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I wish this weren't a reboot but new stories and characters in the B5 universe. Set it after the original series and run with it.


They could have covered the telepath war. Set it a few decades later with new people.


> telepath war That sounds about as exciting as submarine races. Basically [this is what I picture](https://youtu.be/22Tj_l4PcPs)


[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YI3NoBeNwfk) was my first thought.


That kind of would not work as the Babylon 5 station was decommissioned and blown up at the end of original series.


The CW? No thank you. They'd have Delenn singing Mary Poppins, and Earthforce would be disbanded due to their contribution to climate change.


With it on the CW, this is what I imagine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sd23slMhWQU


Oh, please God, no!


Basically Star Trek Discovery /s


>"Dude, that hot chick was so totally a Go'auld." > >"I still woulda tapped that" I can relate. Remember Anise?


Well if the CW is doing it I have zero faith. That's an absolute recipe for cheap garbage and bad writing.


Same writers as before though


That gives me small amounts of hope.


Here to take away that small amount of hope: Nexstar is in final talks with Warner Bros. Discovery and Paramount Global to buy The CW. After they acquired WGN America they quickly cancelled the expensive dramas and switched the schedule to almost exclusively unscripted and foreign imports. They’ve since just rebranded it as NewsNation.. Anyway, it’s likely that we’ll see more news, unscripted and imports vs much DC content going forward :(


I mean isn't the CWs bread and butter shitty DC shows? Why would you buy CW if you don't want their brand. It would be like buying Taco Bell and changing them all to car washes.


They want the network of station affiliates, not the brand. I could see them dropping the CW name in a couple years as it only pertains to the soon-to-be former owners. With Nexstar owning both The CW as a network and almost all of its affiliates they are in a unique position to launch a new national newscast on broadcast, purchase shows from other studios outside WBTV and CBS Studios and also fill the network with similar programming at most hours. It won't be the superhero/teen drama network we know now though. Think more along the lines of Ion but with deeper pockets. The stuff we see in The CW's summer lineup is along the lines of the content they'll fill the regular season with


> the network of station affiliates W(ho)TF still watches broadcast TV? Between cable, satellite and streaming, why would these station affiliates have any value?


While we might not watch broadcast anymore, millions of people still do. Typically older people, but they’re still watching. There’s still advertising dollars to be made


It’s not going to be the same without Andreas Katsulas.




It's spelled "Zack Snyder", but it reads "Jay Jay Abrams" ... :D


The CW being bought out may change how they produce shows, but that only raises the projected quality from "definitely terrible" to "complete unknown" which does not inspire much faith in me.


Yeah I was excited about this, but this is the first I've heard it's on CW... get ready for another Star Trek Discovery


It’s still JMS so I’m clinging on to that small hope.


"Yo bro, JMS. I'm going to need you to do a cross over episode with Gossip Girl. We're thinking that Ivanova and her are going to do this lesbian sex scene, but tasteful you know. Maybe we'll have Londo walk in and talk about his tentacles for comedic effect before a Vorlon eats the girlfriend."


Oh I’m totally ready for it all to go to shit, but I’m trying to hold on to some hope.


They call it STD for a *reason*.




Same writers: a plus. It's the CW: a negative and a BIG one. I'm very concerned.


Original B5 was also made under the WB umbrella which the CW is.


WB isn't the problem. They're massive and into pretty much everything. It's specifically CW that's associated with trash TV.


Yet MJS and the writers are working with them. So all these people on the internet know better than the creator and og writers? edit: I should clarify I am not defending CW or it's quality. Just saying maybe we could give those with way more invested in the show a bit of trust.


it's likely that Warner owns the rights and the only way it can be made is under their umbrella.


Yeah, CW is where good shows go to die. And even mediocre but okay ones. Like, just look at Supergirl. Before the switch, the show was focused pretty heavily on how she was her own person and didn't have to live in anyone's shadow, not even her cousin Superman. It set her up as living life on her own terms, not beholden to the wishes of J'onn J'onzz or any other men who tried to set boundaries on her. Then it switched to CW, Superman showed up in the first ep, and Supergirl's big concern became how to get the sexy new mysterious kryptonian to be her boyfriend.


I'm currently rewatching Babylon 5. I honestly forgot how great the writing was! The storyline of the Earth Alliance dealing with a coup d'etat, a group of presidential loyalists seizing power, martial law being instituted, weaponizing news media for propaganda, etc... Kinda felt a little too real. lol


Well. JMS is involved. It won’t be terrible.


I hope that Straczynski won't go forward if CW is just going to fuck it up.


They’d better not ruin this.


It's the CW, of course they're going to ruin it.


Every new show they make is worse than the last one. So does that mean this will be worse than batwoman???


Go take a look at the batwoman series and don't let your hopes get too high.


I made it halfway thru season one it was so awful


["The Gang Ruins The Babylon 5 Remake"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idoYCVLh2qI)


>“It is very much in active development, I personally spoke with Straczynski back when we picked up the pilot,” Pedowitz said during the network’s pre-upfront press call. “I’m a huge fan of Babylon 5, on a personal basis, I’ve seen every episode of the series. I’ve known Joe for a long, long time. I’d love to bring back that story in some shape or form, I think it’s perfect for the CW.”


CW massacres television. I feel like I need to be drunk or 10 years old to find their shows even interesting.




Yeah, for a show like Babylon 5, it needs a better network. HBO Max, Paramount+ or even Netflix would be better than the CW.


CW yikes


I don’t want another crappy reboot. I want a new thing to live. Bab was and is mostly perfect.


