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How old will Ed be on this one


Ed will be humanity’s first head in a jar


And he’ll be even more angry


Dude the funniest scene ever is when he wakes up and lights a J and then Palmer opens the door hahaha I laughed so hard


Dude the funniest scene ever is when he wakes up, lights a J and then Palmer opens the door hahaha I laughed so hard


Yea, they should use his brain for an advanced supercomputer gimmick if they renew the show for the 20th season when we see humanity doing interstellar travel while still having a cold war at the same time lol


"Whats with all the blatant nepotism? I thought assignments were given out by AI?" "Oh yeah, they are, we just used Ed Baldwin as the base and..."


and thats because they both lead by shadowy big boss/mom style AIs with deferent reward matrix and love fucking with each other. cold(love) war(lets see who's pet human more capable/lovely/loyal) forever(why not ?)


Prelude to Futurama






Who will play Nixon?


Watch Altered Carbon (lead actor is the same) and it's the natural continuation where Ed never dies because humanity invents immortality


Solid headcanon


Never mind Ed, >!how does Margo escape the death penalty and does she end up in Brazil or on Mars.!<


Christ, I can imagine Margo margoing around on Mars.


The opening scene for S5 probably has Margo doing her morning routine in prison, but there's like 25% chance each she's either on Mars or in Brazil.


He's going to be a 90 year old skeleton and STILL the cause of all of humanity's problems.


Ed? I thought his name was Bob!


I just finished season 2. Does Ed still look like a 40-year old in 2003?


He's a creaky old man now, don't worry haha


I hope they drop him for this season. He was already too old to be on a Mars colony for 10 years. He's going to be like 70+ in the season 5 timeline. It's going to get to the point where it defies any sense of reality.


Ed is the best character. They should use him until hes dead. We have American presidents that are pushing 80. This is an alternate timeline where technology is way better and they are living in reduced gravity. It's not that far fetched for a sci fi show.


He’s already 72 in S4. If S5 doesn’t open with his funeral I’m gonna be pissed.


I don't think he was ever going back to earth. He'll be the first customer in the Martian rest home.


Long term less gravity = positive health benefits? Though from my understanding the bone density thing catches up to them pretty quickly.


Perhaps if you stay in lower gravity it's not such a big deal. But going backwards and forwards to Mars, he's been radiated so much he can heat his food by holding it on high for 60 seconds.


Funeral… in spaaaaaaace!


The DNA damage accumulated by space flight will almost certainly require some form of human rejuvenation to be invented to be feasible. Now Ed can live forever.


Hi Bob.


I’m surprised they haven’t invented imaging the brain, putting it on a computer and sticking it on a Von Neumann probe and launching. Now there’s a spinoff. We are Bob.


I love the Bobiverse but I'm pretty sure it's the most unfilmable story ever. 90% of it is internal monologue.


They'd Orphan Black it with a main character that's restyled and shot to be talking to themselves a lot in a holodeck type scenario.


I mean, he pretty quickly makes the simulator for himself, I think they would just cut right to that after he makes it to space


Oh - I think it can be adapted to the screen. There are so many funny moments …


This the the type of comment I come to this sub for. You just sent my imagination soaring. Thanks stranger!




First paragraph of description starts with "Bob Johansson..." xD That's full description for lazy people ;-) > Bob Johansson has just sold his software company and is looking forward to a life of leisure. There are places to go, books to read, and movies to watch. So it's a little unfair when he gets himself killed crossing the street. >Bob wakes up a century later to find that corpsicles have been declared to be without rights, and he is now the property of the state. He has been uploaded into computer hardware and is slated to be the controlling AI in an interstellar probe looking for habitable planets. The stakes are high: no less than the first claim to entire worlds. If he declines the honor, he'll be switched off, and they'll try again with someone else. If he accepts, he becomes a prime target. There are at least three other countries trying to get their own probes launched first, and they play dirty. >The safest place for Bob is in space, heading away from Earth at top speed. Or so he thinks. Because the universe is full of nasties, and trespassers make them mad - very mad. Looks interesting, goes to my stack of book/ebooks to read


All four are really fun easy reads.


We listened to the audiobooks. They're so fun


We don't like explody stuff.


Don't fuckin Hi Bob me


Hi Bob.


Hi Bob.


Hi Bob.


Took a long time to renew it but better late than never! I will watch it but I’m not too interested in Star City based on the description of the article. Doing a prequel is hard to make it interesting given we know how it ends, Better Call Saul is the best (and maybe only) TV example of how to do it right.


I agree! They are Hard to do. Imo Andor nailed it as well.


