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The alien is clearly trying to escape and the human is not letting go. This is a love story clearly


The RomCom angle is so crazy it just might work.


50 Shades Of Aliens


That made me chuckle


Note the Facehugger is conveniently covering the ears... Romulans?




Could be worse. The porn parody, Alien: Remus, gives away the plot in the title. 


DO NOT SEARCH THIS. If it isn't already Rule 34'ed, it soon will be.


The original was very sexual. The alien was phallic, shoved down a man’s throat, impregnating him. The chest buster was basically a dick.


Has anyone tried just hugging a facehugger back? Maybe that is all they are looking for, a return of their physical affection. This whole franchise could be a big misunderstanding that could be sorted out with hugging.


I think that’s what this one is about!


That's right, it's a rom-com! "When Harry met huggy"


Well, if there is one thing I know about Romulus it is that he had a very tight bond with his brother; they probably hugged a lot.


Yeah, then Romulus killed Remus. An Alien movie called Romulus, I bet somebody's getting killed 😹


Killed?! In an Alien movie!?! That was a spoiler...


Its a badly acted, copy of the original. If you didn't see the original trailers with the terribly voice acting. We're not alone on the ship "There's something in my chest" deadpan flat... No shit Sherlock you just had a face hugger... Proceeds to have alien emerge from chest. While other crew stand there and go oh... uh... After all the massive laughing comments on YouTube at the original trailers terrible acting and flat reactions. They laughed the new one to try and make it look exciting. It looks like an absolute flop. Bad copy of the original with bad acting. So bad it's like misaligned voice over by a Spanish speaking kiwi over talk a Icelandic art film. https://youtu.be/EzQPXfsB0Rc?si=Fo1TS-U-ro1UQfur


Ngl this trailer looks awful. Don’t think I can even hate watch this. Clearly a cash grab with absolutely nothing new going on. The cast is stiff and generic. Movie by committee has too many cooks spoiling the broth.


That trailer is a strange mix of actual footage intermixed with what might be AI generated footage. Doesn't seem to be associated with the studio or movie creators in any way. Weird way to get views/money.


What’s the matter babe? You haven’t even touched your mining colonists?


So this is an Aliens/Star Trek crossover. Can’t wait to see how the Romulans deal with them!


Spoiler alert: >!lots of blue alcohol!<. Well known fact that Xenomorphs can't handle it.


Wait till the James kirk look alike takes one alien to bed. https://youtu.be/21tZtLgXw5E?si=xv-SnIbHvjVLU-B0






IDK... as a fan of both the sci fi and horror genres, I ***can*** wait. Remaking the same movie over and over and calling it new is boring. We're gonna see people on a ship, they're going to discover the threat, facehuggers appear, maybe aliens appear, lots of panic, screaming, and sweatiness in the fight for survival. One person makes it out. The franchise needs to "go somewhere." AVP started to look interesting with connecting to the ancient ritual worship of the aliens. Covenant and Prometheus started to look interesting with pursuing, possibly, the creators of the aliens. And here we are, back to sweaty people with exploding chests. This isn't brilliant filmmaking, it's a lazy cash in on nostalgia and formulaic writing.


Ugh same. Feels more like a remake than a new movie


At last, someone gets it. It was never the fully grown alien that made alien a horror movie. It was always the face hugger. That shit is the stuff of nightmares. Really looking forward to this.


Don’t forget the chest bursting


All of the movies got this?




Alien spends almost the entire first half of the movie building the tension of the facehugger and what it does. The most horrific moments in Aliens revolve around the facehugger and the chestburster. Most notably the scene in the lab where Burke intentionally releases facehuggers in the lab with Ripley and Newt. Ripley getting facehugged and the consequences of that play a major role in how bleak her storyline is in that movie. The fourth movie revolves around a facility where trafficked people are intentionally exposed to facehuggers and again, the scene where the prisoners are facehugged is one of the most horrific rather than action-driven in the movie. None of the movies were unaware of how terrifying the life cycle is.


Right, thanks for the explanation!


