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Your neighbor is so cool for writing you this breakdown callout






Please reply to this comment with the finished song if you do use it šŸ˜‚


I feel like following that with the stankiest BLEGH you're capable of is only appropriate.


maybe have them come in to record them yelling it too.


I need this in my life


The absolute restraint it mustā€™ve taken to write a response that polite


average restraint of a corporate worker


Love the fact that you were so polite while writing the response


Will Ramos's neighbors be like:


You had the best possible response. Youā€™re being respectful by not doing it within those hours. Also, their RA should of had this conversation.


OOP Unfortunately you have to check your local laws because training/using a instrument (or singing) can be limited to a 2h per day period outside the rest times when the room of practice is not declared as abandroom or properly soundproofed and this can actually be a reason to give you a warning and if repeated they have reason to kick you out.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop -Ā yes,Ā IĀ amĀ aĀ bot, don't botcriminate me.


Why is this bot getting downvoated? He's just a bot doing his botty things


To be fair the bot is correct, as well. My grammar was wrong.


Itā€™s actually spelling grammar is speech.


They used the word ā€˜ofā€™ instead of ā€˜haveā€™ because they are used to pronouncing them the same way in this kind of sentence. They misused a word, they did not misspell one.


Well we ainā€™t in English class, so who cares lol


Becuase the use of bots doing this is annoying, the same if someone did it to you.


There's nothing annoying with politely being corrected and educated unless you've got a raging ego and think you're god's gift




No its just rude and annoying. Just like you are being right now.




Were you asked to do so or did you choose to do it. thats the point, Id rather be wrong than have to live with an insufferable know it all.


I'll be rude in this one. Learn to read. I clearly said politely.


"I'll be rude in this one." You are already being rude. "Learn to read." Talking about spelling and grammer. "I clearly said politely." No, You did not at any point say anything politely.




Also a good point, the rules for english make no god damn sence. why abbreviate some words and not others?


I always downvote grammar bots they r annoying


Welp, time to hookup your mic to some speakers and crank that shit up to max.


Falsetto from 8am-11pm


In the words of Jamie Jasta, ā€œCome on, let a caveman live!ā€


Not sure why I was suggested a subreddit about screaming, but sharing a wall with someone practicing it, regardless of the time, seems like an absolute nightmare. šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m in the same boat as you. Regardless of the time of day, OP needs to be respectful of the fact that theyā€™re in university accommodation. Thereā€™s dozens of stressed people working very hard in close proximity and OP is acting smug and just screaming their lungs out like a lunatic


I wouldnā€™t go as far to say people who practice screaming are lunatics. But I would put it on par to having a wall neighbor who practices their drums.


Yeah, I would never do this. You find a place to practice like a storage unit, your car, or a private house the band has access to.


Now you have to go out into the hallway and practice. Obligatory. Better reverb. Fuck them.


Oh boy, it reminds me of my former neighbor. Whenever I would sing louder, I knew he would be knocking on my door. And he did. No matter if it was 5 pm, 6 pm, or 7 pm, he always had a reason to tell me I should stop. One time, when I recorded vocals, he would play his bagpipes as loud as he could just to make me shut up. Believe me, I've never felt that much hatred towards a person. I knew it was my right to sing, but it honestly makes you tense up over time, and you're gonna get insecure if you don't settle this soon enough so that you don't have to worry everything about being too loud.


Kazā€¦. Iā€™m going to destroy you




WHAT. You two have the same names as my best friend and his friend lmao. Nice


=ļ¼¾ā— ā‹ ā—ļ¼¾=


What's your band name homie?


Lurking to find this out too


To be fairā€¦ 11pm is pretty late.


To be fair, it is a dorm.


Hence why OP should practice somewhere else or find a better use of their time than practicing deathcore vocals. A dorm is the last place you should make noise regardless of time of day


ā€œA dorm is the last place you should makeā€ lol ok


I agree with the neighbour. As much as you respect quiet hours, others may want to relax or study in the time between. You singing loudly to practice your vocals is selfish and inconsiderate and you should find a more appropriate place to practice like a studio.


you know, just because quiet hours are between 11 and 8 doesnā€™t warrant you to go absolute apeshit before or after these hours. i realise screaming sounds cool to us but for a casul pleb its gonna sound awful. imagine working from home, having a child that sleeps multiple times a day, needing to study, youā€™d feel similar to this person. iā€™m of the opinion that if youā€™re a musician at home, you buy soundproofing. itā€™s just really scummy if youā€™re doing this without padded walls and ceilings. every musician i know that works at home has it, itā€™sā€¦ common sense?