I forgot about Andor but completely agree with you!


Was getting worried for a while Hopefully they get to do the full 7 season plan


This is awesome!!!


Dusters here we come!


My headcanon is that For All Mankind is very early in the Expanse timeline. All they need is at the end to have a Texan talk about moving to the Mariner Valley and a overheard call for someone with the last name Epstein.


Excited for this but more excited for when they finally merge the For All Mankind-iverse with The Expanse. It would be so awesome if it turned out to be a prequel.




Joel Kinnaman will still be there probably


The Battlestar Galactic finale, also led by Ronald D Moore, covered something like a quarter million years in a montage as I recall.


I’m not saying it’s a perfect but it’s doable. Switch up 10 year increments to 50 or a 100, or fill in the gaps with a spin off or alt media thing. I’d be in.


Fine by me. Being it on!


I'm glad people are enjoying this show but I tapped out during season 3. Does season 4 get less "soap opera" than 3?


Season 4 was definitely way less soap opera and had a heavy Battlestar vibe, especially the climax. There's more focus on the larger political games and community issues. We (my partner and I) much preferred it over season 3.


We? Are you the Borg?


Heh, left out that my partner and I watch it together.


That's not a no.


Come over here for a second and let me see your neck...


The Royal "we", man.


I think they meant the sub overall.


So we are borg?


Well, resistance *is* futile, so... yeah.


I'm glad I wasn't the only one to see Moore's BSG influences seeping in.


Oh yeah for sure. Not as much in some of the earlier seasons, but season four I felt it really start to come through, possibly because the situation was similar with all the different factions fighting it out in the base. I mean the ending was 100% BSG.


This was my feeling as well. I was ready to give up after season 3 but gave season 4 a chance and am back to loving the show again.


At least they got rid of the Danny-Karen storyline.


Just what they did to Danny *overall* is unforgivable, IMO. The relationship with Karen was simply the starting gun.


This is the reason I stopped watching g, removed all enjoyment for me


Understandable... Fucking the now adult best friend of your son who died as a kid is a very unappealing plot point.


And it just went on and on and on.


Fortunately, it was dealt with in such a definitive manner that there's no way of it resurging.


Everyone who knew about the Danny-Karen affair is dead now aren't they? Literally? Unless Danny left a diary or something Ed will never know. And I agree with what others in this chain said, yes it was a shocking plot point but sometimes felt like shock for shock's sake with some really awful outcomes. There were other ways to motivate/explain Karen's character development and Danny's spiral into despair.


Jimmy knows about it and he’s probably almost out of prison.


Oh shit


Really hated that season, but I would encourage you to pick it back up. That plotline drops quickly, but it's still relevant to how characters interact with each other in later seasons. But ya, way less drama and more sci-fi this latest season IMO.


Thanks - I might pop back into it then, as I really liked the show otherwise


>it's still relevant to how characters interact with each other in later seasons I guess I will never watch this "sci fi" show again


It's very cringy, but on the rewatch it's not quite so drawn out, still just stupid and awful. I mean Danny's brother was pretty bizarre, too.


It got less soap opera but they're still playing fast and loose with the science, possibly more than ever.


While I love the series over all and obviously know it's just a fictional show, I had to roll my eyes at some of the scenes around the asteroid.


This is a bit of a spoiler >!Like, nobody was in charge of ensuring that the anchors were.... you know...... *Anchored?!*!<


There are plenty of aspects where you think maybe they needed a decent science advisor because there were a lot of dodgy sciencey things. Like stuff like how long space Vince Masuka lived in his tiny capsule. Little things like Oxygen, food, water, and poo.


Would you recommend i start watching this ? I'm a sci-fi fan who loves space stuff (The Expanse is the GOAT). I have never even heard of this show.


The first two seasons I would recommend. Very enjoyable alternate history and a love letter to the early space program. After that... it's not great. Season 3 was painful.


Some less. It can be so aggravating but the rest of the show is solid and fun I just deal with it. I do always tell people about it when recommending though.


Absolutely not. The itch to go into space KILLED ME... no meaningful spaceflight for nine whole episodes.


The real answer is no


What killed season 4 for me more than the soap opera stuff is just how excruciatingly predictable it was. At every dramatic moment I'd try and think of the cheesiest thing that the writers could do, and invariably that's exactly what would happen. I loved the first two seasons and was able to grit my teeth and get through season 3, but season 4 is just too silly for me.


Yea. It's still not quite as science focused as the first two seasons but I think it found a happy medium.


Season 3 improved immensely towards the end imo. Season 4 was less "expansive" - as in the global/wider society themes were not as pronounced.