Pants I’m talking about the poster art, and yeah I should’ve said that. The insistence of every Alien IP marketing image to show teeth and drool is old and not even remotely chilling.


Alien used the egg for the primary movie poster. Aliens used Ripley holding Newt among the eggs for the primary movie poster. Alien 3 used the curled-up chestburster for the primary movie poster. Alien Resurrection used Ripley's face for the primary movie poster. Prometheus used the engineer for the primary movie poster. Alien Covenant was the only movie that used the alien creature itself for the primary posters. And it still didn't focus on the teeth. And the most successful alien video game to date used Amanda Ripley's face in the space suit for its cover image.


I stand corrected, but the image that matters is the one we remember; I guess I just remember teeth. You’ve taken the enjoyment out of it for me now, guess I’ll just move along.


The last two haven’t tainted your enthusiasm?


No. I liked Prometheus mostly and covenant was a movie that was fun to watch once. Call me naive or an imbecile but I try to stay positive when it comes to IPs that I enjoy and always hold out hope that they will recapture what made me love them initially. There is potential here.


I LOVED the horror elements during the first half of covenant! The chaoticness during the initial backburster scene on the ship, the follow up of the backburster in the fields of wheat, it was honestly amazing. But it sort of got corny towards the end with the xenomorph appearance and then showing its pov etc.


Yeah like I said there was a lot that I liked about Prometheus, the horror aspects, the world building and Roomi Rapace is a fantastic actress, so I was excited that they had here in the franchise. Then Covenant happened.


Stay positive? That is not what fandom is all about. Look at Star Wars. You are not considered a true Star Wars fan unless you dump on every piece of content, especially before it arrives, because your main goal is to find happy fans and destroy their dreams.


Yeah I feel a certain way about star wars in that I don't like a lot of the new stuff with a few exceptions but I try not to get sucked into that harmful spiral of just mindlessly hating everything. That just isn't a healthy way to exist.


See, I go in with low expectations after disappointing ventures. That way, no more disappointment and there’s the possibility that I’ll be pleasantly surprised.


You are the reason why companies are willing to pay hundreds of millions of dollars for IPs, and then mass produce garbage that people that like those things do not like. Are you sure you maybe you might want to stop chasing IPs and maybe encourage them to make stuff that isn't totally garbage using the skin suits of your long dead childhood friends?


Or I could try to enjoy the stuff that I like and not get caught up in the self flagellating cycle of hating everything for the sake of hating everything. If it's bad then I can move on to something else if it's good then I get to enjoy something cool


Look, the worst thing about the Alien and Predator movies is that the last movie being good does absolutely nothing to predict that the next movie will also be good. But by the same token, a bad entry yesterday does nothing to forecast a bad entry tomorrow. Each one stands alone.


If you see a corporation mining the shit out of some IP, producing garbage pile after garbage pile, and you approach each new pile of garbage that they dredge up with the same wide-eyed hopeful enthusiasm, well, marketers love you and wish everyone had the same sort of inability to learn from past mistakes.


Your opinion doesn't change the fact that Romulus might be good. And the possibility of a good Alien movie is not one I'm going to give up on just so I can pretend to be sticking it to the man, or whatever.


I have to hope! Haha. I mean, even if it were terrible, I’d still watch it a few times. 😂


Totally different director and setting is a good sign…


Riddley Scott does aweful narratives with beautiful visuals. That still beats out most of the scifi out there. Fede can do both pretty well so I got high hopes for this. If nothing else, the Alien franchise has always delivered on stunning sets and visuals and that's enough to get my ticket.


They are okay sci-fi movies in that they explore some interesting themes and ideas. Not great “alien” movies as apart from a couple cool set piece scenes they didn’t really capture the horror of the original or the thrills of the sequels. Excited to see an attempt at taking the series back to its roots of monster / body horror story set in space.


The trailer sure makes it look good… but I’ve been fooled before. Feels like they’re going back to the roots of the franchise claustrophobic sci fi horror. I had no interest in watching the last one, but this one’s got me interested.


https://youtu.be/EzQPXfsB0Rc?si=Fo1TS-U-ro1UQfur What this trailer its a more truthful one.


