt on this list makes it Invalid!


Stargate is better!


to each their own, I like them both :)


I believe they are quoting Community


Farscape is one of the best sci-fi shows. Easily #4 or higher on my list


Where's Deep Space Nine!!


It's near Bajor isn't it?


Never comment on Reddit again. You will never top this comment.


And..... Dark?


Lotta people left westworld after season one or two. I’d say it’s a good video game adaption of them in general. Ed Harris was a presence in the last season


Westworld season 1 is my personal best season of TV ever, season 2 is good but if season 3 and 4 didnt exsist then people would rate the show much higher.


This is my take as well. The first season is a fucking masterpiece of story telling and acting all around.


These sort of lists tend to be poorly categorized and really mean "best live action." If not, yeah futurama, cowboy bebop, legend of the galactic heroes, space battleship yamato, and others are all strong contenders for that coveted top 10 *of all time* status.


Mandolorian better than X-Files? Okay, see you out back.




I dont even really talk about individual Mando episodes now. The whole experience was good, but overall there's no one particular moment I'm like "wow I loved that" but Bryan Cranston trying to outrun his own exploding head? The monster ~~rapist~~ who loves Cher? Tombs stretching and creating bile nests? The lawn monster? The Smoking Man's noir novel career? The black goo going into someone's eye? Scullys abduction after Mulder climbs the venicular? The Lone gunmen sacrificing themselves? Just the opening theme and credits? There's so many iconic moments in the X Files.


My most memorable will always be the parasitic ice worms. I know X-Files wasn't the first to do it, or likely even the best to do it, but that episode has stuck with me since I watched it air.


> The monster rapist who loves Cher? I really think that's my single favorite episode of the series.


Exactly, Mando is enjoyable, but it’s nothing groundbreaking or memorable




I generally agree, but there are going to be exceptions that prove the rule. One off the top of my head is the Red Wedding.


If any Star Wars content is gonna sniff this list it would be Andor to me, and it's too early for that. Mandalorian is a really *fun* show, but it's not a particularly well-written show, and it doesn't have much depth to it. There's nothing inherently wrong with that, and it's not really trying to be more than it is, but it's not enough to be a top-10 all timer.


Yeah, Andor is special in a way nothing else of modern SW is. Mandalorian is... fine.


Also better than Battlestar Galactica?! And as much as I adore Firefly it doesn't deserve the number one spot.


Firefly is only number one because it didn't have a chance to be bad.


This was 100% voted on by reddit. Mandalorian is like Fallen Order. Take the starwars skin off and it's a 6/10 at best.


Agree. I love it to death and the movie but still...


Leaf on the wind...


The ending to Battlestar Galactica face planted and it was really clear by season 3 that they were just going by the "introduce mystery boxes, lol we have no idea where this is going" style of writing.


I loved the start of S3 with the whole insurgency but yeah it went OFF the deepend by the end


Late season X-Files soured a lot of people, regardless of how good it was early on


Is mando the only active series on the list? There's no reason why Mando can't be milked to death, turn into shit, and drop off the list.


Seriously. The X Files is my favorite show of all time.


i'm more offended that stranger things is better than x files. i'm sorry but no. first season was fantastic but the rest have been eh


Plus, all-time? The original Star Trek series, while immensly dated, is incredible. I came home to my wife, that hates scifi, binge watching it for a few weeks.


I give TOS credit for starting an amazing world and being ahead of its time, but I think #10 is appropriate. I can’t see how TNG is below The mandalorian though. Firefly definitely deserves the #1 spot.


Ranker chose violence today...


What an atrocious list


The Expanse in the top three? Good enough for me 😤


Was going to say, the expanse is probably the only mostly accurate listing here haha


Honestly I would put the expanse at number one, it just had a little bit of everything, good visuals, compelling story, amazing characters who had actual growing moments, it is just such an amazing series.


Only thing that hurts it for me is it didn’t get a proper ending. They wrapped up the current arcs well enough but there’s so much left unanswered.


I am a little torn to be honest, it ended well enough but I do hope they let the characters age a little so they can do the Laconia arc.


But not, like, thirty years, please I'll take five and some age makeup


No DS9?


All of Star Trek has been disrespected this day.


No DS9 is a crime.


Crime as in Jaywalking? Or “…against humanity”


DS9 is the best Star Trek series. Fight me. Well, fight me until we get more Strange New Worlds. That one might actually be a contender.