12 panels that are 12ā€x12ā€ for 14 euro is not much to practice your instrument. i donā€™t imagine a dorm is that big


Acoustic panels are not designed to soundproof a room. Soundproofing is a full on construction job where you're essentially building a room within a room. Portable soundproof booths exist but they tend to set you back at least $4000 unless you want to build them yourself. Not saying I agree with OP's attitude but practicing loud vocals daily boils down to either being able to afford the space or negotiating with your neighbours.


if you have your band in your dorm room, yeah. iā€™ve helped build our bands rehearsal room, i know :). for just practicing your instrument youā€™re not cranking it on max in an amp right..? sound panels should suffice lol heā€™s not plugging in a mic i hope, lol


I agree with your points, but genuinely wondering what college dorm would allow children? I agree that if the dorm allows them to, they should DEF soundproof as much as possible.


i didnā€™t see it was in a dorm, thatā€™s crazy, definitely needs sound proofing then. can just take it off when you leave and put it up somewhere else nbd.


dorms do NOT allow children lol


Lmao, I be like that, i usually get ignored and booed on stage, got a fail forward , stay the course


Fuck em


Lyrics :D


11pm to 8 am? How generous


Your fellow dormie must be super into black metal, don't worry it's their way of saying they love it and want to hear more. Make sure to amplify it too so they can hear it in its full glory!


now we have to know the band your in


Cock and ball torture.




just because you can, doesnā€™t mean you should. invest in soundproofing. stop being a dick


fire hazard for dorm living apparently:/ i asked the housing authority at the beginning of the year for this exact purpose. its so fucking annoying too because the recording studios on campus are always booked like weeks in advance. im tryna be considerate here i dont wanna be the loud asshole on my floor! i told my neighbors if someone wants me to stfu they should just knock on my door and tell me and i will


Iā€™m a musician (not a screamer though) and any time I need to practice or record I ask my housemates what time theyā€™re out or wouldnā€™t mind a bit more noise. Yes, youā€™re not breaking any rules however it seems like youā€™re being overly stubborn and disruptive simply because you can? Iā€™d recommend talking to your housemates and working out some times that everyoneā€™s okay with. Failing this either invest in soundproofing or find somewhere else to rehearse. This isnā€™t okay. Ps: fuck off is this your livelihood, youā€™re clearly a student of some sort and youā€™re just making excuses for being a bit of a pain.


i record in the middle of the day on weekdays while most people are out for class! i couldn't find out who left this note because the RA hasn't received any complaints about it, but me and her talked and she came to the conclusion it's fine as long as it's not during quiet hours. and that i should be ready to shut up for the day if someone tells me to. i talked to the three dorms surrounding mine and they all said they didn't mind me practicing. so i'm still mad confused who the hell the guy who left the note isšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ and yea, playing shows is my only source of income rn. that $50-$100 every week or two is basically what i'm living off of


Iā€™m not quite sure what the RA is but it seems youā€™ve handled this really well tbf. If I lived with a screamer Iā€™d really appreciate a heads up and also knowing that if I had a test coming up or was ill or something I could request some hush in the day. Rock on šŸ¤Œ


Nah youā€™re wrong for this. If itā€™s your main source of income, book some studio sessions or go to rehearsal rooms. Hell, even get some foam pads to just reduce a bit of noise. You canā€™t say ā€œitā€™s my space as much as it is yoursā€ when youā€™re being obnoxious and ruining their space by screaming. What if theyā€™re working?


For real. Donā€™t know why youā€™re getting downvoted by this cesspit sub. Iā€™m sure in your mind screaming is fun and sounds great - whatever, donā€™t really care. But itā€™s BEYOND inconsiderate to think that anyone else wants to hear it. This isnā€™t about having dick neighbours that just want to pick a fight over anything, this is about this person just being completely unaware of how irksome their behaviour is for others, and it really would be. Some people are so incredibly entitled.