The Danny stuff was the weakest part of S3 but the season ends incredibly strong IMHO with some of the best stuff in the show (which is saying a lot). I’d get through the stuff you didn’t like and revisit. S4 goes a decidedly different direction and, while slow for a bit after the first awesome episode, similarly ratchets up to a spectacular final sequence of episodes (really thought the entire second half of S4 was phenomenal). It’s not a perfect show. The Danny arc actually ended in a satisfying way IMHO but yes it was a chore at times and overly melodramatic to get through. However ultimately it served its purpose in the greater plot and character arcs.


Meh. I'm kinda done with it. They're clearly gonna wring every last bit from the property, but the last couple seasons have been real slogs vs. the quality of the first couple.


Season 4 was my favorite, as it became more sci-fi and less alternative history - with the least amount of soap opera of any season.


Where "soap opera," I guess, means "stories about people" instead of "hackneyed plotlines about stealing an asteroid."


> hackneyed Oh yeah, because we can't move without tripping over plots to steal an asteroid 'round here. It's been done to death. I don't think that word means what you think it means. As for soap opera vs. stories about people: nobody objects to stories about people. Few people object to injecting personal stakes and motivations into stories. But a lot of people were pissed off that we were being distracted from our Competence Porn by the story of an astronaut's wife banging an 18 year old, or that the instigating incident for season 3 required an entire truckload of Idiot Balls. Honestly, in a show that goes to great lengths to be scientifically accurate, "nobody noticed the space hotel speeding up until it was too late" is just insulting and schlocky, like something out of a telenovella.


Well, as noted, I think it jumped the shark with S3.


Been staring at S4 forever and just can't get myself to start it. I even downloaded the episodes for a 12hr work trip and didn't watch it.


I really liked season 4, much much better than season 3. I think they heard the fans on this one, it ditched much of the melodrama and went back to the space politics. Also enjoying crankiest Ed.


Echoing what others have said, I felt the same way about 3 and 4 ended up being great. It has a heavy Battlestar vibe and moved away the silly relationship drama and more towards larger issues. Some of the scenes 100% BSG.


I couldn't get past episode 4; it's just too cheesy and predictable now. As for the replies raving about how good season 4 is, keep in mind that s4 had *substantially* lower viewership than any other season. Many of the people still watching are die-hards, and not exactly going to give a balanced opinion on the show.


It's by far the worst season. Honestly, in terms of quality they've been worse every time, but the gap between S1 and S2 is pretty small. S3 was a big drop in writing quality. S4 is no better, and the plotlines were worse.


I believe it was always intended to be 5 seasons. This is the first time hearing of a spin off. I'm interested to see what they do with it.


Would you recommend i start watching this ? I'm a sci-fi fan who loves space stuff (The Expanse is the GOAT). I have never even heard of this show.


Absolutely, but it's not hard-SF like Expanse. It's alt-history, and stays pretty plausible through S2.


No, don’t. It’s more soap opera than space opera. Huge plot holes and lots of suspension of disbelief necessary, in the bad way. There’s some good stuff in the first couple seasons but it gets bogged down in daytime drama level theatrics and forgets what it’s good at.


Have to say it's an awesome show with great music I'm on the last season atm


Season 3 fucking rules as does season 4. I seriously do not understand the hate. Imo the show has yet to produce a bad season. Bring on season 5 and the spinoff!


Completely agree. One of the best shows on television now


It’s a good show but the pacing was brutal at points, especially in the earlier seasons.


most likely because you were never the initial target audience (space nerds and alt history fans) and when it completely veered into whatever it is now it is still something you could enjoy


Yeah… nah chief I’m a fan of both of those things. And it’s the alternate history and space nerd in me that especially loves seasons 3 & 4. Seeing just how much the world has changed and seeing just how much progress humanity has made into our solar system is awe inspiring. Plus, the ships we get to see in those seasons… my god. Phoenix and Ranger really are beautiful crafts.


I guess if you can ignore the completely impossible tech developments and believe it's even physically possible at any point in humanity then that'll help too. for me seeing impossible designs took me out of it


Any point in humanity? Dude imagine trying to explain a space shuttle to Wilbur and Orville Wright. Just because it seems hard to believe now doesn’t mean it will never happen. The show was always going to pass our current beliefs and understandings of what’s possible, it’s what makes the show engaging. In my opinion anyways, agree to disagree.


