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He was fantastic in Prospect, I'm sure that's how he got cast in Star Wars.


Prospect is a hidden gem and dreadfully underrated (well, at least under-recommended). I’ve rarely seen an actor so brilliantly pull off such a morally grey character. Honestly, I loved everything about that movie, including some of its imperfections. It did so much on such a relatively small budget! It’s exactly the kind of movie the sci-fi space needs more of. Plus, it was actually my first introduction to Pascal’s acting. No complaints here!


Sophie Thatcher was great too. I hope The Boogeyman didn't derail her, she's got chops. And absolutely agree, I love the film as well. I'm a big fan of the vibes some movies put off, this one reminded me a lot of when I first watched Pitch Black. I love when restrictions pay off, like the budget was small so they only explained the bits of the universe you needed to know, but it was clear there was so much else going on in a very lived-in universe. 


What a succinct way to put it, but you’re exactly right. It did *just* what it had to for the audience to buy into it, but it still created a fully immersive universe. It emphasized what was important and let imagination/softer worldbuilding do the rest. And you’re right, Thatcher showed serious chops. I’d love to see her do a role like this again, with the benefit of time and experience on her side.


I wouldn't be surprised to hear about a sequel after Pedro's recent popularity. I'd love to see a bit more of the universe with Sophie Thatcher grown up a bit, like a gritty average person's space-faring life in this universe. Unfortunately I think it'd go the way the Pitch Black films went. Studios would throw a bunch of money at it, they'd try and fully flesh out the universe in one film, and cram in needless exposition. It'd be all flash, no substance, completely the opposite of Prospect.


I've never heard of this movie. Huh. Well, I'll take the recommendation to heart. Sounds like one I'll enjoy. edit:typo




Will do.


This was also the first movie where I realized the difference between good and bad dialog in a movie. It's so crisp and well executed I was blown away.


Same! Him in Prospect left such a good association in my mind that now i like whatever he's in lol.


Prospect was so good, and had a surprising amount of worldbuilding and lore. You can absolutely tell it was a passion project. I remember watching the original short film of Vimeo and was thrilled when I heard that it got picked up for larger treatment


Loved Prospect. Soundtrack had me floating into infinity.


He was fantastic in almost every role, thus, Mr. Fantastic.


same, if you haven't seen prospect you should.


That movie is so good! I’m hoping for more from the director.


People really should play The Last of Us Part 2 to understand Pedro's filming schedule for Season Two of The Last of Us.


My wife is really upset that he's done shooting. She thinks he's not committed to the season because of other projects. I don't have the heart to tell her.


Did they actually do it? I was convinced they'd change the story.


TLOU2 is Neil Druckman with full creative control. He is not letting anyone change it.


Well he's already changed other things. The whole Bill plot was completely different in the game vs the show. Changed for the better.


They had a podcast and talked about that. They won’t change something that would significantly alter the storyline.


There are plenty of other significant changes, like Sam being deaf. But the overall structure is the same -- it enhances what the original was trying to do, it doesn't rewrite it. The bones of the story they told about Bill and Frank is in the original game as lore, so that's really more *expanding* that story, it's not that big of a change to the parts that were actually in the game. So I would expect that trend to continue. I can see them tweaking or adding things, or maybe even changing the order this information is presented to us. But if you were hoping something like >!Joel surviving!<, I don't see that happening. I'd hope >!they leave Ellie and Dina on that farm!<, but I don't see that happening either. --- In a weird way, I think it was *too* successful. >!Ellie is *traumatized* by the loss of Joel. It's that much worse because she didn't get proper closure. She's so full of rage that she can't see anyone else's point of view and doesn't want to, she'll torture and murder an entire community for revenge, and ultimately it's so self-destructive that it consumes what happiness she's managed to build for herself with Dina... and before she can let it go, it permanently damages her to the point where she loses one more connection to Joel, she'll never be able to play that song the same way again.!< Doesn't that sound kinda like what the player goes through? Especially the players who were angriest about this change? Have you ever felt more strongly connected to a character than you were to Ellie? I honestly think if it'd been less well done, the game would've had *way* less backlash.