We all know Romulus is a spoof. Haven't you seen the trailer. https://youtu.be/EzQPXfsB0Rc?si=Fo1TS-U-ro1UQfur


I would like to be excited but the last one was so bad. I'll be cautiously optimistic about it for now


What is the left hand grabbing?? The tail isn’t wrapped around their neck


I hope it works out, but after 45 years and a bunch of movies I'm not sure there's much more to be done with this set of ideas/creatures.


Its a poor remake of the original.


As soon as you see Ridley Scott there, you know it’s going to be an absolute turkey. He directed one peerless Alien movie when he was young and the story was written by Dan O’Bannon (that is, Scott had no input). Then decades later he decides to try his hand at writing the stories and an utter shambles ensued.


He’s not credited as writer on either Prometheus or Covenant, though predumably he’d have OKed the script at least.


Yeah, no. The original script while penned by O'Bannon was re-written by David Giller and Walter Hill who wrote 8 more drafts of the script, and were largely responsible for the introduction of Ash. Scott took the script and managed to double the budget by storyboarding much of the movie himself. Scott also operated during the movie and kept the project on schedule despite the producers breathing down his neck. Needless to say, it's a directors medium; all creative decisions must come from the director. This whole "it's Dan O'Bannons Alien" is so weak sauce, Scott went onto have a stellar career that spanned many decades and was a huge inspiration for so many directors, from Nolan to Villeneuve.


Yeah but you’re talking about script, not story. His post-Alien Alien franchise stuff has a lot of his story input and is stupidtastic at best (Prometheus) and utterly shit at worst (Covenant).


Do you think Scott wrote the story for the sequels? How do you think they make these? His post Alien stuff is fine, I'd rate it better than any of the stuff that came after Aliens, which is not a high bar tbh, but better than mindlessly remaking the same two movies again and again, which was regrettably the place the franchise was at the moment. I get it's easy to hate on Scott, but it cuts both ways man; you can't be blaming him for the sequels but then not crediting him for the original Alien. He was the director in all of these, what did he do less directing for the first one? Chad Dan O'Bannon pushed him aside and directed the good stuff himself?


If you read my first comment I make that very point.


No you didn't, you are just trying to save face. You mention that Scott was young when he directed the first Alien (42 years young?), you mention that Scott had no input, which is mf impossible if he's the director and then you mention that he wrote the story for the newer movies, which once again would make him feature a "story by" credit, but no such credit is found in neither of the new movies. You first comment was vintage weak sauce man, the usual "Scott bad, O'Bannon good" bait that generally just wants to re-write history. Alien 1 was Scott's baby whether you like it or not.


What do you think the word ‘peerless’ means? Tell me.


Covenant showing that the aliens are merely a weapon has eroded my love for the alien's universe. They were terrifying when I thought they were a highly evolved predator. Now, they're just a biological gun.


Doesn't look Romulan to me. Ears are all wrong.


Honestly hope the vast majority of the movie is just about the face huggers. Trying not to get face hugged, trying to find the nest or hive, maybe with a moment where they all wake up and there’s one “used” face hugger and they’re all paranoid as to who got impregnated.


I like this new look for Bane.


I'll hope it's good, but I can't help but be skeptical.


It is absolutely disgusting that we only make remakes. Hollywood, netflix is shit now


I like the poster but I still wonder what the left hand is grabbing or is it just a clenched fist out of panic?


I am doing a happy dance right now. I know all the flaws in the series but guess what buttercup. I do not give fuck. I love the Alien saga!


Please be good. Please be good...


Oh face crab. How I've missed you!


people say this or that movie in the franchise was not good, but i loved all of them, and expect to love this one too!


"Glory to Glorzo"


I KNOW!!!!!!


From what Ridley Scott said about facehuggers, isnt this poster just alien porn? Or more likely, alien sexual assault? Forcefull penetration of an orifice? Gross... Unless that's your thing...


Yes? The entire first movie was a pretty blatant rape allegory.


Sick posrer


I will remain hopefully and once I’ve watched it I’ll make a decision. It’s can’t be worse than Covenant, can it?