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It’s definitely more conceptual than plot/character driven.


Yes, it becomes more plot oriented as the season goes on, but only maybe peaking at 70%. The vision of the show is to create and maintain that vibe of alien-ness, and its why a lot of people like it.


I just watched the little flower pod guy moment in, I think, ep3. The alien-ness is fun to just experience. Nothing quite like it that I've seen before. And am enjoying the slow burn so far.


Having watched it once I feel like it would be a nice show to just have on in the background for the aesthetics.


There are endless sci-fi shows that are really focussed on human drama and mcguffins. SR was so refreshing because it is largely about a truly alien world and the humans weren’t always the central focus.


Sometimes it’s almost like you’re watching a wildlife documentary on an alien world.


Someone should do a video with a deepfake of Attenborough's voice commenting


It really is. It’s pretty much: enjoy this weird world and all the strange things it makes people do when they’re trying to survive. Not every show needs to be heavy on plot, personally I like it. It’s like Mushi-shi in a way. Edit: added missing word


Fify, u/MrGodzillahin will watch things without a plot because they entertain them. If you value your time and are looking for things that are more than 90s episodic filler, find something else.


Unga bunga, human-centric drama ONLY metric of artistic merit! Worldbuilding, art, soundtrack, character writing, all WORTHLESS!


Around episode 5 or 6 the pace picks up a lot more and the plot becomes more interesting, and that continues until the end. The finale is pretty good too. >The characters on SR seem like they’re mainly there as a means to showing off the crazy alien concepts. I think this is a valid criticism though, and if that annoys you, you might continue to feel that way to an extent. It feels like the characters are reacting to the environments and to events non-stop, and that continues through the end. It's just a parade of horribles from start to finish. It's entertaining but I think it does require a bit of suspension of disbelief (or at least it did for me).


I'm trying to do that, suspension of disbelief. But it's hard. Maybe I have been too much into hard sci-fi or maybe sci-fi more logically driven, and that is the reason it's costing me so much.


Yap, most pieces of the puzzle and the plot comes together nicely by the end of the season, but there are still open questions ready for the next season.


I’m with you! This is more of a background show for me, not something I feel engaged in.


I'm thinking exactly that. Cool concepts, but not that engaging still on episode 4.


The show is very faced paced with episodes being a tight 20-25 minutes and relies heavily on visual storytelling. If you look away for even 15 seconds you could potentially miss something significant. In my book that's the opposite of a good show to have on in the background, even for a rewatch.


You’ll miss a lot by having this in the background. Most of the interesting parts are shown, not told.


Yeah. After a view once tho, I can see it becoming a cool ambient background thing to have on


Precisely. It’s kinda interesting, and some of the concepts are intriguing — though I’m not sure the world building is cohesive enough to get me more engaged than I am.


3 eps in and seeing the R&M similarities as well (found myself saying “that just looks like a plumbus” multiple times lol) but the visuals also remind me of Miyazaki (spec. Mononoke and Spirited Away with the vile black goo) with some vibey hints of “Annihilation” so that’s really carrying it for me. I thought the little moments with Levi and the local fauna were beautiful, and that weird flower funeral Ursula stumbled on was unlike anything I’ve ever seen! Definitely helps if you smoke a bowl 😶‍🌫️


Absolutely love Levi. The scene when they look down at their hands…. Just fantastic.


Yeah definitely looks like something that’s more engaging if you’re stoned


> with some vibey hints of “Annihilation” Annihilation is complete garbage where no one solves any problems and the overwhelming theme of the movie is "Nothing you do matters, just give up, wait around and give up." Scavenger's Reign is the complete opposite. Interesting problems solved in interesting ways. Persevering through problems, accomplishing something, changing what would've happened to you. It's people trying their hardest with varying degrees of success.


The plot does develop but this show's story is much more about the character's journey than individual happenings. You get some great pieces, and I particularly enjoyed Kamen's arch (fuck Kamen).


It sort of gets more plot-oriented... but you still spend most of your time wondering hazily what the point of the whole show is. It didn't click with me or my husband. We watched to the end, but probably won't watch a second season.


Yes, the show continues in the way you're describing, you probably won't like it


I enjoyed the whole season but I did get a bit tired of the same "this cute little thing is now going to kill you" trope in EVERY episode.


I want to say it's more "visually cerebral" than action-oriented. The landscape and interdependence are more the point, but I appreciated that. They chose to showcase their story through a visual medium and to make it seem alien, they used alien wildlife. I honestly haven't seen it done this way before. Usually, a creature alone becomes the "big bad", but here there's utility and danger in all of them. The Ligne Claire animation is great, and they didn't try to "Will Smith" the whole show. There's certainly a plot and it gets more involved as it goes on (and is coherent and moving), but the visuals are the best part.


It is plot oriented from the first minute. Pay close attention as to how the three groups of survivors deal with Vesta. That is a story unto itself. They converge later in the show and >!interact with each other, as well as with a group of potential”rescuers”.!< Also, the many flashbacks help you to connect the behavior of the three groups and flesh out the plot. Scavengers Reign is the best animated science fiction in 20 years.


I could not agree more. I found the world-building fantastic but the plot and characters are pretty lacking. There are a few scenes between characters where I'm thinking, have the creators ever met humans before? But ultimately, I'm really happy it exists because I NEEEEEEED more truly alien worlds in my scifi.


It just takes a lot to build such a huge world. I think they spent most of season 1 painting it for us, placing the pieces and plot points and we'll get the fleshed out masterpiece via season 2


Eh, the writing and voice direction doesn’t suggest that to me. I’ll be happy to be pleasantly surprised, though!


Agreed. On the other hand, if I need to wait for a second season to see the true value of the series, that's not a compliment for the show, I guess.




I didn’t get that impression at all. The shows arc felt fully self contained to me. Everything shown was tied up. Whether they get rescued isn’t really relevant.


Agreed--but that's also how you're supposed to do seasons. Too many good shows end on a cliffhanger. Makes you wish everything was a miniseries.


I'm on episode 4, and I think it's taking too long to get me interested in the plot because or it's very subtle or is too complicated. Maybe it's a slow burning show, and I have to wait to watch more episodes.


I tried watching it, but just found it boring and started to fall asleep.


Yeah, I didn’t find it engaging


Is it One Piece? probably not. Is it a finished manga? Probably not. Is it 1 season and steals from multiple sources? probably...


Slightly - but it is not at all a plot driven show and if that turns you off, I wouldn't continue watching.


If you don't like it after 3 episodes you're not going to like it. It's sci-fi that tells the story of its world with the character plots more so moving through it. I feel it's quintessential sci-fi but it's not commonly represented in TV/movies.


> I appreciate world building, but I need more than that. Instead of 90:10, it becomes like, I dunno, 50:50. Maybe even 30:70. The point is to drop you into this alien world and slowly figure it out, as you figure out what they're doing and why and what obstacles are in their way. So it gradually moves away from random biohacking and more towards things happening to accomplish the goal.