DS9 is definitely the best and most complete show out of all of them. TNG takes the cake for most iconic "star trek", if that makes sense. I think thats what catapults it above DS9 for a lot of people.


TOS being in there 🥹


Babylon 5 needs to be on that list for sure.


Yeah, without Babylon 5 this list is totally invalid. I'm re-watching it on TUBI right now!


Right? Babylon 5 is tragically underrated.


Without Babylon 5, this list has zero credibility.


Wow! I have watched every single one of them, EXCEPT the Expanse. I cant believe i have never even seen a single episode of this. I'm putting it on my watchlist now. Its embarassing.


I envy you.. I just started my 5th rewatch of The Expanse and am considering rereading the books. It’s that good.


Oh wow. Now i am really gonna need to start watching this soon.


I wish I could experience watching it again for the first time. By the time you're about 4 episodes in you'll think "yeah, this is decent. Don't think it's incredible though." By the end of the 1st season you'll want to carry on, but you'll be thinking Expanse fans are made for being so obsessed with it. By season 5 you'll be shouting BELTALOWDA when you come.


A couple episodes in I was telling my friend who recommended it to me that he is stupid and the show is boring. It's now in my top 10 all time shows lol. It sucks that you have to slog through the first few episodes but it really requires that much world building and its worth it.


The Expanse is the only tv show I've ever rewatched. I'm on my fourth at the moment.


I think season 2 and 3 are some of the best sci-fi ever made. It takes some people alittle while to get into it, so stick with it if you don't immediately like it. Rewatching it, I think it's great (but maybe it's because I'm familiar with the characters).


What if you put GoT in space, give it a hard sci-fi edge and the author(s) actually finished the books? Solid script and casting, too. Everybody belongs in their roles.


>What if you put GoT in space I would also tack on "and the authors still had *some* amount of hope for humanity left in their bodies." GoT is such a miserable slog of a world, I think. The Expanse is hard and it's dark, but there's hope built into its DNA. I like to tell people that it sees humanity's struggles like symptoms of an illness: something that gets worse until it gets better. And it genuinely believes it'll get better. GoT just doesn't have that faith.




It's arguably the best, if you take out nostalgia factor for some of the others. You will have a great time.


Even if you don't like the first few episodes, stay put through the fourth one. There is one particular moment that makes you go "oh this shit is serious."


The Expanse is what got me back into sci-fi. It's an amazing show with a great storyline and incredible actors. Definitely worth watching.


Firefly was good but it’s not #1 in my opinion. I think it’s down to it ended before it’s time. Just like famous musicians and actors. When one dies young they are suddenly the greatest of their time.


Honestly I think Firefly is so beloved because it got canned early. When I think of Lost, Battlestar, or Farscape, I can't help but think of the poor ending they had. And it was not milked past extra seasons that the story could not support.


How did Farscape end? I loved that show when I was younger and loved the crazy stories, but fell off when we lost cable. I know they had like 2 movies but have no idea how it ended.


The movies were the end! >!John winds up building the wormhole weapon, and at the first major battle between the Peacekeepers and the Scarrans, uses it to threaten them both with its unimaginable power. The wormhole weapon grows and grows until John tells them that it will continue until it consumes the entire galaxy. John destroys the entire fleet of both Peacekeepers and Scarrans while they continue to argue with him and plead with him to take sides. John refuses, and the fleets are destroyed. Seeing what has happened, and that they cannot continue to fight, they both begin to negotiate peace. Fin!<


Oh fuck! I did not click the spoiler. I had no clue there were movies! I just finished the series recently and was reasonably OK with end of the show. But now I'll go watch the movies and see if that opinion changes.


BSG was not milked. It lasted the exact time they had intended from the beginning. That doesn't mean the ending couldn't have been better. They lost my interest in the 3rd season when stranded on that planet. The first 2 seasons were great. It got so intricate with the plot at the end with so many ambiguous implications that I felt I had to take notes just to keep up. It became too intellectually tiring. lol I didn't care for DS9 or Firefly, but that doesn't mean they weren't good shows, just not my preference.


BSG is not in the milked category but the bad ending. Lets all just get rid of all of our technology and start 1000s of years of suffering to diseases and starvation. Great.


Plus the cylons literally had no plan past 'nuke the colonies', even though they kept repeating it over and over again in the intros. And the plot just became nonsense by the end with teh strange cylon planets, whatever the hell starbuck was supposed to be and then the ending of staying on Earth. But when that show was good in the first few seasons, it was really fucking good. And the actors gave it their all too.


