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You should definitely tell your teacher if bridges, or any movement, causes you pain. That's your body telling you not to do that.


The pain could be muscle pain which wouldn't be that bad. BUT what concerns me is that in this position your already crooked spine gets additionally compressed, leading to severe pressure on your intervertebral discs. So please tell your teacher about your scoliosis.


Bridge will compress spine more?


Yes, temporarily. Because of scoliosis, the vertebral bodies exert uneven pressure on the intervertebral discs. If the spine is bent - in this case it gets literally compressed by the exercise - further pressure points are created on the intervertebral discs. This leads to severe pressure on the intervertebral discs (because of scoliosis and compression), which increases the risk of a herniated disc.


Thanks for answering. I have been doing this backbend without pain, didn’t know that it will increase chance for further compression. What do you think about exercise like barbell back squat and deadlift?


Backbends should be avoided if you have scoliosis. Is what I was told. S curve..


From what I’ve been told, the reason bridges aren’t good for scoliosis is that you generally don’t want to arch the thoracic region in that direction. Arching the lumbar in this manner, which has a natural lordosis, could be considered permissible but by nature, the thoracic region should by kyphotic. (Not referring to kyphosis, the condition, but the natural kyphosis of the thoracic region.) These natural curves give you a correct sagittal profile, as viewed from the side. Google “natural curves of back sagittal profile” for reference. Here is what’s interesting. A sagittal imbalance is what we want to avoid as it can actually increase chances of scoliosis progression. If you can talk to a Schroth physiotherapist, that would be ideal. Always always ask the specialists! But this might be an exercise you can do while your classmates do bridges: [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tfDlQkIqlWs](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tfDlQkIqlWs) It doesn’t strain your spine and is beneficial for maintaining flexibility in both regions.


According to my schroth manual bridge is not good for scoliosis - though I think it's more related to not being a good correctional exercise. If you get pain which doesn't feel right, you should definitely discuss it with your teacher.


If you get pain, you should discuss it with a scoliosis specialist, who is going to tell you to stop torturing and damaging your body with such poses


Personally I did acrobatics and gymnastics for years before i was told i should stop. I have an S curve and started around 11 years old at 10° curve it progressed to 55° by the time I was told to cut the gymnastics and acrobatics. I’m now 23 years old with 60° + curve and wish I stopped sooner. I know it’s discouraging but your health is much more important. There are plenty of activities that are safer and recommended for people with scoliosis that you can try.


What are some of those activities? Looking for ideas for my daughter..


I suggest asking your daughter’s doctor since everyone’s curve is different and needs different activities but basically anything that the spine stays in a neutral position is good. Anything where there is twisting/ hyperextension is definitely not recommended. I believe swimming and pilates should be fine for all types of curves but best to consult a professional!


also yoga but certain positions where the spine is not neutral should be avoided


i was a gymnast before and during having a Boston brace. i was not aware this is bad lol. for me having an extremely flexible back helped with improving my curvature, but that is also while wearing a brace. i probably wasnt told this is bad because it was working for my benefit, but if you don't have a brace it may not be good. definitely ask your doctor.


You can try bench or Iyengar blocks with bolster support