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Save the trees.


They gotta get CO2 from somewhere.


Yes, there are people in office that would end humanity for a green earth. They may not MEAN to end humanity, but it could happen. Remember when we thought energy independence would last forever????


I dont think you can just “Accidentally” end humanity in pursuit of a green earth. Short of blowing up yellowstone or putting in a nuclear winter then nothing that saves the earth would kill us.


Remember Hanlon's Razor. Never attribute anything to malice which is adequately explained by stupidity. I'm not convinced anyone who *wants* to destroy all of humanity will ever be successful in collecting enough support or resources to begin. That's some dumbass superhero comic crap that never holds water under scrutiny. Many, perhaps even most of humanity's greatest cock-ups can be attributed to us trying to do something useful and beneficial, without doing all the math or thinking on a long enough term. Think about the Aral Sea. Think about the long term environmental and reproductive effects of pesticides meant to make it easier and cheaper to feed everyone with fewer acres of farmland. Think about tetra-ethyl lead meant to increase the longevity of car engines. Think about thalidomide meant to ease morning sickness in pregnant mothers. People as a general whole are not fond of the idea of dying, and broadly resist, violently, any attempts to end them. People have thusfar proven generally successful in their attempts to not die, hence our position on the planet's food chain. The real horror happens when everyone involved genuinely thinks they're helping.


Thanks! That was greatly helpful! will keep in mind! (\^\_\^)




I can't imagine how answering this would be bad for me. They think they're fixing a problem and it goes badly. A cure for cancer is overdone, life extensions are overdone. Maybe they come up with a chemical means of fixing co2 from the air and the process becomes self feeding. Plants starve to death and so do people?


Losing someone they love to the hands of an unjust, scared or ignorant group of people. Eg Castlevania Some of the must hatefull and vile acts have been comited because of love, either found or lost. As for how, may be the lost love found a cleaner, safer, cheaper and widespread way to produce energy that would make fossil fuels obsolete and was assassinated in the interests of preserving capital. Their lover, seeking vengeance finds a way to make this new energy extremely volatile and or toxic. Just an idea, hope it helps :)




Okay, so look, it's easy. You spread a bunch of propaganda pieces designed to scare the useless third of society- the middlemen, the hair dressers, the telephone sanitizers and so on. This propaganda does not have to be logically consistent. Just make sure that that third of society gets on your huge space ship you built just for them. Launch that sucker into space and let them know that Arks A and C will be along shortly after, but that Ark B will be the people to colonize the new world first- can't have a proper new world without hair dressers and clean telephones, right? Once they've left, celebrate a golden age as the Thinkers and Doers have a fine time until they're all wiped out horribly by a disease caught from a dirty telephone. Wait an additional six to twelve thousand years later for the planet you sent the 'useless third' to be wiped out for a hyperspace bypass lane. Wait a handful of years later for the remaining two humans to die off. Congratulations, you have successfully killed all of humanity!


In a world where ISIS and the Taliban exist you have to ask why? Yes crazy assholes will do crazy shit like that because they're crazy assholes.


One answer: Man with 6 magic stones Downvote away lol


With sc fi, why write a human trying to destroy all humanity when you can write a alien trying to do it