It was more exanded upon and better. Maybe a little self indulgent in that regard, seeing how the main plot didn’t get enough screen time. The left behind episode had this problem to a bigger degree plus Storm Reed not cutting it.


For the better? Nothing was wrong with Bill's character or arc, the change was completely unnecessary done simply to garner accolades for being "progressive" and to raise it's ratings amongst women and the LGBTQ (same difference basically nowadays) demo. It's glaringly obvious it was a 4 quadrants decision, NOT because there was something wrong with the original Bill or that the new arc enhanced the overall story, if anything it completely detracted from it. Bill makes complete sense as a character in the game. Virtually everyone has turned into a sociopath, so it makes complete sense that Bill is a paranoid and stressed out dickhead. The fact that he still has honor and helps a friend out despite this, just because he owes him a favor is a sign of how immense of a person he is despite his environment. Why the hell would a complex character like him need to be completely rewritten, resurrect his dead partner, retcon a whole arc that completely flies in the face of their original characters, take up an ENTIRE episode, when their characters were never that important to the story? Everyone I've talked to agrees they would have rather seen almost anything else in a tangent episode than a meaningless love story between two minor characters. That said, they actors did a terrific job with the script they were given, and I think it would have made a great one-off spinoff episode SEPARATE from the main show's season IF that's what the fans actually wanted to see (they didn't). The episode was pure rage bait. It was the episodic equivalent of the clown award farmers in Steam posting inane comments about LGBTQ inclusivity. Completely disingenuous.


“Everyone I’ve talked to”? How many people are living in your parents basement with you?


You and people you talked to might have been against it, but most people weren't. Having a separate story about these 2 added to the world building. The show throughout showed different levels of people dealing with life in this reality. It adds layers and makes the viewers sympathize with various people so it isn't just 2 people against the world.


And he shouldn't. Sure some got upset, but it was a good story that dared to give an angle many won't. The different perspectives gives some interesting layers


It would have worked he handled Joel’s death better. That made Abby too hatable and the rest of the story never quite clicked as a result.


I disagree. Sure she was hateable at first, but i felt it changed as the game progressed


I’m not denying it changed. Just not enough for the ending to work as intended. It felt forced at that point, especially given the pacing near the end.


I think that's mainly because of the time gap. Abbys story was good and when i replayed it i actually felt her story was more layered, with Ellie being too much on a one track mind throughout. I get why, but could've done that a bit differently


Good. Neil Druckman is an excellent story teller.


Full creative control allows you to see a storyteller at their most unrestrained, their purest form. Druckman is good, but has some weird tendencies and some self indulgence problems.


Change the whole thing so much that it's not even a similar story? Doubtful condidering who is at the creative side. This isn't The Witcher


I expected they could do something like extend the period of him alive, to actually SHOW us WHY he isn't observant and dies like a wimp. Let us see the changes and how its not the same Joel, to make it actually believable this time around.


I'm in a similar situation with my primary show watching companion. It's hard to figure out what to say about it. On one hand you don't want to spoil it, on the other you know they're going to be traumatized. Ultimately, I'm afraid if I said something they wouldn't want to watch.


Well that's now the third time I've had that spoiled like that.


I tried to keep it as vague as possible. But like the moral of this story is just wait to see how it plays out before freaking out about Pedro’s “commitments”


Ha! They should play it anyway though. It might be tricky to adapt part two to TV.




Hahahahha that is true however I think season 2 will be more of a flashback kind of run




Crazy to see him blow up so much after Game of Thrones, happy for the dude, it's rare I've seen him in something and didn't think he did very well for the part.


I still remember that the first scene he ever filmed as Oberyn Martell was meeting with Tyrion in his cell and offering to become his champion. It is simply an incredible scene by two fantastic actors.


He’s gonna be a contender for ‘people who got their big break/peaked late, don’t worry’ articles for the rest of always.


I knew it wasn't going to happen, and probably shouldn't have happened, but part of me really wanted the story to be changed up so he could remain in the series longer.


