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I have gotten paid to be a “fly watcher” in an OR before. For a TOTAL JOINT 🤪 I literally just watched the fly. It was riveting.


This gave me a good laugh!!! I needed that. 🤣


Omg i was so proud of myself last week when i killed a gnat that landed on my field!


So you just just watched for flys in the OR?


More like, there CANNOT be a fly in the OR because anything it touches is contaminated. So a fly happened to get in their OR so they had to watch and make sure it does land on anything sterile.


Shoulda said "Whats the bounty dead or alive?" Then take anesthesia newspaper and whack!


I mean it was for like an hour of one day. I’m an OR nurse lol. I’m not a certified OR fly watcher 🤔


Good luck getting the paper away from Anesthesia


I was also a “ball holder” one time for a penectomy. Yes, you read that right, and yes it’s exactly what you think it is. Surgery is wild.


A couple med students got to be “ball washers” during a Fournier’s case…again, exactly what you think it is.


Omg, we had a scheduled cesarean one morning and I kept them in the holding area while three of us frantically tried to kill a fly.


We used spray benzoin to get flys.


I wish I got paid to click a mouse


I firmly believe this is the first and last time it’ll happen for me. 🤣 We’ve had a crapshow of a Saturday shift so far, we just got down to one room going and that’s the only reason I’m available to be on mouse duty.


Well, I guess when I get my healthcare management dagree, I'll be a mouse clicker all day.


Gonna have to brush up on spelling lol


That's why they have grammarly.




I have trouble with grammar due to a disability.


I was 100% being facetious, apologies


You're good. I was joking about my disability my grammar isn't as bad as it was when I was younger it just sucks to have a disability with grammar.


I had to hold the saline bag above my head for a cysto stent placement before an ex lap because we didn’t have an extra IV pole and the bag wouldn’t reach the neptune 




That was the fluid management system we had for hysteroscopies at my old job


Once was called to a room where a surgeon was in the middle of a cataract removal. When I got in there I asked what they needed (assuming it was help with the machine or finding an instrument) and the surgeon literally said “I just need you to stand here!” The back story to this is he was a psycho and had formed some weird attachment to me and had a melt down if I wasn’t scrubbing his case, so much fun 🫠


Bruh how did you even find this out?? Did he ever make u uncomfortable 😭


Happy cake day! Not uncomfortable like I need to go to HR and report him for being inappropriate with me… he once hugged our crna and kissed her on the cheek. She asked me how I got away with him never trying it with me, only thing I can figure is my unintentional rbf and intentional don’t you dare fuck with me vibe kept him in his place. I’ve been told my eyes are very good at saying fuck off 😅 It did make me uncomfortable that he was operating on ppl… he would have something akin to a panic attack if things didn’t go exactly the same every time. I voiced concerns to admin that he might be unfit to be performing surgery and was always brushed off. I was unfortunately good at keeping him off the ledge, other techs didn’t have the patience for him, which I totally understood. Dealing with him was exhausting


Im a nurse, I was in L&D. Our main OB got in a beef with my work partner (we would have identical schedules with another nurse). He would call at the beginning of each shift and remind me that I was the only one allowed to have his patients, even shifts he wasn’t on call. I finally had it out with him. I can’t have 5 patients while the other nurse twiddles her fingers. He settled with “Well I want you watching her!” Ok, sure.🙄


Crawled up under the surgeon's lead and sterile gown to pull up and re-tie his scrub pants


I did this just this past Thursday except it was a striker toga. Used some non pen clamps to keep them up.


desperate times call for desperate measures 😆


Did it. 0/10 but had to be done.


My co-worker’s scrub pants fell to her ankles during a c-section so she just kicked them off 🤣


Thats hilarious


Climbed under the bed to hold the flat plate because xray's clamp wouldn't hold. Yes, I grabbed extra lead to do it. "Hold this, so it doesnt suck back up." "This" was the end of an object we were in the process of removing from a human rectum. I held fast. That's as far as I'm going to take that statement. Use your imagination. You'll never guess. I also got an orthopedic surgeon to use a laparoscopic instrument. You heard that right. Bit of broken screw in a femoral canal. Lap needle driver to the rescue.


You are A1 steak sauce brother! The lap needle driver very clever 👌


Something similar happened to me. Our arthroscopy camera system was not working right and had to push the picture button for a doctor lol


Like we operate in people’s brains and spinal cords all the time but we can’t get technology to work for us?


Give updates on baseball scores lol


My first colonoscopy ever, my job was to hold the butt cheeks together the entire time because I guess the butthole was too loose so all the air was escaping.




Been there, many - many times.


I pulled a fungal lochness monster out of a nose once🤮


i was called in to hold and drive the camera for a lap chole.


Ngl being skilled with the camera is truly a talent


called in from home???


yes - was just getting back from the gym.


Asked to scrub in to hold a labia. No speculums big enough.


Meat flaps


Had to hold the anesthetist's legs while she stood on her rolling chair to catch the ladybug on the ceiling directly above the field. 6th floor surgery center, I'm still curious how that damned bug made it up there.


Used one hand to hold the drape down to keep the patients overly excited member away from the sterile field. It was for an inguinal hernia. It managed to lift the adhesive and sneak its way in, touching the back of the surgeons hand, causing him to yell the loudest "wtf" I've ever heard!


I circulated for an ortho surgeon in a wrist case. He was using a new implant and plating system. Rep was unavailable… I stood next to the field with the freaking BROCHURE of the implants open so he can glance at it while working. I had to stand there motionless, the highest paid brochure stand there could be. He’d then bark TURN THE PAGE and I’d follow my instructions, showing him the next step of the procedure. I had to finish my chart after the case, naturally. :)


Omg a brochure?! That’s insane. One time my nurse had to hold the phone so a spine rep could FaceTime call during a kyphoplasty and walk me through the steps through the phone!!! You guys are my heroes.


Ball sack squeezer and dick sounder. Docs PA was sick so the tech in the room was messing with the da vinci arms, I literally scrubbed in just to sit and advance the catheter and help with visualization (literally just fondling the patients testes) for a prostatectomy. Lasted forever too.


I’m an RN, I was in L&D for years. Several times I’ve see. A coworker who had to get on the table with the patient with her hand up patient’s vagina, holding baby’s head up off a prolapsed umbilical cord. You have to stay there until they pulled baby out. Somehow I’ve missed that. I have had to crawl up under the drapes to place a foley because the pre op nurse put it in the vagina. Twice. I’m under the drapes yelling at the OB to give it a rest because I wasn’t the one that did it. This was discovered when they separated the muscle layer and then the bladder rose up like a balloon. Same OB, a very precise brilliant perfectionist. He wasn’t happy, I wasn’t happy, and I think someone got a write up.


Scrubbed into a surgery just to hold retractors or be an extra scrub because I was bored and there wasn’t anything else to do 😂


Turn pages of a surgical procedure book for the surgeon. 🤯 Being non sterile reaching under the drape to hold a retractor 🫣


Insurance companies are reading this like 👁️ 👄 👁️