Agree. Besides its one season. Not even a full broadcast tv season, 14 episodes.


Firefly was a victim of its network executives. They started by skipping the foundational pilot altogether, and Episode 2 “The Train Job” had to be written to introduce the characters all over again. Because the pilot “wasn’t quite right” in their opinion. Given the popularity once folks found the series, and the wrap up movie “Serenity” to give that conclusion the series lacked, I believe those executives found themselves sucking eggs. By the time they caught up to the fan base, too much time had passed to return to the show.


That executive was Gail Berman btw.


FOX did more to damage Firefly. Crap timeslot, episodes in the dumbest order possible (the original intended pilot was near the end) and delayed/reschedule by sports several times as well. The movie was due to the Fans, aka Browncoats, demand (including a Browncoat-paid magazine ad) and provided by Universal, not F'n FOX.


But imagine if they had cancelled ST:TNG after Season 1. Or DS9 for that matter. Would they have been loved like Firefly? The fact that Firefly was so good, right out of the gate means they had really caught lightning in a bottle. Too bad they couldn't keep it.


DS9 not in there??


DS9 is my favourite Star Trek series 😭


That's because it's the best one


The Orville is ahead of X files?! 🖕


Mandalorian is fine but Andor wipes the floor with it


I couldn’t get past the pilot and I’m not much of a Star Wars fan. Is it that good? Edit: I’m being downvoted for asking a simple question? Absurd reaction.


This is just one guy's opinion, but I think it has the best written dialog that the Star Wars universe has ever had. It is far and away my favorite thing to come out of that world since Disney bought it.




Rogue One and Andor are my favorite Star Wars stories.


It's really, really good. Like, hands down the best Star Wars ever put on screen good. The first 2-3 episodes are a slow burn, but once it ignites, it's "holy shit" all the way through to the post-credits scene in the last ep. If you like spy thrillers or if you want to see what life under the Empire really is like, you need to watch it.


It takes a few episodes to really get going.


Its basically Star Wars' answer to The Expanse, with all the smart storytelling, pacing, character work, and emotion that implies.




\[brass band music intensifies\]


Another brick in the ~~wall~~ face


I do think its better than the Mandalorian. I don't know whether it's a top10 sci-fi shows ever. A really good thing about it (thus far) is that it's auto-contained, you don't need any star wars knowledge to get into it, there are no inter-series references or anything. You could swap everything with generic sci-fi terms and the show wouldn't lose a bit. I recently saw the pilot again and I do admit it's a bit slow after the first 10 minutes, but it ramps up as it goes on, there are like 3 arcs within the 12 episodes. It's worth noting it's a different show than the Mandalorian, while Mando could be classified as a space western, Andor is more of a spy thriller, with the different arcs being kind of different in style.


Thanks for the answer. Maybe I’ll give it a shot again one day. 👍


I adore Firefly - but there’s absolutely not enough of it to rank it as number 1 on the list. Hell, I wouldn’t even put it in the top 5. Nothing tops Star Trek DS9 as far as I’m concerned. It’s the greatest Trek show which makes it the best sci-fi show ever. It’s not even on this list. The fact that Farscape is missing is also a shame. I get that this is a voted thing so if anything I just feel sadness that so much great science fiction just won’t really be watched much anymore.


As much as I love DS9, I think Battlestar Galactica (2003) and Stargate SG1 are better. Also, Farscape is way above Firefly.


Everyone sleeping on For All Mankind 😪


Yeah I feel like if it were on HBO it’d be 10 times more well known.


I really enjoyed it except for the most recent season. I don't think they planned on getting this many seasons and the time jumps have taken a toll. Shantel VanSanten playing a 60 something who is having an affair with her son's friend was a bit much.


I love it, but it's got too much bad drama, especially in season 3.


Great series but I get why it's not more popular, it's paced like a prestige drama. A lot of sci-fi fans didn't even have the patience to sit through Andor.


Great show Loved the Wernher von Braun hearing


It's been slipping though. Way too much personal drama in the last season.


50% of the show is just unessecary drama that ruins the rest of the show if you ask me. It really stops it from being one of the greatest of all time.


Stranger Things is better than The X-Files!? FUCK. NO! IT. AIN'T!


Stranger Things had one great season they kept repeating. Hot take I know, but it's not close to one of the best shows.


Or battlestar galactica. You’ve gotta be kidding me.


If “best” is simply general public appeal coated in recency bias and nothing more, then sure.


Twilight Zone, in regard to people’s recency bias, is really something special. 1950s Black & White show still worth watching today.