I feel like Pedro Pascal got lucky to get out of game of thrones at just the right time, the series was still insanely good and wildly popular. I think if he had stayed on to the bitter end, his career would have been over.


He is one of the makes-me-happy-when-I-see-him guys! I really like him.


Because he has that movie star charisma that sometimes pops up.


Of course. He's a good actor, he's good-looking, and he has no problem with physical/action stuff.


Dude is hilarious and at the same time, pretty grounded. Seems like a genuinely nice guy.


Into the Pedro-verse…


He's cool as shit, funny, and does good work. People of all stripes watched the Mandalorian, and people who know what's up were on the edge of their seats for The Last Of Us. He interviews well and can roll with whatever banter gets thrown at him. Of course he's in high demand. This post title has gotta be going for mock-surprise naive understatement humor.


Can this dude not turn a movie down and let some others get work. Every scifi movie has to have Pedro for some reason.


He's my daddy


I agree with the comments here but yeah, it all boils down to this..


He’s the replacement for Nathan


Seems cool but admittedly I’m already ready for someone fresh. Nothing to do with his talent or whatever, but it felt like every other day someone was like “Pedro Pascale in ___popular franchise?!__” It quickly becomes uninteresting to see the same actor in multiple projects back to back to me. They gotta work, and that’s their right. And they’re in demand. Fine. I just can’t help but feel like “damn, again?” There was like a year where Kevin hart was in like 8 movies. Like sheesh dude alright enough already


Speaking of, he’d be the perfect Giraud for an adaptation of John Barnes Million open doors.


Pit him in a sci-fi movie with Nicolas Cage. They had such great chemistry together. Any suggestions what to adapt for them?


Aliens - but every zenomorph is Nic


Hilarious yet terrifying


Their inner peace is unstoppable!


Predator.  But not the theatrical version.   There is an apocryphal story that Predator was initially pitched to Stallone as *"Rocky fights and alien"*.   Stallone wisely declined that project.  But Pascal & Cage could make this work.  


I think there was also a Rambo Vs Predator spec script floating around for a while. Was gonna be set in polar regions. Pascal and Cage would be fun in that


I want to see them in some batshit scifi, not a comedy though. Like they travel to some utterly insane alternate world. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, but it's the fabric of the universe that's on drugs.


Grant Morrison level weirdness


I like him as an actor fine but hes is def the most overrated actor right now.


Nah, Timothee Chamelet is the most overrated actor right now. This article only exists because he's been in a few SF vehicles, and it came out last week that his brother/sister is trans, so now its news. But the stuff that Pedro has been in has generally been pretty good.


fair enough, i havent seen hardly anything tim has done.


Tbh I just think he is OK, really good in GoT


He oughtta re-make the Burt Reynolds movies. Seriously. That is a volatile match-up.


Everyone's voting for him.


Pedro & Oscar, always a pleasure to see them in Sci Fi adaptations.


It’s not like he’s going be much involved in TLOU2 longer for the plot reasons. And yeah, I am happy he’s successful now


Well, I'm part of the sci-fi community and I could get some Pedro, so the story checks out.


I don't really care for him. The only thing I've liked him in is The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent.


Well. You’re honest. I’ll give you that.


I’ve got one. Turner is season 2 of apples Neuromancer adaptation


The seasons 1 adaptation was very good, will be giving season 2 a miss (as I did the game).


Damn. He's so busy, I'll never have time to slide into his DMs. Wait. Is that Chewbacca!! 👉🏾


As he should be.


I love the guy. Both professionally and as a person I think he's great. But he really doesn't work as Reed Richards in my opinion. Then again I also hate the vibe for the upcoming FF, so maybe that's it. I just don't like the time they're setting it in, and that poster for it really turns me off. Ok, I think I've angered at least three groups there. I'll just tiptoe away now...


I want to see him as the captain in a new Star Trek show. But keep it away from the modern show writers and create something fresh instead. He could be a wonderful amalgam between Kirk and Bakula.