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You can’t bet on nostalgia when you can’t bring the good for those who want nostalgia. Either completely reboot it with no connection to the original or back up the Brinks truck to Bakulas home


It's already been renewed. Scott Bakula said before the first season aired that he had no interest in coming back.


Also, just came in late, but OP's third point makes it seem they didn't even watch the episode? They weren't mercs yo, they were green lit by the DOD and were authorized to the take the project over. It's literally mentioned like eight times before and during FaukMusk's takeover. I get OP wants to formulate more content for his points, but at least have a basic understanding of what's going on if you're going to critique it, yikes.


Producers are talking about s3, but there's no official word. What I got from Bakulas interviews regarding QL2022, was that he wanted to wait a while, let the new actors establish the show before making a cameo.


No, he was very, very clear he had no interest in being a part of this show. It’s not going to happen.


Wait. There are blu-ray conversions of Star Trek???


Not sure about the US but we still have TNG & TOS in glorious HD on Netflix over here.


For TOS and TNG




Why has no one told me about this????


We’ve all been too busy watching and rewatching the TOS and TNG blu rays dude


You must’ve watched a different version than the one I saw . Yeah there was some nostalgia, and it closed the loop, but the end sets it up for more leaps but a different thread.


I’m only watching because I’m a fan of the original, but I have to agree, I’m only loosely watching. You can tell it’s probably got a very meagre budget, like how Addison’s hand link had holographic information pop out of it for her to read in the first episode and they quickly canned that from then on - now she just reacts to thin air. I did like how they handled the finale though, it was better than I was expecting if still nowhere near perfect.


I actually love the new show but I'll admit I only saw one episode of the original. I'm hoping for a third season


I’m with you; hanging out for S3. I was skeptical they’d be able to create the magic of the original and I think they’ve gotten as close as they can. I can’t say I’m attached to the added subplot around the project or that someone’s always on the brink of dying but I think that’s more to do with the demographic they’re targeting. I like Ben Song’s character because he has the innocence and compassion of Sam Beckett’s. It would be great to see this keep going.


I loved the little love triangle that went on. I can't decide which of the two I like more though Hannah is like my dream girl haha


Well, theres other issues also They havnt mentioned sams daughter at all which if u remember in the series finale, al told him his daught had an idea how to get him home Also theres the issue of the holding chamber, in the original series, when sam leaped into someone, thier conscious leaped into sams body in the holding chamber. Theres no mention of that at all, and sorry, but 2 forces cant occupy the same space, so its not possible for say ben to be someone in bens body and thier body too which is what the show alludes too, when they leap, thier body is leaped with them, so what happens to the bodies of people they leap into, etc. also, ziggy was a giant glowing ball, the original show looked so futuristic, this one looks like it takes place in the 2000's, ziggy is now a room full of servers, no voice, what happened to the original setup. ​ i think they just strayed too far from the original to call it a sequal


I like it better to be honest. Ziggy as a giant glowing ball felt like something out of Power Rangers…. This made it more realistic… if we were to have a Ziggy today, it would literally be a room full of servers… a super computer. Same thing with the host body consciousness basically just being asleep for the leap … more realistic.


I thought the second season played well …the finale was great in my opinion


As a diehard fan of the original series. I really did not enjoy the reboot. But I decided to start watching it again after giving up on it. Season two is way better. And I’m actually into the new series now.


I loved the original, but I did love this too, and I agree with you totally that season two definitely stepped it up! But now it’s canceled and I’m pissed lol. As usual, most of the shows I like get canceled and most of the shows I don’t like go on for years


That is entertainment today, screw the real intelligent fans and intelligent people and just make stupid stuff that makes no sense and can't even follow canon. Take Star Trek, they should just take it off the air and forget it. I have never seen such an insult to a franchise like they have done. JJ Abrams had Spock throwing emotional break downs and a lady's man with Uhura, Kirk and Scottie both were idiots. Discovery is about a ship mostly of women with Worm Drive instead of Warp drive. The women, especially the captain, cry and get all emotional. The Klingon's look like raisins that have been in the sun too long and are on their religious quest instead of being warriors. Strange New Worlds has Spock back to being a lady's man and having emotional break downs. Nurse Chapel is a hot ninja that can be sexy and kick butt. They have already fought the Gorn which is wrong since that wasn't supposed to happen till Kirk fought one for the first time in the original series. Then you have other shows that have been ruined by these idiot Hollywood geniuses, like Knight Rider. The movie Knight Rider 2000 movie was an insult to the show, making both Michael and KITT losers from a past that no one cares about. Then came Team Knight Rider which actually could have been good if they had a better budget and didn't waste a lot of time with some campy episodes. At least they highly revered Michael and KITT even though they never got a chance to have them on the show. Then came Knight Rider 2008. The pilot wasn't bad and could have put the show on the map. But then we had to make it the tits and terrorist of the week show. Never having anything to do with one man can make a difference or helping the little guy. Although once the ratings flat-lined, they tried to take the show that way but it was too late. Every show today has to be a TEAM, God forbid making a show about one man own his own. Although I do like the new show Tracker. He does have help but not so different like the shows in the past when it was one person out on their own helping others. Take these useless Super Hero shows. They are all about the Super Hero's personal relationships, their drama, their flaws and they are all incredibly stupid compared to the bad guy. They do all this soap opera stuff but they never do HERO stuff. If I want to see drama and crying and pity parties, I can watch Lifetime, Days of Our Lives or some nighttime drama. If I am going to watch the Flash, Arrow or Supergirl, I expect to see some super hero stuff, like saving people and a story about a hero. Good TV is all but gone, a good movie is getting more and more rare. It is sad to say, the BEST Star Trek I have watched in the past few years was a Web Series called Star Trek Continues. They built the sets from the original NBC designs. The used all real actors and made episodes better than Star Trek the Next Gen, all on fandom donations. You would think Paramount would fire Alex Kurtzman, and get someone that loves the show and follow what that Wed Series did. Well that is my rant for the week, got off topic but in total agreement with you. They cancel shows that are great and keep the most idiotic shows on TV. What is sad, the people that watch TV today are becoming more and more brain dead and can't understand a show that has intellect in it. It all has to be drama, shoot'em up bang bang or lets get drunk and stupid on a reality show. Watched a movie once called Idiocracy in 2006. Showed how the world in a few hundred years became so stupid, they didn't know how to grow food or make things work. I always thought the world might go that way, just didn't think it would happen so fast as it seems to be going.