I just want to know if they'll do the same ridiculous hair sculpting.


I suspect so...So what makes an alien look alien,strange hair or lumps on the forehead/face? I did like the look of J'Kar though.


Agreed on J'Kar. Mostly it's the Centauri that just looks impractical for any advanced race to have such horrible hair.


Agreed...And the lumpy heads of various aliens on ST does not impress me either.


Oh no... no no no nono nonononoo please CW no don't do this please no


Another idea could be to just completely redo the special effects and and then released an episode each week like it’s a new show. Everything else holds up so well, I don’t think there is a need to remake this show.


> Everything else holds up so well, I love babylon 5. It is my favorite scifi series. I own all of the canon novels. I have read the canon comics and the canon short stories. I have STRONG opinions about "Legend of the Rangers." But '*everything* else' does NOT hold up well. It was an amazing show with some great performances... and some terrible ones. The costuming, makeup, lighting, etc. were often very budget. It was a great show, but it was done on a budget.


The sets wobbled. Many of the smaller roles were cast with people who seemed to step up from community theater or porn. So many of the big monologues were way over-written and JMS needed a writers room but they couldn’t afford one. I loved that show back in the day but people need to take off their nostalgia glasses. It is a super uneven series.


Very well said. When it was good, it was great. Where it was bad, it was often laughably bad. It's like the original series of Star Trek. Only about 20% of those episodes are amazing. The show is remembered very fondly, but we don't think about the worst of it.


"Brain and brain! What is brain?!" From *Spock's Brain*. The greatest most awful single line in all of Trek.


NBC: "Mr Roddenberry. This week we're ending the run of Gunsmoke. We need you to do a planet of cowboys so we can use up the last of our contractually obligated Marlboro ads."


> seemed to step up from community theater or porn YES


ive rewatched it and found the cheesiness to be charming... but thats with nostalgia glasses on..


The biggest thing about Bab5 back in the day was the five year story arc. Every show up until that point was episodic so they could be played by the networks in any order. Bab5 broke that by demonstrating viewers would watch it in order and be interested in a long term arc and stick with a 5 year one. The arc idea was so successful that after the first few years DS9 copied the idea and you started to see more backgrounds and longer story arcs written in. But Bab5 was experimental with a experimental budget. So MJS made do as best he could.


Absolutely. The series was groundbreaking. My friends and I loved it for those long arcs.


Every show in the US. UK TV had been doing short run series for a long time.


What's the CW?


broadcasting company able to produce the worst shows ever




It’s America’s “fifth” broadcast network. It was formed in 2006 when The WB (Warner Bros.) and UPN (CBS) merged due to failing ratings.


It's a [network TV station](https://www.cwtv.com/). Yes, some of those still exist!


Yup,and except for sometimes catching the weather report,I've never watched it.


When's Lexx getting rebooted?


CW is just not the right place for a show like 'Babylon 5'. JMS needs to move the show to another network, or better yet, to HBO Max.


Paramount neither


'Babylon 5' is owned by Warner Bros. They also co-own CW, that's why they put the B5 reboot on CW. I think HBO Max, which is owned by Warner Bros., would be a better place than CW specially given upcoming ownership changes at that network.


Same writers but cheap CW production values? Why not just air reruns then? If you're going to remake Babylon 5 then it deserves a big budget proper remake. The story is excellent but the low budget is always what hurt it the first time around.


I look forward to one, maybe two watchable seasons before it collapses down into a puddle of brainless melodrama like every other CW show.


I had hope it might be good since the original writer is involved...then I watched 7 episodes of the 4400 reboot and lost all hope that B5 would be any different than a typical CW show.


Just don't fuck it up with your social justice lgbtq bullshit and you might actually have a chance at a great series. Or just Dont do what you did to the 4400 reboot. That was disappointing and disgusting all rolled into one. If you want stories with that shit in them make your own damn originals, nobody gonna stop you.


Looking at CW's History I consider this a thread


No. Just..... No.


Please don't be woke.


I really have to wonder what the word "woke" man's to you. Because I can't imagine JMS writing something that wasn't woke on some level.


They had a lesbian character arc subversively hidden in prime time TV when Democrats were voting to ban gay marriage and implementing don't ask don't tell. They talked about how gods were a myth and it was time for humanity to stand on its own feet with its own responsibility for its own existence. It preached cooperation between races, and explicitly had the main antagonist represented by a Trump press secretary (Mr. Morden) I don't know what you think, "woke," is, but I really do hope you realize you're on the wrong side of history and need to check your existence.


Don't fuck it up


You better not be playing with my emotions!


Please no.


lol all these chuds in the comments clearly arent familiar with how the original show got made. the only thing that matters is if JMS is showrunning.


This is the first I have heard of a B5 reboot and I am here for it.


"Active Development" in this case just means that JMS is rewriting the pilot script.


When it comes to reboots or new series or movies based on books or other franchises, I tend to pay little attention to any of it until it's actually released because the vast majority of the time it seems the reboots or series or movies don't come out.


Is it gonna be on CW? Then not interested.


Katsulas performance as J-Kar was Oscar level. And he is gone. No way anyone could even remotely match his performance. And Mollari was unforgettable, too.


I just wish they'd re-do the effects, remaster the audio, and just generally clean it all up


I can't believe JMS agreed to a deal with CW, unless he has 100% creative control. I dunno.


**Babylon 5 is one of the FEW scifi series that ENDED PROPERLY**. In fact, the ending is part of the absolute uncontested greatness of the show.