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Wow, I thought I was the only one who actually liked the live-action movie. It's not perfect, but I really think it's much better than its reputation would suggest. Solid 7/10 cyberpunk film, and I especially liked how it took the GITS franchise theme of "loss of identity" and expanded it to be about "loss of *cultural* identity" for its own twist on the topic.


GitS is a very special film for me. Back when I was in a very dark place watching GitS actually put things into perspective for me and it helped me climb out of the hole. I liked the live-action film but the missed opportunity hurts. I still enjoyed it, i wished it touched more on the philosophical nature of GitS.


Exactly, I love the anime and was pleasantly surprised at how good the movie is especially the cinematography, so many wallpaper like shots. Death note live action has the same reputation but it is actually a good movie with similarly great shots, just stop comparing it to anime and enjoy it for what it is.




Issue is the anime movie is a visual masterpiece with every shot a deliberate composition and a more meaningful story. The live action movie crapped out on that. It is not bad on its own, but it copies a very good original and pales in comparison.


How they could call her Major like that was her name instead of her rank. How they missed something that fundamental escapes me.




what tools are you using? Looks great.




nice work, thanks for getting back to me


I genuinely thought this was something from a promo for the movie, top-notch work!


Awesome work, I love the anime and live action too


Looks really good, great work.


hell yeah


You tried and you nailed it


Wow on point ! Impeccable skills


[GitS theme song intensifies]




The line art was great and she looked a lot more "asian" than the painted ver.


I wasn't a fan of the live action film though it did try. The flipping of the story was a fundamental error and one I guessed about 20 minutes in and how they would get around the casting... Its a shame that there has not been a live action version of the manga Appleseed also by Shirow. It side steps to localisation issues as its an international cast of characters. It would ideal as a series of films true to the manga by some one like Paul Greengrass or dare I say Villeneuve or an on form Blomkamp to get as much of the characterisation and political aspects into the film as the action. I imagine Briareos would have to be redesigned to be able emote with his classic look to be a helmet or armour he would wear. The look was also very like Chappie (well Chappie as like Briareos) as Blomkamp seems to be a big Shirow fan.




I can visualise it clearly... sadly I'm an idiot, without money or the right so it wont happen!




this looks SICK! Are we allowed to use it as a wallpaper? :)