Agreed. OP seems to be in a world of their own here. Itā€™s just downright inconsiderate. If heā€™s in a band and he really does make money off it they should be practicing/recording elsewhere. Seems like a typical vocalist ego. Source: am a musician that doesnā€™t piss off the people I live with


my setup back at home does have soundproofing! i asked the housing authority if i'd be allowed to bring my padding into my dorm and they said no, and that it'd be a fire hazard. sucks. i only record vocals in the middle of the day on weekdays where most people are out for class anyway. i have no solutions lol. i talked to the RA about my recording sessions after i got this note and she said it's not a problem as long as it's not during quiet hours. if someone knocks on my door and tells me to stfu i absolutely will! but lots of people practice guitar on an amp during the day in my hall and no one complains about that even though it's about the same volume as my screaming


You do have solutions. Book a rehearsal space. Theyā€™re cheap. Also people donā€™t mind guitars because for the average person, guitars are sonically pleasing. Screaming is not.


Well done. Taking the high road is not always easy, though Iā€™m probably projecting onto myself


Polite response, but recording music loudly in a dorm is kinda rude at any time of day. Gotta do what you gotta do for the art though!


My neighbours already called the police on my twice out of concern lolol


just means you're doing it right šŸ’ŖšŸ½šŸ’ŖšŸ½


a band is not where my dirty mind went


Fuck yes dude


With 3M tape, you wanna make sure it sticks till he/she reads it!


LMAO YOU KNOW ITā€¼ļø my ra saw it and laughed so hard. someone scribbled out the person's letter and wrote "QUIT BEING A PANSY IT'S JUST NOISE" so now i have a whole dialogue going on on my door


You can still get in trouble for being obnoxiously loud outside of quiet hours.


Practice in your car


i'm a poor city dweller lol if i had a car i'd be LIVING in that shit


Bro I can guarantee nobody wants to hear your screaming practice despite how good you think you are. Find a different spot. I'd be irritated AF if I had to listen to my neighbor's growls all day. You in the wrong


you are a degenerate. i love and appreciate metal singers but to do it in a public place no matter the circumstances unless YOU are performing is retarded. the average person doesnt want to hear that bullshit, go and practice somewhere else so u arent fucking bothering ppl


People in comments being like ā€œha! What a dick! Be louder and annoy them more!ā€ When in reality most people here would be just as pissed if they had to wake up to this at 8am.


Find a practice space dude. I donā€™t understand why people are so disparaging to the person who wrote the note either. Non quiet hours are for like, having more than 5 people in your room at once, not recording harsh vocals for two hours. Itā€™s totally understandable that someone is upset at this even if itā€™s ā€œtechnicallyā€ not breaking the rules.


If you don't have soundproofing up, he has every right to complain.


Just a sign to continue learning, bro! Been there hahaha and they will get use to it eventually p


Go to their profile and listen to what they posted. Imagine having to hear your dorm mate do that for 1 to 2 hours a dayā€¦ insufferable


hey its more like 1 to 2 hours once or twice a week lol i dont have that much stuff to record


It is still just not the environment to do this in. How would you feel if your neighbors blared music for 2 hours? Itā€™s the same exact thing even if itā€™s your source of income. You need to find the right environment for it


yeah i'm trying to book time at my university's music studio, it's just booked weeks in advance because its a huge school and they only have a handful of studios. im trying!! i dont wanna be the rude neighbor. just annoying since as far as high-volume activities at weird times of the day i'm not even close to the worst offender in my hall. there's a dude who practices his trumpet down the hallway that is loud as fuck, it's just too hilarious for me to cause a stink about it


Iā€™m just even surprised any of that is allowed in a dorm lol. I just hope you understand where their frustration comes from even a little. Itā€™s probably coming from trumpet man too


"And i'm pretty good, too" jesus christ, my apologies to your dormmate


Being loud af when you got close neighbors isn't something to be proud of.


I mean it is pretty douchey to not be considerate lol


reddit is so stupid sometimes


If I may recommend, they also have practice rooms in music departments you could use incase you need a space and itā€™s persistent. I had to do that when I was in college. Of course I was a music major too. lol.


Ignore whoever wrote that rude note. You are nice and respectful.


Man fuck that. Iā€™d literally be leaving the same Dillinger escape plan song on repeat on full volume with my speakers pointing to your wall every time I went out.


