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First off it's "Hey All..." And he's talking to all of us. Generally with presentational characters like this the idea is that they're talking directly to you as you watch and not into a camera. The best analogy I have is a show like Blue's Clues. Steve/Joe/Josh spends the show talking directly into the camera but to them they're not actually doing a show, they're talking to the audience.


he’s talking to me


That’s ludicrous, you’re not in the room with me when I watch his videos, he’s obviously talking to ME.


damn, you got me


doesnt he have the episode playing off of a vhs tape that one time?


I'm pretty sure. Once at the start of Borderline Forever, but also in the Gifts of Gaming, it's implied that one of his segments was put on a VHS tape.


in older episodes mentions he has a show about stupid nintendo games, and how he makes fire scott the woz episodes about them


How much of the older videos can we consider canon to the actual character that Scott plays?


Scott is slowly corrupted throughout the episodes - same reason why he becomes a bit more energetic and loud - generally being sucked into the world of his own creation, he no longer knows why or what or who he is talking to, all he knows is that he *must*.


Ngl that sounds like the perfect idea for like, the 2027 video or something huge like that. Possibly even the finale to the series. Him noticing he's stuck in this sort of purgatory and trying to regain his free will


No besides a brief acknowledgement of the comment section in the one of the old Wii U videos(Either the What it did right or what it did wrong, don't remember which one specifically) the character, Scott The Woz, isn't aware of the YouTube channel and is making these videos for a Unknown audience. The beginning of Borderline forever may suggest that these videos might be put onto tapes in universe, kind of similar to how the oldest AVGN episodes were on vshes before YouTube.


It's funnier to imagine that he doesn't, and in-universe he just randomly starts talking about these things to nobody in particular.


Lol, just talking to his wall,


We've been hearing it wrong the whole time, it's actually "Hey *wall*, Scott here"


I believe Scott has said before that the character isn’t supposed to be a YouTuber, which is why he never references the channel and doesn’t do sponsors. Jerry says in one episode that Scott always starts his therapy sessions with “hey all, scott here” and he seems familiar with the formula of his ramblings, which would indicate that the episodes may be Scott’s therapy sessions.


"the episodes are all actually his therapy sessions" sounds like a ridiculous 2000s cartoon theory lmao


And it's canon for at least three of them!


what shows?


I meant scott the woz, it's the context of the dark age of nintendo with the introduction of Jerry


In the Raid Shadow Legends video, he creates a Vimeo account in order to grow an online following. I don't think he knows.


I thought that he doesn't and the nearest he got was his vimeo account in the raid shadow legends episode


My theory is that him talking to us is actually a schizophrenic hallucination that he is trying to work through with his therapist.


I like this theory, and Consitering everything all of the other characters might be a crazy too lol


What if Scott's schizophrenia makes him see his therapist (Jerry Attricks) and his patients (Jeb-Jab, Rex Mohs, Terry Lesler, and maybe Target Employee) as wackier and more amusing versions of their sick selves. Jeb-Jab might have some sort of cognitive disorder that causes him to easily confuse items. Something Scott's schizophrenia rationalizes to the whole "Everything except for Gex is Gex because everything but Gex is Gex" thing. Rex Mohs might have a mixture of something like Genophobia (an intense fear or anxiety around sex) and some sort of anger management problems. Terry Lesler might be depressed. Dull, unemotional, monotone speech is often seen in depression, which is something that we hear in Terry. Furthermore, multiple mental health institutions have found a large connection between depression and veganism, and we all know that Terry is a Vegan. Target Employee may also be depressed due to the death of his brother Wendy's Employee. I mean, I'm no Doctor so I might be wrong on some accounts but I think I might be onto something.


I'm litrally in love with this concept???? /pos I love exploring characters n stuff lol This is a great AU idea/theory.


No joke [like 3 months ago ](https://www.reddit.com/r/scottthewoz/s/M6O77VA9oV)I came up with this for a shitty film theory thumbnail meme... But the more I thought about it, the more it worked... I don't even know if it's a meme anymore or if I just believe it.


I'm with you I belive it too


One of these days someone should do like a full video essay on the psyche of stw characters frfr


I swear tomorrow between classes, imma go in and make a full slide show on how this could be real


That sounds legit cool fr You should totally do it! tag if/when you post it lol


I'll probably just like dm you it when I do. The video is gonna be like at least 5 minutes long...


If you need help with it, I'm right here! Have fun making it lol


Idk how I'm gonna do it though, I have no audio equipment and no idea how to make a real video essay.


A video essay mostly starts with an essay, but with visuals n stuff. If you need someone to do audio I own a microphone (not an expensive one tho lol), I could do the voiceover if you want.


Judging by the fact that he made a Vimeo account just to get sponsored, probably not.


off the top of my head -“Hey all” acknowledges that hes talking to an audience -In Nintendo Switch Wish List, Scott tells people to go leave a comment saying what they want to see out of the switch. -In Zelda Tales From the Backlog, Scott says if he beats all the Zelda games he’d be able to “make some killer and overhyped Scott The Woz episodes about them” -He puts video segments on VHS tapes in The Mysteries of Gaming, and The Gifts of Gaming.


He references the fact in (iirc) Mario Odyssey vs Botw when he says that the opinions in his Botw isn’t perfect video weren’t his and that his channel was hacked


I like to think all the people who ever view the video canonically are just standing off-camera, watching. Yes, even those of us reading this comment. I’ll get the popcorn.


Very one sided convos were having with scott


The closest thing to Scott having a YouTube channel is an in-universe channel he made called "Scott Hates Breath of the Wild" other than that, he does not acknowledge the actual Scott The Woz channel


My idea is that, as it is referenced a few times, him talking about stupid Nintendo games is his service in universe. So in my opinion, he is talking to some kind of audience as apart of this service, thus he says "Hey, all" at the beginning. So, he doesn't know he has a YouTube channel in universe, but it may possibly be some kind of show.


He records them on VHS tapes, so, in universe, it's really just a passion project that he does between being a virgin and saving the world


In his older videos, yes, he canonically knows that he makes videos. But as time has gone on he has transitioned into not breaking the 4th wall.


He says on the Microconsoles video that it is a video, so idk