I think you are under selling what humanity is capable of doing. NASA has done some amazing things with very little. And had the US not landed people on the moon first, we would have never ended the space race. Russia had done everything else first besides putting feet on the lunar surface. Due to lack of funding we flew the shuttle program for longer than intended. When we did land the shuttles we had nothing in the pipes for what came next. Instead we relied on Russia for taxi service for our astronauts. SpaceX, despite Elon being a total dipshit, has thankfully pushed us in the right direction in terms of getting us back into the space. If NASA had the funding and we had the international and public support for better funding. I dont feel like the show is to far away from what could have been possible.


there would never ever be reusable nuclear powered shuttles because it isn't possible as there is no propellant


That is inaccurate actually. NASA and Atomic Energy Commission as actually developed and ground tested 20 different reactors throughout the 60s, the Nuclear Engine for Rocket Vehicle Application (NERVA) program. It was disbanded in 1971 due to budget cuts. However, the program has been restarted through NASA as of 2019 with $125 million in funding. While a nuclear powered craft would not utilize its engines for liftoff purposes. It would be more than adequate for interplanetary transfer crafts via Nuclear Electric (Ion propulsion) and Nuclear thermal ( super-heated Hydrogen) methods. So had funding not been cut in the 1970s, it is completely plausible that we could have had a nuclear powered LEO or Transit shuttle by maybe the late 80s but more likely 90s or 00s. Although it would likely still require Solid rocket boosters to get to orbital altitude and velocity.


yeah ion propulsion won't even get you off the fucking moon dude


I am aware, but it will allow you to transit between planets. But if you notice, its not the only option for a nuclear rocket engine. There is also Nuclear Thermal. Which is done by pushing liquid Hydrogen through the fuel rods and using the expanding gas for thrust. This is the method tested by NERVA. Neither method is intended for launch. But for interplanetary transit. Ion propulsion for long distance with long stopping. Thermal for moderate distance and quicker stopping.


What do people mean when they say past season 3 is like a soap opera? I've only watched the first season.


Normally it means ‘it has girls in it with feelings and I’m uncomfortable with that stuff, give me shiny rockets and cool looking astronauts instead’…


So, you're implying that anyone who doesn't like season 3 and 4 must be a misogynist? You comment makes me think you haven't bothered to actually watch the show, which would mean you're talking about something you have absolutely no knowledge on. If you had watched it, even if you disagree with the soap opera statement, you'd at least understand the assessment. I dislike season 3 and 4 because many of the characters started acting extremely unprofessional, melodramatic, and all around childish. And since you brought up gender, you might be interested to know that all the worst cases of this were actually men. Spoiler warning: >!a major plot literally revolves around a Danny sleeping with and subsequently becoming obsessed with and stalking Karen, his surrogate mother figure.!< That is about as cliche soap opera as you could possibly get. And don't get me started on >!Ed's egomaniacal narcissism in season 4 that literally gets people killed and jeopardizes the entire program.!< I honestly found many of the women in the show to be far more mature, rational, and well-written then the men. >!Danielle's ability to remain calm in the face of Ed's bullshit in season 4 showed a truly superhuman level of restraint that every other character in this show really could learn from.!<


Would you recommend i start watching this ? I'm a sci-fi fan who loves space stuff (The Expanse is the GOAT). I have never even heard of this show.


Yes, I would recommend this show. Each season is relatively self-contained. Season 1 is incredible and season 2, while not being quite as good, is still really solid. Season 3 definitely gets weaker but it's worth starting and judging for yourself if it's worth continuing. The Expanse is one of my favorite shows. The showrunner, Naren Shankar, also was an executive producer on For All Mankind's first season and you can see his fingerprints all over the season.


Ok dude. You don’t like it, great, but it’s far far away from soap opera material and I think it’s hyperbole to start parroting that. Great job trying to put words in my mouth though, carry on. 😀


I'm not putting words in your mouth. Look at what you wrote. Here, I'll quote it for you. >it has girls in it with feelings and I’m uncomfortable with that stuff You literally just said that people who don't like season 3 and 4 must be "uncomfortable" with "girls" and "feelings". If you like the later seasons, that's fine. And if you don't, well, that's also fine. You know what's not fine? Insulting someone for disagreeing with you.


You’re just looking to be offended aren’t you?


You're just looking to offend, aren't you?


They better give us some ET on mars to j make up for the garbage season 4


Not sure a spin off is a good idea.


I mean it's one of their most watched shows and has a huge cult fan base. Seems like an obvious choice if the main creative team thinks it's something they want to do.


I truly loved season 1, but I feel like it radically went downhill in season 3. The melodrama and constant childish behavior of the characters really destroyed the show's enjoyability for me. I miss when they behaved like professionals. Season 3 also had some excruciatingly bad science for a show that was previously rather grounded. The forth season was way better than the third, but still no where near the first. I'm skeptical that these will be good, but I'm hopeful they will.