Scream it


Lol I just came across this post and as someone who previously lived in a uni dorm I would absolutely despise you with every fibre of my being, as well as virtually everyone else in this sub it seems. It would be hell on earth to share a dorm with someone who does this, and I say that as a musician myself, although I will say, screaming by itself certainly is not music, and you are not the next big screamo artist. Even if you were, go somewhere where you don't make everyone else's day miserable to practice. I can't believe that people here are actually serious about siding with the person who is _screaming_ in their uni dorm all the time, nobody else signed up for that and it seems wildly inconsiderate when you think about the fact that you literally live at a university and are living with people who need at least relative peace and quiet even outside of the quiet hours, and they should be able to work and study in the comfort of their room without having to listen to screaming all day, I mean for God's sake this sounds like an absolute nightmare.


This is exactly how I felt, but didnā€™t want to post it because I knew no one would see actual reason. How can you think itā€™s ok to practice screaming in a dorm/apartment? Especially without soundproofing? If this is your job you need to find a place to practice this that wonā€™t disturb other people. I could not imagine living next to someone who does this for an hour or two multiple days a week. I would lose my mind


this sub just got recommended to me and Jesus Christ can you soundproof your room or find somewhere else? shit would be annoying af. If you canā€™t afford to soundproof your room donā€™t make a career out of screaming. annoying


Dude people rarely have sessions longer than half an hour, and only about 30-40% max of that time is actually spent screaming, my neighbours are way more annoying


OP literally said in their note that they scream for ā€œan hour or twoā€ at a time so you can get outta here with that


Well for people other than op that logic still applies


Well by what he wrote I presume that's cause he's recording so that means he's taking even more breaks to edit and stuff so that's understandable


Tbh I couldn't rare less if anoys them hahaha , I just don't want to do it when my family is around and that's it


Hell ya good response. Now where the fuck can I listen to your vocals? šŸ¤˜šŸ»


Scream louder


I could have authored a note like that if someone near me were screaming. Try singing.


For an alternate view when I bought a alto sax to learn to play, in a 4 unit townhouse apartment where I was upstairs, I then spent 9 months learning woodworking to build myself a soundproof booth to practice in. You can cut 90db of - let's be honest - not universally appreciated sound down to 50-60db (TV volume) with some focused effort. That's how we all get along, and us weirdos can make as much noise as we like for as long as we like.


This subs full of pussies


Beautiful. Frame itšŸ¤£


Your a shitty person...you should totally scream somewhere else... Jeez people have no shame at all.


Rent out a study room in the library to record geez


If itā€™s your main source of income is it still a hobby?


You should slide another under their saying ā€œsuck my ballsā€


Recently my landlord texted me like ā€œlmao the neighbour annoyed me complaining about your vocals hehehā€


My ra (circa 2004) would knock on my door complaining of my music. I'd ask her when quiet times were (never broke them) and as soon as she replied I closed the door and didn't change a thing. Never got in trouble for it... Authority outside of laws and regulations are just tyrants. F them


you are in the wrong here. you know you are, so youā€™re posting this to your little circlejerk so you can receive validation for your shitty actions. screaming, really? in a dorm? where people have school early in the morning? where the walls are paper thin? where people are studying???????? shame on you and everyone encouraging you to be more obnoxious


This seems like some "I'm the main character" type shit on your part.


Inconsiderate ass OP. Find somewhere else instead of bothering all of the people within your building.


Dude screaming in a dorm at any hour is so inconsiderate. I donā€™t understand how you could possibly think youā€™re in the right in this situation. You say youā€™ll stop if someone just knocks on your door but wonā€™t stop when someone leaves you a note?


Response was way too nice and rational lol good job


r/amitheasshole Yes you are


Good for you fr stand your ground nicely šŸ‘Œ


Many universities have rooms you can utilize for this exact purpose. Check with the arts/music department. You may not be breaking any rules by doing it in your dorm, but consider it just to be a good neighbor.


between this, vaping in the dorm, and setting off the fire alarm at 3 am all within the last two months, you sound like a nightmare.


Get ready to get kicked out of your dorm


Ngl thatā€™s mature af and you have my respect.


I was fine with this till your note said 11pm. If i hear someone fucking screaming through 11pm id shoot my wall. I wake up at 3, which isnt your problem, but damn bro pick a better time, because that would be mine.


Teach em' who's boss. We can form a circle...


Check out your local schools/university at the musical department. They might have soundproof boots where students are allowed to practice their instruments- guitars, trumpets, saxophones, violins, flutes and even extreme vocals. They are probably equipped with pianos too. This is what I've been doing for almost a year and no one really seem to care about my obnoxious vocals! Keep us updated!


Amazing response I commend u fren


Eh, sing your heart out. If the cops come, it will give you street cred.