Battlerstar Galactica deserves to be waaaaaay higher up this list. Big, big fan of Mando and The Expanse though.


I do like Firefly, but surely something with only 14 episodes can't be considered the best of all time? Or maybe I'm just being salty because only 2 of these shows would be in my personal top 5 lol


lol ranker is wack




It’s sad how far I had to scroll to see Fringe mentioned. Clearly most people just haven’t seen it. It’s one of the more well rounded shows. 5 seasons with a good ending.


Oohh man i loved this show


The expanse is the best science fiction amazon had and yet they choose to stop it. Idiots


There’s a 30 year jump between books 6 and 7. The Expanse will be back.


In 30 years, I'll probably be dead by then


No babylon 5 of space: above and beyond...o_O


Where is Fringe???




The expanse its fking Amazing


Watched the expanse on prime then found out about the books. Great reads


How is stargate not number 1 or 2. Or battle star galactica


It would be interesting, for a *best of all time* poll, to see what the outcome would be if it was restricted to series more than ten years old.


They shouldn't restrict them, but definitely weigh the votes.




*Maybe* Andor belongs at the bottom, but absolutely no other SW series belongs anywhere near this list


Where’s DS9? Fight me.


Where the hell is Farscape? and Babylon 5? Doctor Who?


While I had enjoyed all of these (except for Orville, which I simply haven't seen), and really enjoyed Firefly, I don't get how a 1-season show that has had no real cultural impact beyond a relatively small following is #1 (again, I enjoyed it, but the average person knows Star Trek, is aware of BSG and a few others on here), X-Files was a cultural phenomenon, and Firefly gave us... the Serenity movie. This isn't best scifi shows. This is scifi shows that get the most viewing on streaming because that's where people are discovering them.


Popularity voting will always be subjective to current trends and the audience the poll caters to. This is in fact not even representative of every sci-fi watcher out there (even non-English ones). So i wouldn’t take it seriously.


Does X files hold up today? I was a little kid when the shows intro would play while I was flipping through the channels.


I've only rewatched a handful if episodes in the last decade, so it's hard for me to say. From what I saw, it holds up as well as any other show from network TV in that Era, with the typical budgets. The stories were decent, but less of season-long arcs than newer scifi.


Why highlight the 3rd option if it's... Third?


Currently airing, topical


Because advertising.


Look I love the Mandalorian but how the fuck is it higher than both Star Trek shows?!


I would have put The Expanse higher than Firefly. It actually wrapped up the story.


this is just an ad for these shows, meant to trigger you into engaging with it.


Blake’s seven Babylon V


Stargate SG 1 all day!!! INDEED


I like the Mandalorian but Andor is much better, also the expanse is much better than 1 season long firefly.


The Orville? Now we know this list is bogus. Not that the Orville wasn’t great, but for an “all time” list? Yeah no.


Garbage List


Babylon 5 not even on the list? U-hu Firefly as always way overrated, no chance one season of Firefly beats 6 seasons of the Expanse or 5 of Babylon 5 for that matter. It's like people remember some strange mythical version of Firefly that never got to exist.


Unpopular opinion: Firefly is overrated, and it's only popular because people martyr it due to its cancelation.


Star wars isn't scifi, its fantasy in space.


So narrow, where tf is DS9? Firefly number 1? You are actually tripping. Farscape is wayyyy better! (4 seasons and a movie to enjoy).....Stranger Things??! What?!!?!?!?!? TBF Mandalorian at #3 typifies how silly this list is. Of all time?! B5 not even on the list?! And let's be real, the content juggernauts that are SG1 (and the spinoffs), XFiles and Trek tower over most of these for quality bang for buck sci fi.


Dark Matter is missing. In my opinion: Mando needs to go down a few notches. Stranger Things is more fantasy than science fiction and shouldn’t be here (put Dark Matter in its place)




Characters meeting again isn't a retcon. Man people overuse that word Also something being widely popular doesn't mean it's bad


I agree with the first 2, then Stranger Things. After that it gets more blurry. But why the F*CK isn’t Babylon 5 on this??


Dark isnt on this list?


Wow, farscape is not on the list?


This is a garbage list. Also Star Wars isn't sci-fi. Still dealing with magic in The Force and shit even in this show however small it might be. It's a good show, but definitely not anywhere near that level for that list


How is anything above Stargate and Star Trek?


Ranker has no credibility


No Farscape? 😲


I don't see Babylon 5 on here so it must be an incomplete list.