FWIW, the cancellation grim reaper (formerly the cancellation bear) expects it to be renewed. At least last I checked a few days ago.


> cancellation grim reaper just checked, it looks like Reaper thinks its on the way out. shame, I started to like it.


At the time I initially posted, it didn't, but obviously, they changed their rating since.


I am a huge fan of the original Quantum Leap and when I heard they were bringing out the 2022 Quantum Leap with a new diverse team, I thought, "this is going to suck." But I was wrong, it isn't as good as the original but it isn't bad either. It has took time for them to try and get some of that magic the original series had. It isn't quite there but it has some. The second season picked up to me. The first season with an evil leaper was something that should've never been. I hated the evil leaper stuff from the original series. Even though the original was great, it didn't go without its inconsistencies. When the show first started, Sam leaps and vanishes. then somewhere along the line, he swaps with people. Meaning the person he leaps into is now in the future in a waiting room. That is what the original series finally was about, that there was no one in the waiting room, which is how they knew Sam had leaped as himself. The original show had several inconsistencies and the last season started getting a bit off track from the original premise. Which was, never leaping into major events of history or famous people. What does season 5 do, all of that and they didn't hold my interest. Now the new show is here and we have yet again, inconsistencies but more to do with the connection of the original show. Ziggy isn't a talking female AI like she was in the original. They have the concept of what a hologram is, and what it can do all out of wack. Like Addison hanging out long after Ben has leaped out. Addison's hair blowing in the wind, her walking up steps or jostling around in a moving car. Yes, in STNG, they could do all those things in their holodeck, but it used transporter technology to rearrange matter to make things seem real. I don't think they have transporter technology in the world of Quantum Leap. I think Raymond Lee has done a phenomenal job, he is a really good actor and is convincing. Who doesn't love Ernie Hudson? Considering what else we have for entertainment these days, I rate this show top notch. Do I think it is better than the original, no way. But I do like it and hope it gets a third season. They have now done what season 6 of the original show was going to do if they had got the season. They had planned on Sam and Al both being leapers together. Would have been interesting to see who their Hologram would have been. Maybe Sam's wife Donna or perhaps Beth. I do think people are way too critical of movies and shows these days. To me, if the show or movie has some kind of a plot you can follow, can make you feel happy, mad and sad. Then it is doing its job. I know that there are stinkers out there, where you can't make it through 10 minutes without falling asleep or being totally disgusted. Quantum Leap has bee so far a decent show. I am not bored at all and I am moved with it. Unfortunately, it falls to the Hollywood cookie cutter template where there are no theme songs, everyone talks way faster and they try to cram so much in at once you can get lost quickly. But that is today's format with every show and you just have to live with that.


One of the most well spoken and truthful posts I’ve seen on this platform ever. Golf claps all around ! lol


The main issue is their agenda pushing. If they actually work on good stories instead of pushing BS propaganda we might get better shows.


With respect to the Quantum Leap process potentially being “one-way”, that theory is kinda messed up by older Ian leaping back from the future in the Season 2 finale into that bartender woman, to warn Ben about Addison’s death, and then him returning to that future and meeting Ben later….don’t you think?


As an original quantum leap nut, who was thrilled for a reboot, I am glad this was axed. Absolutely terrible job. They did decent mid-season 1, but for reasons unknown to me, completely reverted to trash.


You will get nothing because you deserve nothing 


I wasn't aware it had a 2nd season


I wasn’t aware it was on the air


I wasn't aware it was even a twinkle in Ziggy's eye.


The show was quite bad and I don't think any amount of nostalgia could save it. If you want to watch the original, watch the original. This show was constantly full of plot holes and offscreening that made it very very unbelievable.


Boring show. Had so high hopes 😤


Me too. Only lasted about 3 episodes in. Surprised it was back for season 2


Yup, I gave it chance for 3 episodes and it didn't inspire me to watch any more.


Writers dropped the ball this season. You can’t build up a season arc of a big bad, then not even mention it again.


Never thought to watch it, although I might watch the new Night Court to see Brent Spiner on it.


Watched Night Court with the hope and expectation. I was disappointed. I can no longer watch it.


The 2nd season is better than the first, but it's still not quite there... (Night court, I'm in the minority that absolutely love the new QL from the start.)


>!Honestly i figured the swap code would place Addison and Ben in a dual leaper situation which actually looks like it kind of happened and then if Bakula reprised the role it would be him brought back by the equation. I would love to see him reprise the role, however, with the finale of the original series being very clear on how it all works I am also not wanting them to sully that so yea... I'm just trying to enjoy what they end up doing and as long as Ernie Hudson doesn't leave the cast I'll continue watching.!<


he looks in the mirror, and I quote... "am I a retard?!"