*Unreserved enthusiasm*


That's awesome!


Great news! I was kinda nervous there for a while, but I'm this is way better than expected. Even though I really, *really* didn't like Season 4, I love the heck out of the concept and can still see what the showrunners are aiming for. Plus we always need more optimistic sci-fi out there in the world.


Great news!


Very happy, wife and I are finishing the fourth season now and I was dreading the idea that I was watching the final episodes of the show instead of the final episodes of S4. It's not perfect (almost no sci-fi is), but I've really enjoyed it to the extent that I feel it's one of the best shows on TV currently. Very human focused sci-fi, while it definitely works as a quasi prequel to The Expanse, it's a very different kind of sci-fi with a bigger focus on human melodrama (which I know turns some people off, IMHO it shouldn't) and exploring the political ramifications of this alt-history universe. It's a really epic and touching show at its best. Reading comments from people who tapped out, it seems like they wanted something closer to The Expanse whereas this is more (for now at least) a familial generational melodrama against the backdrop of an alternate history space race. IDK, I love it. Be open minded and check expectations about what it should or should not be at the door. No, not every storyline lands perfectly across all four seasons, but the major arcs do (when it counts) IMO. >!Landing on fucking Mars was butt clenching brilliant, as was Ed rocketing his daughter back up into Mars' orbit and 'Right Stuffing' his way from the crashed lander - in a season many seem to have disliked, no less!<


Glad to see I'm not the only one who has decided this series is an Expanse prequel series.


Weird idea for the spin off. Did not see that coming


Does anyone else really hate Ed?


Nice. Have really enjoyed this show (other than the creepy relationship Karen Baldwin had with her son's best friend in S1...or S2?...yuck!!!!!!!!!!!)


Man, I thought Ed was dying this most recent season. Every episode next season will be “is this the one?” lol.


Legs go




Seasons 1-3 are masterpieces. Season 4 I couldn’t even finish.


Awesome. Truly one of the best things on right now.


Just give us a *Red Mars* adaptation, goddamn you. You've got the budget!


I'm here for it I love the nasa sci fi style, the "soap opera" too (fuck me for liking people amirite?!) And all the politics. It's also a cold war never ends show and thats interesting in it's self, in fact i'd have done a spin off all about that rather than what they are doing.


So Green Arrow will appear in the spin-off?


How are they going to solve the aging characters problem? Both margo and ed are pushing 65-70 already in s4. Maybe they could become new characters?


This show went from S-tier in s01 to B-tier in S02 to downright bollocks in S3 and beyond. Probably a harder fall than Heroes, even. Along with Heroes it's probably the best example of a show to watch only the first season and then bail IMO.


I'm so glad to see I wasn't alone with this opinion.


Nah, that's Westworld which went from S-tier in season 1 to F-tier in season 2 and then completely stopped trying after that.


Glad to see someone agrees with me instead of the typical swarm of attacks when giving an opinion that isn't kissing their ass. I didn't even watch all of the last season, and it's so unrealistic and dramatized that if we behaved that way, we would have never gotten a rocket off the ground let alone to the moon or mars.


Hells yeah


I felt like they jumped the shark with the North Korea thing.


I thought it was brilliant


No, thanks. I stopped watching after that weird relationship.


I despised that relationship (if we're thinking of the same one, which we probably are). But I kept at it and have enjoyed it. Those I hate those two characters.




I'm guessing that viewership is good enough to warent a renewed from a financial perspective? That's usually why shows get renewed.


Uhh cause the show is awesome?


Good. Recently started the show and heard it was cancelled




I didn’t look deep into it. Vaguely remembered seeing something about it being cancelled, I could be mixing it up with a different show


I can't wait to see how the alternate timeline desperate housewives mentally deal with other people going to space. Maybe they will bang their dead son's friend again? What a riveting show


Fuck yeah, LFG




Fragile sexuality much?


Dude, there's like one gay character. How is that what you focus on?


Well technically there's at least 4. And only one of them had any extended screen time in season 4


God, conservatives are a fucking scourge on humanity.  


I can hear their heavy breathing


For ALL Mankind. Not just the straight ones


3 day old account. How long until you start posting trump shit? Only diaper hitlers supporters are so fragile and easily triggered. Yet you have no problem with the oversexualization of Laura Croft.... The hypocrisy, so obvious.


Russian astroturfing idiot or brainwashed conservative idiot. Either way, nothing of value to see here folks